Dengan mengenakan busana putih serta rambut dibiarkan terurai, Anisha tampak cantik. His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah of Brunei. Anisha merupakan cucu dari Pehin Dato Haji Isa, salah satu penasihat dari ayah Mateen, Sultan Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah. Wanita yang dikabarkan kekasih Pangerang Abdul Mateen, Anisha Isi. Those would be some ridiculously good-looking babies. When he is not playing sports or attending to princely responsibilities, he … Prince Mateen’s Instagram account. 201.2k Likes, 1,776 Comments - Mateen (@tmski) on Instagram: “The House of Bolkiah #missingone” The blue-blooded bachelor has a a loyal following online (he now has 2.3 million followers on Instagram) and in real life. Prince Mateen is the fourth son of Brunei's ruler, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, who has seven daughters and five sons, as well as an estimated fortune of $20 billion. Foto: Instagram @anishaik. He’s a simple guy at heart. The Brunei team, which also includes Prince Mateen’s sister, Princess Azemah Ni’matul Bolkiah, won over the Philippines’ polo bets on November 24 at the Inigo Zobel Polo Facility. But if we're drawing princely comparisons here, I have to say, what always won me over with Prince Harry was his relatable boyishness. Look, this man is super fine. A sweet photo of HRH Prince Mateen with her beloved daddy, His Majesty Sultan Hassanah Bolkiah. Namun, beberapa kali mereka memang terlihat tampil bersama di sejumlah acara. As of today, he has almost 370,000 followers. 1,663 Followers, 241 Following, 114 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Abdul Mateen Bolkiah (@mateenbolkiahnews_) Agar Tum Sirf Apne Liye Zinda Ho, To Iska Matlab Ye H ki Tum Apne Qaum k Liye Zinda Lash Ho. Foto: Instagram @anishaik. 4,138 Followers, 31 Following, 40 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from HRH Abdul Mateen Bolkiah (@mateenid) 805 Likes, 19 Comments - HRH Abdul Mateen Bolkiah (@mateenid) on Instagram: “#tmski #princemateen #mateen #mateenbolkiah #abdulmateen #prince #princeabdulmateen…” Tak hanya itu, payung silver hitam yang digenggam tangan kanannya, menambah kesan. . Namun kabarnya, Mateen sudah memiliki kekasih bernama. Throwback to 25 years ago. # vote2020 # GHMCElections2020 195 talking about this. - Setelah mengunggah foto-foto saat menghadiri pelantikan Presiden Joko Widodo, Pangeran Abdul Mateen atau Pangeran Mateen kembali jadi perbincangan ramai di media sosial.. Unggahan putra keempat dan anak kesepuluh Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah itu dihujani komentar-komentar para warganet, terutama kaum hawa dari Indonesia.. Pakar gender Universitas Sebelas Maret, Sri … Foto: Instagram @anishaik. Citations: Brunei's hottest royal is Asia's answer to Prince Harry (Mashable), 19 Questions with the Prince of Brunei (GQ), Brunei's hottest royal is Asia's answer to Prince Harry. Apne # Vote ka sahi istemal kare. If you noticed, we can see every picture of little Prince Mateen was wearing a gold necklace on his neck. Seperti saat momen hari raya, ia mengunggah foto ketika tengah berpose dengan ibu dan kakaknya. Abdul Mateen is currently single, according to our records. Aug 5, 2018 - Explore Tasha's board "Bolkiah dynasty", followed by 308 people on Pinterest. I can't deny it. Photo: Instagram Mateen is the prince of Brunei, which is a tiny nation on the island of Borneo, in two distinct sections surrounded by Malaysia and the South China Sea. Anisha tampak anggun dengan mengenakan busana sari khas India. Seperti saat menghadiri salah satu rekannya di India. Prince Mateen, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. One of Asia’s most eligib... le blue-blood bachelors, Prince Abdul Mateen is the epitome of a prince charming. Dalam cuitannya itu, ia meminta netizen untuk berhenti melakukan tindakan tersebut dan meminta untuk tidak berlebihan saat menulis komentar di akun Instagram Pangeran Abdul Mateen. He has just celebrated his 29th birthday is the 10th of 12 siblings fathered by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei. 4.3K likes. 2.3m Followers, 571 Following, 915 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mateen (@tmski) Selain cantik, Anisha Isa juga dikenal sebagai orang yang. The 10th son of His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen is the whole package — in ... Mateen will save the day in; in today's age of Instagram. Born 10 August 1991. What a cute necklace I think … Happy Birthday to Prince ‘Abdul Mateen of Brunei, who turns 28 today! Gaya Anisha yang tak kalah keren adalah ketika berada di salah pusat perbelanjaan. When he was first introduced by GQ to the people of Thailand, the response was massive. Mateen's Instagram follower count quickly swelled from 90,000 to 240,000. dan Mateen terlihat berada di lokasi yang sama. 17.3k Followers, 65 Following, 310 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Team MB (@mateenbolkiahfan) 9,838 Followers, 18 Following, 275 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mateen (@tmskisquad) Putra ketiga Sultan Brunei Darussalam ini viral di media sosial TikTok dan Instagram karena kehadirannya pada pelantikan Presiden Joko Widodo beberapa waktu lalu. Brunei’s Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah led his nation’s polo team to the bronze medal at the Southeast Asian Games in the Philippines. Sosoknya yang tampan dan merupakan anak dari Sultan Brunei Darussalam, membuat namanya menjadi bahan perbicangan netizen. 12,156 talking about this. akhir-akhir ini tengah menjadi bahan perbicangan di media sosial. Gym tersebut juga merupakan salah satu lokasi olahraga yang didatangi Pangeran Abdul Mateen. His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah of Brunei. Join Facebook to connect with Mateen Bolkiah and others you may know. Seperti pada foto tersebut. The Bruneian Prince was born in Brunei on August 10, 1991. Wanita yang dikabarkan kekasih Pangeran Abdul Mateen, Anisha Isi (kiri). Born with a silver spoon, Abdul Mateen is the tenth child and fourth son of His Majesty Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei. Ia kerap menghabiskan waktu luangnya untuk berolahraga. Sementara Mateen mengenakan hitam panjang selutut serta celana krem. Le prince Mateen, quant à lui, a suivi une éducation dans les meilleures école de Brunei et dans les deux plus grandes universités du pays, dont la prestigieuse Jerudong Internalional School. Anisha Isa tak hanya dikenal cantik saat mengenakan makeup. Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah of Brunei, son of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, is part of the Sultanate’s polo team which clinched an early victory in the sporting event. Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah, one of Asia’s most eligible blue-blooded bachelors, loves polo playing, skydiving, beaches and wild animals. Formally known as Prince Mateen of Brunei, he is the tenth child of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and his second wife Mariam. The fourth son of the Sultan of Brunei by his second wife Puan Mariam Binte Abdul Aziz, Prince Mateen shares about his royal and military duties, holidays in tropical destinations and fitness regimes. 'Abdul Mateen (Malay: Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Muda Abdul Mateen; born 10 August 1991) is the tenth child and fourth son of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei by his former second wife, Puan Hajah Mariam binti Haji Abdul Aziz, who is half Bruneian, a … Prince Mateen happens to be a member of the Sultanate's polo team. Sosoknya yang tampan dan merupakan anak dari Sultan Brunei Darussalam, membuat namanya menjadi bahan perbicangan netizen. Keduanya tampak serasi dalam foto itu. 209 talking about this. -Kalebic. Wanita yang dikabarkan kekasih Pangerang Abdul Mateen, Anisha Isa. Abdul Mateen Bolkiah is the tenth child of Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan of Brunei and his former second wife, Mariam. Mengenakan busana atasan serba hitam, sepatu dan tas hitam, serta celana jeans, ia tampil modis. Dalam foto itu, Anisha terlihat tengah istirahat sembari memainkan laptop. 11.9k Followers, 15 Following, 433 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tmski Gallery (@mateenbolkiahfans) Foto: Instagram @anishaik. Animal-lover, pilot, and Instagram sensation Prince Abdul Mateen has a large social media following for a good reason, one of which is his impeccable manners, South China Morning Post reported. Tindakan netizen yang ‘menyerang’ akun Instagram Anisha ini pun kemudian diprotes oleh salah satu pengguna media sosial Twitter dengan akun @fqllingthrough. See more ideas about abdul mateen, brunei, prince charming., Jakarta Baru-baru ini, Pangeran dari Brunei Darussalam, yakni Pangeran Abdul Mateen Bolkiah sedang menjadi perbincangan hangat di kalangan warganet. His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah of Brunei. View the profiles of people named Mateen Bolkiah. Namun, wajah tanpa riasan pun tetap memperlihatkan pesona dari wanita lulusan universitas ternama di Inggris ini. Prince Mateen is Prince of Brunei, the 10th son of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Tak banyak foto Anisha berdua dengan Pangeran Abdul Mateen di akun Instagram miliknya. Prince Abdul Mateen. Instagram Prince Mateen is the fourth son of Brunei's ruler, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, who has seven daughters and five sons, as well as an estimated fortune of $20 billion. The shocking death of HRH Prince Haji ‘Abdul ‘Azim, second eldest son of Brunei’s monarch, was announced on October 24, 2020 and his family soon came into focus. Nah, berikut beberapa potret dari sosok kekasih pangeran Abdul Mateen ini. The days of fantasizing about Prince Harry are long gone now that he has a girlfriend. Instagram post by Prince Mateen Bolkiah fanpage • Sep 4, 2017 at 3:14pm UTC 484 Likes, 34 Comments - Prince Mateen Bolkiah fanpage (@tmski_fanpage) on Instagram: “May Allah protect him always so he can sleep peacefully and always smile.... knowing he is loved by…” Nama Abdul Mateen akhir-akhir ini tengah menjadi bahan perbicangan di media sosial. Enter Brunei's Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah, son of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Sure, we can still dream, but damn, it's hard not to ship him and Meghan Markle together. After Brunei grabbed its first win against the Philippines in the SEA Games polo event last November 24, the 28-year-old prince also won the hearts of many Filipino fans. Tak hanya memperlihatkan kegiatan sehari-harinya, Anisha juga kerap membagikan momen saat kumpul bersama keluarga. Anisha terlihat berada di salah satu lokasi Gym di Brunei Darussalam. La plupart des enfants du sultan Hassanal Bolkiah vivent une partie de l’année en-dehors du pays, au Royaume-Uni pour la plupart, là où ils sont éduqués et suivent leur enseignement militaire.