Hugh had pulled the covers right back up, feigned mortal embarrassment, and let his father think he’d been irreparably damaged. Otherwise, it was just cruel. Ether is one of the oldest known anesthetics; it was first synthesized in 1540 by Valerius Cordus. She’d never forgotten that mad moment the year before when she’d first met Lord Hugh. Besides, even if Hugh did grow to enjoy her company, it wouldn't matter. The heroine would make her impassioned plea, and then, as if called forth from some ancient talisman, a gentleman would appear. “I’m delighted to see you, too, Father,” Hugh replied. He’s just left England is all. I’ve already got it fixed in my head. The noise that came forth from the Smythe-Smith instruments could also be described only by words yet to be invented. Hugh didn’t bother to reply. The title might have to reside with Freddie for a few years, but as far as Lord Ramsgate was planning, it ought to end up with Hugh or his children. Normally, the girls would have been watched over by their governess, allowing Sarah to attend to her duties as Honoria’s maid of honor, but as it happened, their (now former) governess was getting married the next fortnight. Hugh flipped through the cards in his mind again, ignoring the fact that the Jack of Clubs was wielding an actual club, and he was chasing after the ten, which was drinking wine out of a glass much like the one currently shattered at his feet…, Hugh started yelling. Smythe-Smith Quartet. The problem was that this evening, Hugh had also drunk “enough.” It wasn’t a common occurrence; he’d never been comfortable with the loss of control that flowed from a bottle of wine. And when he looked at Daniel Smythe-Smith he saw another man’s face. His muscle slowly knit back together. And the whole time, throughout the entire excruciating recuperation, Hugh was confined to his father’s house, trapped in bed, and forced to endure daily ministrations from a nurse whose special brand of care brought to mind Attila the Hun. But Daniel Smythe-Smith had insisted, and when Hugh had pointed out that this wasn’t even his wedding, Daniel had leaned back in his chair and said that this was his sister’s wedding, and if they were to convince the rest of society that they had put their differences behind them, Hugh had better bloody well show up with a smile on his face. The Sum of all Kisses was a nice book and the Prologue captured my interest and made me want to keep reading. Much as Honoria’s wedding was going to be a huge affair. It’s going to take several months to heal.”. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Where else would it be? He needed to focus and remember the cards. Edition Description. “I know that he would not be here in England if you had not sought him out, and I am most grateful.”. Frances stood and came over to her side, peering down over the sofa back. Or at least, he thought he’d been shot. But when the two are forced to spend a week together, they find that unexpected kisses, and mutual passion, may have the power to change both of their minds. Had his existence truly descended that far into melodrama? The same went for frogs. “I will have satisfaction,” Hugh growled. The bones are easy to break and a there are hell of a lot of nerves. Baffled, like—. The marquess just spat. One might, if one was not familiar with the Pleinsworth girls. “Phantom pain, it’s called. Lots of men took wives who would rather have remained unwed. There had been nothing left to swallow. Pleasant. Now Daniel was getting married and would live happily ever after, and all would be just as it should have been. Buy Now: Amazon Blackwell's Foyles See All. “Well, not very much.”, Frances’s gasp whooshed into a choke of terror. “Let me get you some water,” Freddie said. “I am certain I shall be delighted to sit next to you instead of Cousin Rupert,” Sarah said. “No.” He’d aimed to the side. I’ll have her look just like Sarah.”, Sarah didn’t even bother to turn in her direction. Two huge affairs. Not that he ever seemed to hold Hugh in much affection, either. There was a problem loading your book clubs. Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2013. Sadly I couldn’t stay there and very quickly felt the book fell into the trap so many modern authors do of mixing their life and times. Julia Quinn's earlier books were wonderful but this series is bleh. Sorry, I think I was forgetting Sarah, actually.”. “Even the gods of literature have despaired of me.”, “Oh, if only I could find a gentlemen,” she muttered to herself, “who will make me miserable and vex me to the end of my days.”. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Oil of Sweet Vitriol is an old-fashioned word for diethyl ether, more commonly known simply as ether. Who were not deaf. It had felt as if he’d taken a bullet, but it didn’t really hurt so much any longer. He looked ill. “I believe he’s trying to make a joke,” Dunwoody said. In this case, appearances were important. “Oh, Father,” Hugh called out, before he could leave. “You’re trying to kill yourself just to vex me?”, “I would imagine I could vex you with significantly less effort than that. “Don’t spend your energy,” Marcus said, taking his hand. Hugh watched as Marcus’s boots ate up the damp grass. Shop now. He deserved a Happily Ever After. “You could have died.”. And then one day, something sparked in his memory—a fleeting moment from that conversation with Freddie, right after the duel. He remembered every inch of her —of course— but he never kissed and told. Freddie swallowed, and he looked away. They just seemed to accept it as the way it was. “I’ve seen it happen. Of course it was still there. He can rot in hell for all I care. He is my all time favorite Quinn hero. It hurt to swallow. It’s fine as a standalone. “For the love of God, Daniel,” Marcus groaned, “not again.”, “No, no, I can do it.” Daniel wagged a finger in the air, laughing when the motion made him lose his balance. Hugh ran through the deck in his mind, ignoring the fact that some of the cards were uncharacteristically fuzzy. I would love that above all things. From Julia Quinn, the New York Times bestselling author of steamy historical romances, comes the third seductive installment of the Smythe-Smith Quartet, The Sum of All Kisses. “I think Lord Winstead went to France.”. As family, the Pleinsworths had been the first to be allotted rooms at Fensmore, and they had arrived nearly a week ahead of time to help with the preparations. No one had forced him. Az úr a hölgyről: tudálékos, bosszantó nőszemély. It seemed imperative that he realize that she was not, in fact, grateful. Father wasn’t having— well, you know Father.” Freddie swallowed and cleared his throat. He had a feeling she had not flagged him down to inquire about his morning meal, but as it must be obvious that he had just partaken, he replied, “Very much so. Hugh closed his eyes. “Well done, Frances. “Elizabeth!” Sarah didn’t really care that her sister had cursed, but as the oldest in the family, she knew she ought to care. Then she looked at Hugh Prentice, who, it had to be said, she’d never liked. But of course he didn’t. Written with Julia Quinn’s trademark style, The Sum of All Kisses is a witty and lighthearted Regency romance. “If you had refused I would have had to ask my other cousin, Rupert, and—”. And there was not a chance that Sarah was going to wait five years. Her novels have been translated into 35 languages and are beloved the world over. “Would you like laudanum?” Freddie asked abruptly. Choose from JQ's Subscribe Options →. “Should we tie a tourniquet?”. Nor had he minded when he’d overheard one society matron say to another that she found him very strange, and she would not allow her daughter to consider him as a potential suitor—if her daughter were to become interested, which, the matron said emphatically, she never would. He looked down at his leg. Which, come to think of it, was part of the reason she was so desperate to be married. Or at least appear to be right.”. Daniel had been forced to flee the country, and Hugh had spent a full year learning to walk again. Sweet. He couldn’t imagine why he had anything to smile about, but he felt it slinking along his face nonetheless. “You shot him,” Dunwoody gasped. “Sarah!” came Honoria’s cheerful voice as the bride herself stepped into the doorway beside him. Review: The Girl With The Cat Tattoo by . Besides, I’m not your heir.”. But Attila the nurse, however rough and crude she might be, was still preferable to Hugh’s father, who came by every day at four in the afternoon, brandy in hand (just one; none for Hugh), with the latest news on his hunt for Daniel Smythe-Smith. “You’re asking me now?”. The Sum of all Kisses was a nice book and the Prologue captured my interest and made me want to keep reading. As the younger son of the Marquess of Ramsgate, Hugh knew that he was due to inherit precisely nothing. But even Lord Chatteris’s grand home could not hold all of the guests who were coming up from London; quite a few had been forced to take rooms at the local inns. He didn’t know why, but he nodded. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. “I am delighted to be here.”. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of 373 pages and is available in Mass Market Paperback format. And then he smiled, the lout. Then she looked back to her cousin. I wonder why that is.”. I have always like the Lady Sarah. “Might still marry,” Hugh cut in, each syllable hard and clipped. Sarah has never forgiven Hugh for the duel he fought three years earlier, the one that forced her cousin into exile, nearly destroying her family. And when one kiss leads to two, three, and four, the mathematician may lose count, and the lady may, for the first time, find herself speechless…. Hamlet, too. The Sum of All Kisses is the story of how a drama queen tempts the nerd, and it was fantastic! He shrugged. But still, how was it possible that Honoria didn’t realize how very much Sarah hated Hugh? It had not bothered him when people thought him an eccentric, with more aptitude with cards than he had with people. But Hugh wouldn’t think of that. He soon realized that his life was made infinitely easier if he purposefully flubbed a question or two on his examinations. But when his father inquired—or rather, demanded,—or rather, yanked off the bedsheets in the presence of some German doctor Hugh would not have wanted to come across in a dark alley…. “Somebody shut him up.” He needed quiet. “They must be bottomless.”. “He’s gone.”, “No, no, not dead gone,” Freddie quickly said. Written with Julia Quinn’s trademark style, The Sum of All Kisses is a witty and lighthearted Regency romance. No one should have to walk down a church aisle with a bouquet of flowers unless she was the bride, already had been the bride, or was too young to be the bride. Sadly I couldn’t stay there and very quickly felt the book fell into the trap so many modern authors do of mixing their life and times. Hadn’t he been shot in the leg? At night, when he was trying to sleep, when he was trying not to listen, his mind could bring up every card he’d played that day. He stared at her intently. This was cards. He had heard her utter the words. Hugh thought it uncommonly gracious that she did not point out that he was the reason her brother had had to leave England in the first place. Hugh did, too, at the Queen of Diamonds, madeira dripping from her neck like blood. Freddie must have instructed the butler to wait before notifying their father of the change in Hugh’s condition, because nearly a full day went by before Lord Ramsgate blustered into the room. Hugh clenched his teeth. “Thank you,” he said. Oh very well, not hate. The gentleman had been an uncommonly affable fellow, but every time he counted to twenty (and he seemed to do with strange frequency) he skipped the number twelve. Or Hugh Prentice, if his expression was any indication. And gambling was so very easy when one had the ability to recall every card played —in order— for an entire evening. “I’m just doing my part,” Elizabeth demurred. It was well written and completely drew me into the 1800’s. His face was ashen. Hugh decided that this would be an excellent time for him to shut up and leave. Surely his attendance at Daniel’s nuptials later that month would have been enough to convince society that the battle between Hugh and Daniel was old news. He is also charmingly clueless when it comes to females. “More alcohol.”, “I’m glad you’re awake,” Freddie said, in a tone that forced Hugh to notice that he had not sat back down after pouring the laudanum. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Was Daniel Smythe-Smith, the oh-so venerable Earl of Winstead mocking him? Daniel’s head snapped up in surprise. It did, but Hugh had the strange sensation that it hadn’t hurt quite so much until Freddie asked about it. “Well,” Honoria said, “thank you. They even let him back into Oxford. Not only has her best friend just been married, but only through marriage or death can she escape playing in the Smythe-Smith Quartet. Please try again. “Certain,” Lord Hugh repeated, his voice that odd mix of flatness and drawl that made Sarah feel as if her mind were about to explode. Was this what weddings did to people? She smiled serenely. Bleeding like a pig.”. I really wish that I could give this book a higher rating. Look for Bridgerton, based on her popular series of novels about the Bridgerton family, on Netflix. Or France.” The marquess gave a grim chuckle. The sparks fly, and the clever dialogue shows her able to hold her own as she fights for her man. What was Freddie doing here? “He’s awful,” she said in a loud whisper. Hugh wasn’t sure who had called out the order. You’re not going to injure the unicorn, are you?”, Harriet slid a hand over her writing. The yelling. He was the only person (aside from her sisters) who had managed to infuriate her so much that she’d had to literally hold her hands down to keep from smacking him. He had done it. On the bright side, all signs pointed toward his still being able to father a child. Please try again. But forced to spend a week in close company they discover that first impressions are not always reliable. Or perhaps more to the point, not that he’d been presented with an opportunity. “You only have to be maid of honor once,” Elizabeth cut in. From Julia Quinn, the New York Times bestselling author of steamy historical romances, comes the third seductive installment of the Smythe-Smith Quartet, The Sum of All Kisses.Sarah Pleinsworth can’t forgive Hugh Prentice for the duel he fought three years ago that nearly destroyed her family, sent her cousin fleeing, and left Hugh himself with a badly injured leg. “I wasn’t cursing,” Elizabeth protested. It was a little too overblown in my opinion, but all is well that ends well. Buy a cheap copy of The Sum of All Kisses book by Julia Quinn. “He should come back,” Hugh said hoarsely. The Girl With The Make-Believe Husband: A Bridgerton Prequel (Rokesbys), The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever, First Comes Scandal: A Bridgerton Prequel (A Bridgerton Prequel, 4), The Further Observations of Lady Whistledown, Dancing at Midnight (Avon Historical Romance), For her cousin Honoria Smythe-Smith’s sake, Sarah Pleinsworth will do her very best to hold her tongue, but asking her to be civil to Hugh Prentice really is asking the impossible. But at the same time, there weren’t many people he avoided, either. It was well written and completely drew me into the 1800’s. “We both know your brother will never marry.”. Hugh felt his eyes grow wide with alarm. Had an entire day passed? I don’t want to give you too much at once.”. Romance. At least he would not have to attend that wedding. “You’ve been unconscious for three days,” Freddie answered, correctly interpreting the question. Not far to the side, but he was a good shot, an excellent shot. Just no, with an unsteady hand and a confused expression. “Thick dark hair with just the slightest tendency to curl.”, “Dark, bottomless eyes,” Frances put in breathlessly. That seems to be something that Quinn does in all of her books. Preloaded Digital Audio Player, Unabridged. Not a fraction of a fraction of an inch of a—. You’re a cripple who may not even be able to sire children now.”. Hugh had never been the sort to speak merely for the sake of making his voice heard. Would I be wrong in surmising that the publisher needs a certain number of words so Julia pads out the story with pointless dialogue which doesn't advance the plot, such as it is. Her eyes narrowed for a hint of a moment, but she seemed not to detect sarcasm, which made sense, since Hugh himself didn’t know if he was being sarcastic. “I’m a barber,” the surgeon said defensively. “That bullet hit an artery. Or the next. She looked up. Freddie sniffed the dregs. Hugh screamed as he felt his leg tearing into pieces. But he would have thought it. You get to walk down the aisle.”. Which meant that it was going to take quite a bit longer than a few months to heal. They had been intimate; there could have been consequences. Hugh had tagged along after him a few times but he’d been bored out of his skull. But back to marriage. “I think so,” Sarah replied, although truthfully she had no idea. One of the table legs jammed into Hugh’s hip, but he barely felt it. I'm ploughing through with heavy sighs wondering when something - anything - will happen. “Do you think this is funny?” the marquess snapped. And his expression would have changed. But when the pair is forced to spend a week in close company, they discover that first impressions are not always reliable. The only way for a Smythe-Smith cousin to be released from the Smythe-Smith Quartet was marriage. EMBED. Her eyes flicked from Sarah to Hugh and back again about six times in the space of a second. And just in time. One you’re passing over in favor of me?” Hugh might not have cared overmuch for the myriad rules and regulations that bound their society, but that did not mean he didn’t know what they were. At the outset of Chapter Two, Sarah and Honoria are talking about Gareth St. Clair, whom some of you might recognize as the hero of, Eloisa James fans will recognize the Duke of Kinross and Lady Edith Gilchrist, who are guests at Marcus and Honoria's wedding. The sky had still been pink. He had been shot. And when one kiss leads to two, three, and four, the mathematician may lose count, and the lady may, for the first time, find herself speechless. “But if you just want something really painful,” the surgeon continued, “you can’t go wrong with the hand or foot. He never lost at cards. The Sum of All Kisses (Smythe-Smith Quartet #3) is a Romance novel by Julia Quinn. He should be the one with the permanent repercussions. I loved this book with a grumpy, wounded H and a heroine who was in other books in this series, and for me she needed to grow up. He was quite certain he sounded better than he felt, but with the Marquess of Ramsgate, one must never show weakness. The Sum of All Kisses is the third book in the Regency period Smythe-Smith quartet. Just that. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY SEP 9, 2013 The already well-worked Bridgerton universe (subject of eight books, including On the Way to the Wedding) is attenuated by this novel linking it to Quinn's Smythe-Smith stories. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Historical romance: Sarah Pleinsworth and Hugh Prentice fight their unexpected attraction; third in series The Sum of All kisses I love this book. It wasn’t possible. Hugh could hear it in his voice. Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2019. “Don’t you want to walk down the aisle?” She looked a bit like a concerned little sparrow, her head tilting to one side and then the other with sharp little birdlike movements. Sarah Pleinsworth can’t forgive Hugh Prentice for the duel he fought three years ago that nearly destroyed her family, sent her cousin fleeing, and left Hugh himself with a badly injured leg. The Sum of all Kisses was a nice book and the Prologue captured my interest and made me want to keep reading. Related Posts; Review: Third Grave Dead Ahead by Darynd. She has the most marvelous sense of humor.”, Honoria smiled grandly at him. He was a useless cripple. “And if so, would two qualify?”, “They would,” Sarah replied darkly, “if they were occurring just one week apart, and if one happened to be related to one of the brides and one of the grooms, and especially if one was forced to be the maid of honor, at a wedding in which—”. Hugh Prentice paused briefly at the doorway to the drawing room, then shook his head and moved on. Spies and assassins. “I am so glad you are able to attend the wedding,” she said. From Julia Quinn, the New York Times bestselling author of steamy historical romances, comes the third seductive installment of the Smythe-Smith Quartet, The Sum of... Free Shipping on all orders over $10. There was no reason to fear being forced to sit at the head table, but there was every reason to dread it. “Winstead has ruined my life. It was well written and completely drew me into the 1800’s. Surely there were plenty of women who would be thrilled to have their husbands out of their beds once the nursery was sufficiently populated. Julius Caesar he could not do, but that was only because he had never taken the time to read it. Freddie had said that he hadn’t tried to reason with the marquess, and Hugh had said, “Of course not,” and then he’d thought— Because who reasons with a madman? They didn’t have to learn to play instruments and sacrifice their dignity upon an altar of public humiliation. “Well, if that’s the case,” Hugh murmured. There was no denying that. “Winstead, you bloody cheat!” Hugh yelled, the words pouring unbidden from his throat. Hive Waterstones WHSmith Wordery Paperback / ISBN-13: 9780349430485. There had been some talk of Sarah marrying William, to keep things “neat and tidy and all in the family,” (as her mother had put it), but William was three years younger than Sarah. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Well, not really a smile. “No,” Hugh said, mostly to himself. She is a cousin of the Smythe-Smith’s and plays the pianoforte in the quartet. Word for word. “And I certainly see that hint of madness now.”. He’d spent eleven hours in a coach the day prior, and he was still feeling the aftereffects. We know… That is to say, Daniel told us what you did.”. That was something different. What, exactly, had Daniel told her? Was he mocking her? Hugh had always been a solitary soul, and there were very few people whose company he deliberately sought. And even now, as Daniel raised his bloody arm—his literally bloody arm—. Delighted was an overstatement, but Rupert had terrible breath, so at least she’d avoid that with Lord Hugh at her side. Elizabeth appeared to be aiming a volume of poetry in her direction. Hugh did not delude himself that he was responsible for her joy. Finding a husband and being a wife was all she’d been trained to do, aside from playing the pianoforte in the infamous Smythe-Smith Quartet. Hugh had quickly discovered that one’s interest in beetles did not increase with the number of beetles located. Although neither protagonist from, Once again, I was unable to resist the lure of. He was a man suffering for the misdeeds of his past, a man judged harshly by society, and yet a man who seemed to have a bit of greatness to his personality ... a greatness that no one else really took the time to notice.