Shaad Ali Facebook:, Shaad Ali Twitter:, Read other biographies: R. Ajay Gnanamuthu | Banita Sandhu | Akshara Haasan | Amit Trivedi | Ahmed Khan | Gaurav Arora | Mandana Karimi, Leon James (Music Director) Wiki, Biography, Age, Songs, Albums, Images, Abish Mathew Wiki, Biography, Age, Stand Up Comedy, Videos, Images, I am the founder and Chief Editor of, Our goal is to provide the most entertaining content for our users. The N.J.B. However, the doubling in Hebrew might possibly be secondary. Singer at Bollywood reality Show Sur kshetra Ind vs pak 2012,litl champ saregamapa 2007,#thevoice 2019 Rajasthan (Ratna)Aawarded, +918692900620 #thevoice 2019 Scrivi nuove voci o modifica quelle esistenti, ma non inserire contenuti inadatti. She is an actress, known for Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011), Beauty and the Beast (2012) and October Faction (2020). Check out below for Shaad Ali (Director) Wiki, Biography, Age, Family, Movies, Photos, and More. [9] The term "El Shaddai" appears chiefly in Genesis. The passage appears in the tractate Hagigah 12a[18] and reads: Resh Laqish said: what is it that is written: I am El Shaddai (Genesis 35:11)? Benvenuto/a su Wikipedia, Shahd Ali! שדי) it into the {watery chasm} and it subsided sixteen thousand cubits. Seine muslimische Familie stammt aus Peschawar; der Namenszusatz dvd wikipedia romana language „Khan“ deutet auf seine afghanisch-paschtunische dvd wikipedia romana language Herkunft hin. In the vision of Balaam recorded in the Book of Numbers 24:4 and 16, the vision comes from Shaddai along with El. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Shadi Ali und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. This phrase can be applied to the tetragrammaton YHWH, which can be understood as an anagram for the three states of being: past, present and future, conjoined with the conjunctive Hebrew letter vav. Traduzioni in contesto per "Al-Shahid" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Hizb Al-Shahid militants destroyed it this morning. Alidi is part of a generation of filmmakers in the Iranian New Wave. Analogous is the case with mezuzah – a piece of parchment with two passages from the Book of Deuteronomy, curled up in a small encasement and affixed to a doorframe. Un film di Shaad Ali.Con Diljit Dosanjh, Tapsee Pannu, Angad Bedi, Danish Hussain, Pitobash. The root word "shadad" (שדד) means to plunder, overpower, or make desolate. Visualizza i profili delle persone di nome Shahid Ali Shah. He started his career as an assistant director to Mani Ratnam, and assisted him on the film Dil Se.. (1998). a parallel passages in Tazri‘a 5 and Shemini 5) the brit milah itself is the inscription of the part of the name on the body: The Holy, blessed be he, has put his name on so they would enter the garden of Eden. The translation in the Concordant Old Testament is 'El Who-Suffices' (Genesis 17:1). Exodus 6:3 commentary p. 319, Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, "Gesenius' Lexicon (Tregelles' translation)", "Shad Meaning in Bible - Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon - New American Standard", "Spiritual Action: El Shaddai and the Feminine", "Notes on El Shaddai, The Feminine Expression of God | God's Logic",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2010, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from February 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 March 2021, at 19:44. [16] This is the same word used in the Passover Haggadah, Dayeinu, which means "It would have been enough for us." La stagione 1 è andata in onda in 160 paesi. It has been speculated that the tell in Syria called Tell eth-Thadeyn ("tell of the two breasts") was called Shaddai in the Amorite language. [1] As such, El Shaddai can convey several different semantic relations between the two words, among them:[2]. Visualizza i profili delle persone di nome Ali Shahzad Shasta. [25], The name "Shadday" can also be found on tefillin – a set of two black leather boxes strapped to head and arm during the prayers. 1st rank in college at College students. [9] This could also refer to the Israelite camp's stay at biblical Mount Sinai where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments. According to Ernst Knauf, "El Shaddai" means "God of the Wilderness" and originally would not have had a doubled "d". Il tuo contributo è prezioso! [20] If to approach these passages from the structural perspective, it is possible to discern two basic essences engaged in the opposition: the active, dividing agent and passive amorphous matter. See Photos. Indian fashion costume designer Amritha Ram is also a part of the team. In the fragmentary inscriptions at Deir Alla, though "Shaddai" is not, or not fully present,[4] shaddayin[5] appear (.mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Frank Ruehl CLM","Taamey Frank CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans}שדין, the vowels are uncertain, as is the gemination of the "d"), perhaps lesser figurations of Shaddai. God is referred to as "Shaddai" throughout the 1682 Christian allegorical book, The Holy War by John Bunyan. And those who are not circumcised? 298 likes. In this theory, the word is related to the word "śadé" meaning "the (uncultivated) field", the area of hunting (as in the distinction between beasts of the field, חיות השדה, and cattle, בהמות). [Then] it dried out as it was said: He reproaches the sea and makes it dry; and all the rivers makes desolate (Nahum 1:4). The term "El Shaddai" may mean "god of the mountains", referring to the Mesopotamian divine mountain. Mi sono appena iscritto a questa nuova serie TV chiamata "The Fashion Hero", cambiando gli standard di bellezza! David asked: «is there anyone who knows whether it is allowed to inscribe the [divine] name upon a {piece of clay}, and cast it into the {watery chasm} that its waves would subside?" A popular interpretation of the name Shaddai is that it is composed of the Hebrew relative particle she- (Shin plus vowel segol followed by dagesh), or, as in this case, as sha- (Shin plus vowel patach followed by a dagesh). (…) He thereupon inscribed the name upon a {piece of clay}, cast (Aram. [22][23][24] More importantly, however, it is associated with the traditional Jewish customs which could be understood as apotropaic: male circumcision, mezuzah and tefillin. The film hits the box office and established Shaad Ali in the film industry. I am he who said to the world "enough!". Shaad Ali. Shaad Ali Sehgal is an Indian film director.. Ali was born to Muzaffar Ali and Subhashini Ali née Sehgal, an Indian politician and member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).He is thus the grandson of Azad Hind Fauj commander Lakshmi Sehgal.He studied at the Welham Boys' School and the Lawrence School, Sanawar. His latest movie Ok Jaanu released on 13 January 2017. There was a Bronze-Age city in the region called Tuttul, which means "two breasts" in the Sumerian language. that the doubling of the medial ‘d ’ is first documented only in the Neo-Assyrian period. Contact me at, Your email address will not be published. The name "Shaddai" often appears on the devices such as amulets or dedicatory plaques. He completed his schoolings in Welham Boys’ School and the Lawrence School, Sanawar. This account has two parallel variants with some minute changes. These passages have often been exposed in a sophisticated way as indicating the divine plan of drawing the borders between mind and matter, keeping the balance between his right and left hand or as an early manifestation of the kabbalistic idea of tzimtzum. Shadab Ali. The song Dayeinu celebrates the various miracles God performed while liberating the Israelites from Egyptian servitude. According to Stephen L. Harris, the term was "one of the patriarchal names for the Mesopotamian tribal god",[9] presumably meaning of the tribe of Abram, although there seems to be no evidence for this outside the Bible. [The letter] shin he put in the nose, dalet – on the hand, whereas yod on the {circumcised} [membrum]. However, in the Greek of the Septuagint translation of Psalm 91.1, "Shaddai" is translated as "the God of heaven".[27]. He points out that the name is found in Thamudic inscriptions (as 'lšdy), in a personal name Śaday`ammī used in Egypt from the Late Bronze Age till Achaemenid times, and even in the Punic name `bdšd' (Servant of Shadé or Shada).[8]. On the grand finale of the popular TV reality show Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4, actor turned politician Kamal Haasan has launched his new clothing company 'KH House of Khaddar'. Vota adesso! 1 VIDEO. [21] However, this notarikon itself has its source most probably in Zohar Va’ethanan where it explains the meaning of the word Shaddai and connects it to mezuzah. Guida essenziale: Con le tue conoscenze puoi migliorare l'enciclopedia libera. הצג/הציגי את הפרופילים של אנשים בשם Shada Ali. He completed his schoolings in Welham Boys’ School and the Lawrence School, Sanawar. inspirational stay wow positive reminder be happy This story has its variants: in Makkot 11a David sees the tehom rising and stops it by means of the name inscribed upon a stone while Bereshit Rabbah 23:7 conveys the tradition that this was the abuse of the tetragram which brought about the flood. Therefore it hints at a demon (Heb. Shadi Ali, Director: When Man falls in the swamp of his thoughts and it ends with him to a disaster. הצטרף/הצטרפי לפייסבוק כדי להתחבר אל Shada Ali ואל אנשים אחרים שאולי את/ה מכיר/ה. After looking at their difficulties especially after the lockdown, the actor decided to start a khadi branding company with many international designers and promote handloom products. Later in 2013, Ali is married to stylist Aarti Patkar. "Almighty" is the translation of "Shaddai" followed by most modern English translations of the Hebrew scriptures, including the popular New International Version[28] and Good News Bible. Accordingly, Shaddai limiting the expansionist outburst of the world fits well the pattern of the so-called chaoskampf – an initial divine battle followed by the triumph of the young and vivacious deity, subjugating the hostile, usually aquatic monster and building the palace or creating the cosmos.The mythological traditions of the ancient Near East are full of parallels: Babylonian Marduk and Tiamat, Ugaritic Baal and Yam, Egyptian Ra and Apep, etc. Although there are two letters of the name "Shaddai" present on them, {namely} shin from the nose and dalet from the hand, the yod (…) is {missing}. Scopri Sconti e Spedizione con Corriere Gratuita! Biografico, - India 2018.. La storia del trionfo dello spirito umano, di un giocatore che ha fatto scalpore per il suo miracoloso ritorno in campo dopo aver affrontato un'esperienza quasi mortale. Wikipedia ha solo alcune regole inderogabili, i cinque pilastri. And what is the name and the seal that he had put on them? Shadi Ali is a cinematographer and director, known for When Man falls in the swamp of his thoughts and it ends with him to a disaster (2017), Hayati Mebahdelah (2015) and Yigaloo Amer (2017). #ShaadAli Shaad Ali’s notable movies are Saathiya (2002), Kill Dil (2014), Ok Jaanu (2017), Soorma (2018). shed), which brings him down to Gehenna. At least since the Geonic times, the name "Shaddai" is often written on the back of the parchment containing the shema‘ and sometimes also on the casing itself. She is a granddaughter of Lucknow’s eminent public figure Begum Hamida Habibullah in the very city amidst tons of pomp and grandeur. 13:6 and Joel 1:15), but Knauf maintains that this is re-etymologization.[8]. Acquista Libri in lingua straniera di Ali Shahzad su Libreria Universitaria, oltre 8 milioni di libri a catalogo. Shaad Ali was born to Muzaffar Ali and Subhashini Ali née Sehgal in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The name Shaddai (Hebrew: שַׁדַּי) is often used in parallel to El later in the Book of Job. Shaad Ali is an Indian film director who works predominantly in Tamil and Hindi film industry. Shadda, an … The termination "ai", typically signifying the first person possessive plural, functions as a pluralis excellentiae like other titles for the Hebrew deity, Elohim ("gods") and Adonai ("my lords"). Yahveh blowing the waters of the flood in Genesis 8:1 to make place for the new creation or dividing the Sea of Reeds in Exodus 14–15 to let the Hebrews walk to the other side and start a new national existence – all of these may be read as the retellings of the initial cosmogonic conflict. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Shadi Ali im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. He is thus the grandson of freedom fighter Lakshmi Sehgal. El Shaddai is considered by some to be the feminine aspect of God, while YHWH is the masculine.[13][14]. The film starred Vivek Oberoi and Rani Mukerji in the lead role. There is early support for this interpretation, in that the Septuagint translates "Shadday" in several places as "ὁ ἱκανός", the Sufficient One (for example, Ruth 1:20, 21). The meaning may go back to an original sense which was "to be strong" as in the Arabic "shadid" (شديد) "strong",[10] although normally the Arabic letter pronounced "sh" corresponds to the Hebrew letter sin, not to shin. Accordingly, {when} goes to {his eternal home} (Ecclesiastes 12:5), there is an angel {appointed} in the garden of Eden who picks up every son of which is circumcised and brings him {there}. In addition to this, the box itself is inscribed with the letter shin on two of its sides. According to Exodus 6:2–3, Shaddai was the name by which God was known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The name is traditionally interpreted as being an acronym of shomer daltot Yisrael ("the guardian of the doors of Israel") or shomer dirot Yisrael ("the guardian of the dwellings of Israel"). The name Shaddai appears 48 times in the Bible, seven times as "El Shaddai" (five times in Genesis, once in Exodus, and once in Ezekiel). The binding of particular knots of tefillin is supposed to resemble the shape of the letters: the leather strap of the tefillah shel rosh is knotted at the back of the head thus forming the letter dalet whereas the one that is passed through the tefillah shel yad forms a yod-shaped knot. The connections of the first one with the name Shaddai are twofold. Vezi profilurile persoanelor care poartă numele de Ali Shadi. Elenco, recensioni, critica, trailer, dvd dei film con Shahed Ali [10] There are a couple verses in the Bible where there seems to be word play with "Shadday" and this root meaning to destroy (the day of YHWH will come as destruction from Shadday, כשד משדי יבוא, Is. In fact, this rabbinic reiteration should not be surprising at all, given the semantic capacity of this myth. Resh Laqish [also] said: in the hour that the Holy, blessed be he, created the sea, it started to expand – until the Holy, blessed be he, reproached it. [21], "El Shaddai" may also be understood as an allusion to the singularity of deity, "El", as opposed to "Elohim" (plural), being sufficient or enough for the early patriarchs of Judaism. Required fields are marked *, Bigg Boss Telugu Vote 2020 | Season 4 | Contestants List | Star Maa, Super Singer Vote Season 8 (2021) | Online Voting | Contestants | Results | Vijay TV, Bigg Boss Tamil Vote Online Season 4 (2021) | Contestants | Eliminations | Winner, Todaypk Movies Download 2020: Bollywood, Telugu, Tamil, Hollywood Movies HD Free Download, Bigg Boss Malayalam Vote Season 3 (2021) | Online Voting | Contestants | Eliminations | Winners, Kurukshetra (2019) Full Kannada Movie Download Leaked Online by Tamilrockers & Movierulz, Movierulz 2021: Everything You Need to Know About Movierulz Download Website, Jio Rockers 2021: Download Free HD Movies Online | Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Copyright © 2021, Powered by The HK Online. Shaad Ali is a director and actor, known for Dil Se.. (1998), Soorma (2018) and Bunty Aur Babli (2005). [6] These have been tentatively identified with the ŝedim (שדים) of Deuteronomy 32:17 and Psalm 106:37–38,[7] who are Canaanite deities. It is "Shaddai". He said that he got the spark for this idea during his recent election campaign particularly after visiting the weavers of Kancheepuram. He was raised in a culturally rich and socially evolved environment. The first LED lamps also appeared in that year. leaves it untranslated as "Shaddai", and makes footnote suggestions that it should perhaps be understood as "God of the Mountain" from the Akkadian "shadu", or "God of the open wastes" from the Hebrew "sadeh" and the secondary meaning of the Akkadian word. Shadab Ali. Your email address will not be published. This article is about the Judaic name of God. He argues that it is a loan-word from "Israelian Hebrew, where the word had a "sh", into "Judaen (and hence, Biblical) Hebrew", where it would have been "śaday" with the sound śin. What is common to all these instances is the cosmogonic context and the exposition provided by Resh Laqish, who explains the appellation as a compound form consisting of she– and day. Mohammad Shamshad Ali was a Bangladeshi physician who was killed in the Bangladesh Liberation war and is considered a martyr in Bangladesh Contents 1 Early life [citation needed]. He is also a painter, illustrator, and graphic designer. The official announcement of KH HOUSE OF KHADDAR has made on the final episode of Bigg Boss Tamil Season 4. The translation team behind the New Jerusalem Bible (N.J.B.) The film was a remake of his mentor Mani Ratnam’s successful Tamil romance drama, Alaipayuthey. El Shaddai (Hebrew: אֵל שַׁדַּי , IPA: [el ʃaˈdaj]) or just Shaddai is one of the names of the God of Israel. Shaad Ali is a director and actor, known for Dil Se.. (1998), Soorma (2018) and Bunty Aur Babli (2005). Filmografia Shahed Ali. In 2006, Shaad Ali married Shamzeen Hussain. El Shaddai is conventionally translated into English as God Almighty (Deus Omnipotens in Latin), but its original meaning is unclear. Not only does the Hebrew Bible recall the cosmic battle numerous times, especially in Psalms (e.g., 77:16–17; 89:10) and Prophets (e.g. One appears in Bereshit Rabbah 5:8, where Shaddai stops the world from expanding and in 46:3 where he limits the earth and heavens. Die Schahāda, auch Taschahhud genannt, ist das Glaubensbekenntnis des Islams, das die erste der fünf Säulen des Islam bildet. [15] The noun containing the dagesh is the Hebrew word dai meaning "enough, sufficient, sufficiency". La stagione 2 sarà presto registrata in SA da Rapid Blue (BBC Studios)! Get an instant translation dvd wikipedia romana language quote in under 30 Apps seconds & understand moree about enterprise-grade machine translation. This would give Shaddai the meaning of "destroyer", representing one of the aspects of God, and in this context it is essentially an epithet. Im Profil von Shadi Ali sind 5 Jobs angegeben. Visualizza i profili delle persone di nome Ali Alida de Shan. Biografia di Shaad Ali con descrizione e film in cui ha recitato. Moreover, each of the recalled accounts has strong cosmological undertones, what suggests assuming the comparative perspective. Shahram Alidi ( Persian: شهرام علیدی , born 11 December 1971, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran) is an Iranian film director, screenwriter, and film producer. He was raised in a culturally rich and socially evolved environment. Shaddai thus being associated in tradition with Abraham, the inclusion of the Abraham stories into the Hebrew Bible may have brought the northern name with them, according to the Documentary hypothesis of the origins of the Hebrew Bible. This may have been the meaning the Hebrew phrase "ehyeh asher ehyeh" (which translates as "I will be that which I will be") and which is how God describes himself to Moses in Exodus 3:13–15. [19] It seems however, that they should rather be approached in their immediate context and in relation to another parallel narrative which comes in BT Sukkah 53 a–b and reads: When David dug the Pits, the {watery chasm} arose and threatened to submerge the world. In Exodus 6:3, El Shaddai is identified explicitly with the God of Abraham and with YHWH. Eight months later, things turned sour and they filed for divorce. [29] Shada or SHADA may refer to: Shada , an unaired serial of Doctor Who; USS Shada, a United States Navy patrol vessel; Sexual Health and Disability Alliance; Société Haitiano-Américaine de Développement Agricole, a Haiti–United States agricultural venture; See also. [21], The Septuagint[26] (and other early translations) sometimes translate "Shaddai" as "(the) Almighty". Shada was founded on 20 September 2007 and has more than 10 years experience in LED lighting. The literal meaning of Shaddai, however, is the subject of debate. Shadia Ali was born on May 15, 1988. however, maintains that the meaning is uncertain, and that translating "El Shaddai" as "Almighty God" is inaccurate. 1:27 | Clip. In the Septuagint Shaddai or El Shaddai was often translated just as "God" or "my God", and in at least one passage (Ezekiel 10:5) it is transliterated ("θεὸς σαδδαΐ"). Isaiah 51:9–10; Ezekiel 32:13) but also plays with this ancient motif reiterating it to convey a specific meaning. El Shaddai (Hebrew: אֵל שַׁדַּי, IPA: [el ʃaˈdaj]) or just Shaddai is one of the names of the God of Israel. The first occurrence of the name is in Genesis 17:1, "When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, 'I am El Shaddai; walk before me, and be blameless,'[3] Similarly, in Genesis 35:11 God says to Jacob, "I am El Shaddai: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins". Die Bedeutung der Schahāda, die als solche im Koran nicht vorkommt, wird erst in einem auf den Propheten Mohammed zurückgeführten Ḥadīṯ hervorgehoben: „Wenn der Diener sagt: ‚Es gibt keinen Gott außer Gott‘, dann spricht der erhabene Gott: ‚Meine Engel, mein Diener weiß, dass … The origin and meaning of "Shaddai" are obscure, and a variety of hypotheses have been put forward. [17] The Talmud explains it this way, but says that "Shaddai" stands for "Mi she'Amar Dai L'olamo" (Hebrew: מי שאמר די לעולמו) – "He who said 'Enough' to His world." This theory was popularized by W. F. Albright[citation needed] but was somewhat weakened when it was noticed[by whom?] Shaad Ali was born to Muzaffar Ali and Subhashini Ali née Sehgal in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Read other biographies: Usha Uthup | Deepak Dobriyal | Manoj Bajpayee | Sudhanshu Pandey | Aksha Pardasany | Diana Penty | Shashank Arora. See full bio ». When he was forming the earth, he stopped the process at a certain point, withholding creation from reaching its full completion, and thus the name embodies God's power to stop creation. Hackett, "Some observations on the Balaam tradition at Deir 'Alla'", It is understood as such by The Stone Edition of the Chumash (Torah) published by the Orthodox Jewish publisher Art Scroll, editors Rabbi Nosson Scherman/Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz, Brooklyn, New York: Mesorah Publications, Ltd. 2nd edition, 1994, cf. To this was later added the Mosaic conception of the tetragrammaton YHWH, meaning a god who is sufficient in himself, that is, a self-determined eternal being qua being, for whom limited descriptive names cannot apply. Ok Jaanu is a remake of a Tamil romance drama O Kadhal Kanmani. With a wide range of LED lamps we have products for almost every application. It is often translated as "God", "my God", or "Lord". The translation of El as "God" or "Lord" in the Ugaritic/Canaanite language is straightforward, as El was the supreme god of the ancient Canaanite religion. According to this theory, God is seen as inhabiting a holy mountain, a concept not unknown in ancient West Asian mythology (see El), and also evident in the Syriac Christian writings of Ephrem the Syrian, who places Eden on an inaccessible mountaintop. According to the biblical chronology it is El Shaddai who ordains the custom of circumcision in Genesis 17:1 and, as is apparent in midrash Tanhuma Tzav 14 (cf. For other uses, see, Shaddai related to wilderness or mountains, The inscription offers only a fragmentary, גורו לכם מפני־חרב כי־חמה עונות חרב למען תדעון שדין, Harriet Lutzky, "Ambivalence toward Balaam", J.A. 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Another theory is that Shaddai is a derivation of a Semitic stem that appears in the Akkadian shadû ("mountain") and shaddā`û or shaddû`a ("mountain-dweller"), one of the names of Amurru. + Add or change photo on IMDbPro ». [11] It has been conjectured that El Shaddai was therefore the "God of Shaddai" and that the inclusion of the Abrahamic stories into the Hebrew Bible may have brought the northern name with them (see Documentary hypothesis). Some scholars have proposed that shaddai comes from the root "shad" (שד) "breast"[12] or "shadayim" (שדים) "breasts". The possessive quality of the termination had lost its sense and become the lexical form of both Shaddai and Adonai, similar to how the connotation of the French word Monsieur changed from "my lord" to being an honorific title. The form of the phrase El Shaddai fits the pattern of the divine names in the Ancient Near East, exactly as is the case with names like "'El Olam", "'El Elyon" or "'El Betel". He took his first step in direction with 2002’s Saathiya under Yash Raj Films and Madras Talkies. El Shaddai is conventionally translated into English as God Almighty (Deus Omnipotens in Latin), but its original meaning is unclear.. View rank on IMDbPro ». In other places (such as Job 5:17) it is translated "Almighty" ("παντοκράτωρ"), and this word is used in other translations as well (such as the King James Bible). He is the son of a filmmaker, fashion designer Muzaffar Ali and renowned activist and former MP of the Communist Party Marxist Subhashini Sehgal. For other uses, see, "God Almighty" redirects here. See full bio ».