Lumber and hardware were purchased in bulk. The New Deal programs introduced by the Roosevelt administration encouraged homeowners to refinance existing mortgages at a lower rate through programs established by the Federal Housing Administration. MORE: 7 budget small house designs (1956). For example, in their 1912 catalog, Sears said of their model No. step-saving utility room. Sears Kit Homes - 1916 - Craftsman-Style Four Plex - Concrete Block Foundation - 264P247 * * * Wareham Spacious Wareham - 1916 Sears Kit Homes - Craftsman Bungalow - Model 264P203 * * 1920 Bennett - Better-Built Contrary to popular belief Montgomery-Ward and Sears Roebuck did not discontinue their pre-cut housing departments because of customers who defaulted on their mortgages. bath, closets and a large utility room. MORE: Pink washers & dryers from the ’50s & ’60s. In addition to their pre-cut houses, some companies also sold only the house plans (with the homebuyer purchasing all the materials locally) or non-pre-cut versions of their houses (at a lower price), leaving it up to the buyer to arrange for construction and carpentry work. This is a very modern small home which proudly proclaims its Colonial heritage as well. Aladdin Kit Homes Manufactured by the Aladdin Company One of the longest lived and most successful kit home companies was the Aladdin Company, based … Aladdin created a very comprehensive body of advertising material through which to sell their homes to the public. in every room in the house. Here, see a collection of these little suburban houses — each one under 1000 square feet. The large view window and porch are pleasing features. "12,000 Easy Pieces,", "Aladdin Readi-Cut Houses," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Aladdin Kit Homes," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, Aladdin Company Archives, Clarke Historical Library, accessed 2 July 2011, "Bennett Homes," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Bennett Homes: Better-Built & Ready-Cut," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, Hunter, Rebecca. Hodson, Jeff. Thus, kit home manufacturers claimed to save the customer as much as 30 to 40 percent over traditional building methods. Nov 11, 2015 - 1950s Ranch Houses by mail. The exterior construction is of shingles or shakes. This 1950s house may look ordinary — but it has an incredible kitchen. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you think houses built from kits are shoddy, cheap and obvious -- think again. Designed in a modern attractive manner with large view window, fully equipped kitchen and all household conveniences. Because these structures were already familiar to returning WWII veterans, Two front dormers will provide light for at least two large bedrooms in the attic if added later. The attached garage is an integral part of the construction of the main building which is mainly brick, with some vertical siding employed for contrast. Dale Wolicki lists Saturday Evening Post, National Geographic, and Good Housekeeping as examples of nationwide magazines where Gordon-VanTine advertised. We compiled photos of design trends found in If you think houses built from kits are shoddy, cheap and obvious -- think again. A basement is provided. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. Kit house manufacturers sold houses in many different plans and styles, from simple bungalows to imposing Colonials, and supplied at a fixed price all materials needed for construction of a particular house, but typically excluding brick, concrete, or masonry (such as would b… Check out 15 quintessential fifties kitchens … A GLANCE at the exterior and floor plan of this home quickly indicates the modern design and efficiency that went into its planning, yet it has retained the traditional colonial charm which is its heritage. We want to say thanks by offering content just for you. [29] See, harv error: no target: CITEREFHenry2009 (, From 1929 to 1940 or later, the company also produced, Gordon-Van Tine Company Historic District, "Kit Home Information," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Historical Notes on Kit and Precut Homes,", accessed 28 June 2011, Wolicki, Dale, "Magazine,", accessed 28 June 2011, "Questions and Answers on Sears Homes," Sears Archives, accessed 5 July 2011, "What Is a Sears Modern Home?" Now that you know, have fun looking around! The Aladdin Company, out of Michigan, was building kit houses as early as 1908. The dinette is immediately adjacent to the kitchen, and is actually a part of the living room although it is unobtrusively set off in a complete bay of its own. Sears wanted Modern Homes to be cost-effective for buyers, which often meant purchasing materials locally and not from the few and geographically distant Sears lumber mills. She lists a variety of kit house companies. Of course, the Cape Cod homes of the 1950s were not replicas of historic Cape Cods. The simplification of its Colonial exterior definitely follows the modern trend. Note: This article may feature affiliate links, and purchases made may earn us a commission at no extra cost to you. It quickly became popular, especially in Europe and was first introduced to America in 1972. Photo booths And while we have collectively decided to leave some popular design choices in the decade they came from, other trends have proven they can withstand the changing tides of style.And some have cycled back into fashion after years of obsolescence. See what's coming up next The "Friends Only" content will change periodically, so add … In 1900, American homes were, on average, about 1000 square feet of living space. 1916 Avondale - Sears Kit Homes - Bungalow Craftsman with Interior View * * * Chelsea: American Foursquare - Colonial Revival - 1916 Sears Kit Homes * * * Edgemere: The Edgemere Model - 1916 Sears Homes - Small Two-story Farm House - No. Plans are available only with basement. Your email address will not be published. For example,[9]. Between 1908 and 1940, Sears sold about 70,000 kit homes in 48 states through their mail-order Modern A ready-cut house should not be confused with a sectional-portable house, which can be taken down and moved by being unbolted. Lumber was pre-cut to length, guaranteed to fit, ready to nail, and labeled for easy assembly. Fox Photos / Getty Images On February 6, 1952, Britain's Princess Elizabeth took over the responsibility of ruling England at … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. is made with ★ and ♥ by Synchronista LLC — © 2011-2021, America’s post-war housing boom was no small thing — millions of new homes were built in the decade following the end of. 10 'Beauty Tips' From The 1950s (That Sounds Ridiculous Today) Beauty standards have changed a lot since the 1950s, and it shows with these ridiculous beauty tips. "[8], Furthermore, some companies would provide reversed versions of their homes or make other modifications upon request. More than 100 years of stories, product and brand histories, photographs, catalog images and … It was not so much the layout, because our house has what I think is a rather unique The breezeway which is shown in the floor plan adds considerably to the spaciousness of the house, but it may be eliminated if a smaller width is desired for a narrow lot. This catalog is typical of others we see from many home manufacturers from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. The central hall makes all rooms easily accessible. 1953 Aladdin Kit Homes. A comfortable home for a man and wife. The exterior of this home is a pleasing arrangement of wood siding and shingles. [9], Over 100,000 kit homes were built in the United States between 1908 and 1940. Find out more here. [10], Kit houses were promoted through catalogs available at lumber yards and hardware stores, through the mail-order catalogs published by large retailers like Sears and Wards, and through advertisements in popular magazines and newspapers in those cities where kit home manufacturers had local sales offices. Get the facts now! In the 1950s, kitchens were a "woman's space," where housewives prepared meals in isolation. Vintage Kit Home Catalogs. Many call them Victorians or sometimes \"Painted Ladies.\" Often they were multi-story affairs but smaller \"folk\" cottages are common, especially in working class neighborhoods. If a basement is desired, the stairs may go down from the utility room. Look in classified phone book for your National Homes dealer. 1950s House Montgomery Ward Retro Home Mid Century House Kit Homes Vintage Advertisements The Borrowers Bungalow Mid-century Modern More information ... People also love these ideas ALSO SEE: Vintage ’50s master bedroom decor: See 50+ examples of retro home style. Throughout 1934 and 1935 customers paid-off their home mortgages with Sears and Montgomery. We want to say thanks by offering content just for you. Stark, Judy. The vestibule with guest closet and the natural fireplace in the living room are also important features. 1945-60 American Sets Immediately after World War Two production of TV sets started in the U.S. By the 1960's delivery of these kit homes shifted from rail to truck delivery, which may mean that there will be more homes of this vintage and later built further from rail stations. Without the profitable mortgage program Montgomery-Ward decided to discontinue its offerings of pre-cut houses and building materials entirely. "Lindal Cedar Homes founder dies,", 16 September 2011. Plumbing, electrical, and heating systems were available for an additional charge. Although a 1950s video about the National Homes factory proudly announces when employees install asbestos siding, the construction industry phased out the use of it about 20 years later due to its health hazards. Kit houses, also known as mill-cut houses, pre-cut houses, ready-cut houses, mail order homes, or catalog homes, were a type of housing that was popular in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere in the first half of the 20th century. Many of these were small starter homes that were inexpensive, practical, and could be constructed quickly. A lovely little cottage with an excellent arrangement of 5 rooms. Ranch-style architecture can be found everywhere in the United States, from California to New England. "Internet Archive Search: creator:"Ray H. Bennett Lumber Co., Inc. "Ready Built Homes," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Gordon-Van Tine," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, "Harris Brothers Bungalows," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Harris Brothers Co.," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, "Hewitt-Lea-Funck Co.," Antique Home Style, accessed 30 June 2011, "Kit Homes by Lewis Manufacturing," Antique Home, accessed 28 June 2011, "Lewis Manufacturing," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, "Pacific Ready Cut Homes: 1925," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 20 April 2016, "Pacific Ready Cut Homes," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, "Sears Roebuck Houses," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Sterling System Homes," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Sterling System Homes," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011, "Wardway Homes," The Arts and Crafts Society, accessed 28 June 2011, "Montgomery Ward - Wardway Homes," Antique Home Style, accessed 2 July 2011. To that end, there were lots of catalogs produced offering floorplans for sale, and many companies got into the prefabricated (“prefab”) home business to meet the increased demand. The exterior wall is of frame construction with double course wood shingles. Kit houses, also known as mill-cut houses, pre-cut houses, ready-cut houses, mail order homes, or catalog homes, were a type of housing that was popular in the United States, Canada, and elsewhere in the first half of the 20th century. Note, as well, the built-in towel and linen cabinets in the bath. Aladdin Kit Homes: Aladdin Kit Home company (originally the North American Construction Co., Ltd.) operated between 1906 and 1981 in the U.S. 75,000 homes sold. Individuals could even design their own homes and submit the blueprints to Sears, which would then ship off the appropriate precut and fitted materials, putting the home owner in full creative control. It contains three bedrooms, one of which is sufficiently large enough to accommodate twin beds. Gym class, Finland, 1950. Sears Roebuck continued to sell pre-cut houses but scaled back their operations significantly. How can you tell if silver is real or plated? [47][48], The Municipal District of Acadia, Alberta, has published a map of a self-guided driving tour of local catalogue houses.[49]. Just off the kitchen, there is a large dining room which may be readily converted to a bedroom because there is also a large snack space in the kitchen. Aladdin, Sears, Pacific, Bennett, Harris, Sterling, Liberty, Fenner, Gordon Van-tine, Wardway. Standard size boxcars were 40 feet long and about ten feet wide until railroads began using longer ones in the 1960s. [4][11], The ease of construction and cost savings of kit houses appealed to many would-be homeowners across the economic spectrum, from blue-collar workers to the affluent. Although basically Colonial in architecture, the modern notes such as the corner windows and the large picture window emphasize its up-to-the-minute “personality.”. This is truly a modern Colonial. Hodgson Houses claims to have made the first prefabricated Aladdin Readi-Cut Homes: Beating Sears to the kit home mark… Immediately after World War Two production of TV sets started in the U.S. Note that ample closet facilities are provided and that both bedrooms accommodate twin beds. The plan is basically of four rooms with a large living room to accommodate a dining area, if desired. This page was last edited on 17 December 2020, at 13:56. The 1950s produced the most beautiful kitchens one could ever imagine. ~New Acquisitions~ The Daily Bungalow has had more than 15 million page views thanks to our friends. [3][4] This description by researcher Dale Wolicki of kit house manufacture by the Gordon-Van Tine Company was typical of other kit house companies' efforts as well:[4]. From 1908 to 1940, Sears also sold kit houses by mail order, selling 70,000 to 75,000 such homes, many of which are still lived in today. Unlike modular homes, which are built in sections at a factory, in a kit house every separate piece of lumber was shipped already numbered and cut to fit its particular place in the house, thus eliminating the need for measuring and cutting, and likewise the waste of time (especially in the days before power tools) and of materials. The combination of gable and hip roof construction contribute toward the appeal of this pleasing one-story home. Gordon-Van Tine offered discounts for customers who chose lesser-quality siding, roofing, doors, windows, and trim. A full basement is provided. Modular homes are the upscale version of the manufactured home.They are built in units that are joined together on-site and, unlike a manufactured home, they can be built as a multiple story house. A modest circa 1950 wood-frame house cost … According to the Sears Archives, "Sears actually encouraged builders of Modern Homes to save money by ordering their lumber from local lumber mills. In addition, with some companies, homebuyers could choose the quality of materials. Home > Plans Aladdin Kit Homes Manufactured by the Aladdin Company. Plan 1 wills basement, Plan 2 without basement but with a large. The resulting houses were indistinguishable in quality and appearance from those built by traditional methods, if not better, yet were often significantly cheaper to build because of the savings on carpenters' and contractors' wages; and the cost of high-quality lumber bought from a large kit house company often was lower than at the local lumber yard. The large living room has a bay window and window seat, a natural fireplace with wood-box and bookshelves built at one side. "Post-Katrina cottages get a lukewarm welcome,", "The Katrina Cottage Plans are no longer available at Lowe's,", accessed 6 July 2011,, Aladdin Homes company archives at Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University, House Plans from Books and Kits - 1900 to 1960, "Steadily Enlarging Demand for Ready-Cut Houses,", Historic Catalogs online for many kit house companies, Historic Catalogs online for Sears Modern Homes, Historic Catalogs online for Harris Brothers Company, Historic Catalogs online for Lewis/Liberty Manufacturing Company, Historic Catalogs online for Montgomery Ward's, Historic Catalogs online for Sterling Homes, Historic Catalog of Fenner Factory-Cut Homes,, Articles needing additional references from October 2013, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Other smaller providers of mail-order kits included The. Small starter homes from 1950: Ranch house with 895 square feet This four-room home with its attached garage has the low, wide, sweeping lines that are associated with ranch house architecture. Sears has opened the doors to its vast archival collection and invited the public to peek inside. The dining space shown in the leg of the “L” shaped living room obviates the necessity for a dining room, providing five room efficiency. Wardway Homes The Mail Order House Montgomery Ward & Co. sold kit houses just like Sears did. The large living room with its fireplace and bookshelves is especially cozy and inviting. The 1950s were a time of prosperity and peace after decades of economic depression and war. Note the abundance of closet space and the linen closet in the hall. All rooms are accessible from the central hall and one can pass from the kitchen to the bath or bedrooms without going through the living room. In 1946, only a few stations were on the air, and broadcasting hours were very … Homes built immediately after the War tended to be small. Horizontal frame siding, brick, and shiplap all contribute to the interesting appearance of this one-story Western-type home. Vast improvements in housing were made during this time. "Historical Notes on Kit and Precut Homes,", accessed 5 July 2011. MORE: The Home of the Future at Disneyland showed how the ’50s imagined the ’80s. ALSO SEE: 18 beautiful mid-century entrance halls invite you inside with vintage style. Also consider its use as a guest home. The large living room, the efficient kitchen with its dining space and other innovations make it seem to be a larger home than it actually is. Look inside Gene Kelly’s house from 1950 for some simple vintage celebrity style, 62 beautiful vintage home designs & floor plans from the 1920s, Vintage ’50s master bedroom decor: See 50+ examples of retro home style, The Home of the Future at Disneyland showed how the ’50s imagined the ’80s, A 1950s home tour: See inside a small house in San Francisco, Vintage ’50s maternity fashion: Classic fashions for pregnant women, See 40 stylish vintage window coverings from the ’50s, See a party-perfect carousel kitchen island in turquoise from 1966, Old-fashioned Hi-C drink flavors, like grape, cherry, orangeade & others, How ‘All in the Family’ set TV records – plus the show intro & theme song (with lyrics), Vintage Tinkerbell manicure sets, BO-PO nail polish, & other retro beauty goodies for little girls, Vintage Erector Sets were toys that made toys: See old sets & find out their history, About The Hardy Boys-Nancy Drew Mysteries TV series from the ’70s – plus cast pictures & opening credits, See how much 1950s Ford Thunderbirds changed during their first years on the road, 1970s home perms: How women got those retro permed hairstyles, Vintage Hostess snacks: Fruit Pies, Wonder Bread, Twinkies & more retro goodness, See NYC’s stunning historical Fifth Avenue mansions (1890s), 31 retro yellow kitchens from yesteryear: Sunny midcentury home decor, The unlikely history of Levi’s jeans – or, how clothes from 150 years ago are still fashionable today, Print Color Fun: Free coloring pages & more fun for kids, Quotes Quotes Quotes: 1000s of clever & inspiring quotations, Find answers to life’s little questions, Long-lasting marine plywood exterior; shingle walls or weatherproofing available, Interior walls are crack-proof, waterproofed, room-size panels — joint-free, Ivory eggshell finish throughout; no painting or papering needed, Eligible for FHA and VA insured mortgage loans. Explore • Architecture • Residential Architecture • Building Plan • European House Plan.. This home, although not large, is immeasurably spacious. This is a typical Early American type home, having many Cape Cod characteristics. [21], Although none of the traditional kit house companies are still in business, pre-cut log home kits are offered by a number of manufacturers. A stair is provided to the second floor which permits expansion in that the attic can be later developed into two bedrooms when required. Within a decade, these compact, efficient homes could be found in nearly every part of the country. 264P199 * * * Elsmore: Sears 1916 Catalog - Kit Homes - No. The picture window and the two side windows in the large living room provide plenty of sunlight and ventilation. Today, open concepts rule, and the kitchen is meant for socializing as much as it is for cooking. It wasn't unusual to rework pre-war plans and add a second small house to a large lot. These kitchens might not look modern today, but in the 1950s they were considered cutting-edge. In addition, some companies, including Sears, Montgomery Ward, Gordon-Van Tine, and Harris Brothers, offered cash discounts and generous mortgage terms. "The House that Katrina Built,", Lowes Katrina Cottage FAQs, accessed 6 July 2011, Alter, Lloyd. This led to the "Homart" series of homes. MORE: Look inside Gene Kelly’s house from 1950 for some simple vintage celebrity style. The large picture window in the living room is an important feature. Colonial Revival—Influenced by the 1893 Chicago Columbian Exposition and its \"White City\" American … Sears was ... a very able follower of popular home designs but with the added advantage of modifying houses and hardware according to buyer tastes. The width of this home makes it ideal for construction on a comparatively narrow lot. All the latest appointments are to be found in the kitchen with its glazed bay dining space. The plan provides for a full basement. Sears has opened the doors to its vast archival collection and invited the public to peek inside. The dining space in the living room makes a dining room unnecessary, and gives this four-room house the efficiency of five rooms. See more ideas about kit homes, vintage house, sears. This is the complete catalog from 1925. THE modern pleasing hip roof is featured in this bungalow design and another very attractive and eye compelling item is the massive chimney. Kit houses in Michigan were a type of housing that was largely developed in the US state of Michigan throughout the first half of the 20th century. [12], A number of companies offered kit houses, and sometimes also offered rudimentary "industrial" and summer cottages lacking bathrooms,[13] as well as garages, duplexes, apartment buildings, barns and other farm buildings, and even outhouses. Required fields are marked *. 50 mid-century modern carpet styles from the ’50s & ’60s: Vintage wall-to-wall flooring in all its glory, Pink washers & dryers from the ’50s & ’60s, Tour the ultimate mid-century modern house: The Scholz Mark 58 Home of the Year, 18 beautiful mid-century entrance halls invite you inside with vintage style, 9 mid-century kitchen remodels & floorplans (1954). THE large T-shaped living room with its natural fireplace and picture window would certainly seem to hold little in common with the parlor of its colonial forebear. Many 1950s homes have mixed flooring, with tile in some rooms, linoleum in others and wood in others, sometimes covered with carpet. November 5, 2020. Once the materials arrived, a customer would arrange for a local carpenter or contractor to assemble the house on a piece of property owned by the customer; or a customer who was handy with tools might assemble all or part of the house himself in several weeks or a few months' time. The blue roof and yellow entrance door very effectively set off the ever-popular white exterior. Michigan was home to the Aladdin Company, the first and longest-lived manufacturer of kit houses in North … Plan 1 has a dining area just off the living room that very effectively eliminates the necessity of a room set aside for that purpose. [42] And beginning in 2006, for a few years Lowe's supplied plans and materials (not pre-cut) for small stick-built homes called Katrina Cottages, with walls designed to withstand 140 mile-per-hour winds, intended to provide temporary housing for Gulf Coast residents who had lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina. The factories had skilled employees and special machines to cut difficult pieces such as rafters and staircases. Abestos siding can also pose problems for owners of these homes. From around 1908 to the 1940s, Sears sold an estimated 70,000 kit Walls, windows, and doors could be moved, added or eliminated. Depending on the size and style of the plan, the materials needed to construct a typical house, including perhaps 10,000–30,000 pieces of lumber and other building material,[3] would fill one or two railroad boxcars,[5][6] which would be loaded at the company's mill and sent to the customer's home town, where they would be parked on a siding or in a freight yard for unloading. Bowling night Women on their bikes Posing in the wind Women with their rifles to protect their homes. NOW SEE THIS: A 1950s home tour: See inside a small house in San Francisco, Your email address will not be published. Baby transport, New Zealand, 1950s. 159, priced at $652: "By allowing a fair price for labor, cement, brick, and plaster, which we do not furnish, this house can be built for about $1171.00, including all material and labor." 1945-60 American Sets. There is a lot of living comfort in this well planned small home. These companies eventually merged. In Plan 1, without basement, the garage is somewhat longer than in Plan 2, allowing additional storage space without increasing overall dimensions. By 1949, almost all major cities had at least one station. [43][44] Initially offered through Lowe's stores in Mississippi and Louisiana, in 2008 Lowe's began offering the cottages at all of its stores nationwide. This is actually a five-room home, for the dinette may be considered as independent of the living room area, and the open arch makes each room appear larger than it actually is. Also see Sterling Kit Homes and Lewis Liberty Kit Homes below. ALSO SEE: How can you tell if silver is real or plated? Porches, sun rooms, flower boxes, trellises, balconies, built-in cabinets, and a variety of door and sash patterns were available at an additional charge. Note the ventilator which is also provided under the picture window. Homes in the 1950s Although it took the world quite awhile to recover from the affects of World War II, the 1950s were more of a prosperous time than in times past. The attached garage gives this modern home the appearance of extreme width frequently associated with Western or ranch house construction. THE unusual arrangement and design of this modern brick veneer home makes it equally attractive from the wide or the narrow dimension, and it can be faced either way on the lot. [11], The popularity of kit houses was attested in a roundabout way in the 1920 silent comedy One Week starring Buster Keaton, which shows Keaton constructing a build-it-yourself house that turns out all wrong. For example, in 1928 Walt Disney and his brother Roy built two kit houses made by Pacific Ready Cut Homes on lots they owned in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles. The homes also cost more to produce than expected, and the retail price grew well beyond the original $7,000 figure. According to researcher Wolicki:[40]. More than 100 years of stories, product and brand histories, photographs, catalog images and … Although basically a brick home, the vertical wood siding adds interest and contrast. During the 1950s, the United States was the world’s strongest military power. Builders borrowed features of the Colonial style and added mid-twentieth century modernizations. The dining alcove in the living room and the corner windows are important features as well as the bookshelves beside the natural fireplace. The living room has a natural fireplace and a built-in wood box. Bath and kitchen plumbing is adjacent for economy. ), by hand by carpenters. Stevenson, Katherine Cole, and H. Ward Jandl. Stick-built, balloon-framed kit houses were built as permanent, not temporary structures, as the manager of the Sears, Roebuck lumber department explained to a United States Senate committee in 1919:[2]. Two plans are available. 208 - No. Sears Kit Homes 1900 - 1930 20 Vintage Photos of Iron Lungs for Polio Victims From Between the 1930s and 1950s In the early 20th century, polio was one of the most feared diseases in industrialized countries, paralysing hundreds of thousands of children every year. This five-room brick home has many unusual features to recommend it. Nearly 25,000 home-owning dreams have come true with National Homes… why not let us make yours come true, too? Traditionally Colonial with many modern appointments, this is a complete five-room home. The large bedroom will easily accommodate twin beds. A full basement is provided. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, 1950. Kit homes with finished exteriors start at about $109 to $142 per square foot; the 16-foot-by-24-foot small house starts around $45,000.