BFX agreed to help HFX to conquer the world and she did risk her life in those battles especially the one where she was seriously injured by HC so wasn’t she willing to sacrifice her life to further HFX’s ambition? Hopefully the cast as well as the drama will turn out well and not disappoint me. Synopsis: Luo Qingchuan is a sweet, history-loving girl who accidentally gets transported in time to the 18 th century during Emperor Kangxi’s reign. A reclusive and mysterious prince who is well loved by his people. Or is it cannot face the world? Prologue Sandra Ma as Hu Rong. Back then, legend has it that two experts left a half-finished chess game on the hilltop of “King Mountain”. Having said that, I love what Tangren did for BBJX and hopefully, I will love them for what they are doing for Da Mo Yao but with these uninspiring news about the drama production for WGTW, I’m going, please don’t touch it. I love Huo Qu Bing to bits and I thought Eddie Peng looks perfect as him. He looked at the man in the painting, eyes flickered a ray of bright light, “This has much meaning, Ling Xiao Dian does not only have 8 person’s paintings, however who is this person with his back facing the world?” He mumbled to himself, face peering a smile that has much depth. This time hearing the black robed male’s words, again placing her gaze to that painting, as soon as she saw, a curiosity grew. I need the grand scale feel, not cartoonish. One day, just for my dedication to WGTW, I will soldier through. The book itself gained some decent amount of popularity. Anna on December 01, 2019: Legend of the blue sea,i can never let it … When he saw the white robed girl’s eye flashed of light, his heart secretly smiled. Lightly opening the palace doors, she entered, then again lightly closed the doors. Anyway, he is too old, similar to casting Kevin Cheng as Mu Yan in Hua Xu Yin:( The second name is Feng Shao Feng, lidge’s crush, lol. Of course, that is another story. Then, I watched her in Romance of Tiger and Rose, and she fully won me over with her hilarity. “Why don’t we have a bet, let’s see who can find out the full details.”, The young white robed female turned her head to look at him, eyes shining bright, “Okay! The drama follows the stories of several hardworking and lifeloving people who with courage and a strong will try to face the rapidly changing times. Everyone has diff preference. As I’ve written before, I suspect the scriptwriters hate the authors so they’ll try their best to destroy the novels when adapting them. Gunshi Kanbei (Strategist Kanbei) is a-year long taiga drama by NHK in 2014. When they meet again, both know in their heart to “forget yet cherish” that promise. Change ). For those, who can understand Chinese, I strongly recommend you to read the novel or listen to the audio book. In a blink of an eye the shadow was already in front of the Ling Xiao Dian. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The Chinese anime movie takes place in an alternate world where spirit-like creatures oversee the natural balance of the world. In the middle of her forehead rested a string of black beads with a half moon like accessory. Synopsis: Set in the forty years after the beginning of reform in China inside a city called Jiangbei is a story about a group of ordinary citizens and cops who put up a struggle against crime and corruption. Before the white robed girl can open her mouth again, he spoke: “Since princess said this is a forbidden ground, why are you also here?”, The white robed girl blanked, then suddenly returned to her royal princess posture, “I (ben gong) am also curious about this palace’s paintings. Hopefully some better company can take over cus I really don’t want my favorite novel ruined. I REPEAT, NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TOUCH THIS HOLY NOVEL AND SOIL SUCH PERFECTION WITH THEIR MUGGLE HANDS. Oh well. WHYYYYYYY? Unfortunately that seems to be what book to drama adaptations do these days… *sigh*. I understand there will always be changes but not something so extensive! Either way, DF is still way more interesting so… *shrug*. Hoju thinks Yan Kuan is a good choice but I find him kind of boring and serious looking:P For those who’ve read or listened to the novel, who do you think is most suitable to be Hei Feng Xi? “Who is this person? PEANUTS! Who Gets the World will be adapted into a drama and filming will commence at the end of the year. Did you hear? By the way have you heard of 香師如溪? However the most odd thing was the string of white beads with a black half moon accessory in the middle of his forehead. I have nothing against Hu Ge but he doesn’t look like HFX to me. Wah, great news since they dun seem to know what they are doing. When he heard her question, he politely said, “I am the oldest prince’s study partner, may I ask you are…?”, The white robed female was already prepared, opened her mouth and haughtily spoke “My (she originally said ‘ben gong’, aka what queens or princesses refer to themselves) name is not one you can ask!”. I just found it on mian mians ximalaya today with both mains of wgtw! “Back facing the world?” The young white robed female unconsciously said, this phrase caused the black robed male’s heart to shake. So kind of afraid . And I guess she’s been getting flamed more and more. As much as I like Wallace, his BZH is flat and bland, and I like novel BZH way more than I like drama BZH. The wall had a total of 9 paintings of 8 men and 1 woman, the peoples in the drawings looked almost real, embodying their souls. Zhao Lusi's Upcoming Drama Who Rules The World - Male Lead Update - YouTube. “Next year’s today, we will meet again to decide the winner and loser.”. I am curious so I sneaked in to see.” The young black robed male replied at an unhurried pace. I don’t really fancy harem kind drama/novel, always fighting for the emperor/prince’s affection . But can’t seem to find the ebook :$ it’s apparently a time travel novel too. I feel if given the chance Yuan Hong will be able to nail it perfectly. Anyone agree with me? , I guess you just have to ignore that person *sigh*. Unless HFX is played by HuGe… but I don’t think any actress can embody BFX the way the audio voice actress does, not even my female crush Liu Shi Shi (Which as much as Ruo Xi + Si Ye OTP was amazing, she really didn’t have to date him in real life… I was waiting for the LSS x Yuan Hong to happen, considering their BFFL status). Lidge wanna marry FSF after she watched 4 Women Conflicts. After the young black robed male heard the reply, he nodded his head and smiled, stepping into the palace. Ye Xiu doesn’t give up on Xing Xin. Cat videos. Bookmarking the page for future reference! Tao Xuan tells him his career is over. OMG, he was supposed to be a beauty? This is the two main characters, aren’t they so pretty? However Feng Chao Wang has long passed away, by that means I’m this world’s number one.” Black robed male smiled warmly with grace. Therefore she has translated some snippets and posted them in shusheng bar. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. When she gets a text message for a job interview at a company located on Rakshasa Street, she runs out first before stopping to think about how strange it is to have a job interview so late at night. He unexpectedly gets involved in a conspiracy after he… Watch Trailer However within all of the paintings, on the right side, the person on the painting was dressed in normal clothes. Not my cup of tea either. Miao Miao (Yang Ke Han), who is now a newspaper reporter, sets out to find her long-lost friends, whom she only knows by the nicknames Qing Ting, Xi Shuai and Xiao Cao. This is the first time for both the scriptwriter & director to write & film a wuxia drama so don’t hold out any high hope on them:(, Oh the horror! The girl’s gaze stopped at the only woman’s painting. Did you watch , which is why you are so adamant for HG to be HFX:P? Did I mention their costumes were the ugliest things ever?? A prince, born into exaltedness. I haven’t heard of Night Song until you mentioned it just now. For those who don’t visit the book bar or who are not aware of this, I’ve reproduced one of her snippets below with her permission so do take a look at how Hei Feng Xi and Bai Feng Xi met for the first time when they were kids. I guess I m not a very forgiving person so dun ever cross me , And I totally agree – if a decent film studio decides to adapt Who Gets the World then I’m all for it because the story is good and I like the epic fight scenes (more my cup of tea LOL). Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes. ZHAO LUSI AS FEMALE LEAD IN THE CHINESE DRAMA “WHO GETS THE WORLD” - YouTube. Btw I got a rude comment which I’ve deleted from a rabid BZH’s fan saying that I m absurd to support that hypocrite revengeful bastard Dong Fang & WTF to the max. The woman in the picture wore an emperor head piece, dressed in a white empress robe, with an elegant face perked a bit upwards, hinting her proud and strong personality, and the gaze in her eyes felt like they carry a sharp sword-like force. I have to wait till I get an extended term break before I can watch all the remaining eps! U finished your exam already? If really wanna adapt, must use a reputable coy with lots of money lol. The Glory president tells the veteran players that Ye Xiu has been banned. The reason why she accepted to be screenwriter for WGTW is because she wanted to show people that the “fantasy wuxia genre” of dramas is not for the brain dead audience only and can be filled with creativity. Two people facing this painting, one full of puzzled bewilderment, the other with playfulness. The white robed girl lifted her head to look at the sign, which engraved the three letters, ‘Ling Xiao Dian’. But it may come as a surprise to some new to the world of Asian dramas to know that yes, there are full-length Chinese dramas on YouTube, free to all, with subtitles. This fantasy drama tells the story of Lin Dong, who, by coincidence, comes across a talisman with magical powers. ( Log Out / I also don’t like overuse of CGI because I like more realistic scenes. LYF on the other hand… I find her acting wayy wayy wayyy too stiff. © 2013-2020 FANATICAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Love Till the End of Summer (夏至未至) is another Chinese drama that is based on a novel; it is adapted from Guo Jingming's novel of the same name. The bad news is the author will not be participating in the script writing and the scriptwriter doesn’t seem to understand the novel/characters well:( I am afraid he’ll white wash my Hei Feng Xi as he commented that HFX is too conniving and selfish and couldn’t understand why Bai Feng Xi would love him! 1. Even the bad parts. (Whatever that may be.) The young white robed female was in a daze again. Summary (The original summary is quite long and complicated so I have simplified it a little bit for those who are interested!) Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Well, HG doesn’t really look like HFX but for an A-list actor, I feel he is the most suitable compared to FSF, HXM, LK, EP etc. The male in the painting wore an emperor head piece, body in a black emperor robe. Ya, things aren’t looking good but hopefully we are in for a pleasant surprise. Tags: Enemy To Lover, Sly Male Lead, Bickering Couple, Strong Female Lead, Ancient China, Adapted From A Novel, Martial Arts (Vote or add tags) Country: China. The 9th person in the painting should most likely be YWY’s ancestor. As a Gu Man fan, are you excited? While the white robed female was observing, the young black robed male was also strangely observing her. We should respect each other even if we disagree with each other but what she wrote is very rude. I suspect it all boils down to money bcos the script can be edited to be politically correct. WGTW is great because the romantic subplot doesn’t dominate the story – we also have lots of world-building and background to go along with interesting characters. One such being is Chun, who must experience the human world for herself. I’ve always have a soft spot for Hu Ge but he never fails to make me cry because he has bad endings in nearly all his ancient drama:( Hence, I want to watch him in a great drama with a happy ending and this character is rich enough for him to showcase his acting abilities. At this moment, under the beautiful red sunset, a shadow in the sky flew across the palace gates, but the speed was too quick. PEANUTS! Novel DF is more of a chessmaster who sees life as a chess game and likes to manipulate his chess pieces. At this moment there was a small burst of excitement in her heart. I didn’t read the prequel where this snippet was taken from btw. Zhao Lusi's Upcoming Drama Who Rules The World - Male Lead Update. He did not compete on Total Drama Action, but was a member of the Total Drama Action Aftermath peanut gallery. She gets caught in a love triangle between the 4 th and 8 th prince. Either way, thank you fir the hard work and effort for the released chapters! Seriously, I cannot think of anyone who can play HFX and BFX. The premise sounds interesting – wuxia, survival, friendship, romance … think I may have to check this out sometime! … I really do hope TangRen has their hands on this one because I really don’t see any other companies out there that can ever do this novel justice or even make it a bearable drama. Since Soon-ae thinks she can’t move on to the afterlife until she gets laid, she works her magic with Bong-sun to find the perfect match. If you dare to tattle tale, I (ben gong) will tell my royal brother to behead you!”, “I do not dare.” The black robed male lightly lowered his head, then lifted it once again looking at the young girl, then said, “Since we both sneaked here to see the paintings, then why don’t we both keep each other’s secret?”, When he spoke those words, his eyes were clear and expressed sincerity. Categories: Who Gets the World | Tags: Ancient, C-novel, Translation, Who Gets the World, 且试天下 | Permalink. The young white robed female went home and looked for her brother: “Xie Yue gege (brother), why are there not only 8 people in Ling Xiao Dian? Peanuts! The black robed male turned his head to look at her, softly smiled, “History’s exceptional elegance’s appearance is of course not the average.”, This smile like an orchid’s tranquil blossom, subtly bringing a faint fragrance, making the young white robed female blanked out. “This person… I will find out who he is!” The young white robed female’s gaze locked on the man in the painting. I didn’t look into it. Please do not make a copy of our translations in any distributable format, including, but not limited to, *.PDF, . I think yumama will be involved in Eastern Palace, 11 Chu Te Gong Huang Fei & Night Song. She quickly turned her body and the palace’s doors lightly swung open, there stood a young boy dressed in a black robe. I m currently listening to Abu’s palace novel. Get a rich coy like Alibaba to do it. It’s a woman. Because it is forbidden grounds, there was no one in front of the palace, the guards were all on watch far away. Says that there should be an official announcement soon. First Meeting When Young (translated by AcrossTime). Far away is the Ling Xiao Dian (palace) that stands opposite of the tower, is a palace of forbidden grounds, persons with no permission are prohibited to enter. Chapter 3: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Okay, I’ll tell you the good news first. Episodes: 0. Four childhood friends connected by a shared tragedy grow up in the same village but lose touch as they grow older. So, a few things from reading through her weibo. However not knowing what, when the young white robed girl saw his face, she has an urge to reach over and claw off that face that wrote ‘modest gentleman’s’ skin. Walking out of Ling Xiao Dian, the two left in their own ways. With his hair down, I feel that he looks like a mad man:(. This time, it’s the young black robed male to blank, thinking that since young, everyone compliments him as beautiful as jade, like an orchid’s grace, but has never been ridiculed as an animal before. Jackie Chan, who starred in the original film, was credited as the producer for the series. Instead of expecting the worst and starting things off on the wrong foot, why don’t we have a good start and wish for the best? I really love the portrayal of Dongfang and Sha Qianmo though! Anyway best not to adapt it bcos most adaptations are bad. ), even though a bit older than the novel characters (but they can act well so that more than makes up for it!). In this troubled times, there are many talented men. The young white robed female saw him blank out, finally feeling her breath calm, then turned to continue looking at the painting, looking as she was praising, “This person’s whole body is shining brightly with such a vulgar essence! His eyes gazed upon the paintings, looking at them one by one. I don’t wish for WGTW to be made into a drama! Did u follow the scriptwriter on weibo? “Since this Feng Chao Wang is Da Dong’s number one handsome man, and princess said I’m still less by a bit, that means I’m considered the second. I don’t know which production company has bought the copyright but it can’t be any worst than Yu Zheng’s studio, right? 1. Chinese Paladin (2005) Chinese Paladin 3 (2009) Xuan-Yuan Sword: Scar of Sky (2012) Swords of Legends (2014) Legend of Zu Mountain (2015) The Journey of Flower (2015) Chinese Paladin 5 (2016) Noble Aspirations (2016) Eternal Love (2017) Fighter of the Destiny (2017) Xuan-Yuan Sword: Han Cloud (2017) Ashes of Love (2018) Martial Universe (2018) Thanks to WGTW’s author giving the drama adaptation no limits, letting the drama version have a larger room for a better visual to illustrate a touching story, thank you. Novel BZH at least shows some internal struggle/angsting, whereas drama BZH is just flat. The series whose cast comprises celebrated actors such as Angel Wang, Wang Kai, Liu Yijun, and Deng Jiajia, has been enjoying a 250-million viewership via the BTV-1, Dragon Television Chinese network. She sent out a suggestion to the fans, everyone is in the same boat. Drama DF hates the immortals (including BZH) because they murdered his father (geez and they wonder why DF hates them *rolls eyes*). It tells the story of four friends in their mid-20’s struggling to survive in a world that has seemingly turned its back on them. When he swathe second painting on the left side, his gaze paused upon it. It was a job interview like no other. Her weibo is “Pa!” Two person’s palm clapped against each other for the promise. Awww, how come the author is not participating in the drama? Zhang Danfeng portrays DF’s complexity so well. I have a friend who have read all three chapters and really wanted to keep going so I am translating this for her, however I thought that I might as well share my translations with other people too! Kim Hee-ae (left) and Park Hae-joon in a still from Korean drama series The World of the Married, about the unravelling of a couple’s relationship and its consequences. In the meantime, if you can’t wait, you can read my summary and snippets:). Ba Huang Ta (tower in the royal palace) is Di City’s tallest tower. Just dun give me poor costume & crappy CGI. Blame my crazy self for wanting to know everything about WGTW. After seeing the paintings, she quickly walked over. No wonder long time no news. A noble princess who is beautiful and glamorous, with the ambition to reign supreme in the palace harem. As for Yuan Hong, I feel Hei Feng Xi is quite similar to Yang Kang in Jin Yong’s Legend of the Condor Heroes. BZH did redeem himself later but I can’t forget what he did b4. We edit our translations continuously. Everyone hopes the drama turns out good. Who Rules The World cast: Yang Yang, Rosy Zhao, … Read more Who Rules The World (2021) TED Talks are influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech and creativity, with subtitles in 100+ languages. And the whole harem fighting for the Emperor schtick gets old real quick. If yes, pls keep me posted of any latest update especially the cast. I m a novel purist so I m not going to watch HXY. Hi! Finished my exams and back to classes again! But Nodame Cantabile, the korean version is in production right now and I’m afraid they can’t embody the characters of Chiaki and Nodame that was already done in PERFECTION with the japanese version already. He is alright but he doesn’t give me the Hei Feng Xi’s vibe because I always find the characters he had portrayed weak and useless. It is one of my fav novel but may be too dark for u? All translations on this blog are for non-commercial purposes. I was excited when I heard that Who Gets the World would be adapted into a drama but I was also apprehensive because so far most book to drama adaptations have butchered the novel.