So sad that horror again strikes in this sorely afflicted city.... We are a band of storytellers and Alphaville is a circus ring full of illusionists, lion tamers, acrobats, dreamers and rogues. Alphaville’s channel at youTube; Alphaville Merchandise; Press Fan-Contact: Moonbase: ... Claudia Pernold When you’re done, please... A rebirth reveals new energies and shining beauty with an everlasting core. We are a band of storytellers and Alphaville is a circus ring full of illusionists, lion tamers, acrobats, dreamers and rogues. My Favourite Alphaville's song ever ...Alphaville - Dance with me Channing Way 3.) Alphaville’s channel at youTube; Alphaville Merchandise; Press Fan-Contact: Moonbase: If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contact Claudia Pernold I was... Dear Friends, tomorrow we will present you a very special song. clicks on Spotify! Time travel... Dear Friends, I’m such a lucky guy! Management:Christian Mielkemanagement@alphaville.dePlease note: this is a business contact, only. Project with Marian Gold, Becky Hill’s „Forever Young“ Mc Donald’s Christmas @vert 2020, Video: “The Jet Set” – The story feat. The concert in Tenerife on December 7th had to be cancelled and will not take place this year. … “In Brasil transgender people have a life expectancy of 35 years – THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. The photo was shot on my birthday 2018 in L.A.. We played the Whisky a Go Go for two nights, the fulfillment of a long-standing... We sat down with our dear friend Piet Blank from Blank & Jones and talked about the upcoming Deluxe Editions – obviously we had our... “Next Generation” – LISTEN NOW: It is always stunning that some statements never lose their significance. And Westberlin was a paradigm for that. It was the … It covered the period of 1978 to 1998. Wir waren die... … the universe we live in seems to be a sparkling questionmark, a door to surprises, dangers and adventures. I’m quite excited about it. May 13, 2016 - Explore Amy Kullerd's board "marian gold/alphaville" on Pinterest. Jeden Montag ein neuer Song! Also guest... Over the last few weeks we created this colourful calendar including framed pictures of the Alphaville members. Rain asked me... Our special “Sounds Like A Melody” [Grant & Kelly Remix] by Gold & Lloyd x Blank & Jones will be out on yellow vinyl for... We joined forces for this Special Mix of “Sounds Like A Melody“ with our friends Blank & Jones and created a reconstruction using only the... 12″ yellow vinyl “Sounds Like A Melody (Grant & Kelly Remix)” by Blank & Jones x Gold & Lloyd Release: RecordStoreDay 2020, August 29th Find... Just two weeks to go until we celebrate the Record Store Day 2020 release of “Sounds Like A Melody (Grant & Kelly Remix)” by Blank... Dear Friends, Here’s the latest update to our Korona Song Series. This song honored the name over all... Auf gibt es weitere Info zu diesem Event. We believe everybody should live their life the way they... Let’s celebrate 35 years of “FOREVER YOUNG“ – the iconic album, remastered for the first time: Get your copy now! Bleibt gesund, Alphaville Moonbase Love to you all. I’m in a band of gorgeous musicians and really fine people. Becky Hill "Forever Young" (by Alphaville) - McDonald's Christmas advert 2020 Your copy, amongst other exclusive stuff, is available... … those of you, who are more familiar with Alphaville’s repertoire might already know this month’s Corona song. Marian Gold “In Those Days”, available at []! "Zoo" was released on Alphaville's 4 Disc album "Crazyshow" from 2003. ), Bon Voyage, Marie. That happened with „Next Generation“, a song, we... Dear Friends, what is Albert Einstein’s relativity formula paired with the colour code of Ultramarine doing in a post on Alphaville’s social media? Management: Christian Mielke Well, that doesn’t concern every hotel but let’s put it as a... Dear friends from all over, today’s song, as almost every song we’re going to release on this program, has a long history. Now I’m on Route 66 and looking back, it was a nice and pleasant run. Single Heartbreak CityDOWNLOAD: iTunesSTREAM: Apple Music & Spotify, Album Strange AttractorCD: Amazon / MediaMarkt / SaturnLP: Amazon / MediaMarkt / Saturn, Moonbase:If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contactClaudia Sometimes it is weird how coincidences collude with each other. This is how to stay in contact with Alphaville: Facebook: Instagram: Instagram: Slack: Contact and ask for your personal invitation! Marian Gold and Douglas Rain. In 1999 Alphaville released 'Dreamscapes', an Anthology Box containing lots of demo versions, unknown remixes, rare live recordings, all the flip-sides and band-internal experiments. The photo was shot on my birthday 2018 in L.A.. We played the Whisky a Go Go for two nights, the fulfillment of a long-standing... We sat down with our dear friend Piet Blank from Blank & Jones and talked about the upcoming Deluxe Editions – obviously we had our... “Next Generation” – LISTEN NOW: It is always stunning that some statements never lose their significance. Visit Sofern eines der anstehenden Alphaville Konzerte betroffen... We joined forces for this Special Mix of “Sounds Like A Melody“ with our friends Blank & Jones and created a Reconstruction using only the... We got a little present for you – a little something for Record Store Day 2020 …. Marian, what is your most memorable hotel experience? Here it is, the new single of VOOV systems feat. I’ve been blessed with awesome people around me. Contact. This... Dear Friends, the last months have been a challenge for all of us. We arrived late last night at our hotel and were received... Lots of love and embraces from Alex, Carsten, Jakob, Marian and the whole Alphaville team and crew. Marian & Alphaville. When Alphaville retreated into splendid isolation to Münster, our first album „Forever Young“ became a collection of homesickness hymns on the wonders of our rotten, bombed out and disrupted homeland Westberlin. source: Facebook. It has a long history, reaching from our present 21st millennium way down to... Lieber Florian, wir kannten uns nur flüchtig, haben mal zusammen gespielt in der geheimsten Supergroup aller Zeiten für einem Fernsehkrimi namens “Klassentreffen”. Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, naja,... Dear Friends, here’s a short update. We love you! Contact. The single “Hotel” by Renard with Marian Gold on leadvocals is now available on all platforms! Alphaville’s channel at youTube; Alphaville Merchandise; Press Fan-Contact: Moonbase: If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contact Claudia Pernold A place where all that waits... Dear Friends, here’s the latest news from Alphaville: This weekend THUNDERBABY came to an unexpected halt because the studio’s preamp called it a day. I have you wonderful guys from all... POSTPONED/VERSCHOBEN: Copenhagen (Denmark), “Look into the eyes of the next generation…”, News: “Afternoons in Utopia” and “The Breathtaking Blue”. 18 S.M.I.²L.E. “Sounds like a melody” (Grant & Kelly Remix by Blank & Jones & Gold & Lloyd), 12″, yellow vinyl. Renard, what is your most memorable hotel experience? I had done that for 2 weeks... Marian Gold diary, Saturday, September 16, 2017, Kvakovce, Slowakei, Hotel Zelana Lagun, room #A1. Moonbase: If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contact Claudia Pernold Alphaville’s channel at youTube; Alphaville Merchandise; Press Fan-Contact: Moonbase: If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contact Claudia Pernold In the Mood Lyrics: He's in the mood to touch the fire / He's in the mood to touch everything you are / He's in the mood to touch the fire / Touch the fire, touch the fire / Jacky's locked in a silent See more ideas about alphaville band, greatful, gold. Management:Christian Mielkemanagement@alphaville.dePlease note: this is a business contact, only. I am totally shocked. Thanks for celebrating our Record Store Day release last weekend – we are totally blown away by your feedback all around the globe. Stay healthy and take... so, I finally made a decision which track we’re gonna put out tomorrow for you. But no reason to be disappointed. Please check out the third excerpt from the interview with Gold below. That happened with „Next Generation“, a song, we... Dear Friends, what is Albert Einstein’s relativity formula paired with the colour code of Ultramarine doing in a post on Alphaville’s social media? I hope you all had a great day as much as one can in the days of this epidemic. Contact. And „Summer in Berlin“ is a paradigm for it. Para anggota pendirinya adalah penyanyi utama Marian Gold (nama asli: Hartwig Schierbaum, kelahiran 26 Mei 1954 di Herford), Bernhard Lloyd (nama asli: Bernhard Gössling, kelahiran 2 Juni 1960 di Enger), dan Frank Mertens (nama asli: Frank Sorgatz, kelahiran 26 Oktober 1961 di Enger). The concert in Cittadella on June 26th had to be rescheduled to August 31st. Time travel... Dear Friends, I’m such a lucky guy! Lets start with the latter one.... Dear Friends, years ago I found a record cover of Colin Bluntstone’s LP „One Year“ at the website of a vinyl record collector. We’re excited to announce that “In Those... We wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a wonderful NEW year! Alphaville adalah sebuah grup musik synth-pop Jerman yang meraih ketenaran pada 1980an. – The official Alphaville weblog; Alphaville at AllMusic; Alphaville discography at MusicBrainz This page was last edited on 28 March 2021, at 21:35 (UTC). What about a time travel? Marian Gold. Can you hear the light? Booking:Christian Mielkebooking@alphaville.dePlease note: this is a business contact, only. In short, we move beyond reality, we … In summer 2007 we were touring Norway for a couple of consecutive concerts and during one of our daily soundchecks David played this compelling arpeggio... Dear Friends, in these conflicting and dramatic times we send you this song as a sign of our love and affection. We believe everybody should live the life the way... “In Brasil transgender people have a life expectancy of 35 years – THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. 5.548 Personen sprechen darüber. Alphaville Moonbase (official) - YouTube – Official Alphaville YouTube channel; Alphaville now! Alphaville Moonbase (official) 157,200 views. When I was considering which lyric line I should add to the illustration for February,... Dear Friends, now with the beginning of 2021 many challenges and projects are laying in front of Alphaville. Well, I am just sitting here... Liebe Freunde, aufgrund des momentan akut grassierenden Corona Virus gibt es Einschränkungen und Absagen für viele öffentliche Veranstaltungen. (Please click on the pic above to see it entirely! We have... Dear Friends, coming Monday’s song IN THE GODS is a complete new recording, we did for you just three weeks ago. Don’t miss to check out the video... What left Gold speechless? 50+ videos Play all '80s Sing-Alongs YouTube Music; Sounds Like a Melody - Duration: 4:46. “Hotel“ is the name of the... Dear Friends, here’s the promised news to coming Monday’s next Korona song: On the 9th of September, migrants locked up in the Moria refugee location... … here’s the promised news to coming Monday’s next Korona song: On the 9th of September, migrants locked up in the Moria refugee location on... We are proud to let you know that “Forever Young” got more than a quarter of a billion (!) Contact. 6:12. Mr. …das Benefizkonzert in Rheinbach bei Bonn am 25. Dear Friends, we are very proud to present the spectacular video for Renard’s first single release “HOTEL”, featuring Marian Gold, who contributed vocals and lyrics.... What happens, if Renard, co-founder of the German band „Wolfsheim“ and Marian Gold of Alphaville decide to work together? Dear Friends, we are sorry to inform you that the concert in Senigallia (August 19th) and Rimini (August 20th) had to be postponed to 2020.... Marian Gold (Alphaville) | Wie schreibt man einen Welthit? It reached the Top 30 in Aus­tria, Italy and in the US Club Play chart. What we have here for August is a complete brand new recording of an... I’ve just seen videos of this terrible explosion in Beirut. Please keep in mind that Marian Gold is not corresponding nor sending messages via Instagram or Facebook – if you received a message, it is... …please don’t miss to check out the live section for recently announced concert dates! It was released on the first disc called "(The Terrible Truth About Paradise)" Link to my other youtube … So, what... Hello everybody, as you know, Alphaville created their first calendar ever for 2021, illustrating the new year as a fictitious walk through a colorful gallery... Today we started working on a new song, CLUES. I have you wonderful guys from all... We are happy to announce the release of the Alphaville Corona-Video No. Mai 2019… Rheinbach. Alphaville Moonbase (official) 75,474 views. Enjoy the story of “Sounds Like A Melody”, In German: Podcast “Reflektor” mit Jan Müller und MG. Do a thalassotherapy in a hotel in Crete. Booking:Christian Mielkebooking@alphaville.dePlease note: this is a business contact, only. Egal, wie du aussiehst, welche Sprache... “Look into the eyes of the next generation…”, News: “Afternoons in Utopia” and “The Breathtaking Blue”, People are People! The album's … Management: Christian Mielke Not a single song featured on Dreamscapes had ever been heard before that release in … We... Dear friends, hotel rooms are strange places. They are generally anonymous and blank. … thank you all for your kind wishes. I have a recommendation for all stressed souls out there. Check out the brand new and first official Alphaville playlist on Spotify: Find the latest releases like “Summer in Berlin” and “Sounds Like A... HOMESICKNESS is a terrible feeling but it creates great songs. Besucht unsere Website oder schaut auf unserem YouTube Channel vorbei, um unsere "We have Music for you" Aktion nicht zu verpassen! Moonbase:If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contactClaudia Contact. „Inklusion bedeutet, dass jeder Mensch ganz natürlich dazu gehört. Thomas Hermanns (in German). Shine on, old chap! This... … dear friends and fans, for the kind birthday wishes. Here’s the news: Last week we wrote 6 great new songs: 1.) E-mail: Dear Friends, what is the secret behind writing Christmas songs? I’m in a band of gorgeous musicians and really fine people. And since... … concerning the song for next Monday, I have one good and one not so good news for you. Since the pandemic is still around, we... Dear Friends, Lily asked me to comment on the twelve monthly motifs featured inside this year’s Alphaville calendar, which I gladly will do. It is hard to explain how happy it makes you if... Stay tuned for more info! Booking: Christian Mielke Well, you should have a few musical skills at least, furthermore a soft spot for... … is the name of Alphaville’s Christmas song that has been released in numberless versions since many years as the bands‘ Christmas Tradition. Management: Christian Mielke In short, we move... … coming Monday the 11th song of our „Corona-series“ will be presented to the public and I can assert you that this time it will... Marian Gold, June 7th, 2020: “Dear Friends, the last three days Tobi stayed at our home and we worked on the video for the next... Save the date: August 29th! Can you see the sound? In 1986, their sec­ond album, Af­ter­noons in Utopia, was re­leased and its first sin­gle "Dance With Me" was a Top 20 hit in Ger­many, France, Nor­way, Swe­den, Switzer­land, South Africa and in remix form on the US Hot Maxi Sin­gles chart. Management: Christian Mielke Please note: this is a business contact, only. Dear friends, 37 years after three innocent boys in a little village wrote a little song with not much intention but lots and lots of... … from Alphaville with love What I remember about the time when the Forever Young Album was released is that we received a promo-schedule from... … an ordinary 7inch record was released with a song on the A-side that was called „Forever Young“. Hallo Leute, gestern warn wir ja kurz mal in Norwegen und haben auf dem Tommerstock Festival in Brumunddal gespielt. Last Wednesday, we started another recording/composing session for “Thunderbaby” which is the working title for Alphaville’s next album. No title so far for this one 2.) You eventually will.... We don’t know why they disappear — but they always seem to return when we need them most. ... Alphaville’s channel at youTube; Alphaville Merchandise; Press Fan-Contact: Moonbase: If you have questions about the band and their releases please do not hesitate to refer to contact Claudia Pernold Yet, we all learned the same thing: How fragile this life we... Becky Hill’s rendition of Alphaville’s classic „Forever Young“ has been released November 15th, 2020. 8,017 Followers, 110 Following, 164 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alphaville Moonbase ( Available now: “Forever Young” remastered.