Rachel accompanies Lindsay to court for her mother's trial, but Marion's case isn't going well. Relevance. Add … It's work experience day at Waterloo Road. After Steph warns Kim about Max he tries to get her sacked,trying to make out that Jo wants her out. Josh's treatment of Lauren leads to Tom's first disappointment in his son. Darcy Isa as Lauren Andrews (20 episodes), Thomas Milner as Paul Langley (20 episodes), Tachia Newall as Bolton Smilie (19 episodes), Lauren Thomas as Aleesha Dillon (19 episodes), Richie Jeeves as Luke Pendle (7 episodes), Mykola Allen as Michael Vale; Pupil (1 episode), Jamie Birtwistle as Craig Moran; Pupil (1 episode), Josh Brown as Aiden Keen; Pupil (1 episode), Claire Hackett as Jacqui Keen; Aiden's mother (1 episode), Tom McKay as Mark Moran; Craig's brother (1 episode), Maisie-Jo Stahl as Bianka Vale; Pupil (1 episode), Charlotte Wakefield as Cassie Turner; Pupil (1 episode), This page was last edited on 25 February 2021, at 16:57. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Overweight pupil Aiden Keen accuses Kim of bullying him after she confiscates his sweets but when his mother comes to the school to protest Kim convinces her that she is not only spoiling her son by giving him unhealthy food but endangering his... Josh is now living with Tom,who plans a birthday party for him. When Ruby sneaks home to pick up some forgotten ingredients, however, she is confronted with bailiffs and John is forced to admit that his company is bankrupt. New boy Finn's disruptive behaviour continues at Waterloo Road and he persuades Josh and Amy to join him in smoking a legal high. Thus it... A new term starts and new pupil Finn Sharkey,whom Chris expelled from a previous school,proves to be a disruptive influence. In the observation gallery Michaela and Ros McCain are horrified to learn about Lindsay's sexual abuse. Three different box sets of the fifth series were released. Grantly allows Bianka Vale to go out with her estranged father Gary on her birthday,unaware that Gary is the subject of a restraining order from seeing his children. Rachel is forced to speak to her about her drug abuse and persuade her to seek help. She survives but Jo tells Steph that she is the ... Pupil Luke Pendle has kept it secret that he lives in a care home but his girlfriend Siobhan,suspicious that he keeps his home life secret,follows him and finds out. The fifth series of the British television drama series Waterloo Road began broadcasting on 28 October 2009 and ended on 15 July 2010 on BBC One. The final two episodes of the series were delayed by four weeks, due to the 2010 FIFA World Cup, airing on 14 and 15 July respectively. Meanwhile Steph, with the help of Oliver, organises the school prom. After another row Luke steals and crashes Max's car but Kim urges the executive head to be understanding and not call the police. Series 5: Episode 8. Transfer Student Uniforms: When Waterloo Road merges with private school John Foster's in Series 5, the John Foster's kids still wear their old uniforms for a while. Adam's new menu is a great success,somewhat to Rose's annoyance and when Adam and Rachel get ... Rachel feels Adam is trying to be one of the kids after he has been seen at a gig with some sixth formers but he tells her to lighten up as he feels she is taking life too seriously. Lindsay and Emily James react differently when Rachel takes them to their father's funeral. Chris refuses to back Max but Helen decides it best for her to go,though,unbeknown to Max,she leaves Rachel a compromising film of them together. Tom, who was 24 at the time of playing a 17-year-old on Waterloo Road, plays Jesus in the post-apocalyptic horror series and has been a regular on the show since 2016. Due to extensive news coverage on 11 May 2010, EastEnders and Holby City were instead shown on 12 May, and Waterloo Road was postponed for 2 weeks, due to the already scheduled Holby City episode on 19 May. However she is appalled to find he has gone bankrupt,thus curtailing her elegant life style. Thanks. Tensions increase when. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Waterloo Road: Complete Series 5 [Region 2] at Amazon.com. It's the day of Helen Hopewell's first official inspection and she is desperate to impress. any help much appreciated :) Answer Save. Tom is brought down to earth when he meets Georgia,who confirms his paternity of Josh. When Rachel follows she and Bianka are in danger as Gary plans to blow them up to spite his ex-wife and they have a narrow escape. [4], The number is based on available ratings data posted on the, Series 2 Episodes 1–7, 11 and 12, Series 3 Episodes 1–9 and Series 5 Episode 1 were shown on, The episode did not appear in the top 30 viewings on the BARB website, "Weekly Top 30 Programmes (See relevant weeks)", "Waterloo Road: Series Five - Autumn Term", "Waterloo Road: Series Five - Spring Term", "Waterloo Road: The Complete Series Five", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Waterloo_Road_(series_5)&oldid=1008896630, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The hostility between the ex-John Fosters pupils and their Waterloo Road peers continues unabated. On a visit to an art gallery Finn persuades girlfriend Anna to prove her devotion by drawing their names on a valuable painting,which she does,but is caught on CCTV. The staff there are overextended and underpaid. Waterloo Road: Series 5 Complete Boxset (dvd) BUY NOW It s a new term at Waterloo Road  and to say that nothing will be the same again is an understatement. Rachel takes Adam to task but ... Kim and Chris find their relationship in danger of becoming more than professional . 1/15 Which former pupil is the new secretary in Series 6? Things are going from bad to worse for Ruby. The budgets seem to get tighter, and the kids do not behave appropriately. The first series contained eight episodes and was first broadcast from 9 March to 27 April 2006. Jo has been nominated for an award, but there is tension between her and Steph. Does anyone know anything about waterloo road series 5? To make matters worse she takes the year 10 class on a trip to a local farm, only for it to be a disaster from the outset with Lauren and Sambuca involved in an act of theft and Josh ending up in hospital. Grantly clashes with Ruby whilst Jo continues to criticise Steph and Rachel is unhappy that Max makes decisions without consulting her. Craig tells Ruby that the farm is in a bad way, Mark only taking it on to please their late father and he hoped Ruby would persuade Mark to sell. It's year eight pupil Bianka Vale's birthday but the only present she wants is to spend time with her dad, Gary, who has separated from her mum. Due to extensive news coverage on 11 May 2010, EastEnders and Holby City were instead shown on 12 May, and Waterloo Road was postponed for two weeks, due to the already scheduled Holby City episode on 19 May. Ruby Fry, meanwhile, has taken it upon herself to upgrade the school's buffet menu and puts caviar and other pricey sundries on her husband, John's, company credit card. When i say anything i mean ANY information on it at all. Waterloo Road Quiz Series 5, 6 && 7. [N 1] It featured one of the biggest cast changes in the show's history. Elsewhere, overweight pupil Aidan causes difficulties and Rachel searches for a new Healthy Eating Head, but gets a blast from the past. 22/12/09 - 22:45 in Soaps #1. thoughts about the current series of waterloo road... What storylines do you like and what storylines would you like to see in the future?? Waterloo Road Season 5 Episode 10: Series 5, Episode 10 Summary: The governors arrive at the school to see how the merger is going. The arrival of new executive head Max Tyler, who is constantly at war with Rachel Mason. Denise played Waterloo Road's relatively useless but fun-loving french teacher Steph Haydock from series 1 until the end of series 5. The rivalry between the 2 schools triggers several fights and culminates in a mass brawl, which leaves Helen Hopewell unable to cope with the psychological pressure. Lauren and Josh are less than impressed with their jobs as a hairdresser and chef respectively while Chris ends up with. Ruby organizes a clothes swap among the students but is caught by Rachel taking the best clothes for herself and warned by Rachel about her increasingly strange behaviour. Rachel, Chris and Kim all come together to find the pair, but Rachel's determination to solve the issue at hand has an effect on Adam, who openly questions her commitment to him, putting their marriage in jeopardy. Chris gets revenge by giving him total authority and standing back as he is laughed at by his pupils. Drama. After Cassie has screamed abuse at Ruby and run away Kim tracks her down and it is discovered that she has a mental condition,believing people are out to persecute her. Waterloo Road Season show reviews & Metacritic score: New deputy head Christopher Mead get unwanted attention from a student and realises he's some what of a pin-up for the children. Tom, worried about his son's behaviour, questions Josh who "fesses" up – believing that his dad would be cool about it as they are more like friends than father and son. Many of the teachers feel that their job is pointless, and the pupils couldn't care less about their education. There is a school like Waterloo Road in every town in Britain. Summary: Waterloo Road is a BBC television drama series set in Rochdale, and is about a failing comprehensive school. An enraged Max turns ... Nicknamed Hopeless Hopewell for her ineptitude as a teacher Helen faces an official inspection,which she passes with flying colours - but only because she has bribed Amy to keep the class under control. Watch this Waterloo Road video, Waterloo Road Series 5, Episode 2 Preview, on Fanpop and browse other Waterloo Road videos. The series follows the lives of the faculty and pupils of the Eponymous school, a failing inner-city comprehensive school. When Finn's parents tell him they are moving away with him he persuades the increasingly dependent Amy to take part in a suicide pact with him but they are prevented by Chris,who follows them to the beach where they intend to die. When quiet Year 10 student Cassie Turner accuses Amy, Siobhan and, later, Michaela of bullying her, it looks like the girl gang problem has returned to Waterloo Road. Whilst Ruby starts stealing school property to sell to pay off her debts Kim finds she is pregnant by Max. When Helen refuses to give her anymore more money Amy tells Rachel what has been going on. These are just other scraps of information from which you cand draw your own conclusions. New girl Amy has the hots for Bolton and is jealous that he is dating Michaela so gets her revenge when he slights her by claiming he raped her. Series 3 was commissioned, consisting of twenty episodes (which would become the normal length of the show's series), and premiered on 11 October 2007 and ending on 13 March 2008. Waterloo Road Season 5 Episode 8: Series 5, Episode 8 Summary: Helen pays Amy to make sure the class behave whilst she is being assessed. Waterloo Road. Share - Waterloo Road - Series 5 (DVD, 2011, 6-Disc Set) The listing you're looking for has ended. After they row publicly she agrees to resign for the stability of the school. Although she was only sixteen at the time, Chlo got permission from her real dad to marry Donte. As a result, around 100 new pupils are enrolled at Waterloo Road and neither the "posh" John Fosters pupils nor the "scuzzy" Waterloo Road kids are happy about it. However, Josh is stunned and humiliated by Tom's angry reaction and in retaliation he spikes Tom's lunch with the drug, which puts both Tom and Kim in danger. Paul and Bolton start bootlegging the ethanol to the other pupils, not realising how dangerous the side effects of their concoction could be. After a grilling from the prosecution, Lindsay breaks down in the witness box and finally confesses to Rachel the real events of that fateful day. Waterloo Road: The Complete Series Five DVD (2011) Denise Welch cert 12 3 discs When the Headteacher of the school has a nervous breakdown, Jack Rimmer is promoted to the position, much to his dismay. When Finn's parents tell him they're moving to Los Angeles, his relationship with Amy looks doomed. Filming will take a "back-to-back" approach, commencing almost directly after production on series 5 finishes. They were released with a "12" British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) certificate (meaning it is unsuitable for viewing by those under the age of 12 years). Things go overboard for Ruby when she locks Amy in a cupboard after refusing to allow her absence from the classroom to see Finn, and then even more so when, confronted with Rachel, she slaps her after Rachel accuses her of being drug-dependent. From Quiz: "Waterloo Road" (Series 5) (click to play it). The governors have arrived at Waterloo Road to inspect the merger. D&D Beyond 8 years ago. The fifth series of the British television drama series Waterloo Road began broadcasting on 25 October 2009, and ending on 15 July 2010 on BBC One. Max tries to get Philip to spy on Steph to find fault with her and when the boy refuses there is a scuffle,ending in ... On the last day of term the governors arrive to assess the merger and Max is out to get rid of Rachel. But for Kim it is not so easy to forget as she reveals that she is expecting Max's baby. It consists of twenty episodes, divided into two half series of ten episodes each. Max decides to use the day to try and persuade them to fire Rachel. He is also thwarted when,behind Rachel's back,he tries to float a scheme splitting students into groups according to their ability,and Grantly... Rachel and Max must bury their differences and put on a united front as the school's open day comes round. Year 10 pupil Luke Pendle has kept the fact that he lives in a care home a secret from everyone, including his girlfriend. Meanwhile Ruby runs an eventful talent show and Josh decides he wants to take a big step with Tom. Rachel tells Kim that Max is married and Kim dumps him. Danielle and Aleesha stagger into school after a night out drinking in Rochdale's bars and clubs. Ruby attempts to upgrade the school canteen by putting expensive items on the menu,paid for by her husband John's credit card. When Helen refuses to give in to further blackmail demands Amy tells Rachel. Cassie's best friends. Just another site. Find out:33. Ruby is still struggling to cope with her personal problems but is reluctant to take anti-depressants. KIm,unaware of this,is taken in when Max says he is ... Rachel accompanies Lindsay to court where she gives evidence of her father's abuse of her. The fifth series of the British television drama series Waterloo Road began broadcasting on 28 October 2009 and ended on 15 July 2010 on BBC One.The series follows the lives of the faculty and pupils of the Eponymous school, a failing inner-city comprehensive school.It consists of twenty episodes, divided into two half-series of ten episodes each. However Tom is shocked by his son's callousness to girlfriend Lauren who,in order to erase a large birthmark from her back which has caused her to be mocked by the school, steals hydrogen peroxide to bleach it out and ends up with an acid burn. For Amy, it's a far-from-pleasant experience and Josh has further side-effects when he starts hallucinating in class. In revenge Finn starts to vandalise the staff room and is stopped by Kim,who tells him he should be more adult. Reminder: Series 5 of Waterloo Road begins on BBC ONE, Wednesday 28th October 2009, and will be availabe for several weeks afterwards on the BBC iPlayer. Does anyone know where I can watch series 5 episode 1 onwards, I could only find episode 1 with parts 1,2 and 3 and would like to watch the rest of the series?? Ruby,accompanied by Steph,takes a group of pupils to a farm run by Mark Moran,older brother of Year 10 student Craig. Every student knows that at Waterloo Road, they will always be taken care of by the teaching staff. Ruby perks up when Adam gets her assisting him on his takeaway meals initiative. Chris meets up with an attractive longtime friend who wants more whilst on the trip. TV Waterloo Road Tom Clarkson Bbc Donte And Chlo. It's a battle of wills, won when Michaela stages a protest demanding to be allowed on the scheme and Rachel opens it up to everyone. Meanwhile, new pupil Finn Sharkey makes his presence felt, quickly making friends with Josh and Amy through his lack of respect for boundaries. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. All 1 songs featured in Waterloo Road season 5 episode 2: Episode 2, with scene descriptions. Rachel is annoyed that Max immediately believes Amy without hearing Bolton out but Kim unearths the truth and is praised by Max. Watch this Waterloo Road video, Waterloo Road Series 5, Episode 2 Preview, on फैन्पॉप and browse other Waterloo Road videos. Danielle and Aleesha get drunk and Steph hides Danielle in a cupboard during an assessment,rather than report her. Having just spent the night with Max, she now believes their romance might be reignited. 15 Questions - Developed by: Hope - Developed on: 2012-07-01 - 21,538 taken - 2 people like it Are you a Waterloo Road nerd? However when it all gets too much for her due to a surfeit of orders she panics and hits the fire alarm. Rachel announces she's engaged to Adam, whilst Ruby moves into a rundown flat, still taking medication. The first ten episodes of the series were released on 14 June 2010,[2] and the back ten episodes were released on 27 September 2010. Rachel is determined to put the chaos caused by Max Tyler's dramatic departure firmly behind them. Further trouble occurs when Chris's girlfriend Annas turns up and a jealous Kim goes into labour,resulting in a trip to hospital and a Caesarian. It's Open Day at Waterloo Road and the school is buzzing with preparations. Waterloo road knowledge (series 1- 4) May 8, 2014 HI . It's Josh's birthday and Tom is planning a party. Chaos results from the badly behaved visitors,triggered by Finn,and Josh is sprayed in the face with chemicals whilst the kids steal a pig. Answer: Donte Charles . Meanwhile, the end of term ball is being organised and to keep prices low for students, the organisers are tasked with fundraising ideas. SERIES 6 FILMING And for those who don't already know, although i presume most will by now, Series 6 has been comissioned by the BBC and will again, like Series 3-5, feature 20 episodes. However she is informed that Jen is Max's wife. Mark is desperate and wants to take Craig out of school to help him but Ruby shows that Craig is a good student,dissuading him,urging the brothers to join together and ... Kim is annoyed when Chris instigates an Advanced Preparation for University course aimed solely at star pupil Ros but he feels it would be wrong to open it to all as it would unfairly build up the hopes of the less bright students. Like when it starts? Ask questions and download or stream the entire soundtrack on Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, & Amazon. The series follows the lives of the faculty and pupils of the Eponymous school, a failing inner-city comprehensive school. 0 Kim and Chris come to blows over his introduction of an APU (Advanced Preparation for University) scheme for Ros, the school's brightest pupil. Adam starts making wedding preparations which affects Ruby whose husband has asked for a divorce. Filming began on 11 May 2009 and began airing from 28 October 2009 (25 October on BBC One Scotland). What Grantly doesn't realise is that there is a court order out against Gary, banning him from having unsupervised access to his children. Sick of fighting a turf war with Max, a defeated Rachel hands in her resignation, believing her departure will at least provide some stability at Waterloo Road.