FORTUNE -- Guy Laliberté, 52, started as a fire-breather and stilt-walker in Quebec, where he organized street festivals. Knocked Up (2007) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Le Grand Tour du Cirque du Soleil was a success in 1984, and after securing a second year of funding, Laliberté hired Guy Caron from the National Circus School to re-create it as a "proper circus". June 2nd, 2007 — History , Tips , Tricks There’s a Youtube movement afoot to use Disney short animated films mashed up with modern soundtracks to create fantastical animated shorts that have psychedelic feelings- as the blog I found them from ( Broke Hoedown , via The Disney Blog )– “it’s like Cirque du Soleil but with Disney cartoons.” Their success propelled Laliberté to immense wealth. Cirque du Soleil perform at the 2007 CineVegas film festival awards. “My first dream was to travel. A onetime accordion player, stilt walker, and fire-eater, Guy Laliberté is now CEO of one of Canada’s largest cultural exports, Cirque du Soleil. Guy Laliberte, give this man your $2.5 billion. "Our philosophy is to burn our last show and start from scratch from now on," said Gilles Ste-Croix. After three days, the plant workers went on strike and Guy was fired (Bass 2013). The success story of Guy Laliberte is another true rags to riches success story. (…) I … For instance, guy laliberte who is rumored to be the backer in this instance is worth about 2 billion dollars. He did not touch it for 2 years. The success of Love has led Laliberté to create another show based about a major pop icon ... which he set up in 2007. … Each artistic performance will include a subtext that presents humanitarian factors associated with water issues. He was born on September 2nd, 1959. He documented the experience in a series of extraordinary photographs, which are gathered in "GAIA," just published by Assouline. This might be a good place to mention what it actually takes to crack a whip. Cirque would never again rely on past success for it's new creations. ... founder Guy Laliberté, ... but it's changed so that we can create more. Guy is one of the most successful businessmen in the entertainment industry and the creator of Cirque du Soleil. Cirque du Soleil’s Guy Laliberté On His Water Charity, the ONE DROP Foundation I’ve been a Cirque du Soleil supporter for decades. One of Laliberte's philanthropical projects is the One Drop Foundation. Guy Laliberté. Guy Laliberté has managed to convey his concerns, and clearly also his enthusiasm, to the 4,000 artists that make up Cirque du Soleil, the international enterprise he dreamed up and began creating in 1984.The originator of the circus has invested 60 million Euros into his foundation, while more than 200 of his employees sacrifice 1% of their annual salaries to help One Drop grow. Guy Laliberte and Gilles Ste-Croix met for the first time in 1979 in Baie-Saint-Paul, where Gilles managed a youth hostel called Le Balcon Vert. Guy Laliberté Founder | Cirque du Soleil Once a penniless stilt walker and fire eater who slept on park benches, Guy Laliberté today is one of Canada’s few globally recognized entrepreneurs. Letters from the Left. Posts about guy laliberté written by lettersfromtheleft. (…) I’ve searched ten years for a place to do a project like this. This was "my worst year," said Guy Laliberté, who did not find the audacity of Cirque du Soleil in this year's show. His story is one of true perseverance. Laliberté was born on September 2, … MONTREAL — With a wolfish grin, mangled pinky and a bald head shaped like a bullet, Guy Laliberté, a co-founder and the owner of Cirque du Soleil, looks like … “My idea was to find a magical place in the world and make a creation. I was attracted to different places, different colors of skin, different food. November 22, 2007. That means: In the same year he launched the One Drop Foundation, a charity that aims to provide clean drinking water … The company was founded by Guy in 1984 and it’s shows have been seen by millions around the word since, and its success has seen him win a number of high-profile awards. The story of how Guy Laliberte went from being a broke street performer to a space traveling circus CEO with a personal net worth of $2.6 billion, is amazing and inspiring Guy Laliberté’s rags to riches story is really one of the most extraordinary. He’s best known for founding the world-famous circus troupe Cirque du Soleil. Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté is certainly used to flights of fancy, but this one was more unusual than most: a "poetic social mission" in space, on board the International Space Station . My fandom became even more ardent as founder Guy Laliberté’s interest in nature and conservation influenced the artistic direction of shows such as OVO and Totem. In summer 1980, Laliberté joined Ste-Croix's stilt-walking theatre company Les Échassiers de Guy Laliberté, however, has the talent and the sheer guts to make more than one fortune, and build many successful enterprises. From 1997 to 2007, Laliberté was honored with the following accolades: 2007 — Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award at the Quebec, Canada, and international levels. Guy Laliberté is testament to someone who is enjoying life and living it to the fullest: In 2007, he finished fourth in the World Poker Tour taking home $700,000 in winnings. It's all in keeping with the values that are as essential to Cirque de Soleil as a commitment to spellbinding entertainment. The arts, including music, dance, visual arts and photography serve as the connecting thread for Guy Laliberte’s poetic social mission to create awareness everywhere through emotion. In 1984, he created Cirque du Soleil, an entertainment company now known for its awe-inspiring, gasp-inducing mix of traditional circus arts, modern aesthetic sensibilities and theatrical techniques. Is Guy Laliberté the Walt Disney of our times? Launched in 2007, the foundation is dedicated to ensuring that the world's population has access to clean water. Guy Laliberté, founder of Cirque du ... in 2007, he placed fourth in the World Poker Tour, winning $700,000 ... We aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate. In 1984, during the 450 th anniversary of the discovery of Canada, the Quebec government was celebrating by looking for a show that would tour across the province. In fact, that thought had not occurred to him until he had the opportunity to travel to Europe at the age of 18. He ended up running an entertainment empire with nearly $1 billion in sales, Cirque du Soleil, known for spectacular artistic and acrobatic shows seen around the world. Guy did not have enough money to sustain his life in Europe, so eventually he returned to Quebec to accept a full time work at a hydro-electric power plant. Laliberté is likely to mold a large family around him, and he is inclined sometimes to keep them dependent longer than necessary. While Guy’s name may not be immediately familiar, I’m sure you’ve heard of the international performance phenomenon […] Guy Laliberté, OC, OQ, street performer, businessman (born 2 September 1959 in St-Bruno, QC).Laliberté is the fire-breathing accordionist and stilt-walking founder of Cirque du Soleil.He transformed a small band of Québec buskers and street musicians into a performing organization of international repute. Its theatrical, character-driven approach and the absence of performing animals helped define Cirque du Soleil as the contemporary circus ("nouveau cirque") that it remains today. Here's how he did … Guy Laliberté is a Canadian entertainment mogul, circus performer, and recreational poker player. However, Guy Laliberté is not demonstrative in showing his love and affection. They started working together and Gilles had a huge influence on Laliberte. It might look like it only takes a snappy flick of the wrist to make the popping sound, but whip crackers are actually flicking their leather faster than the speed of sound , and that "CRACK" you hear is a miniature sonic boom. ... (As published in the November 22, 2007 issue of the Xaverian Weekly) ... rather than create patchwork policies in a future crisis situation. The ONE DROP Foundation fights poverty by providing access to water and raising awareness among individuals and communities about the need to… Growing up in the Canadian francophone province of Quebec, Guy Laliberté did not dream of creating a performing empire. Guy went from being a broke street performer to amassing a personal net worth of $2.6 billion. ONE DROP was established by Guy Laliberté in 2007 as a non- profit organization to support the awareness to and conservation of water, and although most of what ONE DROP does is beyond Cirque du Soleil's pervue (both were founded by Laliberté, but are two separate entities), the two companties do cross paths from time to time. Ste-Croix jokingly puts it this way: “I always say Guy Laliberte founded Cirque du Soleil, but I founded Guy Laliberte. The island was purchased in 2007 by Guy Laliberté, the billionaire founder of Cirque du Soleil.