She finds herself facing off with Joss Jackham/Weather Witch (Reina Hardesty) but has no idea who that is because Joss is a villain of Barry’s from Earth 1. Take a bow, DC. When a mysterious new Deathstroke appears in Star City, Oliver and Team Arrow insist on taking down this villain themselves. Season 8Arrow. Without question the biggest of these is the lack of any appearance at all by Eobard Thawne/ the Reverse-Flash. The season finale aired on 28th January 2020 on The CW. It is common for the most recent seasons of Arrowverse shows such as The Flash, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow and Arrow itself to be released on Netflix around a week or two after their respective finales air on The CW. In Purgatory, Jim Corrigan instructs Oliver on his new duties as the Spectre (Ollie’s Spectre look consists of a loose, Jedi-like hood and cloak) and describes how all of the many fights in his life have led to this moment, where he can play a key role in restoring all life. It’s when she was dead in Arrow Season 3, her body laying on a table in the Arrow Cave, while Diggle and her sister, Earth-1’s Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), who herself is now dearly departed, mourn her. TV Schedule. This climactic sequence is far from perfect. He describes how he had to accept that life would never be the same after losing his parents but that it can again be OK, happy even, if one learns to move forward and recognize the family they still have. Now that the crossover is well and truly over it’s time to address some of its overall shortcomings, particularly its notable exclusions and missed opportunities. Derek Mears’ Swamp Thing from the recently cancelled DC Universe series resides on Earth-19. A projection of Oliver explains that he is using pieces of his Spectre essence to keep himself and the others at key points in the characters’ history so they don’t fall out of the Speed Force and perish. It helps that Gustin and Lotz both imbue their characters with the perfect mix of melancholy at the loss and warmth for one another. He’s no actor but his excitement at the appearance is obvious and infectious. Oliver’s duel is also quite striking, with the clash of the Specter and the Anti-Monitor’s fiery energy powers making for a nice, colorful sight. On Tuesday, Jan. 28, the long-running series aired its finale episode, "Fadeout." The whole event really has been a triumph for everyone involved. When Kara and Ryan arrive to stop him he and Kara duel (Lex apparently had used the Book of Destiny to give himself superpowers, seemingly consisting of flight and shooting laser beams out of his hands. Eventually, Ollie delivers the line we’ve all been waiting to hear, “You have failed this universe!” before a beam of light erupts out of him into the sky. A united Team Arrow faces a recognizable villain. Fans are much excited to watch this series and so they are often asking to schedule the 8th season … It seems like they still can’t name it such out loud but it’s clear the CW Justice League has been formed and it’s a delightful moment for fans, especially because of how earned it feels. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. However, hope appears in the form of Oliver, … Sara arrives at Ryan’s home just in time to save him and his daughter from a demon. — Netflix France (@NetflixFR) September 26, … Arrow usually appears on Netflix a week after the final episode of the season. On Tuesday, Jan. 28, the long-running series aired its finale episode, "Fadeout." Tap to unmute. Thawne’s planned part in Crisis was so firmly cemented that his last words to Barry in his most recent appearance (in The Flash‘s Season 5 finale) were “See you at our next crisis.” Obviously plans changed but I’m not sure they did so for the better. Oliver’s consciousness was thrown back to the climax of last year’s Elseworlds crossover when he used the magic arrow he got from the Monitor in exchange for making his Crisis sacrifice to stop John Deegan and save Barry and Kara in the process. Oliver’s voice then narrates a similar speech to the one the Monitor opened Crisis with, amended to include the optimistic ending that a New Age of Heroes has begun. Kate learns a lesson in managing trust in regards to secret identities from the talk she witnesses between Oliver and Ray from several years ago, but the randomness of putting her there is still apparent. The dead are at peace, the real heroes are the ones who go on living.” Oliver may no longer long for the peace of death, as he seemingly has at some of his lowest points, but he’s also not actively fighting against his own end as he has been throughout Arrow‘s final season. The cameo from Wolfman is one of the most wholesome throughout the event and having him be present to help convey the magnitude of the changes Crisis caused is a perfect way to celebrate his own momentous impact on DC history. You can follow him on Twitter at @NoahDominguez_. Copy link. Info. The Paragons are, understandably, not in good shape when we pick back up with them. Labs, face to face with yet another doppelganger, Ezra Miller’s Barry Allen from the DC Extended Universe film franchise! The crazy, tragic events he’s experienced would naturally have J’zonn’s emotions running high, having him so viciously chastise Wells feels a little off given both J’zonn’s own usually high degree of empathy and Wells’ own clear remorse (Tom Cavanaugh does great work at quickly showing how the gravity of his mistake is crashing down on Nash). After defeating Beebo, the group deduces that his attack was a distraction. Due to being shorter than its predecessors, the final season of The CW's Arrow is already available on Netflix following the finale's recent airing. It's the beginning of the end for Arrow tonight on The CW. On the heroic side the exclusion of Earth-2’s Laurel Lance is inexcusable, given how closely tied her story in Arrow Season 8 was to the Crisis. Barry and Sara tearfully thank Oliver for the new life he’s given the world before their friend’s life finally ends, for real this time. Outside of media I like playing basketball and watching the New York Giants. No episode description has been released yet, but we will update this page as soon as it is. J’zonn telepathically contacts Barry and Sara to inform them of the situation and of the group’s belief that the shadow demons are targeting the Paragons. Arrow Season 8 Episode 8 “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Four” Director: Glen Winter Starring: Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, LaMonica Garrett, Katie Cassidy, Jon Cryer, Grant Gustin, Brandon Routh, Tyler Hoechlin, David Harewood, Ruby Rose Here's how to watch Arrow season 8 episode 1 live on TV and online. The quiet tone of these sequences and the performances of all the actors, particularly Amell and Gustin, make the walk down memory lane emotional. After a nearly month-long wait, the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover is finally continuing. This was always the most likely conclusion to the event. .ugh. But Oliver assures him that he doesn’t regret doing so because “Dying’s the easy part. Barry and Kara arrive at the Arrow Cave, thrilled that their whole group of Superfriends now shares an Earth before Sara and Team Arrow give them the tragic news. Obviously Thawne is mostly Barry’s problem but he also has history with the Legends from serving as their second season antagonist and he’s faced off with both Kara and Oliver as well. Mid-way into Season 7, The CW, on January 31, 2018, renewed ‘Arrow’ for its eighth season. Shopping. Miller’s appearance confirms that the DCEU is part of the multiverse along with all the other shows and films Crisis has connected and opens up the door for future meetings between the TV and film franchises. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Now, just over one week later, Arrow Season 8 has dropped on Netflix -- meaning the Arrowverse's inaugural series can now be streamed in its entirety on the platform. Kara, Barry, and Sara each say a few words as thanks and goodbyes. She could’ve just said Oliver was the one person who could understand both eras of her life fully. Sara acknowledges that the Legends are and have been her family but is still in pain over losing Oliver, the one person who knew her before that fateful trip on the Queen’s Gambit. Arrow is an American action adventure television series based on the fictional superhero Green Arrow, a costumed crime-fighter who appears in comic books published by DC Comics. 2012 | TV-14 | 8 Seasons | TV Shows Based on Comics. The eighth and final season of the American television series Arrow premiered on The CW on October 15, 2019 and concluded on January 28, 2020, with a total of 10 episodes. Oliver Queen's final adventure hits emotional peaks while spearheading the game-changing "Crisis on Infinite Earths," giving the Emerald Archer a rousing sendoff. Ray and Ryan theorize that if they can create a device to shrink the villain exponentially he will be trapped in what they call “the microverse”. Just as in “Part Four” the actual fight sequences aren’t really anything to write home about in terms of choreography or staging. AKA: The Dragon, Arrow (2012(), Past Sins. It accomplishes its main goals of bidding a fond farewell to Arrow, celebrating DC’s live-action past, and setting up an exciting future in spectacular fashion while also containing moving development for many of its main characters. Fortunately, Oliver appears just as his friend is reaching his breaking point. Arrow Season 8 Soundtrack | Tunefind This was likely included more so to tease Greg Berlanti’s upcoming Green Lantern series on HBO Max than to remind anyone the film exists. Ten thousand years ago Mar Novu and his wife were scientists from the planet Maltus, but when Mar traveled back to the dawn of time for scientific purposes he created a flaw in the universe that resulted in the creation of the Anti-Monitor and the anti-matter universe. Share. January 17, 2020. It’s hard to overstate the power of this scene which serves as an example of the kind of moving, deeply human storytelling the Arrowverse is capable of at its best. But to do so he’ll need his surviving friends by his side. The end of the multiverse left Kara shattered. Barry replies that he thought it would be a good place to meet in case of future threats and, to everyone’s, but especially Kara’s, delight, unveils a table with seats emblazoned with each of their heroic logos (including one for Oliver). After defeating the shadow demons the Paragons look on in awe at the battle between the two cosmic beings. It’s a gut-wrenching scene and all the actors are exceptional, particularly the tear-stained Ramsey whose delivery of Dig’s quiet recognition that he failed to be by Oliver’s side for his last stand as he promised brings tremendous, tragic weight to the dialogue. This is a fairly obvious excuse for a time-traveling tour through the history of the franchise, and it likely won’t help with the comparisons the crossover is getting to Avengers: Endgame, but the impulse to celebrate everything Arrow and Oliver have built, in this, their final crossover episode, is understandable. Arrow Season 8 Official Trailer - Comic Con 2019. Arrow's season premiere begins the final season and brings back fan favorites. S8, Ep5. Watching from Kara’s apartment, the Danvers sisters are joined by Kate Kane, Diggle and Lyla enjoy time with both their children, Sara and John Jr., who now live in the same timeline for the first time, and Clark gets a big surprise when Lois calls and mentions his two sons. While he intends to prevent the birth of the Anti-Monitor as planned, he also seeks to trick Novu into rewriting history in a manner that will benefit him. RELATED: Arrow Final Season Blu-ray Includes Crisis on Infinite Earths. The futility of the situation is compounded by The Flash’s disappearance. Amell’s contented, earnest heroism is heartbreaking to watch and both Lotz and Gustin are appropriately shattered. Sequential Planet is here for the best news, reviews, and features in comic books, movies, anime, and video games. He brings up the time Felicity had him watch Oliver out in the field in season 6 ... A documentary helps reunite Team Arrow in episode 150. Creative choices there, Lex.) There’s also when Barry retrieves Oliver himself, a sequence that gets the admittedly somewhat scattered episode back to focusing on the core story. The finale of Arrow should be airing on The CW on Tuesday the 28th of January 2020. 21, to be more accurate. Image courtesy of The CW. I am a recent graduate of Fordham University with a major in Film and Television and minor in Journalism. Amell’s performance is perfect, subtle but affecting as he depicts Oliver with a level of calm serenity the character has rarely, if ever, been blessed with. He has also written for sites like WhatCulture and Gaming Access Weekly (formerly Gamer Assault Weekly), and holds a degree in mass communication. The main CW shows are united on a singular world so future crossovers don’t always have to include reality-hopping as a plot point just to get the characters in the same room together, and the significant changes to the timeline, of which more will almost certainly be discovered on the individual series, ensure that both Oliver’s sacrifice and the Crisis itself still created significant change. J’zonn shows up and gives those memories back, saying he’s been going around doing so to all the heroes and their allies (this is obviously the only major reason he was written to be a Paragon). He now approaches death with resolute contentment, secure in the knowledge that his sacrifice will save not only his friends and family but trillions more and the sequence serves as a solid conclusion to his season-long and in many ways his series-long, character arcs. For reference, Arrow Season 7 hit the platform in the early summer of 2019 -- May. Episode List. There are a few significant hiccups, including a tonal misstep and some notable exclusions, but generally, the two-part Crisis finale is a spectacular conclusion, full of more delightful DC surprises, emotionally affecting character development and acting, and a moving final outing for Stephen Amell’s Oliver Queen. He gives Kara the shrinking bomb, and she throws it at the Anti-Monitor who shrinks out of existence, finally defeated for good. Crisis on Infinite Earths (4) (S08E08) is the eighth episode of season eight of “Arrow” airs on Tue Jan 14, 2020. "Arrow" Season 8 is expected to be released on Netflix in early February The CW After that episode has aired on The CW , the season's Netflix release date will be just over a week away. It’s fitting that this occurred in the Arrow episode, despite only Barry being involved, because it accomplishes one of the few pieces of franchise-building that had always seemed outside the realm of possibility, connecting the DCEU to the Arrowverse. After the tour of the new multiverse we return to Earth-Prime for the final sequence. Now, just over one week later, Arrow Season 8 has dropped on Netflix -- meaning the Arrowverse's inaugural series can now be streamed in its entirety on the platform. But while the comic Crisis ended with a singular Earth, which stayed the status quo for at least a little while, if there’s one thing the TV version has proven it’s how valuable a tool the multiverse is for both storytelling and stunt casting and it’s understandable why the creators wouldn’t want to give that up. Season: OR . ‘Arrow’ season 8, episode 6: ‘Reset’ Airing November 19, 2019, and directed by David Ramsey! Despite these and the other problems I mentioned earlier, Crisis‘ conclusion is overall an immensely successful one. I thought Oliver’s death in “Part One” was also quite good, and it was especially nice that Mia was there for it, but this one does feel more complete and perfect, probably due to the fact that it doesn’t have to handle shock value like the first one did, and can, therefore, focus solely on making sure the appropriate emotional weight is delivered, which it very much is, thanks in large part to the actors. KEEP READING: Arrow Confirms DC's Powerless Show Is Arrowverse Canon, Noah E. Dominguez is a jr. news editor at Comic Book Resources who joined the site as a writer in the summer of 2018. The eighth and final season of The CW's Arrow is already available to be streamed on Netflix as of today. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. We have to give it to Garrett, he did fantastic in his portrayal of the character. He is brought to STAR Labs where J’zonn also arrives, restoring Nash and Caitlin’s memories and condemning Wells for unleashing the Anti-Monitor. Barry speeds himself and Sara up to be with Oliver, who is once again dying. Barry reminds her that it’s OK to miss Oliver but also to be happy with what his sacrifice created. Barry and Sara’s lovely chat is cut short when they’re attacked by a shadow demon, which they quickly dispose of. It helps that the episode switches to a different, more cinematic aspect ratio for the Speed Force sequences, which along with their darker color palette and lighting does a good job of giving them an otherworldly feel. The whole thing, especially the beam specifically coming out of Oliver’s face, visually recalls the energy-bending finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender.