I Still Love You picks up right where the first flick dropped off. In To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, he is the only guy who doesn’t return Lara Jean’s letter. At one point, Lara Jean literally tells Peter that she knows he and his ex, Gen (Emilija Baranac), used to do it a lot. John Ambrose, on the other hand, is a perfect match for Lara Jean. I bet he would make a great family man too and the thought makes me sob. They met while participating in Model U.N., share a love of reading, and they even both have two first names. The wait is nearly over. I Still Love You, the second book in Han's series. BuzzFeed Staff. In the first movie, John Ambrose McClaren was played by a different Jordan — Jordan Burchett. From the time he appeared on screen, he made #TeamPeter hearts falter. From the time he appeared on screen, he made #TeamPeter hearts falter. Of course, in the end Lara Jean chose Peter. I Still Love You"],"native":["null"],"paid":"true","has_jw_player":"false","ad_location":"mobile-mrec","targeting":{"ptv-pos":"1"},"provider":"google-dfp","element_id":"ad-slot_mobile-mrec_section-index-1_pos-1"} ); A childhood friend from Model UN, he no longer went … I Still Love You, so pls…” John Ambrose McClaren, on the other hand, is an easygoing guy you’d never have an awkward moment with. Perfect for journals, planners, letters, gifts, and more! Then somewhere along production, they introduced us to Jordan Fisher who would be taking over the role. I mean, I’d absolutely feel terrible about it… but Lana Condor and Noah Centineo feel the same way. John Ambrose is a sweet, thoughtful piano-playing angel. I’m about to delve into spoiler territory now so this will be your last warning. okay maybe i am a john ambrose girl at heart #ToAlltheBoys2 #PSIStillLoveYou #TeamJohn pic.twitter.com/UFJ1q1t93r, — syd (@xsydneymarshall) February 12, 2020. https://screenrant.com/to-all-boys-3-netflix-sequel-john-ambrose-mcclaren-return ♡ Shipping info ↳ Ships I guess it isn’t now, either.” John looks over at … Snow-angel maker and pepperoni-pizza lover John Ambrose will be missed. But ultimately, I think communication in any relationship is key. Please, for the love of John Ambrose, scroll away if you haven’t watched the movie yet. He helped Lara Jean get up from slipping on the floor the first time they met — we appreciate a guy who knows first aid! ♡ What is included? It’d been a while since I first read the books but I was a solid Peter Kavinsky gal, through and through. John Ambrose McClaren says one last thing, a thing that makes my heart swell. We were really robbed of good John Ambrose lines from the book. I was, however, expecting to get a bucket load of kilig from the characters especially between Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky (Lana Condor, Noah Centineo) who have started to date for real this time. BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Peter Kavinsky (1) lied to LJ about not knowing his ex, Gen, recorded the hot tub video, (2) plagiarized Edgar Allan Poe for a Valentine poem, (3) kept on talking to Gen behind LJ’s back and even invited her to the tree house, and (4) kept unapologetically taking the last slice of pizza. “I don’t think it was our time then. I Still Love You, and that said movie would introduce us to John Ambrose McClaren, I audibly pfffft’d. She couldn’t get over the fact that Peter used to date Gen and kept comparing herself to Gen. On top of that, she was basically emotionally cheating on Peter. Of-freaking-course we’ll still be waiting for it and hoping the best for Lara Jean. This 2020, he plays the titular role in the musical Dear Evan Hansen. Picks up after the events of the third book when they are all in college. You really can’t blame her. However, it was not as memorable as the past movie. I Still Love You, and that said movie would introduce us to John Ambrose McClaren, I audibly pfffft’d. He has worked with Disney, released a couple of songs, and also ventured into theater, portraying John Laurens/Philipp Hamilton in Hamilton from 2016 to 2017. Lara Jean wasn’t entirely clean either. I Still Love You." He can play the piano while confessing to Lara Jean and he was really touched by the fact that she had a crush on him even when he thought he was a nobody in middle school. If you’ve just watched “To All the Boys: Always and Forever” and are firmly Team John, then this is the fic for you. We use cookies to make sure you get the best experience on 8List.ph. Netflix's To All the Boys: P.S.I Still Love You movie images reveal a first look at new character John Ambrose McClaren, played by Jordan Fisher. So I think taking note of the compassion and the tenderness – even though it was awkward, it was still respectful of each other’s places.”. “Is there a void in your life?” she asks Peter. Noah, on the other hand, had a pretty interesting answer. If you’ve just watched “To All the Boys: Always and Forever” and are firmly Team John, then this is the fic for you. As for the aforementioned ‘team’ question, Lana sighs deeply. Then I watched the sequel and fell in love with John Ambrose. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. finally launched on Netflix last February 12. new innity_adZone("e25cfa90f04351958216f97e3efdabe9", "36697", {"width": "300", "height": "250"}); But what I didn’t expect was that I would be swerving from #TeamPeter to #TeamJohn in a span of one movie! By signing up, you agree to Pedestrian Group's Terms of Service and consent to our Privacy Policy. The sequel to 2018's To All the Boys I've Loved Before, P.S.I Still Love You is based on Jenny Han's book the same name, which continues the story of Lara Jean Covey (Lana Condor) and Peter Kavinsky (Noah Centineo). Just Lara Jean? But don’t all people in a relationship wonder what it’s like to be with someone else? Your email address will not be published. Team Peter K. or Team JAM? Peter Kavinsky vs. John Ambrose McClaren: Who Deserves Lara Jean More After "To All the Boys 2" Two Seventeen editors break down this year's most divisive love … So I think that was important to have in the movie because it showed that we talked about the uncomfortable things.”, if (typeof siteads.queue !== 'undefined') { ?, such an honor thank you a million times over ???? No? What follows is an awkward but endearing conversation. We’re sorry you were locked into a second-male lead in a script that didn’t follow the book to the T. But this is the real world and in the real world we can’t all have what we want. John Ambrose did get to kiss her and I’m just going to settle for that was a tiny win for him. With Lara Jean confused about her feelings, a love triangle begins to form. Obviously, I asked whether they’re Team Peter or Team John Ambrose, but more on that later. Digging into his career background, Fisher is a singer, dancer, and actor. It was just in time for Valentine’s too so people like me who are single AF can plop on our beds, boot up Netflix, and laugh/cry/pine over a movie and its gorgeous characters. by Shyla Watson. We all have that one friend (Lara Jean) who would rather suffer over a cool guy (Peter) than accept the feelings of someone (John Ambrose) who genuinely likes her. But I’m definitely Team John Ambrose for later,” he says. “Jordan Fisher is so talented,” Lana says. To All the Boys: P.S. We’re certain friendships have already been … To All the Boys: P.S. siteads.queue.push( {"site":"pedestriantv","pagetype":"article","ad_type":"article","sec":"entertainment","amp":false,"article":"lana condor noah centineo interview to all the boys","article-tags":["Netflix","Lana Condor","Noah Centineo","To All The Boys","To All The Boys I've Loved Before 2","To All The Boys: P.S. siteads.queue.push( {"site":"pedestriantv","pagetype":"article","ad_type":"article","sec":"entertainment","amp":false,"article":"lana condor noah centineo interview to all the boys","article-tags":["Netflix","Lana Condor","Noah Centineo","To All The Boys","To All The Boys I've Loved Before 2","To All The Boys: P.S. He did his best but Lara Jean took a page out of Selena Gomez’s “The Heart Wants What It Wants” particularly the striking lyric “The heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-ants.” Her heart wanted Peter, and Peter she will end up with. After months of anticipation, the To All the Boys sequel P.S.I Still Love You comes out on Netflix next week (14 Feb). Where else can you find a guy who volunteers at a senior citizen home, facilitates bingo games, organizes a ball with you. Kyzia spends most of her time capturing the world around her through photos, paragraphs, and playlists. ... John Ambrose McClaren/Lara Jean Song-Covey (25) Peter Kavinsky & Lara Jean Song-Covey (18) John Ambrose McClaren & Lara Jean Song-Covey (17) Genevieve "Gen"/Peter Kavinsky (6) To All The Boys posted on Instagram: “John Ambrose McClaren. I wasn’t really expecting anything profound, as much as I liked To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, I knew that it wasn’t a thought-provoking film worthy of deep discussions, some films just aren’t like that. Get the l8est delivered right to your inbox. }, “Yeah absolutely,” Noah says. No joke, they told me themselves. "Fans of the books were waiting for this character, John Ambrose McClaren, this whole time," Han said. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question,” she laughs. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. “I’d also like to take note of how, yes, it was an uncomfortable conversation but I think they both fully accepted the fact that it was an uncomfortable conversation. His entire non-relationship with Lara Jean was reduced to “I’m sorry.” John, you deserved better! I Still Love You"],"native":["null"],"paid":"true","has_jw_player":"false","ad_location":"mobile-mrec","targeting":{"ptv-pos":"2"},"provider":"google-dfp","element_id":"ad-slot_mobile-mrec_section-index-1_pos-2"} ); This 2020, he plays the titular role in the musical. Your email address will not be published. As Lara Jean and Peter spend more time together, Lara Jean becomes extremely aware that they haven’t had sex yet. Sign up with your Facebookor Linkedin account, Please select at least one of the following options to continue. https://www.themarysue.com/jordan-fisher-john-ambrose-mcclaren-tatbilb Lara Jean Covey should have ended up with John Ambrose McClaren at the end of "To All The Boys: P.S. Read more about it, 8 Movie Couples That Will Make You Go, “Sana All!”, ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ Is the Very Definition of Brainless Fun, Kathryn Bernardo at 25: 8 of Queen Kath’s Most Memorable Roles, Wit, Wonder, Wisdom: The Magic of ‘Raya and the Last Dragon’, 8 Feminist Documentaries on Netflix *EVERYBODY* Should Watch, If You Liked Rosamund Pike in ‘Gone Girl,’ You’ll Love Her in ‘I Care a Lot’, Movies That Will Make You Realize Being Single Isn’t Too Bad At All, Get Hyped!!! Here are 10 reasons that provide definitive proof that Lara Jean and John Ambrose are a much better fit for each other. White or transparent. 1,257 Likes, 246 Comments - Jenny Han (@jennyhan) on Instagram: “Just so you know, John Ambrose McClaren is the whole reason I wrote P.S. Lara Jean (Condor) is only just going on her first date with Peter (Centineo). So I was really excited to work with him because I just thought he was so talented.”. I, for one, think Peter was right when he asked Lara Jean if she was “keeping her options open” by not telling John she already had a boyfriend. f-freaking-course we’ll still be waiting for it and hoping the best for Lara Jean. I wasn’t really expecting anything profound, as much as I liked, , I knew that it wasn’t a thought-provoking film worthy of deep discussions, some films just aren’t like that. We’re certain friendships have already been … With Lara Jean confused about her feelings, a love triangle begins to form. Not to discredit Peter Kavinsky but John Ambrose McClaren did it better. The perfect sticker sheet for all those on Team John Ambrose McClaren! To his credit, Peter isn’t a total hopeless case. Not the trailers, not the character posters, not even beautiful boy Jordan Fisher who stars as Mr McClaren. Fisher more than does justice to the character, she added. But when John Ambrose, another recipient of her old love letters, re-enters her life, your gal is torn. When I first heard that Netflix had greenlit To All The Boys: P.S. Nothing could sway me. He pays attention to Lara Jean (driving because he knows she hates driving in the snow), and maybe these things can redeem him. In the first movie, John Ambrose McClaren was played by a different Jordan — Jordan Burchett. Where else can you find a guy who volunteers at a senior citizen home, facilitates bingo games, organizes a ball with you, and plays the piano? Required fields are marked *. Having finally scored her first boyfriend (who is undeniably the most popular guy in her grade), Lara Jean was too preoccupied with Peter to remember that her sister Kitty had also sent a love letter to John Ambrose McClaren and things start to get extremely complicated when he not only responds back to her, but also volunteers at the same retirement home that she does. The way that Peter dealt with it, with your [Lara Jean’s] moment of voicing how you feel … He could’ve been insecure about it. This morning I woke up and was in a Team John Ambrose mood.”, if (typeof siteads.queue !== 'undefined') { The character of John Ambrose McClaren will already be familiar to fans of the books. ... John Ambrose McClaren/Lara Jean Song-Covey (26) Peter Kavinsky/Lara Jean Song-Covey (15) Peter Kavinsky & Lara Jean Song-Covey (10) I guess it isn’t now, either.” John looks over at … “Ultimately, the winning team is Lara Jean,” she says. “I think that if it’s uncomfortable and awkward to watch then it was realistic,” Lana says, “because I know that conversations that I’ve had when I was younger with my parents, for example – you’re kind of sitting there and you’re cringing and you’re kind of uncomfortable.