It takes courage to live outside society's expectations. When Eloise learned that the queen was planning to unmask Lady Whistledown that evening, she went to Benedict and told him to make sure Genevieve stayed home that night. Whereas Benedict's intentions seemingly come from a good place, Anthony only approves of the relationship with Madame Delacroix because it validates his feelings for Siena. Long after everyone else had left, Benedict remained. Henry asks Benedict where his painting is. Bridgerton's Kathryn Drysdale has shared her thoughts on the enduring question of Benedict Bridgteron's sexuality, and it appears she too is none the … Fans felt that one character, Benedict Bridgerton played by Luke Thompson, showed signs throughout the show of being LGBT+ and were disappointed that his … He is a good friend to his siblings - especially Eloise who he relates to because they're both disillusioned by 'ton' life. Benedict Bridgerton is the second eldest Bridgerton child. Benedict later went with his brothers to a fight. Others There he is given a chance to practice his art among like-minded people. After that shock, Benedict and Genevieve ended up having a tryst with another woman, whom Benedict didn't know was Henry's wife, Lucy Granville. 5 The second eldest of the Bridgerton siblings, Benedict yearns for something other than the endless round of dazzling parties he finds himself attending every evening. The … Sir Henry Granville is an famous artist in London society. And if he killed Simon, he'd have to flee the country and Benedict would be head of the family in every way that mattered. Created by Chris Van Dusen. Status Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed When Benedict arrived at Henry's studio, he was surprised to find several topless women posing. They had to be aware of every interaction, worried someone would discover them. Colin started to tell her, using farm animals as an example, but Benedict stopped him with a slap to his head. Before Simon arrived, Anthony told Benedict there was the name of a lady on a piece of paper in his top desk drawer. Lucy Granville is the wife of Henry Granville. He made Benedict promised to make sure she was provided for if he died. Alive Benedict Bridgerton; Henry Granville; Lucy Granville; Eloise Bridgerton; Penelope Featherington; Daphne Bridgerton; Genevieve Delacroix; Explicit Sexual Content; Bisexuality; Everyone is Queer; Gay Sex; Lesbian Sex; First Time; Masturbation; Angst and Porn; Friends to Lovers; Summary. Benedict Bridgerton (played by Luke Thompson) is befriended by Sir Henry … Benedict Bridgerton Henry was attending an event when Lady Danbury drew his attention to Benedict Bridgerton, who had made a critical remark about one of Henry's paintings.[1]. Insider rewatched all eight episodes to lay out the subtle details you might have missed during your first time watching the series, set in Regency London. He asked Benedict where his paintings were, so Benedict tried to explain that he didn't have any. He leaned in, pressing their lips together softly. Sir Henry is secretly in a relationship with Lord Wetherby. Henry quickly explains that his wife is aware that he’s gay and they have an arrangement. Benedict noticed Lord Wetherby standing nearby. Henry is married to Lucy Granville. Violet Bridgerton Soon after, he also found Eloise outside smoking on a swing. Simon Basset (brother-in-law)NephewWinnie (aunt) Last Henry offered to introduce them, but Benedict excused himself from the conversation. It was much different than kissing a woman. Benedict Bridgerton is the second eldest Bridgerton child. Later, at the concert, Benedict pulled Henry aside and asked him about the situation. [4], Henry's services were engaged to paint the official portrait of Daphne and Simon. Instead of scolding her, he joined her and they talked about each of them wanting something different from life than what was expected of them.[2]. 1 History 2 Relationships 2.1 Romantic 3 Gallery 4 Appearances 5 References Lucy was married, but knew her husband was gay and had a boyfriend. This article contains certain spoilers for Bridgerton Season 1.You have been warned. The two meet clandestinely during Sir Henry's raucous parties and interact socially when they can. He is portrayed as a sweet, sensitive, and charming young man who is close to his siblings in general but opens up mostly to Eloise, the second oldest girl after Daphne. [5], When Colin announced his engagement to Marina, Benedict was shocked along with the rest of the family. The painter Henry Granville, Benedict’s mentor, is gay, something Benedict takes in admirable stride. Wealth, lust, and betrayal set against the backdrop of Regency-era England, seen through the eyes of the powerful Bridgerton family. Benedict Bridgerton. Benedict breathed out, making the artist smile and get onto the bed with the Bridgerton, immediately straddling his hips and sitting down, hands on Benedict's chest. We all see it right?~~~~Clips are from the show a Bridgerton on Netflix all rights to them.Song rights to Lord Huron ~~Song: The night we met The Bridgerton siblings all seem to have an artistic flair. Look, we met Mr. Phillip Crane for all of five minutes and while he did offer to ~do the … Familial Information The Wise, the Inspired, and the Honourable by Agent_084 Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV) General Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; Gen; Work in Progress; 16 Feb 2021. Henry Granville Given his own proclivities, Sir Henry is tolerant of Lucy's own extra-marital affairs. Violet Bridgerton may have wanted … Posted by Bridgerton Stans 30 de August de 2020 30 de August de 2020 Posted in bridgerton, Cast Tags: benedict bridgerton, bridgerton, luke thompson Published by Bridgerton Stans Somos uma fonte brasileira de informações no Instagram e Twitter, onde postamos memes, conteúdo dos Bridgertons, a adaptação para a Netflix e os demais livros da Julia Quinn. Benedict is a renowned artist in the series and has painting in art museums and galleries. He invited Benedict to come back again. Eloise Bridgerton & Penelope Featherington; Benedict Bridgerton; Henry Granville; Lucy Granville; Eloise Bridgerton; Penelope Featherington; Daphne Bridgerton; Genevieve Delacroix; Explicit Sexual Content; Bisexuality; Everyone is Queer; Gay Sex; Lesbian Sex; First Time; Masturbation; Angst and Porn; Friends to Lovers; Summary. ... benedict bridgerton sfw alphabet (bridgerton, 2020-) royalsunshinehotel: Originally posted by bridgertonian. Work Search: tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos 1 - 20 of 24 Works in Benedict Bridgerton/Henry Granville. Sir Henry met Benedict at a gallery opening after the second Bridgerton son unknowingly insulted his artwork. Lord Bridgerton †Violet Bridgerton Luke Thompson. As much as Anthony is the noted rake of the family, Benedict is … [3], Henry noticed that Benedict hadn't come to one of his parties in a while and invited him to come back. At the reception, Benedict spoke to Henry. When Daphne got married, Benedict attended. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Biographical Information Henry told him he had potential, but he brushed the compliment off. [2], During his next visit to Henry's, Benedict found him in a room having sex with another man, which shocked him. They talked about Benedict's own art, which was not present at the event, surprising Henry. Last He’s a queer artist who brings Benedict into the art world. When fellow noble Henry Granville invites Benedict to his studio, London's underworld of class mixing and loose morals opens up to him. First Alive Search Works. Seasons Marital Navigation and Actions. Art of the Swoon She used their marriage as a means to get freedom. Diamond of the First Water Henry came to Benedict at the queen's luncheon and said he'd missed having Benedict at the studio. Benedict went back to Henry Granville's for another party. Navigation and Actions. He takes Benedict under his wing and provides him with the space to not only enhance his artistic craft, but to meet other artists and share their thoughts and ideas. The marriage is mutually advantageous, with Sir Henry being able to maintain his relationship with Lord Wetherby and Lucy enjoying the privileges of being a married woman. At another party, Henry approached Benedict again and asked if a painting he was looking at was more to his liking. Benedict chooses to skip the evening’s events for a chance to visit Henry’s studio. At a later event, Benedict pulled Henry aside to talk and asked him about his situation. Henry said that he and Lord Wetherby were in constant danger, being forced to be in the same room as someone they loved and feel oceans apart. Another season is starting and Eloise and Benedict are both out of sorts. 1 History 1.1 1813 Social Season 2 Personality 3 Relationships 3.1 Romantic 3.1.1 Genevieve Delacroix 3.2 Familial 3.3 Friendships 3.4 Professional 4 Career 5 Notes and Trivia 6 Gallery 7 Appearances 8 References Benedict accompanied his family to his sister's presentation to the queen at the start of the 1813 social season. In the world of Bridgerton, these are Granville’s own creations, “the pieces I do for myself,” different from his public portraits, which Benedict had found “cold and lacking inner life.”Art historians can only blanch at the absurdity of these early 17th-century pictures, one by an Italian, the other by a Dutch artist, being claimed as the work of a painter in Regency England. Benedict Bridgerton. Benedict Bridgerton is sure of himself- second son of Edmund and Violet Bridgerton, with the hopes of one day nurturing his secret artistic leanings into a fully fledged career. All eight episodes of Bridgerton are available to stream and download on Netflix now. I feel like him being open to a relationship with Genevieve is setting him on his path to hopefully changing how he treated Sophie in their book (only wanting her to be his mistress). Siblings The next morning, Benedict accompanied Anthony to the duel. Later, at an event, Benedict was tasked with dancing with Daphne to draw her away from Simon. Bridgerton Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tags . He then talked to Benedict about how much they risked for their love. He said if he died, the estate would pass to Benedict. Benedict tried to apologize for his comment, but Henry brushed it off. As for the Benedict storyline, Bridgerton season 1 has been criticized (via Digital Spy) for not fully exploring a subplot involving his closeted friend, Henry Granville (Julian Ovenden). Bridgerton Season 3 Update: After some consolation from Eloise, Benedict started to investigate his affection for craftsmanship and become friends with London craftsman Sir Henry Granville (Julian Ovenden) He struck up an easygoing relationship with Genevieve (Kathryn Drysdale), who was astonished to see him visiting Granville’s studio because of his status as a Bridgerton. He made a critical comment about one piece to Lady Danbury, only to find out that the artist, Henry Granville, was right next to her. At the end of the reception, Benedict went with the rest of his family to see Daphne off. He brushed her off and refused to answer her questions, believing she was attempting to persuade him to stop seeing her.