In January 2018, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK Iran) helped to promote slogans such as “down with the dictator” which have been used and circulated ever since. The Iranian regime is completely mired in domestic and international crises. The signs point to no, but it could happen. Fourthly, a regime collapse in Iran could bring new leaders at the helm. Twitter. Photo: Amir Kholousi / ISNA / AFP. They have been calling the regime out for its mismanagement and corruption. Written by Mohammad Sadat Khansari. Key point: If Iran falls, what happens next? Read full article. Like Kowsar, Khonsari talks to many people in Iran, including current members of the regime. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit Email Print. 1, 2018. Iran and the United States are as close to direct conflict as they have been for three decades, since Operation Praying Mantis in 1988 which was, at the time, the largest surface naval engagement since World War II. In the first week of February, a group of 38 activists signed an open letter calling for U.S.-led regime change, while over … The state-run Mardom Salari daily last year wrote: “We have an extremely failed and fallen economy. 37. Iran is one of the countries most affected by SARS Coronavirus 2. Abdolnasser Hemati, Iran’s Central Bank chief, claimed that the regime has “not permitted those imposing sanctions to reach their ultimate goal, which was the country’s economic collapse.” All the while, Iran’s inflation rate, liquidity, poverty index, and dollar exchange rate are rising, and the country’s exchange market continues to decrease. Subscribe. Written by Shahriar Kia. Iran’s newspapers have been warning of potential economic collapse. Pinterest. Originally published as an Asia Times exclusive . 14th November 2020 . Iran’s Stock Exchange has finally burst. Sometimes the analysis around Iran’s regime shows the bad state of that regime, and analysts are trying to show this to readers by summarizing the most important facts. The longer it takes, the more lives will be endangered and the more our interests threatened. Gas condensate exports near zero According to the spokesperson of the Iranian Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Products Exporters’ Association (OPEX), Iran’s export of more than 17 million tons of […] Iranian Protests. 4th June 2019. 1, 2018. Khonsari is concerned that as the regime moves closer to collapse, which seems inevitable, Iran could quickly descend into a bloodbath unless something like a South Africa-style Truth and Reconciliation Commission is established to manage the transition. October 15, 2019 Iran’s economy is on the verge of a complete collapse due to a combination of US sanctions and the rampant corruption of regime officials. Senior Trump Advisers Believe It’s Possible to Hasten Collapse of Iranian Regime . Iran’s Regime: Coronavirus Quarantine an Impossible Option for the Economy. “Will the Ayatollah regime in Iran ever collapse?” I have already written some very detailed answers to similar questions on Quora in each providing unique insights into the reasons of IRI resilience and its future survival. Is Iran's Regime Really Be About To Collapse? Key point: If Iran falls, what happens next? Is Iran's Regime Really Be About To Collapse? In one possible scenario, the regime will collapse from the inside. Faezeh Hashemi: ‘The regime is collapsing ideologically’ Khomeini’s grandson is not a lone voice in the desert. By Derek Black Last updated Jan 14, 2020. Jul. He pointed out that the U.S. November election may hasten the destruction of the U.S. regime. Senior U.S. and Israeli sources tell Haaretz that White House is divided over Iran strategy, with John Bolton pushing for regime change and James Mattis striving for new agreement with Islamic Republic . The Iranian Regime’s Collapse Is Coming Soon. Story of a changing headline: Iran ‘regime collapse’ Statements by certain officials that run counter to official policy could further harm prospects of US-Iran relations. By Amir Taghati Ten months ago, protests broke out across Iran. The political situation in Iran changed forever in November 2019. Next article MEK: Report on Iran Regime’s Crimes During Coronavirus: Part 2 RELATED ARTICLES MORE FROM AUTHOR. The collapse of the Iranian economy sparked protests in November 2019, and Iranian security forces responded by shutting down the Internet and massacring hundreds of demonstrators. Dissolution of the Zionist regime has been put on the agenda of the Muslim community, the resistance front, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, the general said. Recent days have been some of the worst the Iranian regime has suffered, including a series of explosions and fires on an almost daily basis in sensitive military facilities, critical infrastructure or unspecified installations. Share in WhatsApp. Facebook. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit Email Print. News / Atrocities Human Rights Violation / INVOLVED IN THIS ARTICLE: IRGC – Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iran’s regime on the verge of collapse. Without such preparations, he warned, the regime's collapse could be followed by a seizure of power by Iran's Revolutionary Guards—or the country's disintegration into chaos. Share this: Print . Iran regime will collapse within months, predicts exiled crown prince Reza Pahlavi Heir to deposed monarchy urges Western powers not to negotiate with Tehran Pahlavi says Iranians can ‘smell the opportunity for the first time in 40 years’ Share . October 5, 2019, 6:00 PM . Jul. Firemen search for survivors at the scene of an explosion at the Sina At'har health center north of Tehran on June 30, 2020. By Shahriar Kia. One Year After Massive Uprising, the Collapse of Iran’s Regime is Well Within Reach. Tehran Stock Exchange’s (TSE) main index, TEDPIX, plummeted by more than 36,000 points on Monday; and on Tuesday morning, the index further collapsed by 18,000 points in the opening hours. Linkedin. Regime changers love to think Iran is always on the brink of collapse Asal Rad February 11 marks the 42nd anniversary of the Iranian revolution of 1979, which ousted a despotic monarch and ushered in what many Iranians hoped would be the independence and freedom they had fought to attain for so long. Iran’s Regime on the Verge of Collapse. EXCLUSIVE: Iran's theocratic regime will collapse “within five years” if economic sanctions are allowed to continue, an opposition party leader said last night. The protests and anti-government demonstrations spread like wildfire and it soon became Amir Tibon Amos Harel. Iran’s regime, of course, has done its utmost to minimize the true extent of the crisis now ravaging the country. Signs Iran’s regime is facing collapse Fires and explosions have been rocking the country, while the government's credibility suffers at home and abroad by David Wurmser July 9, 2020 July 9, 2020. The main reason is … America Must Have a 'Regime Collapse' Strategic Goal for Iran. Previous article Iranian Regime’s Supreme Leader Calls MEK the Main Threat. According to Ayatollah Khamenei, the U.S. suffers from many malaises that will inevitably lead to the U.S. dissolution and collapse. In this context, international pressure and sanctions on Iran will very much influence the continuation of the struggle against the regime. On that day the stage was set for a new democratic order to be installed to replace the theocratic regime. Michael Rubin. “The U.S. regime suffers from severe political, civil, and moral deviations. The uprising in November 2019 changed the political scene in Iran forever. Get real time updates directly on you device, subscribe now. The sudden collapse followed a bubble growth during the summer. Many Iranian dissidents within Iran disagree with the U.S. pressure campaign. One cannot know when that spark will arrive in Iran, but it is incumbent upon the United States to hasten its coming, so that that evil regime collapses, as Soviet rule did, and as all evil regimes eventually do. Iran is closer ‘than ever before’ to regime collapse, says Gen. Jim Jones. by Michael Rubin. They protested the regime’s role in the sudden collapse of the Tehran Stock Exchange. The long-suffering people of Iran have been making calls for regime change. Iran’s theocratic regime is tottering on the brink of collapse, according to the former crown prince whose family was dispossessed in the 1979 revolution that brought the mullahs to power. Share in Facebook. Signs Iran’s regime is facing collapse. May 20, 2020. Changes to the system of subsidies can only add to Ahmadinejad’s unpopularity. Iran is closer ‘than ever before’ to regime collapse, says Gen. Jim Jones. July 9, 2020 David Wurmser.