What we lack is long-term federal commitment to our scientists and engineers in the sustainable energy sector to accelerate innovation in both energy production and storage. From the Oval Office to the streets, Bernie will generate the political will necessary for a wholesale transformation of our society, with support for frontline and vulnerable communities and massive investments in sustainable energy, energy efficiency, and a transformation of our transportation system. Text STOP to 67760 to stop receiving messages. Our “What’s at Stake” series highlights a key issue that’s on the ballot. Ensure a just transition for communities and workers, including fossil fuel workers. Fossil fuel workers have powered the country for more than a century, working in dangerous and precarious jobs to provide for their families. We will increase funding for firefighting by $18 billion for federal firefighters to deal with the increased severity and frequency of wildfires. Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. What a Green New Deal would look like in every state. We will follow Environmental Justice principles and: Our current food system accounts for 25 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. Join us in fighting for not only a greener future, but a more just and equitable one. We will build affordable, reliable, quick, and efficient public transportation, and high-speed passenger and cargo rail. We have more than enough capacity to produce ample reliable, affordable electricity from sustainable resources. In addition to expanding transit service to communities, we will promote transit-oriented development to link this service to popular destinations and vital community services. Together, we will reduce US carbon pollution emissions by 71 percent and emissions among less industrialized countries by 36 percent from 2017 levels by 2030, consistent with meeting our fair share of emissions reductions under the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recommendations. The interagency council will issue block grants to states, territories, tribes, municipalities, counties, localities, and nonprofit community organizations. It’s a fancy, deceptive way of saying that his friends at all the big energy companies need even MORE taxpayer subsidies, no matter how much destruction is left in their wake. Most often — and because of racist zoning policies that disproportionately makes the impact of pollution fall on BIPOC communities — the fossil fuel industry has contributed to the devastating number of deaths in Black communities and communities of color from COVID-19. We know that children, people with disabilities, the elderly, low-income families, and communities of color are most affected by these impacts and are also the least capable of preparing for, and recovering from, impacts like these. We need to employ farms of all sizes and production models to transition to ecologically regenerative practices to combat climate change. Here at the Labor Network for Sustainability we are very excited about the the Green New Deal (GND). And we will create millions of good-paying, unionized jobs building the automobile fleet of the future. The bill would also double the amount of federal funding to Tribes for water infrastructure grants, A new grant program to help households install, repair, replace and upgrade septic tanks and drainage fields, Requiring states to use no less than half of federal funds to provide additional subsidization to disadvantaged communities and to support the rebuilding of municipal resources where disrepair impacts community health, Limiting federal funding to publicly owned, operated and managed drinking water utilities and small private water systems and requiring additional subsidization to disadvantaged communities, Allowing state Drinking Water SRF funds to provide grants to private property owners to replace lead service lines, Expanding federal funding to decontaminate our drinking water from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), Requiring funds made available to use iron and steel products produced in the United States, Requiring prevailing wages for all projects funded by the federal government for water infrastructure and requires recipients to use project labor agreements to the maximum extent practicable. Our country developed the internet, lightbulbs, and GPS. We can sure as hell transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to 100 percent renewables today and create millions of jobs in the process. Our shared public lands. Requiring remaining fossil fuel infrastructure owners to buy federal fossil fuel risk bonds to pay for disaster impacts at the local level. And the benefits are enormous: by taking bold and decisive action, we will save $2.9 trillion over 10 years, $21 trillion over 30 years, and $70.4 trillion over 80 years. And if we want that better, greener future, we’re going to need to fight for it — starting with this current election, and in the weeks, months, and years after. As rising temperatures and extreme weather create health emergencies, drive land loss and displacement, destroy jobs, and threaten livelihoods, we must guarantee health care, housing, and a good-paying job to every American, especially to those who have been historically excluded from economic prosperity. Clean air and water are on the ballot in 2020. First, let’s make one fact very clear. The Wall Street Journal editors and opinion columnists sure don’t like Joe Biden’s Green New Deal proposals. Where our legislators listened to the voices of millions of voters and activists by … The Amazon rainforest is burning, Greenland’s ice shelf is melting, and the Arctic is on fire. Communities of color, working class people, and the global poor have borne and will bear this burden disproportionately. What's At Stake in 2020: A Plastic-Free Future, What's at Stake in 2020: Clean Air and Water, What's at Stake in 2020: Our Public Lands. We developed a cure for polio. By Marianne Lavelle. Full employment, economic opportunities and high-wage jobs in underserved areas will be supplemented by income, health care, education and pension protections. Federal risk bonds can then be paid to counties and municipalities when there are fossil fuel spills, explosions, or accidents. According to research at the Rodale Institute, agriculture could sequester 37 gigatons of carbon annually worldwide. As president, Bernie Sanders will launch the decade of the Green New Deal, a ten-year, nationwide mobilization centered around justice and equity during which climate change will be factored into virtually every area of policy, from immigration to trade to foreign policy and beyond. Terms & Conditions, Friends of Bernie Sanders Plastic pollution is destroying our planet and disproportionately impacting low-income and Black and Brown communities. However, scientists tell us that it is already too late to prevent all climate change impacts, as we have already begun to experience. Making the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share. In 2019, freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) along with Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) He will not leave it to the market to determine the fate of the planet. Transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy cannot be done without standing up to fossil fuel corporations. If workers would like to receive training for a different career path, they will receive either a four-year college education or vocational job training with living expenses provided. In July 2019, it had a higher approval rating in a survey of adults than a wealth tax, a semi … Even if every nation met the agreement, it would still allow 3 degrees Celsius of warming, which would destroy island nations and the people least responsible for the climate crisis. End the greed of the fossil fuel industry and hold them accountable. We must recognize that people from every country in the world — Russia, India, China, Japan, Brazil — are all in this together. Visit Greenpeace Fund, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable entity created to increase public awareness and understanding of environmental issues through research, the media and educational programs. They are at the frontlines of the climate emergency. Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced legislation in November to transform public housing. We will invest in nationwide electric vehicle charging infrastructure, to increase access to these resources for all, just as we built an interstate highway system in the 1950s and 1960s. With a $300 billion investment, we will increase public transit ridership by 65 percent by 2030. We will move beyond oil toward an electric car. Scaling back military spending on maintaining global oil dependence. Transportation currently accounts for 29 percent of domestic emissions. In very stark terms: the same health impacts caused by fossil fuel pollution has made COVID more deadly. Our scientists and engineers know how to solve our climate crisis. The scientific community is telling us in no uncertain terms that we have less than 11 years left to transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, if we are going to leave this planet healthy and habitable for ourselves, our children, grandchildren, and future generations. In addition to the $41 billion he will invest in socially disadvantaged and beginning farmers as president, Bernie will: Invest $127 million in the Highly Fractionated Indian Land Grant Program to reunify divided and fractured ownership of tribal land. The clean energy economy, which will create three times more jobs and a full-employment economy, must also build strong unions, high wages, and benefits. by Michael Leon Guerrero, LNS Executive Director. If people in your circle are on the fence, please share this post or have a conversation with them today. Each community will then be eligible for funding in order of most vulnerable to least vulnerable. The Green New Deal is going to keep carbon pollution emissions low enough to stave off the worst impacts of climate change that we know are coming. It's one part of a … Biden's plan achieves that goal by 2050. But our work can’t (and won’t) stop there. Photo courtesy of lydiashiningbrightly, flickr. Our “. The Green New Deal is not only a serious climate plan, but an opportunity to uproot historical injustices and inequities to advance social, racial, and economic justice, including redressing the exclusion of black, brown, Native American, and other vulnerable communities from the programs that made up the original New Deal. "The Green New Deal is a four part program for moving America quickly out of crisis into a secure, sustainable future. Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart, 8/27/20 . Organizing for the Green New Deal. The most impactful projects for all 50 states—and the planet. talking about the intersection of racial, economic, social, and environmental justice. By providing my phone number, I consent to receive periodic text message alerts from Bernie Sanders and his affiliated campaigns, including Friends of Bernie Sanders. Ashley is a Campaigner on the Amazon with the Greenpeace USA Forests team. There is only one way we will transform this country – and that is together. Green jobs in the U.S. are nice, but won’t get India and other big emitters off … The climate crisis is not only the single greatest challenge facing our country; it is also our single greatest opportunity to build a more just and equitable future, but we must act immediately. Transform our energy system to 100 percent renewable energy and create 20 million jobs needed to solve the climate crisis. The so-called ‘infrastructure’ plan is just a foundation for MMT and the Green New Deal The big push in DC right now is for a so-called "infrastructure" plan. The fossil fuel industry has known since as early as the 1970s that their products were contributing to climate change and that climate change is real, dangerous, and preventable. They belong to all of us. We will repair our country’s crumbling infrastructure, upgrade buildings across the nation, and dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions." Yet, they kept going. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program, The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program, A new grant program to address lead in school drinking water improvements, A new grant program for residential septic systems, Funding for nonpoint source management programs, Technical assistance to rural, small and tribal systems for drinking water systems, Technical assistance to rural, small and tribal systems for wastewater systems, A report on affordability, discrimination and civil rights violations, public participation in regionalization, and data collection, A study on water affordability and discriminatory practices or violations of civil rights and equal access to water and sewer services, Technical assistance to rural and small municipalities and tribal governments. When Bernie is president, he is going to fully transform our energy sector away from fossil fuels, ensuring no one is priced out of this transition. We need to start by supporting all farmers not just a wealthy few and incentivizing conservation not over-production. There is no reason the United States, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, cannot transform our energy system away from fossil fuels to 100 percent renewable energy, like wind, solar, and geothermal. The resolution introduced in Congress by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey in the Senate has already sparked intense debate, controversy and enthusiasm – just as it should. A world where we’d be fighting on poor terrain just to stop the country from. By electing climate leaders — or at the very least, politicians who believe in and will act on science — we’ll put ourselves in a vastly better position to enact a Green New Deal and tackle this crisis head on. Currently, the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund and multi-employer miners pensions are paid for by coal companies. 2020 Election: Where Democrats Stand On Climate Change While most Democratic presidential candidates support the goals laid out in the Green New Deal, they differ on specifics like a … It also made a strong case for limiting warming at or below 1.5 degrees Celsius if we hope to continue to have a habitable planet. The funds will be able to be used for climate resiliency projects, building emergency community centers and shelters with reliable backup power, wetland restoration, abandoned fossil fuel infrastructure and other environmental hazard reclamation; seawalls; community relocation; community evacuation plans and resources for safe and complete evacuation. Once the CJRF is established and funded at $40 billion, the EPA, together with a number of other agencies, will conduct a nationwide survey to identify areas with high climate impact vulnerabilities and other socioeconomic factors, public health challenges, and environmental hazards. Young people, advocates, tribes, cities and states all over this country have already begun this important work, and we will continue to follow their lead. $2.53 billion for the Appalachian Regional Commission, $506.4 million for the Delta Regional Authority, $405 million for the Northern Border Regional Commission, $94 million for the Southeast Crescent Regional Commission, $2.02 billion for Economic Development Assistance Programs. We can and must transform our transportation sector away from fossil fuels to create a sustainable future for all and good-paying, union jobs right here in America. Instead of working to find solutions to the coming crisis, the fossil fuel industry poured billions into funding climate denialism, hiring lobbyists to fight even the slightest government regulation and oversight, and contributing to politicians who would put the interests of fossil fuel executives over the safety and security of the planet. This means everything from ensuring emergency preparation and warnings are provided in multiple languages to providing extra resources to vulnerable communities to ensure full and rapid recovery after a disaster. Because we have already seen deaths related to the increased severity and intensity of wildfires, we must facilitate community evacuation plans that include people experiencing homelessness, and increase social cohesion for rapid and resilient recovery from climate impacts to avoid the use of martial law and increased policing in disaster response. As the deadline for voting approaches, we’re pulling out all the stops to make sure that you, your friends, family, neighbors, and every environmental voter has their voice heard before the polls close. Regardless, the Green New Deal was a hit with Americans. Mayor Eric Garcetti Sticks with L.A.’s ‘Green New Deal’ Despite California Blackouts. Portland, Maine’s recently implemented Green New Deal (GND) concerns some state contractors who are worried about being disqualified from public work in the city if … Invest in conservation and public lands to heal our soils, forests, and prairie lands. They have evaded taxes, desecrated tribal lands, exploited workers and poisoned communities. Save American families money with investments in weatherization, public transportation, modern infrastructure and high-speed broadband. Fossil fuel corporations have fought to escape liability for the pollution and destruction caused by their greed. If a worker is ready to retire, they may opt for pension support and access to health care through Medicare for All. GROWING NUMBER OF 2020 DEMOCRATS SUPPORTING ‘GREEN NEW DEAL’. As president, Bernie Sanders will launch the decade of the Green New Deal, a ten-year, nationwide mobilization centered around justice and equity during which climate change will be factored into virtually every area of policy, from immigration to trade to foreign policy and beyond. Invest $600 million in the Indian Tribal Land Acquisition Grant Program for Tribes and Tribal corporations to purchase land on their own reservations. It would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cutting them 71% by 2030. The scope of the challenge ahead of us shares similarities with the crisis faced by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1940s. The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report last year issued a dire warning to the world: we have no time left to come together as a global force and aggressively reduce our carbon pollution emissions. The GND that we modeled starts in 2020 with a tax of $60 levied on each metric ton of CO 2 emitted by the U.S. energy system. For example, of the 73 waste-burning incinerators across the United States, an astounding 79 percent are located within three miles of low-income and minority neighborhoods, which are exposed to mercury, lead, and soot. But should a supportive slate of Democrats assume control of the White House and the Senate, we can be sure that any legislative package aimed at transitioning the American economy to carbon neutrality over the next ten years will … Up to five years of a wage guarantee, job placement assistance, relocation assistance, health care, and a pension based on their previous salary. Making the fossil fuel industry pay for their pollution, through litigation, fees, and taxes, and eliminating federal fossil fuel subsidies. We are going to change that. Together, we will lead the international community to keep global warming at or below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Where we no longer put Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities into sacrifice zones on the frontlines of the climate crisis. The Green New Deal IS Agenda 21, most recently labeled the 2030 Agenda. “In New York City we have already begun implementing a Green New Deal. The agreement was not perfect, however. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of the same long-standing injustices that the Green New Deal seeks to address: racial injustice, economic inequality, and climate change. The Green New Deal will reverse these trends and create more livable, connected, and vibrant communities. Whereas the October 2018 report entitled “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the November 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment report found that— If people in your circle are on the fence, please share this post or have a conversation with them today. Bernie has fought for workers his entire career. We will also support state and regional action to determine the projected harm to communities and pave the way for actions that remunerate devastated communities requiring care and repair and the dollars to do it. Bernie promises to go further than any other presidential candidate in history to end the fossil fuel industry’s greed, including by making the industry pay for its pollution and prosecuting it for the damage it has caused. We need a president who has the courage, the vision, and the record to face down the greed of fossil fuel executives and the billionaire class who stand in the way of climate action. And if we want that better, greener future, we’re going to need to fight for it — starting with this current election, and in the weeks, months, and years after. So when we talk about what’s at stake in this election and how the Green New Deal plays a role, we’re. 702 H Street, NW, STE 300, Washington, D.C. 20001 | 1-800-722-6995. By April Reese February 27, 2020 Environment Max Fraser. Target number one? Bernie will lead our country to enact the Green New Deal and bring the world together to defeat the existential threat of climate change. Where our legislators listened to the voices of millions of voters and activists by embracing solutions as big as the problems we face. If you haven’t voted yet, now is the time. This plan outlines some of the most significant goals we have set and steps we will take during this mobilization, including: The cost of inaction is unacceptable. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing are the industries most vulnerable to climate change. Signs Executive Directive to advance L.A.’s Green New Deal, chart a course to a carbon neutral future, and build an economy that works for every community in Los AngelesLOS ANGELES — Mayor Eric Garcetti today kicked off a Decade of Action to confront and combat the climate crisis, with the signing of “L.A.’s Green New Deal: Leading By Example,” his 25th Executive Directive Text HELP to 67760 for more information. The 2020 election is approaching, and in 2021 America might see a Green New Deal signed into law.. We will protect miners’ pensions and provide $15 billion for the Black Lung Disability Fund to ensure it remains solvent as we transition away from coal. Finally, the Green New Deal will redress historical injustices, by tackling poverty, inequality, and the disproportionate impacts of environmental damage on poor neighborhoods, communities of color, First Nations, and rural America. Now I want you to imagine something a little less pleasant: Imagine a world where we pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement and fall even further behind the rest of the world. Our public lands serve an important role in not only preventing climate change but also in mitigating the catastrophic effects of climate change like floods, hurricanes and other extreme weather that have been increasing in frequency. We will ensure that reliable, affordable public transit is accessible for seniors, people with disabilities, and rural communities. When it comes to combating the climate crisis, there isn’t a moment to waste. Instead of selling them off to the highest bidder and allowing them to be destroyed by billionaire fossil fuel industry executives, are going to expand our green infrastructure and conserve our public lands. What’s at Stake in 2020: The Green New Deal. This effort will be enforced by an interagency council led by Environmental Protection Agency. We will not only reduce US carbon pollution emissions by 71 percent, we will support less industrialized nations in the Global South, excluding China, to help them reduce emissions by 36 percent from 2017 levels by 2030, consistent with meeting our fair share of emissions reductions under the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s recommendations. The Green New Deal is not a specific policy proposal, but rather a general set of goals. The federal government electrified America as part of the New Deal. A Bernie Sanders administration will spur the development of the technologies and innovations we need to tackle the climate crisis. Bernie believes this is criminal activity, and, when he is President, he will hold the fossil fuel industry accountable. As president, Bernie will provide strong, inclusive American leadership to not only transform our own energy system, but to reach out to countries all over the world and cooperate on the global crisis of climate change. For too long, this country has neglected workers displaced by government policy. We will invest $171 billion in reauthorizing and expanding the CCC to provide good-paying jobs building green infrastructure, planting billions of trees and other native species, preventing flood and soil erosion, rebuilding wetlands and coral, cleaning up plastic pollution, constructing and maintaining accessible paths, trails, and fire breaks; rehabilitating and removing abandoned structures, and eradicating invasive species and flora disease; and other natural methods of carbon pollution sequestration. Massively raising taxes on corporate polluters’ and investors’ fossil fuel income and wealth. The tax is set to … When we are in the White House, compensation and assistance for displaced workers will come first; the balance sheets of fossil fuel corporations and billionaire investors will come last. Not only can we drastically reduce on-farm emissions, farmers have the potential to actually sequester 10 percent of all human-caused emissions in the soil. Inspired by the New Deal programs that helped us out of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Green New Deal will provide similar relief and create an economy that makes our communities sustainable, healthy and just." Updated March 23, 2021. A just transition for workers means guaranteeing the incomes, training, and pensions of affected workers, as well as major targeted investments in fossil-fuel-dependent communities. The Green New Deal’s targets solidify L.A.’s position as the national leader in solar energy, electric vehicle infrastructure, and green jobs. There is no difference and if Congressional Republicans like Senator Mitch McConnell and national Conservative leadership in Washington, DC had listened to my warnings over the years they would know that. It incorporates initiatives from 44 partner organizations, employing a unique, collaborative, multi-sector approach to meeting our shared goals of a more sustainable, equitable city. We will give a meal incentive for schools that acquire at least 30 percent of their food from local sources. An additional $5.9 billion in funding will be distributed as follows: There is no doubt that the poor and marginalized suffer from the impacts of pollution and climate disruption — particularly communities of color. The Green New Deal is a bold plan to drastically shift our country to 100% clean and renewable energy. I want you to close your eyes and imagine something: I want you to imagine a world where a Green New Deal is a reality. Where we’ve created millions of family-sustaining, union jobs to build solar panels, windmills, high-speed rails, and so much more. Instead of accepting that the world’s countries will spend $1.8 trillion annually on weapons of destruction, Bernie will convene global leaders to redirect our priorities to confront our shared enemy: climate change. Climate change is a global emergency. When Bernie is president, we will act immediately to address our climate crisis. 1 This is in line with the 50% reduction it would take to limit global warming to less than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. He understands that coal miners and oil-rig operators are not the problem. Bernie is counting on all of us to continue fighting for our progressive agenda. Note that I didn't say "will," but "might." The Green New Deal is estimated to cost about $93 trillion to implement. For decades, fossil fuel corporations knowingly destroyed our planet for short-term profits.