further education. “Observation care is a well-defined set of specific, clinically appropriate services, which include ongoing short term treatment, assessment, and reassessment, that are furnished while a decision is being made regarding whether patients will require further treatment as hospital inpatients or if they are able to be discharged from the hospital. [ + about] Synonyms: comment, finding, thought, note More Synonyms of observation 3. countable noun 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. noun. vb. Video shows what observation means. An observation is something that you have learned by seeing or watching something and thinking about it. The report is intended primarily for the Welsh Government and managers and staff in • To further develop our understanding of how children learn, linking theory with practice. Observation status is when your physician needs more time to determine if you need to be admitted to the hospital, or if you can have further testing and treatment outside of the hospital. 5 additional; more. This resource is an event resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow.. Observations are a central element in healthcare, used to support diagnosis, monitor progress, determine baselines and patterns and even capture demographic characteristics. Send us feedback. 1995;10(2):160-1. Menu ... Used loosely, a tentative conjecture explaining an observation, phenomenon or scientific problem that can be tested by further observation, investigation and/or experimentation. Photograph: Alamy. The Hypothesis. It can also mean at or to a greater literal … Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. But Miss Thorn relieved the situation by laughing aloud,[…]. Further observations on acute renal failure following physical torture. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. observations in further education (FE) colleges. 2. Find 82 ways to say FURTHER, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching. Prediction intervals are often used in regression analysis. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. the definition and recording of observation status. adj. In science, observation can also involve the perception and recording of data via the use of scientific instruments. the act of observing something or someone: close observation of nature / human nature / animal behaviour The police are keeping the suspect under observation. Such predictions can be compared to further observations, for example on toxicity, to help check the model. Definition: A categorical assessment, providing a rough qualitative interpretation of the observation value, such as “normal”/ “abnormal”,”low” / “high”, “better” / “worse”, “susceptible” / … Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Practitioners can establish this through attentive observation of chil-dren during their play. She was admitted to hospital for … Observation is one of the audit procedures that auditors use to obtain an understanding and gather audit evidence mainly to the real process or the ways how clients have done some specific business process. Observation was released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 on May 21, 2019 and for Xbox One on June 25, 2020. A further observation on leaf Na+ concentrations is the tendency of many Na+-excluding lines to show decreased leaf Na+ concentrations, but increased concentrations in roots relative to sensitive lines. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Malik GH(1), Reshi AR, Najar MS, Ahmad A, Masood T. Author information: (1)Department of Nephrology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. (Old English furthor; related to Old Frisian further, Old Saxon furthor, Old High German furdar; see forth) ♦ furtherer n. See at farther. ‘she was brought into hospital for observation’. 1 mass noun The action or process of closely observing or monitoring something or someone. FURTHER PSYCHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, © 2014-2021 Ludwig S.R.L.S. Synonyms for keep under observation include eye, observe, view, see, regard, behold, notice, watch, eyeball and perceive. Despite the findings obtained in correspondence to the observation made from sample collection and isolation, necessity of analysis and further observation on sample "a" beyond concentration and purity remained. A hypothesis is a statement created by the researcher as a potential explanation … The observation process is very straight forward: Observe and reflect, document and gather evidence, Plan and act, and finally assess. I'm just making an, Herminia Ibarra, Julia Gillard and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic shared a similar, According to the Berkshire Eagle, Ma played during the required 15 minute, During a timeout with 1:31 left in the fourth overtime period of Saturday’s game against Stony Brook, UMBC men’s lacrosse coach Ryan Moran made an, Renee Marsh, 64, was waiting outside Gate E around 8:30 a.m. on Monday, waiting for her mother, Alfrieda, to finish the 15-minute, Post the Definition of observation to Facebook, Share the Definition of observation on Twitter, His detailed description shows great powers of. Examples of detailed observation in a sentence, how to use it. What made you want to look up observation? 1.1. leading Adler and Adler to question whether observation is a research method “in its own right” or “a stepchild to its more widely recognized offshoot: participant observation” (1994, p. 378). The third, Further Observation on the Terrestrial Convulsions (1756), is a refutation of superstitious causes such as invidious astrological conjunctions. SUMMARY OF MAJOR CHANGES: Major changes include: a. This book contains observations about the causes of addictions. b : observance sense 3 The characters in her novel are based on close observation of her family. The act of observing, and the fact of being observed.. Thu 12 Jun 2014 12.58 EDT. 7 tr to assist the progress of; promote, (See also) → far → furthest. Observation is an adventure-puzzle video game developed by Scottish studio No Code and published by Devolver Digital.The game, described as sci-fi thriller, puts the player in control of a space station AI in order to recover from the sudden, mysterious loss of its crew. More example sentences. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445, Despite the findings obtained in correspondence to the observation made from sample collection and isolation, necessity of analysis and, International Journal of Impact Engineering. ‘An appeal can be in the form of a funny question, a witty observation, opinion or comment.’ ‘I excerpted a quote that summed up the point of the piece, followed by an observation based on revelation.’ There is an unconscious propriety in the way in which, in all European languages, the word person is commonly used to denote a human being. Comment in Nephrol Dial Transplant. b. Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source. 6. The very best starting point for teaching children is to start with what they know and can do. 1 a : an act or instance of observing a custom, rule, or law observation of the dress code. 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a, Middle French, from Latin observation-, observatio, from observare. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. the faculty or habit of observing or noticing. Learn a new word every day. 10.1.1 Scope and Usage . It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis, and conducting scientific experiments.Scientific inquiry starts with an observation followed by the formulation of a question about what has been observed. The experienced clinician makes a judgment (hereafter called overall assessment [OA]) about the degree of illness of a febrile child prior to physical examination. refer to several different types of non-experimental studies in which behavior is systematically observed and recorded ‘units kept enemy forces under observation for days’. The scientific method is a series of steps followed by scientific investigators to answer specific questions about the natural world. Further confusing the picture is the variety of labels (for example, observation, participant ob- 2 a : an … Dictionary ! Outlining the definition and recording of initial and final Observation status. ‘detailed observations were carried out on the students' behaviour’. I started using it one year ago and I never had to look for another app. The characters in her novel are based on close, I'm not criticizing that kind of clothing. 11 examples: We focus the discussion on the possible utilization of a detailed observation… Further commonly means to a greater figurative distance, as in Nothing could be further from the truth, or to a greater extent, as in Let’s discuss this further. Matt O'Leary. McCarthy PL, Jekel JF, Stashwick CA, Spiesel SZ, Dolan TF, Sharpe MR, Forsyth BW, Baron MA, Fink HD, Rosenbloom ML, Etkin T, Zelson JH. Accessed 3 Apr. Further definition of history and observation variables in assessing febrile children. In statistical inference, specifically predictive inference, a prediction interval is an estimate of an interval in which a future observation will fall, with a certain probability, given what has already been observed. Further observation on HRTEM image of these two kinds of BN nanoparticles indicates that the qualitative analysis about the phase component of 140-nm BN nanoparticles and 70-nm BN nanoparticles is correct, as shown in Figure 7a, b. The use of the term ‘teaching and learning observations’ reflects the wide range of settings and contexts in which learning takes place in further education, for example classrooms, workshops, kitchens and salons. Prediction intervals are used in both frequentist statistics and Bayesian statistics: a prediction interval bears the same relationship to a future observation … A further observation on leaf Na+ concentrations is the tendency of many Na+-excluding lines to show decreased leaf Na+ concentrations, but increased concentrations in roots relative to sensitive lines. Based on further observation of the relatively faster coalescene of two water droplets under static conditions in fuel on the FC coating surface, it is speculated that the strong adsorption forces the surfactant molecules to be pulled away from the fuel/water interface, thus triggering the subsequent coalescence. We began to tell her about Mohair and the cotillon, and of our point … “Observation.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/observation. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! 6 more distant or remote in time or space; farther. Allowing for the conversion from inpatient to Observation status if, upon review, the initial designation as an inpatient admission was incorrect. By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our cookie and privacy policy. Beyond a further observation on the so-called lateral inertia confinement effect, special attention is paid to the transient shock wave effect and the propagation of material failure when a specimen is loaded with a strain rate exceeding a theoretical limit for a given specimen size, i.e., in the "excessive" strain rate regime as referred to in this paper. Careful observation and assessment will demonstrate to us The act of observing, and the fact of being observed. In living beings, observation employs the senses. 2021. The definition of a hypothesis is an unproven theory or statement. observation (countable and uncountable, plural observations) 1. noun an act or instance of noticing or perceiving. You … The decision is based on your medical needs, but may also be … Direct Observation, Interviews, Participation, Immersion, Focus Groups ... is a type of social science research that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help understand social life through the study of targeted populations or places. 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 5, in The Celebrity: 1.1.1. DiscoverLIA COVID-19Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19, Awesome tool! Delivered to your inbox! We need to make bold steps to re-define lesson observations in further education, say Matt O'Leary. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'observation.' The term may also refer to any data collected during the scientific activity. Further observations on the mean velocity distribution in fully developed pipe flow - Volume 501. English Language Learners Definition of observation (Entry 2 of 2), See the full definition for observation in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for observation, Nglish: Translation of observation for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of observation for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about observation. Observation or the process of it has a focus on how – How did the child get there vs. than the product the child used.