Wind Song had fire in the engine room in 2002, and the ship was scuttled. Category:Windstar Cruises. Initial visibility: currently defaults to autocollapse To set this template's initial visibility, the |state= parameter may be used: |state=collapsed: {{Windstar Cruises ships|state=collapsed}} to show the template collapsed, i.e., hidden apart from its title bar |state=expanded: {{Windstar Cruises ships|state=expanded}} to show the template expanded, i.e., fully visible Windstar Cruises. Windstar Cruises , küçük lüks yolcu gemilerinden oluşan bir filoyu işleten bir yolcu gemisi hattıdır. A 3rd Engineer is required to join a luxury cruise and motor yacht company! Owned by parent company Carnival and overseen by sister line Holland America, Windstar draws on all levels of experience to deliver a superb vacation in a yacht-like atmosphere. Windstar cruises is een Amerikaanse cruiselijn dat beschikt over een vloot van kleine, luxueuse cruiseschepen. Windstar canceled all cruises with pre-scheduled departures between March 14, 2020, through June 2021. Droit d'auteur: les textes sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions; d’autres conditions peuvent s’appliquer.Voyez les conditions d’utilisation pour plus de détails, ainsi que les crédits graphiques. Windstar Cruises es una línea de cruceros que opera una flota de pequeños cruceros de lujo. Die Wind Star entstand in der Werft von Ateliers et Chantiers du Havre in Le Havre als Typschiff einer Klasse von drei neuartigen Segel-Kreuzfahrtschiffen mit vier Masten und computergesteuerten Segeln. Windstar Cruises é uma pequena linha de cruzeiros de navios com sede em Seattle, Washington. Pacífico, México y regiones costeras de EE. De lijn exploiteert een vloot van zes boetieksuite en zeiljachten die 148-342 gasten vervoeren in Europa, het Caribisch gebied, Costa Rica en het Panamakanaal, Azië / Australië, Alaska en British Columbia, Canada en New England, Tahiti en het zuiden. La linea gestisce una flotta di sei boutique di sole suite e yacht a vela che trasportano 148-342 ospiti in tutta Europa, Caraibi, Costa Rica e Canale di Panama, Asia / Australia, Alaska e Columbia Britannica, Canada e New England, Tahiti e Sud Pacifico, Messico e regioni costiere degli Stati Uniti. Salg av Windstar til Xanterra Travel Collection . Jego sześć jachtów przewozi od 148 do 310 gości i pływa do 50 krajów, zawijając do 150 portów w całej Europie, na południowym Pacyfiku, na Karaibach i w Ameryce Środkowej. MyWindstar Home; Why Book Excursions w/ Us; All-In Amenities Package-$89 ; Setting Sail Brochure; 800.258.7245 Sign up for Special Offers Request Brochure. Altı yatı sadece 148 ila 310 misafir taşıyor ve 50 ülkeye seyahat ediyor, Avrupa, Güney Pasifik, Karayipler ve Orta Amerika'daki 150 limanı ziyaret ediyor. The entire wiki with photo and video galleries for each article. La línea opera una flota de seis yates boutique y de vela que transportan a 148-342 huéspedes en toda Europa, el Caribe, Costa Rica y el Canal de Panamá, Asia / Australia, Alaska y Columbia Británica, Canadá y Nueva Inglaterra, Tahití y el sur. MSY Wind Surf is a five-mast staysail schooner that is one of the largest sailing cruise ships in the world, and can carry up to 342 passengers, in a total of 150 ocean-view staterooms, 18 ocean-view suites and 2 deluxe bridge suites, along with a crew of 210. Its six yachts carry just 148 to 310 guests and cruise to 50 nations, calling at 150 ports throughout Europe, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and Central America. Windstar Cruises to linia statków wycieczkowych, która obsługuje flotę małych luksusowych statków wycieczkowych. Jump to navigation Jump to search Windstar Cruises cruise ship line. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Windstar Cruises is een kleine cruisemaatschappij met het hoofdkantoor in Seattle, Washington. Wind Star cruise ship was built as the first tall sailing ship in the fleet of Windstar Cruises. Cette compagnie a été créée en 1984 sous le nom de Windstar Sail Cruises. Windstar Cruises - это небольшая круизная компания со штаб-квартирой в Сиэтле, штат Вашингтон. Si ass een Deel vum Grupp vu Croisièren, déi ënner dem Numm "World's Leading Cruise Lines" ugebueden a vermaart ginn. Carnival Cruise Line Inc. (abgekürzt CCL), bis 2014 Carnival Cruise Lines Inc., ist eine Kreuzfahrtreederei und die Gründungsgesellschaft des britisch-US-amerikanischen Konzerns Carnival Corporation & plc.Ihr Firmensitz ist in Miami ().. Mit ihrer gleichnamigen Kreuzfahrtmarke befördert Carnival Cruise Line etwa 4,5 Mio. In mei 2014 heeft Windstar zijn vloot uitgebreid. Windstar Cruises es una línea de cruceros que opera una flota de pequeños cruceros de lujo. Windstar cruise ship ratings can help eager passengers determine whether or not this is a good line for their next ocean-going getaway. De schepen varen naar 50 landen, verdeeld over 150 havens in Europa, de Caraïben en Centraal-Amerika. Die Wind Star ist ein 1986 für Windstar Cruises in Dienst gestelltes Kreuzfahrtschiff und das Typschiff einer Klasse aus insgesamt drei baugleichen Schwesterschiffen.. Geschichte. Operations are currently planned to resume in 2021 on June 19 (Star Breeze/Caribbean and Wind Star/Mediterranean-Greek Islands), July 15 (Wind Spirit/Tahiti), August 8 (Wind Surf/Europe-Mediterranean-Adriatic), September 4 (Star Legend/UK-British Isles), November 3 (Star … The Windstar Cruises Fleet. Windstar Cruises 3rd Engineer. Its six yachts carry just 148 to 310 guests and cruise to 50 nations, calling at 150 ports throughout Europe, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and Central America. Windstar Cruises - filiale de Carnival depuis 1989, cédée à Ambassadors International en 2007. Destinations; Ships; Windstar Style; Special Offers; Already Booked; My Windstar. Windstar Cruises is a cruise ship line that operates a fleet of small luxury cruise ships. I mars 2007 solgte Carnival Windstar til Ambassadors International for 100 millioner dollar.. 1. april 2011 begjærte Windstars morselskap Ambassadors International kapittel 11 konkurs .En konkurskurs i Delaware holdt en to-dagers auksjon, og Anschutz Corporation vant Windstar Cruises med et bud på $ 39 millioner. Its six yachts carry just 148 to 310 guests and cruise to 50 nations, calling at 150 ports throughout Europe, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and Central America. She is a member of a very specific class of three sister vessels - Wind Star, Wind Spirit and Wind Song. Windstar Cruises es una pequeña línea de cruceros con sede en Seattle, Washington. Its six yachts carry just 148 to 310 guests and cruise to 50 nations, calling at 150 ports throughout Europe, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and Central America. Violations répétées des lois environnementales . Princess Cruises is a cruise line owned by Carnival Corporation & plc . Historique. La Windstar Cruise fu fondata come Windstar Sail Cruises nel 1984 e la sua prima nave, la Wind Star fu varata nel 1986, e fu seguita dalla Wind Song che fu varata nel 1987 e dalla Wind Spirit che fu varata nel 1988. As of 2018, it is the second largest cruise line by net revenue. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 1 novembre 2012 à 01:53. Furono ordinate altre due navi dal cantiere francese "Sociéte Nouvelle des Ateliers et Chantiers du Havre": Wind Surf e Wind Saga. Windstar Cruises è una piccola compagnia di crociere con sede a Seattle, Washington. Sen kuudella jahdilla on vain 148-310 vierasta ja risteily 50 maahan, käymällä 150 satamassa kaikkialla Euroopassa, eteläisellä Tyynellämerellä, Karibialla ja Keski-Amerikassa. Windstar Cruises is a popular cruise line that blends adventure, luxury, and exotic destinations together for an outstanding vacation experience. The company is incorporated in Bermuda and its headquarters are in Santa Clarita, California. La Windstar Cruise fu fondata come Windstar Sail Cruises nel 1984 e la sua prima nave, la Wind Star fu varata nel 1986, e fu seguita dalla Wind Song che fu varata nel 1987 e dalla Wind Spirit che fu varata nel 1988. Windstar Cruises was founded in 1984 to offer an outstanding travel experience to cruisers who wanted something different than modern megaships and tourist destinations. A linha opera uma frota de seis boutique all-suites e iates à vela transportando 148-342 convidados em toda a Europa, Caribe, Costa Rica e Canal do Panamá, Ásia / Austrália, Alasca e Colúmbia Britânica, Canadá e Nova Inglaterra, Taiti e o Sul Pacífico, México e regiões costeiras dos EUA. A Windstar Cruises egy hajójárat , amely kis luxushajókból álló flottát üzemeltet.Hat jachtja csak 148–310 vendéget szállít, és 50 országhoz hajózik, 150 kikötőhöz érkezve Európa-szerte, a Csendes-óceán déli részén, a Karib-tengeren és Közép-Amerikában. Deze schepen vervoeren 148 tot 310 passagiers. Windstar Cruises on risteilyaluslinja, jolla liikennöi pieni ylellinen risteilyalus. In May 2014, Windstar added to its sailing y Si gehéiert der Carnival Corporation a gëtt vun hir zesumme mat Cunard geréiert. UU. Windstar Cruises is a cruise ship line that operates a fleet of small luxury cruise ships. The successful candidate will be able to keep watch over the entire engine room under the supervision of the 2nd Engineer during his assigned shift and make a check round during his shift to assure that all machinery and equipment is working satisfactorily. Windstar Cruises is a cruise ship line that operates a fleet of small luxury cruise ships. Furono ordinate altre due navi dal cantiere francese "Sociéte Nouvelle des Ateliers et Chantiers du Havre": Wind Surf e Wind Saga. Storylines MV Narrative cruise ship itinerary, 2021-2022-2023 itineraries (homeports, dates, prices), cruise tracker (ship location now/current position tracking), review, news Welcome to My Windstar My Windstar is the place to purchase and manage Shore Excursions for your upcoming cruise. Windstar Cruises is a cruise ship line that operates a fleet of small luxury cruise ships. Seabourn Cruise Line ass eng Croisière-Linn an der héijer Luxus-Class.D'Linn mécht Croisière ronderëm d'Welt, mat enger Dauer vu siwe bis iwwer 100 Deeg.