You can rent a car for the experience … Encircling the village of Nürburg, Germany, the Nürburgring course is every professional driver’s dream…and hellish nightmare. Nurburgring GP Track Guide. Kurzinfos Teilnehmer (0) Kurzinfos. Deutsch: Nürburgring, Streckenführung ab 2002, die Grand-Prix-Strecke. Guthaben, Green Hell Credits, Saisonkarte – hier findest Du das neue Preis- und Bonus-System für die Touristenfahrten auf dem Nürburgring auf einen Blick. If you’ve got a compliant car, it can make a real difference and help you find an extra bit time towards the end of the lap. zum Archiv . Einfache und verständliche Tutorials für die Nutzung des Flottenmanagers GPS-Explorer web. November war es wieder soweit, der Deutsche Telematik Preis 2020 wurde zum dritten Mal gemeinsam vom ETM Verlag und der Sachverständigen ... Karriere bei GPSoverIP. Motorsport . However, it was considered in character a mere shadow of its older sibling. F1 returns to the Nürburgring for the first time since 2013, so Esteban Gutierrez and PETRONAS Motorsports jumped in the simulator to help talk us through the track ahead of the Eifel Grand Prix! Premium. Castrol S Der Nürburgring - das einzigartige Ausflugsziel für Motorsportfans und Familien rund um die zwei faszinierendsten Rennstrecken der Welt (Nordschleife und Grand-Prix-Strecke). Expect to see drivers trying to overtake here but straight lining the chicane because it’s so hard to get the car stopped and back on line to avoid hitting the kerbs, while keeping clear of the car they are trying to pass! Nürburgring GP Track Guide. Date: 11 November 2010: Source: Own work: Author: Pitlane02: Licensing . Bring the car into the inside quite early (but stay off the high kerb) and hold the apex until about two thirds of the way around the corner. The Nürburgring (sometimes spelled Nuerburgring, particularly if you don't have the 'ü' on your computer) is most famous for being the track where Austrian racing legend Niki Lauda was involved in a fiery crash that nearly took his life during the 1976 German Grand Prix (the scene was dramatized in the 2013 movie Rush). From about half way along the inside kerb start to let the car drift out to the right but try to stay off the kerbs on the right on the exit. Der Nürburgring - das einzigartige Ausflugsziel für Motorsportfans und Familien rund um die zwei faszinierendsten Rennstrecken der Welt (Nordschleife und Grand-Prix-Strecke). English: Nürburgring, layout from 2002, the Grand-Prix-Track. Internationaler ADAC Truck-Grand-Prix 2021 findet als Hybrid-Event statt. There are a few obvious spots for overtaking, such as outbraking into the Castrol S, RTL, Dunlop Kehre, Kumho Kurve and the Veedol, but there are a couple of other corners whre you can surprise your competitor. This guide is presented by driver coach Scott Mansell and Nurburgring 24hr winner (Mercedes AMG) Adam Christo. So, fresh from his latest outing at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, we caught up with our resident Rochford racer for the ultimate track guide ahead of the Eifel Grand Prix. Hier die aktuellen Öffnungszeiten für Touristenfahrten. Mitglied seit 5 August 2006. Cartagena Warm-Up 3 Tage mit Transport … This is one of the most challenging aspects of the Nürburgring: it’s not just a case of brake, hit the apex and accelerate on exit – you must be able to constantly adapt and make compromises to put the car in the best position on the track. It was built to meet the highest safety standards. Immediately point the car back over to the left ready for the Bit Kurve. Buche Tickets für Motorsport-Events, Fahrerlebnisse und vieles mehr! EU GT3 @ Nürburgring GP, Sunday 24th January 2021. If you’re anything like us, you’re positively giddy at the thought of Formula 1 returning to the Nürburgring this weekend. . Hewi Fahrer. Official practice: 20:00 UTC (20 minutes) Qualifying: 20:20 UTC (20 minutes) Race: 20:40 UTC (60 minutes) Entry list: First Uploaded: October 15, 2017 Last Updated: May 14, 2018 Last Downloaded: 1 hour ago Subscribe to your own personal Nürburgring newsletter now! 3:  Turn into the right hander at the end of the apex kerb for corner 2. Close, We have noticed that you are using the English version of our web site. Bring the car back to the middle of the track then brake for the right hander. Würde mich über ein paar Zahlen freuen. This bend promotes understeer so it is important to make sure you have the nose working well for you and pointed around the corner before you get on the power. Would you like to view the site in 中国? At the Karrousel, Rudolf Carraciola had been in the practice of hooking his inside wheel into the ditch to guide the car round – gaining himself as much as two seconds per lap in the process. The corner is blind,over the slight crest that is adjacent to the pitlane exit. Use all of the apex kerb and some grasscrete beyond if necessary and on the exit use the tarmac runoff, grass matting, kerb, basically any real-estate you can get your car onto to minimise the exit angle. Over the brow of this slight crest the road kinks to the right so as you brake for the corner arc slightly to the right as if you are aiming for the centre of the track, thi s will bring you alongside the left hand kerb as you get to the turn in for the corner. Sections of the track - Nürburgring Sections of the track The sections of the track around the Nordschleife were given their history-laden names in the years following the construction of the circuit in 1925 and have kept them to this day. Turn in just before the crest in the road (and hence, just before you can see the apex) and be careful of the bumps in the end of the braking zone and upto the apex. Wer hier gerne auf Exaktheit und Geschwindigkeit fährt, gehört definitiv in die „GLP Track Masters". The first apex is blind as you approach, being over a small crest, so spot your braking but note that the chicane is fast so you won’t want to loose too much speed. Original poster. Visit our cookie policy to find out more about our use of cookies and how to opt out. Get on the throttle and let the car use all of the track width, the kerb and the concrete strip on the exit. Silverstone is a fantastic mix of high-speed and flowing corners, including the infamous Maggotts and Becketts complex which has to be one of the best sequences of corners you can find. Touristenfahrten Nürburgring GP-Strecke (03.04.2021) Weiter zu den Bildern. This week we'll … Termine. It’s quite long and it’s a little bumpy. Nach der pandemiebedingten Absage in 2020 wird die 35. Turn in 2 car lengths before the split where the GP circuit turns right and the Nordschleife turns left. Hockenheimring GP. [1] Die damals 4,5 Kilometer lange GP-Strecke wurde direkt an die 20,8 Kilometer lange Nordschleife angebunden. Next Last. 2. Der Nürburgring - das einzigartige Ausflugsziel für Motorsportfans und Familien rund um die zwei faszinierendsten Rennstrecken der Welt (Nordschleife und Grand-Prix-Strecke). First is the GP circuit, which can be configured in three different ways depending on the requirements of the event. Nürburgring GP-Strecke, aufgenommen von SP-12 Harry auf Suzuki GSX-R 1000 K2 Video ansehen. 14 - 25 m. Müllenbachschleife. Top 100 Fastest Nurburgring Track Times. EIFEL GP: Romain Grosjean's Nürburgring circuit guide Podium outsiders Despite the range of corners at the Nurburgring, it’s ostensibly a high-downforce circuit, with certain teams then likely to make compromises on their set-ups to give them an advantage on different parts of the track. - 14.05.2021: Nürburgring Speer Racing Sportveranstaltungen GmbH 21.07. The Mercedes Arena consists of 3 corners, the first two to the left and the third to the right, I’ll refer to them as 1, 2 and 3. This is the most important corner in this section as a good exit here will determine your speed down the long straight to RTL and Ford Kurve. ... GP track. You’ve got a high-speed left-hander that feeds into a slightly quicker right-hander so, again, you’ve got to compromise between how much speed you carry through the first corner and how well you position the car for entry to the subsequent corner. Carry the brake a good quarter of the way into the turn making sure you use the extra weight on the front to help turn the car and get the front pointed into the apex. The new Nürburgring track was completed in 1984 and named GP-Strecke (German: Großer Preis-Strecke: literally, "Grand Prix Course"). The lap starts with one of the slowest corners on the track and it’s very tricky to get right, partly because the braking zone is downhill which increases the likelihood of locking up. Turn in late, approximately 2 car lengths before the kerb on the left ends. Welcome to the Definitive Circuit Guide to Nürburgring Nordschleife, one of the most famous racing tracks on the planet. Racing Line Maps. 1 of 11 Go to page. Chris Down Assetto Corsa Staff. It’s a double-apex right-hander, so don’t be surprised to see cars drift out wide to the middle of the track and then come in to hit the second apex. You spend a lot of the lap thinking about the corner ahead of the one you’re about to take, and that’s simply because as soon as you exit one corner you’ve got to optimise the position of the car for the next. Mo 19.04 - Di 20.04.21. 2007 wurde die Shell-S-Kurve in Michael … Der Nürburgring - das einzigartige Ausflugsziel für Motorsportfans und Familien rund um die zwei faszinierendsten Rennstrecken der Welt (Nordschleife und Grand-Prix-Strecke). 1984 wurde im Bereich der Start-und-Ziel-Schleife und der Südschleife die zu dieser Zeit modernste und sicherste Grand-Prix-Strecke der Welt eröffnet. Touristenfahrten Erfahre die Rennstrecken des Nürburgrings in Deinem eigenen Fahrzeug und folge selbst den Spuren der Legenden! teilen tweeten teilen Mail Forum Autor kontaktieren ( - Fans und Teams können … Companies that organize regular track days at the Nürburgring: Speer Racing; Gran Turismo Events; Scuderia S7;; Check the full calendar for driving experiences and track days. A lap with the man who has driven to the moon. The corner is blind,over the slight crest that is adjacent to the pitlane exit. The turn in point for the left handed part of these corners is approximately 1 metre before the grass stops and a strip of old tarmac (for an old access road) starts at the edge of the road. Buche Tickets für Motorsport-Events, Fahrerlebnisse und vieles mehr! It’s important to remember that you can gain the most time in slower corners, so you’ll probably see drivers sacrificing a little speed in Turn Five to be able to carry more through Turn Six where there is more time to be won. A flat out kink. The two circuits, Nordschleife and Nürburgring GP, have seen the greatest of motorsport over the years, but they are also places for amateur drivers from all over the world to get their dose of track driving and to follow the same roads their heroes did or do.