The organisation described the decline as the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The many public funded bank recapitalizations were one reason behind the sharply deteriorated debt-to-GDP ratios experienced by several European governments in the wake of the Great Recession. Regional GDP is projected to return to growth in 2021 as activity recovers from the pandemic. GDP growth was driven by a 17% increase in investment performance in the previous year. economic policy, situation in the EU and the wide disparities between Member States in terms of their recent development and current position. January 12, 2021. In China, GDP rose at a similar pace as in the previous quarter, according to official data. The human body is not the only place where unseen illness can have devastating effects: economic conditions - like those in Europe after WWII - made life incredibly hard for many Europeans. In the second half of the 19th century, both states quickly grew rich, profiting from access to the huge Russian market. That said, the recovery seems to have hit a stumbling … At the time, the European Commission released a forecast of a 1.8% decline in EU economic output for 2009, making the outlook for the banks even worse. The regional development of our business largely reflects the economic situation in the various markets: Russia's economy is growing strongly due to high revenue from the sale of raw materials, and Poland has been the only European country to post positive growth rates in the recent crisis. Sickness and injury can take many forms. 14/01/2021 - Press release - Economic Situation and Cyclical Development. Below you can find the latest releases in this area, use an interactive data visualisation to view trends, read further in one of our in-depth articles or extract relevant datasets. European Economy Institutional Papers are important reports analysing the economic situation and economic developments prepared by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, which serve to underpin economic policy-making by the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Big Read. The Commission publishes macroeconomic forecasts for the EU and its member countries four times a year. Overall, a median of only 31% of adults across the surveyed nations assess their country’s current economic situation as good, while 68% say conditions are bad. In the euro area, real gross domestic product (GDP) grew more strongly again. Views expressed in unofficial documents … While a broken leg may be a very noticeable and at times horrific injury, something like cancer can be undetectable in plain sight, but in the end far more malevolent, and often require a more invasive cure. EU economy Add to myFT. Although Germany's Economic Growth Statistics . Development of output in the goods-producing sector in January 2021 . Germany Economic Growth Following the historic drop in GDP this year, the economy is forecast to recover strongly next year, although this will be partly due to a supportive base effect. The Commission publishes a full set of macroeconomic forecasts for the EU and its Member States in spring (May) and autumn (November) and publishes interim, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Austria, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Belgium, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Bulgaria, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Croatia, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Cyprus, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Czech Republic, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Denmark, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Estonia, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Finland, Economy, finance and the euro publications on France, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Germany, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Greece, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Hungary, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Ireland, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Italy, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Latvia, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Lithuania, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Luxembourg, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Malta, Macroeconomic surveillance the Netherlands, Economy, finance and the euro publications on the Netherlands, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Poland, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Portugal, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Romania, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Slovakia, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Slovenia, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Spain, Economy, finance and the euro publications on Sweden, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media. The Japanese economy seems to have weakened. 1. In Europe, attitudes are mixed. The Czech Republic is a country with a developed export-oriented market economy. Add to myFT Digest. Open detail view. Half of the respondents are sure that the European economy as a whole looks good, but 36 % say the opposite. Economic, social and territorial situation of Portugal This briefing was prepared to provide information for the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development delegation visit to Portugal of 27 February to 1 March 2019. The economy of Europe comprises more than 744 million people in 50 countries. These statistics can give you a baseline against which the impact of the crisis can be measured, provide the wider background or help you to see the evolution of the crisis. Economic Snapshot for the Euro Area. Add to myFT Digest Monday, 5 April, 2021. Germany's GDP per capita was $46,749 in 2017, better than the 2016 average of $45,923. Hungary. Thursday, 16 January, 2020 - 13:25. From the above, the most important for export is the automobile industry. Household and capital spending are set to rebound, partly supported by continued fiscal and monetary stimulus, while strengthening demand from the EU should bolster exports. Economic forecasts. As the following infographic shows, no European country is … In 10 of the countries surveyed – including all of those surveyed in North America and the Asia-Pacific region – majorities consider the current economic situation bad. Around the world, governments are starting to think about how to reopen the economy once the virus is suppressed. Introduction. The economy of the European Union is the joint economy of the member states of the European Union (EU). Continued fiscal support and strengthened domestic and external demand should prop up economic activity. Acting too soon risks reigniting the outbreak. Russia is the largest transcontinental European economy and will remain so until at least 2030 San Marino is Europe's smallest economy, and is also the third weakest growing economy in Europe United Kingdom is the largest European economy in the Commonwealth of Nations, and is also the largest non Eurozone economy in Europe. In 2019, EU unemployment was 6.7% and that figure is predicted to grow to 9% this year. Introduction to Portugal and its political and administrative system . The economy of the European Union is expected to shrink by 7.4 percent in 2020, following the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in early 2020, with an economic recovery anticipated in 2021. This page gathers statistics on the economy related to COVID-19 in one place. Financial. COVID-19 economic crisis: Europe needs more than one instrument . As New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said, we need to avoid “throwing gasoline on the fire.” Meanwhile, acting to… The European Commission said Tuesday that it expects the EU economy to shrink 8.3% in 2020, considerably worse than the 7.4% slump predicted two months ago. Political and Economic Situation . The economic situation in Germany in January 2021 . Hourly labour costs ranged from €6.5 to €45.8 across the EU Member States in 2020 31/03/2021 Euro area annual inflation up to 1.3% The main industries include the chemical industry, engineering, food processing and the metallurgical industry. The information contained on this page relates to its time as a member country. Finland and the Kingdom of Poland were relatively well industrialised, a process which had started earlier than in Russia proper. Austria is one of the countries commentators count among the comparatively stable "core" of the currency union. Their situation changed after 1891, when the league of the three emperors was replaced by an alliance betwe… The current economic situation Since autumn 2019, the proportion of Europeans who think that the current situation of their national economy is ‘good' (34%, -13 percentage points) has declined … Agriculture, energy, transport and tourism, EU trade in COVID-19 related products in 2020, Hourly labour costs ranged from €6.5 to €45.8 across the EU Member States in 2020, Impact of Covid-19 crisis on non-financial corporation and household accounts, Impact of Covid-19 on main GDP aggregates including employment, Impact of Covid-19 on international trade in goods statistics, Impact of Covid-19 crisis on short-term statistics, Housing price statistics - house price index, Government finance statistics - quarterly data, Quarterly national accounts - GDP and employment, Quarterly sector accounts - non-financial corporations, Non-financial corporations - statistics on financial assets and liabilities. If it doesn't act soon, it could face another. December 22, 2020. Growth next year is … But if we are talking about the economic situation in Europe, then people are more optimistic. It is not a matter of simply pulling a switch that turns on the lights. The European economy is in the midst of the deepest recession since the 1930s, with real GDP projected to shrink by some 4% in 2009, the sharpest contraction in the history of the European Union. Due to maintenance reasons, the user support application will not be available on April 08th, from 12:00 to 13:00. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS, which were suddenly exposed to competitive and rapidly changing domestic and external production and labour market structures, it was necessary to ensure that social protection systems operated effectively (and more efficiently) under open market economy conditions, while in Western European Detailed national accounts data revealed that Q3’s strong rebound in GDP was supported by both the domestic and external economy: Resuming business activity and unleashed pent-up consumer spending fueled domestic demand, while easing lockdowns abroad boosted exports. The Commission publishes a full set of macroeconomic forecasts for the EU and its Member States in spring (May) and autumn (November) and publishes interim According to this understanding, the President of the European Central Bank (replacing the national central bank governors from the euro area) and the President of the Euro-11 Group will take part in the meetings of G7 Finance Ministers when the world economic situation, multilateral surveillance and exchange rate issues are being discussed. Political and Economic Situation . Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Giancarlo Corsetti, Antonio Fatás, Gabriel Felbermayr, Marcel Fratzscher, Clemens Fuest, Francesco Giavazzi, Ramon Marimon, Philippe Martin, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Lucrezia Reichlin, Hélène Rey, Moritz Schularick, Jens Südekum, Pedro Teles, Nicolas Véron, Beatrice Weder di Mauro 05 April 2020 Add this topic to your myFT Digest for news straight to your inbox. In both currency areas, though, favourable one-off factors are likely to have played a part in the pick-up. Economic situation. The UK was a member of the European Union from 1973 until 31 January 2020. For more information about the economic situation in January please click here. On this page • ... with this growth we are in the middle of the EU rankings. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure for me to speak here at this conference. It's lower than the $53,129 enjoyed in the United States and less than the European Union overall at $36,593. Europe just endured one decade of economic stagnation. The economic situation in the euro area Speech delivered by Christian Noyer, Vice-President of the European Central Bank, at the conference of the International Finance Futures snc (IFF) on 8 March 2000, Paris. Economic Snapshot for Central & Eastern Europe. Rather, it is a matter of deciding on the sequencing of removing barriers to economic activity. The IMF estimates that the global economy shrunk by 4.4% in 2020. GDP also saw clearer growth in the United States. Latest press releases 08/03/2021 - Press release - Economic Situation and Cyclical Development. In 2017, Germany's GDP growth rate was 2.4% better than it had been in the previous year. Before 1914, Finnish, Estonian, Latvian, and the majority of Polish and Lithuanian territories belonged to the Russian Empire, and were strongly integrated within it.