The Deputy PM added that the new goal would help “speed up the debate on climate ambition” and would enable EU members to push for greater action throughout the bloc. But her mea culpa did not prove to be sufficient to squash criticism from French politicians who promptly took to Twitter to attack the EU chief. “It still has to wind its way through the EU bureaucracy but I would be surprised if it’s not finally in place before the end of the year,” said Browder. of the 54th Munich Security Conference . We are convinced that each human being has a solemn dignity that can never be touched, independent [of] where the individual does come from,” von der Leyen said. European commission president Ursula von der Leyen made the announcement on March 5 after speaking with US president Joe Biden on several topics, including its economic relationship. "I deeply regret that," she said, adding that the Commission would do its utmost to protect peace in Northern Ireland. Burkhardt also criticized that the Commission didn’t assess the implications of a cut beyond 55 percent. “Listening to the extreme-right shows again that there's a fundamental difference … looking at the human being and the individual. The bloc’s research and education systems need stronger financial support if the ambitions of Ursula von der Leyen’s speech are to be realized, the European University Association’s Amanda Crowfoot said in reaction. Sometimes they'll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. Environmental campaigners already raised alarm over the proposed plan. Von der Leyen’s speech contained some proposals that echo her 2019 political guidelines for the new Commission — and also omitted some old themes. but that “achieving the even tougher climate targets is possible in principle.”. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. Fianna Fail's Billy Kelleher said: "How was the decision arrived at, who made the decision, and why? “Even if it is to be welcomed that natural solutions should play a larger role … the proposal for a net target of 55 percent is very disappointing.”. Sur le principe, mais aussi en tant que journaliste d'une radio francophone #SOTEU. Europe . In this word cloud, the red words are from von der Leyen's speech, the blue words are from Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the EU speech in 2018. OVERDUE: Von der Leyen today said that the Commission will put forward a legal proposal to support member states to set up a framework for minimum wages. “Raising our 2030 target to -55% is realistic. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said drugmaker AstraZeneca could face a ban on exports of coronavirus vaccine doses it produces in the EU if it did not meet its delivery obligations. “More and more energy in Europe is generated from wind and the sun. Une légende s’effonfre: @vonderleyen n’est pas francophone: elle parle quasi uniquement anglais dans son premier (et interminable) discours sur l’Etat de l’Union (en allemand pour le numérique). FRENCH MEP Nicholas Bay has lashed out at Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and accused EU technocrats of seeking to 'scapegoat' in the wake of the bloc's vaccine failures. Four sentences in French at the beginning…” tweeted Libération journalist Jean Quatremer. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday set out her priorities for the year ahead in her first State of the Union address to the European Parliament. "We didn't want the protocol to become a political football. When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. What concrete steps will you put in place to assure the people of Ireland, north and south, that the delicate situation on the island of Ireland is never threatened like this again?". He said: "The Northern Ireland Protocol and Article 16 is included for very, very obvious reasons, they're very sensitive reasons as well. Ursula von der Leyen was left without a seat at a summit in Ankara on Tuesday after her two male counterparts took the only available chairs, leaving her to perch on a nearby sofa. But a lot has happened in the past six years, and Schulze suggested that’s helping to change political calculations. MISSING: With the outlines of the EU’s seven-year budget largely set, von der Leyen’s speech did not reference a range of earlier pledges she made to strive for increased spending in areas like Erasmus and external action. Familienministerin Ursula von der Leyen ist die ersten Jahre zweisprachig in Brüssel aufgewachsen und spricht deshalb fließend Französisch. His industry has called for massive EU investment in electric mobility, something von der Leyen referenced in her renewed call for 1 million EU charging stations. The current target for a 40 percent cut by 2030 was agreed in difficult negotiations in 2014, and upcoming talks over increasing it further are expected to be tough. I hope that we can find common ground at this meeting,” she said in a statement, adding that to “maximize our progress in climate action” was one of the main goals of the German Council presidency. "We were too optimistic on mass production. The EU is still working on developing standards for instruments bearing that label, with a Commission proposal open for public consultation until October 2. “We will enhance emissions trading, boost renewables, improve energy efficiency, reform energy taxation,” she said, adding: “The mission of the European Green Deal involves much more than cutting emissions. Es war Ursula von der Leyens erste Rede zur Lage der Europäischen Union seit sie Präsidentin der EU Kommission ist. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. She said: "President, you did not get it right. Some French-speaking journalists criticized the lack of French — one of the EU’s official languages — by Ursula von der Leyen in her speech. "We are playing with a very sensitive issue on the island of Ireland.". GERMAN MINISTER: EUROPE CAN DO MORE ON CLIMATE. German Environment Minister Svenja Schulze — who'll oversee negotiations among EU countries to increase the bloc's 2030 climate target — today backed von der Leyen's plans and called on EU countries to swiftly agree a new goal. Jerome Riviere MEP said: “The people of Europe will not forget the total failure of this EU and its dramatic handling of the health crisis.”, Echoing Mr Riviere's comment, MEP Manon Aubry wrote: “The EU strategy on vaccines is a real fiasco; we are capable of imposing restrictions on all citizens, but not rules for big pharmaceutical companies.”, National Rally MEP Nicolas Bay added: “All countries that have ordered vaccines outside the EU are doing better. So I still don't understand why they actually triggered it.". But Ms Von der Leyen has banned the British Prime Minister from speaking to his French and German counterparts, Angela Merkel and Emmanual Macron. “We will work with Parliament and member states to bring this high up our political agenda and we will propose a new strategy for the future of Schengen,” she said. Von der Leyen has won some warm words from sustainable-finance advocates with her goal of using green bonds to raise 30 percent of the €750 billion recovery fund. Dr Ursula von der Leyen . Spanish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge Teresa Ribera called the Commission's new 2030 climate target “ambitious” and key to maintaining the EU's international climate leadership position. The chief of the EU executive was speaking to MEPs in the European Parliament following criticism of the slow roll-out of vaccines and a plan to curb exports that initially sought to set up a hard border on the island of Ireland, causing an outcry in London and Dublin. GERMAN SOCIALISTS FIND FAULT WITH CLIMATE TARGET, Ursula von der Leyen is having a hard time convincing her compatriots of her proposal to raise the bloc's 2030 climate target. "I mean it just wasn't happening. info); née Albrecht, 8 October 1958) is a German politician. The them, they have to be confronted with hate, but hate has never given any good advice,” she said. Her response to those complaints — moving the EU towards qualified majority voting on sanctions implementation for faster action — is something her predecessor Jean-Claude Juncker also pitched in his 2018 State of the European Union speech. Irish MEPs in Brussels have said more clarity is needed on how the clause came to be triggered by the commission. Will Ursula von der Leyen sink or swim in Brussels’ top job? No. Green Party MEP Grace O'Sullivan questioned Mrs von der Leyen's assertion that "in the end we got it right". The European Commission President acknowledged failings on Wednesday in the EU's approval and rollout of vaccines against COVID-19 and said the bloc had learned lessons in the process. How do you say Ursula von der Leyen? RECURRING THEMES: Von der Leyen spoke of reforming the World Trade Organization, a theme she raised in her original political guidelines. More concrete details may soon come from foreign policy chief Josep Borrell: Enough MEPs have signed on to demand an oral response on how exactly the EU intends to strengthen its sanctions protection mechanism and respond to U.S. sanctions targeting European businesses working on the pipeline. She can speak English, French and German fluently, and … Ernst Albrecht war bis 1971 für die EG tätig, zuletzt als Generaldirektor. URSULA VON DER LEYEN's apologies for her mistakes in the procurement of vaccines for the bloc was brutally rejected by French MEPs across all sides of the political spectrum. This unprecedented event is just one of the challenges facing Europe "in an unstable world in which too many powers are speaking of confrontation and unilateralism," to quote Ursula von der Leyen. Some have criticized the Commission for not going further than a 55 percent cut to emissions compared to 1990 levels. Avoiding a border between EU member Ireland and British-ruled Northern Ireland is seen as key to protecting the peace process there. "Who decided it, why was it decided and how it actually came about that there wasn't a red flag raised at some level in the commission. Ursula von der Leyen said in her speech that the Commission would propose revisions to all EU climate and energy legislation next summer. 2 . You can unsubscribe at any time. Here’s how it went down. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen says expediting 10 million doses will give Member States "room to maneuver," after several EU countries halted the use of the AstraZeneca shot. In a statement, the German Social Democratic Party group in the European Parliament called the plan “unambitious deception.”. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express How did von der Leyen's first SotEU speech compare to the equivalent set-piece events from her predecessors in the job? Mit Olli durch die Bundeswehr – in dieser Folge verbringt Olli einen Tag mit Ursula von der Leyen. Now, in the pandemic era, officials talk about the importance of keeping Schengen open to keep the European single market functioning. Her father Ernst Albrecht worked as one of the first European civil servants from the establishment of the European Commission in 1958, first as chef de cabinet to the European commissioner for competition Hans von der Groeben in the Hallstein Commission, and then as director-general of the Directorate-General for Compe… It improves our health and wellbeing, and grows our economy in a sustainable way,” tweeted Green Deal chief Frans Timmermans, adding he and Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson will “detail how we will get there” on Thursday. But what qualifies? For all her strong words directed at Moscow, von der Leyen didn’t actually say anything new today on sanctions and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. She had served as Minister of Defence of Germany from 2013 to 2019. Some of her ideas have long been propagated by France, but have been ignored by Germany so far. However, if you speak French, you can already understand the fraud McDonald's has committed by falsely claiming consumers had 1 chance out of 4 per sticker to win a prize instantly. on 16 February 2018 . There have been numerous delays and obstacles over the last decade as certain EU officials tried to placate Putin, but the Navalny poisoning made type of appeasement politically untenable,” he said. She is a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Brussels has expressed dismay after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen found herself without an equal place to sit at top level talks in Turkey. on the occasion of the opening . Er weicht ihr nicht von der Seite. Officials used to stress that the EU needed a common migration policy to save Schengen, as a new migration crisis could trigger the reintroduction of internal border controls. More EU countries are dropping coal in favor of greener energy sources, and the transport sector is moving more aggressively toward electric motors. They only had 1 chance out of 8 per sticker. POLITICO's Cornelius Hirsch has crunched the numbers. However, Mrs von der Leyen defended the Commission's oversight and added that "in the end we got it right". And with that, it’s time for POLITICO to wrap its live blog for today. Much more in the full analysis here. “The Commission has very good arguments for a new target of 55 percent. Sie ist die Tochter des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Ernst Albrecht (1930–2014) und dessen Ehefrau Heidi Adele geb. The Parliament's environment committee last week called for a 60 percent cut, following proposals by Swedish Socialist MEP Jytte Guteland. In adopting such a stance, he backed Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission, which has said vaccine exports would be blocked until AstraZeneca delivers the shots it … COVID-19 vaccines: Half of UK adults receive first… March 20, 2021 March 20, 2021. What was written on the fine print in France wasn't that consumers had 1 chance of 8. It was four years ago that I stood here for the first time in front of this conference. European Commission chief outlined plans for year ahead. Bill Browder, the activist financier who led the global campaign for “Magnitsky” laws — named for his former colleague Sergei Magnitsky — to sanction human-rights abusers, said that von der Leyen’s pledge shows the EU is finally ready to act. That comes after EU leaders reduced the budget for the Horizon Europe research program from an earlier proposal in their July budget deal, as part of the €1.8 trillion budget and recovery package agreed. Stromeyer (1927–2002). Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf. In the family, she has been known since childhood as Röschen, a diminutive of Rose. I have invited the European climate and environment ministers to Berlin to discuss the Commission’s proposal at the end of this month. Currently popular pronunciations. Listen to the audio pronunciation of Ursula von der Leyen on pronouncekiwi . The costs have fallen steadily and the technology is constantly improving,” she said. Carmakers and associated suppliers employ more than 800,000 people in Germany alone, putting jobs are risk if the transition to battery cars — which Diess reckons is the only option for a clean mobility transition — is handled badly. UK demands urgent change to Brexit deal – crisis talks TODAY, Von der Leyen SNUBS Irish MEPs and leaves chamber before questions, EU vaccine: Ursula von der Leyen apologised for mistakes, EU vaccine: von der Leyen admitted EU had been too slow with vaccines, Coronavirus vaccine doses administered in the world as of February 11, EU news: Ursula von der Leyen's apology was not welcomed by MEPs, Coronavirus worldwide latest stats as of February 10, End in sight? “This is the most serious and formal statement so far that the EU will follow through in creating its own Magnitsky Act. She told Germany's Funke Media Group in an interview published Saturday that the EU had the "possibility" to ban exports. [VIDEO]EU exposed as expert says 'very hard to imagine democratic bloc' [INSIGHT]Brexit HAS weakened the bloc as cracks begin to show [ANALYSIS]. Express. Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech was an unabashed declaration that English now reigns supreme among the 24 languages of the European Union. Von der Leyen then quoted former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher speaking in 1975 to members of her own party: “Britain does not break treaties. Though a university commission confirmed that von der Leyen had failed to properly cite the sources for much of the material in her dissertation, it determined that the omissions weren’t intentional and didn’t undermine her central thesis. PROMISES NEED RESEARCH INVESTMENT, SAY UNIVERSITIES. Von der Leyen talked about the need for a “fully functioning Schengen area of free movement” in the context of tearing “down the barriers of the Single Market.”. Europe . She told Parliament: "And yet it is a fact that we are not today where we want to be in the fight against the virus. ", READ MORE: Von der Leyen humiliated as UK vaccinated more than than ALL of EU. Brussels will also publish an impact assessment, detailing the calculations supporting a higher target. "I would still sincerely hope that, if there's any accountability, that the commission should outline the timeline. Mrs von der Leyen said mistakes were also made leading up to the decision on export curbs. newspaper archive. Our Privacy Notice explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. It is now up to the member states to take a position on this proposal. "And perhaps we were also too certain that the orders would actually be delivered on time. “That electricity must be generated almost entirely from renewable energies by 2030,” said Diess. Von der Leyen was born in 1958 in Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium, where she lived until she was 13 years old. | Michele Tantussi/Getty Images . Have a fact about Ursula von der Leyen ? Speaking on Newstalk's The Hard Shoulder later, Mr Kelleher said the Commission's actions had allowed Article 16 to become a "political football". Sign in to disable ALL ads. It’s about making systemic modernizations across our economy.”, Simone Tagliapietra of the Brussels-based think tank Bruegel — who welcomed the proposed hike as a “necessary step” to reach climate neutrality by 2050 — nevertheless cautioned that “the social and economic implications of faster decarbonisation are still not clear and require further in-depth analysis.”, VW BOSS: HIGHER CLIMATE TARGETS ARE POSSIBLE, Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess reckons his industry can meet higher EU-mandated CO2 reduction targets, but warned that “a broad social consensus is needed for faster sustainable conversion.”, In a post on social media after von der Leyen's speech, the boss of the world's largest carmaker said the industry’s reliance on diesel and petrol engines made it especially vulnerable to new climate policies. Von der Leyen used three languages in her speech: in order of appearance, French, English and German. Check against delivery . Commission work programs already show a new EU sanctions mechanism is due for presentation in early 2021 — which some have decried as too little, too late. pronouncekiwi. Home; Brussels; Europe. Unfortunately, by the European Commission invoking Article 16, it has been. Since the end of the "poly crisis" which paralysed Europe for several years, its leaders are now aware that the Union must assert its place and interests in the world race. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has no shortage of challenges facing her as she begins her tenure. BREXIT negotiations have stalled once again, prompting EU and UK top dogs Ursula von der Leyen and Boris Johnson to arrange an in-person meeting in a last-ditch bid to agree a deal. Sofa, so bad: Turkish seating snafu hits von der Leyen, Michel, Most US Capitol rioters unlikely to serve jail time, Charles Michel, crisis manager (and inciter), EU Confidential #191: German election journey — EESC in spotlight. Ursula von der Leyen, the nominee for president of the European Commission, and a defence minister in Germany whose time in office has been plagued by scandals, may have wished for a greater recommendation than that. Thanks for joining us — see you next time! At that point, German far-right politician Jörg Meuthen from the Alternative for Germany intervened, saying, “My god, what is that rubbish you are saying.”, Von der Leyen responded that, “It makes him angry, because we got him on the point,” telling Meuthen: “You are preaching hate.”, POLITICO photo illustration/Source images by Getty. But, in a statement, Ribera pointed out that while Brussels could have opted for a 50 percent cut, it had instead had chosen the higher of the two figures on the table. Tune in on Thursday to hear how the European Commission plans to actually go about raising the bloc's 2030 emissions reduction target to at least 55 percent. "These are fundamental questions because we do need to put in place mechanisms to ensure that commissions in the future will not make similar mistakes. ', EU exposed as expert says 'very hard to imagine democratic bloc', Brexit HAS weakened the bloc as cracks begin to show, EU facing staggering £87billion bill as vaccine rollout lags behind UK, EU poised for Labour support as VDL backed by 'pro-EU members', Von der Leyen warned EU 'don't be selfish' before vaccine row. Quatre phrases en français au début…, Alain Franco, a reporter at the Swiss broadcaster RTS, described the decision to speak almost exclusively in English as “a bit excessive.”, Je ne suis pas un ayatollah de l'usage du français dans l'UE mais 45 mn de discours de @vonderleyen quasiment exclusivement en anglais, à part quelques mots en français, c'est un peu exagéré, non? in Munich . Twenty-five non-governmental organisations from eleven different countries have signed an unprecedented letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, calling for … European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen says the EU made mistakes with its sluggish vaccine rollout. "Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, today in Westminster, was again threatening to invoke Article 16 as well. In the political guidelines, von der Leyen pledged that “within the first 100 days of my mandate, I will propose a legal instrument to ensure that every worker in our Union has a fair minimum wage.”. She also repeated her earlier pledge to propose a digital tax if no global solution is found, and to put forward a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. The Commission chief also reviewed her first nine months in office, which have been dominated by the coronavirus crisis. DON'T MISS:MEP shames EU by holding up redacted document - 'They're in charge!' Two chairs, three leaders: the European Commission hit out after its chief Ursula von der Leyen was left without a chair as Turkey’s president sat down for talks with her male counterpart. “Europe needs sufficient and sustainable investment in #research, #education and #innovation,” she tweeted. Speaking again following the interventions from the leaders of the different political groups, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke out against far-right, anti-migrant politics. Ursula von der Leyen has great plans for environmental protection. It was written consumers had 1 chance out of 2. Von der Leyen's remarks on the border-free Schengen zone represent a change in emphasis from senior EU officials. Von der Leyen threatens AstraZeneca with vaccine export… March 20, 2021. “The extreme-right has a different view, 'there are different types of human beings, them and us.' “A legend collapses: @vonderleyen is not French-speaking: she speaks almost only in English in her first (and endless speech) on the State of the Union (in German for digital topics). pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Ursula von der Leyen. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said drugmaker AstraZeneca could face a ban on exports of coronavirus vaccine doses it produces in the EU if . “As is so often the case with the von der Leyen Commission, it’s worth checking the small print,” said Delara Burkhardt, the group's environmental coordinator. EU foreign ministers agreed back in December on the need for a Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions regime. The MEPs worry that the Commission’s plan to count emissions removals through forests and soil, which absorb carbon dioxide, weakens the proposed target and undermines efforts to slash emissions in sectors such as transport and industry. Mrs von der Leyen, who has also spoken at five groupings of MEPs over the past 10 days, said 26 million vaccine doses had been delivered and that, by the end of the summer, 70 percent of adults in the 27-nation bloc should have been inoculated. It was a lie. The European External Action Service (the EU’s diplomatic arm) was charged with starting work on it. Expert predicts UK could be ‘more or less’ free of Covid, EU scolds UK and orders Boris to follow new trade rules, Von der Leyen humiliated as UK vaccinated more than than ALL of EU, MEP shames EU by holding up redacted document - 'They're in charge! She is the President of the European Commission. "My concern is that I have no logical reason to understand why the commission triggered it without there actually being any evidence that vaccines were flowing through the Republic of Ireland into Northern Ireland, into Great Britain, and then out into the world. In a speech acknowledging her nomination in Strasbourg, Ursula presented herself as a true internationalist. Nevertheless, the president did say that “we will soon present an economic recovery package for the Western Balkans focusing on a number of regional investment initiatives.” And while in her political guidelines von der Leyen wrote that “we need further bold steps in the next five years towards a genuine European Defence Union” and specifically referred to the European Defense Fund, today’s speech did not use the word “defense” or “military.” Promoting transparency of EU institutions — one theme mentioned in the political guidelines — also did not make an appearance in the speech. The WWF tweeted that those standards are necessary “to ensure quality and consistency & avoid greenwashing!”. Von der Leyen was luckier. The European Union is failing.”.