And she also has a huge family, being the mother of seven children. Ursula von der Leyen refused to sign a plea from more than 20 world leaders calling for a new global treaty on pandemic preparedness, it was claimed today. 2. Ernst Albrecht war bis 1971 für die EG tätig, zuletzt als Generaldirektor. Ex-VP Pence to pen memoir ahead of 2024 race: publisher. URSULA von der Leyen's exorbitant salary has been brought to the attention of Britons thanks to an exclusive interview with Italian MEP Antonio Maria Rinaldi. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen szül. Pred tem je bila nemška zvezna ministrica za obrambo (2013-2019), zvezna ministrica za delo in socialne zadeve (2009-2013) ter ministrica za družino, starejše, ženske in mladino (2005-2009). July 2, 2019 11:29 pm. BERLIN — A polyglot Brussels native who reared seven children and earned a medical degree on the side before storming to the top of German politics. The awkward scene came ahead of a three-hour meeting with Mr Erdogan where one of the issues raised by the EU leaders was women's rights in light of Turkey's withdrawal from a convention on gender-based violence. "Ehm," muttered the former German defence minister, before she was eventually seated on a sofa a little further away from her counterparts and opposite Turkey's foreign minister who is below her in the protocol pecking order. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, Interior secretary steps into Utah public lands tug-of-war, India Hits Daily Record; Variant Common in U.S.: Virus Update. Wir setzen sie ständig zueinander in Konkurrenz. DeSantis Dutch PM Rutte BUSTED in a lie, survives no-confidence vote despite censure 38 talking about this. Brexit-Gespräche pausieren: Boris Johnson und Ursula von der Leyen wollen reden. Thank you very much, dear Klaus. Neither Ms Von der Leyen nor Mr Michel made any mention of the incident in a post-meeting press conference. Stromeyer (1927–2002). And Spanish MEP Iratxe Garcia Perez, tweeted: "First they withdraw from the Istanbul convention and now they leave the president of European commission without a seat in an official visit. Ursula von der Leyen snubbed in awkward chair situation at meeting with Turkish president. The snub has sparked a row over women's rights with … These guidelines were inspired by her discussions with the parliament’s political groups, as well as by the European Council’s strategic agenda for 2019-2024. "We have come to Turkey to give our relationship a new momentum and in this respect we had an interesting first meeting with president Erdogan," Von der Leyen said. Die deutsche Spitzenpolitikerin, immerhin Vorgesetzte des gesamten EU-Verwaltungsapparats, war sichtlich irritiert. The diplomatic hiccup is especially uncomfortable considering the EU's recent condemnation of Turkey's withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, an international treaty aimed at preventing violence against women. Eric Mamer, chief spokesperson for the European Commission, said von der Leyen "was clearly surprised and that is something which you can see from the video." News that this Wunderfrau — aka German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen — could become the Commission’s next president left European capitals abuzz on Tuesday. Albrecht, s. 8. lokakuuta 1958 Bryssel, Belgia) on saksalainen kristillisdemokraattinen poliitikko ja Euroopan komission nykyinen puheenjohtaja. Ursula von der Leyen: Ich werbe leidenschaftlich darum, dass wir Kinder und die Freuden und Probleme, die sie mit sich bringen, nicht weiterhin so konsequent aus dem Arbeitsleben ausschließen und so die Eltern vor allem mit den Problemen alleine lassen. European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, gave a special address to Davos Agenda Week. Ursula von der Leyen has seven children Credit: AFP "We will be making the appropriate contacts to ensure this doesn't happen again in future. Ursula von der Leyen: Es ist absurd, dass wir in Deutschland der Mutter, die mit dem Kind zu Hause bleibt, ein schlechtes Gewissen einreden, aber der Mutter, die arbeiten geht, auch ein schlechtes Gewissen machen. Shameful.". Two Turkish officials told Sky News' Guldenay Sonumut that before Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel's visit: "There was a meeting between the EU and Turkish protocol teams and we followed the suggestions made by the EU protocol team". Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan's meeting on Tuesday with the European Union's two presidents has raised eyebrows after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen appeared to be left standing while her male counterparts settled into two gilded chairs at the focal point of the room. As leader of the European Commission, the European Union's executive branch and most powerful institution, von der Leyen is one of the most influential women in the bloc. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player. However, an EU spokesperson said the president should have been seated in exactly the same manner as the president of the council and the Turkish president but decided to "proceed by prioritising substance over protocol". Europski parlament tajnim glasovanjem izabrao je Von der Leyen za novu čelnicu Europske komisije. Ursula von der Leyen enrolled at the University of Göttingen in 1977 to study economic, however fled to London in 1978 after her family came to know of a plan of the Red Army Faction to kidnap her as her father was a prominent German politician. © Mustafa Kaya/Xinhua News Agency/Getty Images. The spokesman added that the incident "sharpened her focus on the issue of [Erdogan's removal of Turkey from] the Istanbul Convention". Ursula von der Leyen was born in Brussels in 1958, and attended the European School - a multilingual elite school for the children of diplomats and EU bureaucrats. She added Turkey had sent a "wrong signal" by leaving the convention on preventing violence against women signed in 2011. Ursula von der Leyen was left without a seat at a summit in Ankara on Tuesday after her two male counterparts took the only available chairs, leaving her to perch on a nearby sofa. Für Ursula von der Leyen hingegen war kein Platz vorgesehen. * 8. Ob das die Absicht des … Our President is a member of the European Council in her own right and generally, normally, when she goes to foreign countries, she is treated in exactly the same way as the President of the European Council would be.". Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. URSULA von der Leyen is the President of the European Commission. In July 2019 she became the first woman … She is a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). –) belga születésű német kereszténydemokrata politikus. Sie ist die Tochter des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Ernst Albrecht (1930–2014) und dessen Ehefrau Heidi Adele geb. She spoke about issues from climate change to big tech and the impact of COVID-19. info); née Albrecht, 8 October 1958) is a German politician. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for inviting me again. He added that when it comes to "the view of the Commission abroad, what I can say is that the protocol level of our President is exactly the same as that of the President of the European Council. EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen war erstaunt, als sie in Ankara auf einem Sofa Platz nehmen sollte. Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf. Heinäkuussa 2019 Eurooppa-neuvosto päätti ehdottaa von der Leyenia komission johtoon ja Euroopan parlamentti valitsi hänet tehtävään 16. heinäkuuta. The snub has sparked a row over women's rights with one MEP describing the incident as "shameful". He added that "it's difficult to judge the reasons why she was offered one type of seat rather than another, that's something which you'd have to ask the Turkish authorities about.". In a video of the awkward moment in Ankara, von der Leyen seems unsure of where to sit, gestures with her right hand and says "ehm" as Erdogan and European Council President Charles Michel take their seats. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, născută Albrecht, (n. 8 octombrie 1958, Ixelles, Regiunea Capitalei Bruxelles, Belgia) este o politiciană creștin-democrată germană. President von der Leyen was appointed by national leaders and elected by the European Parliament after she presented her Political Guidelines. Prva je žena na tom položaju u povijesti Europske unije. Connect with friends faster than ever with the new Facebook app. Ursula von der Leyen (Ixelles, Belgija 8. listopada 1958.) Es ist eine der wichtigsten Reden ihrer politischen Laufbahn: Ursula von der Leyen wirbt im EU-Parlament für sich als künftige EU-Kommissionspräsidentin. She had served as Minister of Defence of Germany from 2013 to 2019. Turkish President Erdogan HUMILIATES EU chief Ursula von der Leyen Pathetic 60 Minutes busted trying to smear Florida Gov. Von der Leyen was eventually offered a seat on a nearby sofa, opposite Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who occupies a lower-status rank in diplomatic protocol. Albrecht (Ixelles, 1958. október 8. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, född Albrecht den 8 oktober 1958 i Ixelles i Bryssel i Belgien, är en tysk konservativ politiker tillhörande CDU och Europeiska folkpartiet (EPP). 10 1958 Ixelles/Elsene, Belgien „We must not rebuild economy of yesterday“ 16. srpnja 2019. She previously served as Germany's defense minister. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen (o.s. She was initially seen as a possible successor to German chancellor Angela Merkel. In previous meetings the three presidents have all sat together. Präsidentin von der Leyen wurde von den Staats- und Regierungschefs der Mitgliedstaaten ernannt und nach Darlegung ihrer politischen Leitlinien vom Europäischen Parlament gewählt. No brakes. She is the President of the European Commission. njemačka je političarka i izabrana predsjednica Europske komisije.Mandat joj je počeo 1. prosinca 2019. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Two chairs, three leaders: the European Commission hit out after its chief Ursula von der Leyen was left without a chair as Turkey’s president sat down for talks with her male counterpart. CNN has reached out to both to the EU Council and the Turkish Presidency for comment. European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen was speechless after being left without a chair during a meeting with Turkey's leader. Footage shows a perplexed Ms Von der Leyen as Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan and European Council president Charles Michel took their seats in front of their flags. A row has broken out after the snub at Tuesday's summit where one of the topics was women's rights. Ursula Gertrud Albrecht von der Leyen, nemška zdravnica in političarka, * 8. oktober 1958, Ixelles, Belgija.. 1. decembra 2019 je postala predsednica Evropske komisije. Ursula von der Leyen snubbed in awkward chair situation at meeting with Turkish president, Von der Leyen left without seat in Turkey talks, Two chairs for three leaders... (L-R Charles Michel, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ursula von der Leyen). Ursula von der Leyen, Belgian-born German politician who was the first woman to serve as Germany’s minister of defense (2013–19). Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen is a German politician and physician who has been President of the European Commission since 1 December 2019. A video in which Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, shows her displeasure at being denied a chair beside Charles Michel, president of … Aktualisiert am 04.12.2020-21:34 Bildbeschreibung einblenden. Mamer said Turkey had been responsible for organizing the meeting. Ursula von der Leyen is left standing by her male counterparts in Turkey By Madalena Araújo and James Frater, CNN 9 hrs ago.