William Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time and one of the most important and influential people who has ever lived. Lesen Sie „The Complete Works of William Shakespeare All 213 Plays, Poems, Sonnets, Apocryphal Plays + The Biography: The Life of William Shakespeare by Sidney Lee: Hamlet - Romeo and Juliet - King Lear - A Midsummer Night's Dream - Macbeth - The Tempest - Othello and many more“ von William … Now his work is reinterpreted and performed around the world. [89][90] The Halls had one child, Elizabeth, who married twice but died without children in 1670, ending Shakespeare's direct line. Less bleak than the tragedies, these four plays are graver in tone than the comedies of the 1590s, but they end with reconciliation and the forgiveness of potentially tragic errors. Tiffany Murray's top 10 rock'n'roll novels. [32] Scholars refer to the years between 1585 and 1592 as Shakespeare's "lost years". He encloses us because we see with his fundamental perceptions."[248]. Shakespeare is also supposed to have taken his revenge on Lucy by writing a scurrilous ballad about him. [281], This article is about the poet and playwright. [98][99] The epitaph carved into the stone slab covering his grave includes a curse against moving his bones, which was carefully avoided during restoration of the church in 2008:[100], Good frend for Iesvs sake forbeare, [197][198] No single play marks a change from the traditional to the freer style. "[213], Shakespeare influenced novelists such as Thomas Hardy, William Faulkner, and Charles Dickens. [11][12][d] His early plays were primarily comedies and histories and are regarded as some of the best work produced in these genres. CDN$ 27.98. ... Lista El Mundo de las 100 mejores novelas. His plays have been translated into every major living langua… [58] The absence of his name from the 1605 cast list for Jonson's Volpone is taken by some scholars as a sign that his acting career was nearing its end. [7] They also continue to be studied and reinterpreted. Over the centuries, some readers have posited that Shakespeare's sonnets are autobiographical,[275] and point to them as evidence of his love for a young man. 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616)[a] was an English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's greatest dramatist. Dies ist wohl das berühmteste Drama von Shakespeare und darf in dieser Liste auf keinen Fall fehlen. Lesen Sie „William Shakespeare: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare“ von William Shakespeare erhältlich bei Rakuten Kobo. See: Van Schaick, George, 1861-1924. 9500305526. The Expressionists in Germany and the Futurists in Moscow mounted productions of his plays. [215] Shakespeare has also inspired many painters, including the Romantics and the Pre-Raphaelites. His actual date of birth remains unknown, but is Of Mutability [37] Some 20th-century scholars suggested that Shakespeare may have been employed as a schoolmaster by Alexander Hoghton of Lancashire, a Catholic landowner who named a certain "William Shakeshafte" in his will. In stock on September 9, 2020. Many of Shakespeare's plays were published in editions of varying quality and accuracy in his lifetime. Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, hors'd [158][160][161], After the Lord Chamberlain's Men were renamed the King's Men in 1603, they entered a special relationship with the new King James. Available for immediate download. Critics consider that its fine qualities are marred by leaden effects. Con terralibro.es usted puede comprar libros antiguos, nuevos y usados immediamente y pedirlos al mejor precio. In the 14th century Petrach wrote traditional sonnets: love poems centred around the lady, adored by the poet. They collected them for publication after Shakespeare died, preserving the plays. Book includes an over 40 page William Shakespeare biography2. That would not let me sleep. [270][271][272] Other authors argue that there is a lack of evidence about Shakespeare's religious beliefs. [64][66] By 1604, he had moved north of the river again, to an area north of St Paul's Cathedral with many fine houses. [132][133] According to Shakespearean scholar James Shapiro, in Julius Caesar, "the various strands of politics, character, inwardness, contemporary events, even Shakespeare's own reflections on the act of writing, began to infuse each other". Nevertheless, poet and critic John Dryden rated Shakespeare highly, saying of Jonson, "I admire him, but I love Shakespeare". [244] Eliot, along with G. Wilson Knight and the school of New Criticism, led a movement towards a closer reading of Shakespeare's imagery. At the Mountains of Madness. Audible Audiobook. William Shakespeare, Shakespeare also spelled Shakspere, byname Bard of Avon or Swan of Avon, (baptized April 26, 1564, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England—died April 23, 1616, Stratford-upon-Avon), English poet, dramatist, and actor often called the English national poet and considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time. [171][172][174] Where several versions of a play survive, each differs from the other. Among his plays are "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Macbeth" to name but a few. and one man in his time plays many parts ...", —As You Like It, Act II, Scene 7, 139–142[52], In 1599, a partnership of members of the company built their own theatre on the south bank of the River Thames, which they named the Globe. In the case of King Lear, however, while most modern editions do conflate them, the 1623 folio version is so different from the 1608 quarto that the Oxford Shakespeare prints them both, arguing that they cannot be conflated without confusion. ISBN-10: 0521094887 1930), Things Fall Apart Hans Christian Andersen, Denmark, (1805–1875), Fairy Tales and Stories Jane Austen, England, (1775–1817), Pride and Prejudice Honore de Balzac, France, (1799–1850), Old Goriot "[225], Shakespeare was not revered in his lifetime, but he received a large amount of praise. [268][269] In 1591, the authorities reported that John Shakespeare had missed church "for fear of process for debt", a common Catholic excuse. To digg the dvst encloased heare. Download Read more. Much Ado about Nothing, together with As You Like It, King Henry the Fifth, and Ben Jonson's Every Man in his Humour, was registered in the Stationers' books August 4, 1600; all with a caveat "to be stayed." [249] Two plays not included in the First Folio, The Two Noble Kinsmen and Pericles, Prince of Tyre, are now accepted as part of the canon, with today's scholars agreeing that Shakespeare made major contributions to the writing of both. [270][271][272] In 1606, the name of William's daughter Susanna appears on a list of those who failed to attend Easter communion in Stratford. 1. they have their exits and their entrances; Burbage played the leading role in the first performances of many of Shakespeare's plays, including Richard III, Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. … and all the men and women merely players: Eligible for FREE Shipping. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, a bustling market town 100 miles northwest of London, and baptized there on April 26, 1564. This technique releases the new power and flexibility of the poetry in plays such as Julius Caesar and Hamlet. [210] Until Romeo and Juliet, for example, romance had not been viewed as a worthy topic for tragedy. And cvrst be he yͭ moves my bones. [147][148][149], In his final period, Shakespeare turned to romance or tragicomedy and completed three more major plays: Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest, as well as the collaboration, Pericles, Prince of Tyre. [16][17] He was the third of eight children, and the eldest surviving son. Shakespeare's will uses a Protestant formula, and he was a confirmed member of the Church of England, where he was married, his children were baptised, and where he is buried. It remains unclear if these figures represent real individuals, or if the authorial "I" who addresses them represents Shakespeare himself, though Wordsworth believed that with the sonnets "Shakespeare unlocked his heart". Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth containing his Death: and the Coronation of King Henry the Fift, Thomas of Woodstock/Richard the Second, Part One, The Tragical History of King Richard the Third, Thomas Wolsey, Late Cardinall, his Lyffe and Deathe, The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eight, Four Plays, or Moral Representations, in One, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_Shakespeare&oldid=1015923650, 16th-century English dramatists and playwrights, 17th-century English dramatists and playwrights, People educated at King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TePapa identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March (conflation of, This page was last edited on 4 April 2021, at 10:39. The strongest evidence might be a Catholic statement of faith signed by his father, John Shakespeare, found in 1757 in the rafters of his former house in Henley Street. Lesen Sie Romeo & Julia von William Shakespeare mit einer kostenlosen Testversion. Shakespeare’s father, John, dabbled in farming, wood trading, tanning, leatherwork, money lending and other occupations; he also held a series of municipal positions before falling into debt in the late 1580s. [140][141] In King Lear, the old king commits the tragic error of giving up his powers, initiating the events which lead to the torture and blinding of the Earl of Gloucester and the murder of Lear's youngest daughter Cordelia. [221][222], Shakespeare's influence extends far beyond his native England and the English language. The Sonnets by William Shakespeare Shakespeare's sonnets is a collection of 154 poems in sonnet form written by William Shakespeare that deal with such themes as love, beauty,… The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. [f] He died within a month of signing his will, a document which he begins by describing himself as being in "perfect health". [122] Shakespeare's next comedy, the equally romantic Merchant of Venice, contains a portrayal of the vengeful Jewish moneylender Shylock, which reflects Elizabethan views but may appear derogatory to modern audiences. [139] In Othello, the villain Iago stokes Othello's sexual jealousy to the point where he murders the innocent wife who loves him. As used here, Johannes Factotum ("Jack of all trades") refers to a second-rate tinkerer with the work of others, rather than the more common "universal genius". In Shakespeare's late romances, he deliberately returned to a more artificial style, which emphasised the illusion of theatre. [155] After the plagues of 1592–93, Shakespeare's plays were performed by his own company at The Theatre and the Curtain in Shoreditch, north of the Thames. The Call of Cthulhu. Sell My Personal Information. This edition of sonnets and poems includes the narrative poems Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece which established Shakespeare's reputation when they appeared in 1593-4. Color, approx. Widely esteemed as the greatest writer in the English language, William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an actor and theatrical producer in addition to writing plays and sonnets. Experience the Star Wars saga reimagined as an Elizabethan drama penned by William Shakespeare himself, complete with authentic meter and verse, and theatrical monologues and dialog by everyone from Luke Skywalker to Rose Tico. But he is also a man in the grip of an all-consuming passion … He wrote them in a stylised language that does not always spring naturally from the needs of the characters or the drama. Rashly— Extant records of Shakespeare's property purchases and investments indicate that his association with the company made him a wealthy man,[53] and in 1597, he bought the second-largest house in Stratford, New Place, and in 1605, invested in a share of the parish tithes in Stratford. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, The Tragedy of Othello, The Moor of Venice, An Excellent conceited Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare: Poetry for Young People, The Lamentable Tragedy of Titus Andronicus, The Norton Shakespeare: Based on the Oxford Edition (Slipcased), Do Not
His extant works, including collaborations, consist of some 39 plays, 154 sonnets, three long narrative poems, and a few other verses, some of uncertain authorship. Among those who championed him were the writers Voltaire, Goethe, Stendhal, and Victor Hugo. [13] The volume was prefaced with a poem by Ben Jonson, in which Jonson presciently hailed Shakespeare in a now-famous quote as "not of an age, but for all time". [203] In Macbeth, for example, the language darts from one unrelated metaphor or simile to another: "was the hope drunk/ Wherein you dressed yourself?" [169] On 29 June, however, a cannon set fire to the thatch of the Globe and burned the theatre to the ground, an event which pinpoints the date of a Shakespeare play with rare precision. neueste Band auf den Markt. William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s greatest dramatist. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar 2006, 1st World Library eBook in English 1421813920 9781421813929 zzzz. [190], The 1609 edition was dedicated to a "Mr. [240] "This King Shakespeare," the essayist Thomas Carlyle wrote in 1840, "does not he shine, in crowned sovereignty, over us all, as the noblest, gentlest, yet strongest of rallying signs; indestructible".