More Than Just a Map: Stratfor's Map of Turkey's Sphere of Influence 2050 - Armenian If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. egypt basically crushed turkeys dreams and hopes now. Armin Rosen. What Were the Main Causes of the Armenian Genocide? Ironically, Freidman’s map kept Israel, which exists right in the heart of the affected regions, immune to the claimed expansion of the Turkish influence. Therefore Russia must not let the scorpion cross its borders and has to fight against such ideologies, not only on its territory but also in neighboring countries. According to Stratfor’s forecast, the proposed expansion of Turkish influence, over the aforementioned regions, should rely on two parallel factors. As a result, Israel will find itself obliged to cooperate with Turkey. The segment on TGRT Haber was strongly criticized in Russia. By 2013, political Islamist groups, loyal to Erdogan’s Islamist AKP, were already leading the governments of many Muslim countries. This map was originally created, in 2009, by George Freidman, the founder of Stratfor, an American corporate intelligence group. 30 yıl sonrasının değil, 500 yıl öncesinin haritası bu. So what has changed in the past 12 years, and is this scenario realistic given the post-“Arab Spring” regional geopolitical changes? Regional analyst & researcher. Despite Turkey’s domestic political and economic troubles, the Turkish military has been relentlessly harvesting one success after the other, since the NATO-trained, Hulusi Akar, became the Minister of Defense in 2018. Turkey will also become a major Mediterranean power, controlling the Suez Canal and projecting its strength into the Persian Gulf. Expectations vs Reality: Stratfor’s Map of Turkey’s Sphere of Influence 2050 On February 12th, a Turkish TV station, broadcasting nationwide, projected a mostly-red map highlighting Turkey’s expanding geopolitical influence, by 2050, over southern Europe, Caucasia, parts of Asia, and parts of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Thus, Turkey’s “neo-Ottoman” aspirations quarreled with Arab reactionary and pro-Iranian Shia forces. More Than Just a Map: Stratfor’s Map of Turkey’s Sphere of Influence 2050 Spread the love Freidman’s map kept Israel, which exists right … the Middle East, his rivals including Iran, Saudi … Since Russia has invested in its relations with Turkey over the years, the republication of a map by Turkish media depicting its expanding influence in areas currently controlled by Russia was embarrassing to Moscow. Commenting on the map showing Turkey expanding its influence deep within Russian territories, Krasov warned, “If they want to test the strength of the Russian spirit and our weapons, let them try.” Russian Senator. However, in less than two years, Erdogan’s dream of sitting on the throne of an expanding Islamic Caliphate faded away. The author wrote that Russia must continue cleaning up pro-Turkish organizations in Crimea, the Krasnodar territory and other regions of the Russian Federation. In one of its chapters, the book has published a map of “Turkey’s sphere of influence in 2050.” According to the map, Turkey’s sphere of influence by 2050 will include Greece, Cyprus, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Gulf countries, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Crimea, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. The book was published during a period when Turkey’s foreign policy under former Foreign Minister Ahmad Davutoglu was being shaped based on the so-called “zero-problem” foreign policy which aimed to ease tensions in neighboring countries starting from the signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols and ending with consolidating “friendly” relations with Arab countries. Turkey’s economic alliances with Qatar or Iran cannot balance the economic power of these regional coalitions. Your email address will not be published. A decade-old speculative map first published by Stratfor founder George Friedman in his 2010 book about “The Next 100 Years: A Forecast For The 21st Century” is provoking distrust between the Russian and Turkish societies after it recently went viral on social media. Stratfor predicts that by 2050 However, it will be an empire of influence and not an actual occupation. Ironically, Freidman’s map kept Israel, which exists right in the heart of the affected regions, immune to the claimed expansion of the Turkish influence. çok doğru analizleri ve tespitleri oldu. On the other hand, the economic growth of the countries, which fall under the claimed Turkish influence in Stratfor’s forecast map, is doing better compared to Turkey. Described as the ‘shadow CIA’ or ‘unofficial CIA’, Stratfor is like a research centre, but its advisory is to sell intelligence. That is despite Erdogan’s declared ideological animosity to Israel and his repetitive vows to “liberate Jerusalem from the hands of the Jews.” According to the book, the proposed expansion of Turkish influence should rely on three parallel factors. However, it will be an empire of influence; not occupation, over countries such as: Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Greece, Cyprus, and Azerbaijan. That was particularly true after the eruption of Arab Spring revolutions, in 2010-2011. Meanwhile in the Middle East, his rivals including Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) tried to contain the Turkish influence by waging alliances and engaging in proxy wars in Syria and Iraq. In the mid-21st century, around the year 2050, a Third World War will take place, between the United States, the "Polish Bloc", the UK, India, and China (Allies) on one side, and Turkey and Japan (the coalition) on the other, with Germany and France entering the war in its late stages on the side of Turkey … advancing liberal democracy and countering violent extremism. Türkiye'nin Orta Doğu ve Akdeniz'den Orta Asya'ya uzanan bir coğrafyada etkinliğini artırması, bölge ülkelerinden çok Batılı güçleri tedirgin etti. Meanwhile, in Syria and Libya, as his model clashed with the society or the ruling party, he tried to gain an advantage from the state disintegration and civil wars by sending his military. Armenia, Greece, UAE, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Syria, Yemen, Oman, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya++ — spriters (@neccamc1) February 11, 2021 Daha önce parçalanmış Türkiye haritasını da ilk yayınlayan düşünce kuruluşu Stratfor'un kurucusu George Friedman'ın "Gelecek 100 Yıl" kitabında yer alan, Türkiye için 2050 yılında öngördüğü etki alanlarını gösteren harita, yabancılar tarafından sosyal medyada paylaşılıyor. Speculative Turkish Regional Influence By 2050. The image predicts that Turkey’s future regional influence will eventually extent over Crimea … ‘I’m not crazy. 2050’de Türkiye’nin etki alanları Amerikan Savunma Bakanlığı birimleriyle birlikte özel kuruluşlara da kritik istihbarat satan, aynı zamanda gayri resmi CIA olarak da anılan bir kuruluş olan Stratfor’un söz konusu haritasında, 2050 yılında Türkiye’nin etki alanındaki ülkeler şunlar: Russian officials and experts criticized this act and some even warned the Turkish government to stop spreading “pan-Turkic” and “neo-Ottoman” aspirations in or around Russia. Then, Muslim Brotherhood’s Al-Nahda Party in Tunisia resigned to avoid a similar fate to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. — File photo. Brian Genchur Public Relations STRATFOR 512-744-4309 - office-----From: Brian Genchur [] He also shared the positions of President Erdoğan’s plane in the air during the hours of the coup attempt. For example, one of the reasons why many Egyptians elected a Muslim Brotherhood government, in 2012, was the misleading propaganda that introduced the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), in Egypt, as an extension to Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), in Turkey. Stratfor is an intelligence-based “research center” often described as the “shadow CIA” whose advisory is to sell intelligence. In his speculations, Friedman drew a scenario wherein Egypt should go through a political turmoil, which allows Turkey to deploy its military troops to Egyptian territories, under the guise of bringing stability to the region. Friedman aynı zamanda "Amerika'nın Gizli Savaşı", "Savaşların Geleceği" gibi best-seller kitapların yazarı. Yayınlanan harita, Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’dan Akdeniz’e, oradan da Orta Asya’ya uzanan bir coğrafyada etkinliğini artırması, bölge ülkelerinden daha ziyade Batılı güçleri rahatsız etti. Based on the most recent available data by the World Bank, Turkey is ranked the 19th largest economy in the world, in 2019. He has graduated from the American University of Beirut in Public Policy and International Affairs. In his book, Freidman also claimed that by the middle of the century Turkey’s influence will extend deep into Russia and the Balkans, where it will collide with Poland and the rest of the Eastern European coalition. Turkey will also become a major Mediterranean power, controlling the Suez Canal and projecting its strength into the Persian Gulf. Even during the strongest phases of post-revolution political polarization, during which other Arab Spring countries fell into the trap of civil war, the Egyptian people remained strictly unified over their Egyptian national identity, despite their many demographic differences; (3) The Egyptians’ rejection to political Islamism ideology and the people’s active role in removing the Muslim Brotherhood regime from power, in mid-2013, which consequently led to removing the Turkish influence over Egypt, which had been exerted in post-revolution years. “It seems to me that such information is deliberately thrown in to see the reaction. In perfect application to Freidman’s proposed scenario for expanding Turkey’s influence over the region, Turkey has been cleverly using every opportunity to militarily intervene into the Arab countries, exhausted by political turmoil or torn by civil wars, in the aftermath of Arab Spring revolutions, under the flag of re-instating stability in the region or fighting terrorism. What we (as Russians) should not do is allow (Turkey) a free ride and let the loyalty of Russian regions be ‘switched’ to Ankara,” asserted Mirzayan. A decade-old speculative map first published by Stratfor founder George Friedman in his 2010 book about “The Next 100 Years: A Forecast For The 21 st Century” is provoking distrust between the Russian and Turkish societies after it recently went viral on social media. Russian, and experts criticized this act and some even, the Turkish government to stop spreading “pan-Turkic” and “neo-Ottoman” aspirations in or around Russia. He has participated in international conferences in Frankfurt, Vienna, Uppsala, New Delhi, and Yerevan, and presented various topics from minority rights to regional security issues. Also, Arab Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia and UAE, helped Egypt in its war on political Islamist groups, all over MENA region. 4 talking about this. The company predicts that by 2050 Turkey will expand its influence over the Balkans, North Africa, … And I don’t want to die,’ the scorpion reasoned. Yayınlanan harita, Türkiye’nin Orta Doğu’dan Akdeniz’e, oradan da Orta Asya’ya uzanan bir coğrafyada etkinliğini artırması, bölge ülkelerinden daha ziyade Batılı güçleri rahatsız etti. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. He is a contributor to the various local and regional newspapers and presenter of the “Turkey Today” program in Radio Voice of Van. Currently, the Turkish Defense Ministry operates military bases in the Middle East, Caucasus, Africa, and Asia. Honestly, Turkey had already got a golden opportunity, in 2011-2013, to manifest Freidman’s speculations into reality, by abusing Egypt’s weak state, in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. But emerging economies need to enhance their institutions and their infrastructure significantly if they are to realise their long-term growth potential. Explore the World in 2050. Almost 12 years later, this map is recirculating, but this time it is being republished by Turkish media channels. The first factor is Turkey’s success in employing its economic supremacy, military strength, and cultural/religious soft power to exert influence over the states and/or the societies of targeted countries. Jahrhunderts in die Bedeutungslosigkeit abrutscht. .” According to the book, the proposed expansion of Turkish influence should rely on three parallel factors. Stratfor founder of Friedman’s book The Next 100 Years Turkey’s place is in the domain of the 2050 map, was once again back in the news in Turkish media sharing with social media by foreigners. This was the case of Turkey’s military intervention in Syria, Iraq, and Libya, and Sudan. Gelecekte; Türkiye'de ve Dünya'da neler olacağını, ihtimallerin gerçekleşmesi halinde Türkiye'nin konumu ne olacak. Başında ünlü stratejist ve siyaset bilimci George Friedman bulunuyor. Das Buch war auf der TOP 5-Bestsellerliste der New York Times. Last summer, the Turkish Lira fell to its lowest exchange rate against the U.S. dollar, before slowly recovering at the beginning of 2021. Amerikan düşünce kuruluşu Stratfor’un hazırladığı 2050 Türkiye haritası gündeme bomba gibi düştü. PPIA graduate, Poet and Weekly correspondent Lillian Avedian debuts Journey to Tatev, AYF cousins join humanitarian relief efforts in Artsakh, Azerbaijan unveils fragments of exploded Iskander missiles in Shushi, NAASR receives Mass Humanities grant for programming on Derounian archive, ONEArmenia surveying Diasporans’ travel habits, is an intelligence-based “research center” often described as the “shadow CIA” whose advisory is to sell intelligence. Indonesia and Turkey. Başında ünlü stratejist ve siyaset bilimci George Friedman bulunuyor. The second factor is the natural weakening, over time, of targeted states, which were expected to go through political turmoil that should eventually lead to political divisions or, in severe cases, civil wars. What we (as Russians) should not do is allow (Turkey) a free ride and let the loyalty of Russian regions be ‘switched’ to Ankara,” asserted Mirzayan. He founded the New Eastern Politics forum/blog in 2010. That is despite Erdogan’s declared ideological animosity to Israel and his repetitive vows to “, liberate Jerusalem from the hands of the Jews. Speaking of Turkey’s cultural and religious soft power, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tried to employ this factor in the “Arab Spring.” As Islamist political parties took power in Tunisia and Egypt, Erdogan hailed them and saw the events from the prism of “political Islam” and tried to export the “Turkish governance model” to these countries. Speculative Turkish Regional Influence By 2050. The second is Ankara’s success in employing its economic supremacy in the region. Aliyev, once again, threatens Armenia with war, More Than Just a Map: Stratfor’s Map of Turkey’s Sphere of Influence 2050. Now, many Turkish nationalists and government circles believe that such maps are “promising” given the rise of Turkish power in the region. One can but advise the Turkish side to abandon dreams of Russian territory, otherwise, they could injure themselves due to such insatiable appetites.”, On February 14, 2021, Russian expert Gevorg Mirzayan, a research fellow of the RAS US and Canadian Studies Institute, published an article titled “How Russia Can Block Erdoğan’s Imperial Ambitions” in the Russian media outlet. the Turks have done it before. Der einflussreiche amerikanische Politologe George Friedman glaubt, dass Deutschland in der zweiten Hälfte des 21. The author wrote that Russia must continue cleaning up pro-Turkish organizations in Crimea, the Krasnodar territory and other regions of the Russian Federation. Jahrhunderts. Bis 2050 wird die Türkei ihren Einflussbereich erheblich erweitern, in den ein Teil des Territoriums Russlands fallen wird. We followed this initial analysis with reports looking at the implications of the rapid growth of emerging economies for global energy consumption and carbon emissions (September 2006), the growth of leading city economies to 2020 … It is within this context that on February 9th the Turkish national TV station TGRT Haber (TRT1) republished the same map. Commenting on the map, Mirzayan argued that Erdogan’s Pan-Turkic and Pan-Islamist ideologies are threatening Russia’s interests. Such regional coalitions are pushing Turkey into forced economic isolation, sooner or later. The third factor is the natural weakening, over time, of neighboring states, which were expected to go through political turmoil eventually leading to political divisions or, in severe cases, civil wars and Turkish military adventures in these countries. STRATFOR'UN TÜRKİYE HARİTASI. Apparently, showing this old map on TV was meant to serve the ongoing pro-Erdogan propaganda, especially among the many Turkish citizens who embrace the ideology of neo-Ottomanism. . Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. On the economic supremacy issue, Friedman expected that by 2020, Turkey would have been among world’s top ten countries with the strongest economy. The company predicts that by 2050 Turkey will expand its influence over the Balkans, North Africa, the Middle … reports that George Friedman, the founder of the US analytical company Stratfor, published a map of the geographical area in which Turkey will have a say in 2050 in his article "The next 100 years".. Türkiye'deki gelişmelerle ilgili olarak, Friedman tarafından kaleme alınan analizi "Türkiye-Yeni Osmanlıcılık" ve yeni ABD yaklaşımı konusunda ilginç bir çalışma … Jahrzehnts wird der Kalte Krieg mit der nachlassenden Widerstandskraft Russlands ende… T T Dalia Ziada داليا زيادة: Expectations vs Reality: Stratfor’s Map of Turkey’s Sphere of Influence 2050 On February 14, 2021, Russian expert Gevorg Mirzayan, a research fellow of the RAS US and Canadian Studies Institute, published an article titled “How Russia Can Block Erdoğan’s Imperial Ambitions” in the Russian media outlet Vzglyad, later translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute. to its lowest exchange rate against the US dollar. (TRT1) republished the same map. reports that George Friedman, the founder of the US analytical company Stratfor, published a map of the geographical area in which Turkey will have a say in 2050 in his article "The next 100 years".. Speculative Turkish Regional Influence By 2050 A decade-old speculative map first published by Stratfor founder George Friedman in his 2010 book about “ The Next 100 Years: A Forecast For The 21 st Century ” is provoking distrust between the Russian and Turkish societies after … The Turkish military is ranked by Global Firepower Index as the strongest military in the Middle East, in 2020. Stratfor is an intelligence-based “research center” often described as the “shadow CIA” whose advisory is to sell intelligence. The Next 100 Years (deutscher Titel: Die nächsten 100 Jahre) ist eine geopolitische Studie von George Friedman aus dem Jahre 2009. 2050'de tÜrkİye'nİn etkİ alanlari Amerikan Savunma Bakanlığı birimleriyle birlikte özel kuruluşlara da kritik istihbarat satan, aynı zamanda gayri resmi CIA olarak da anılan bir kuruluş olan Stratfor'un söz konusu haritasında, 2050 yılında Türkiye'nin etki alanındaki ülkeler şunlar: Turkey's growing influence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean to Central Asia has become a source of concern for the West.