WinStar Insurance Group dedicates our time insuring Wineries, Breweries, Distilleries, Water Districts, Commercial Ambulances, Septic Dealers, Child Care Facilities & more and is dedicated to continuing the vision and commitment that Regnier & Associates, Inc. has provided for the past 34 years. 2018 –Heute 2 Jahre 2 Monate. WindStar Medical Group. Suchen. – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der WindStar Medical Group. your password Direct-2-Consumer Business: Embarrassing conditions, WindStar Medical GmbH Bessie-Coleman-Straße 13 • 60549 Frankfurt am MainTel: +49 (0) 69 6540 272 101 • Fax: +49 (0) 69 6540 272 102. said. Oakley Capital Investments Limited(1) (the "Company" or "OCI") is pleased to announce that Oakley Capital IV(2) ("Fund IV") has agreed to acquire WindStar Medical GmbH ("WindStar Medical") from ProSiebenSat.1 majority-owned NuCom Group. Alternatively, you can allow cross-sitetracking in your browser. Starting out with the WindStar Medical Group. WindStar Medical Group - Let s improve quality of life. WindStar Medical GmbH Bessie-Coleman-Straße 13 • 60549 Frankfurt am Main Tel: +49 (0) 69 … The seller is NuCom Group, which is backed by ProSiebenSat.1. This growth is being driven both by demographic trends, such as an ageing population, and a shift in consumer preferences driven by factors such as increased awareness of physical and mental wellbeing and willingness to prevent illness. Oakley Capital has agreed to acquire a majority stake in WindStar Medical, a supplier of health products, from ProSiebenSat.1 majority-owned NuCom Group. WindStar Medical benefits from the long-term structural growth of Germany's consumer health market. Windstar develops private label products in close cooperation with customers in the drugstore, discount and retail segments. WindStar Medical is Germany’s leading over-the-counter consumer healthcare company. In our preparations to return to sailing, we continue to review and update our health and safety practices including enhanced sanitation protocols, health screenings, additional medical staff on board, flexible indoor and outdoor dining, and crew training. WindStar’s founders Wilfried Eichhorn and Dr. Thomas Kleine will continue to hold stakes in the company, which is … Diese Entwicklung ist eine logische Konsequenz aus unserer Geschichte heraus. Welcome! Die Transaktion steht unter dem Vorbehalt der kartellrechtlichen Genehmigung. WindStar Media is an independently owned, full service media agency specializing in mid market challenger brands. WindStar Medical Group - Let s improve quality of life. Die WindStar-Gründer Wilfried Eichhorn und Dr. Thomas Kleine bleiben am Unternehmen beteiligt. Careers page . In addition, Windstar Medical advises companies on the selection of their assortment of over-the-counter drugs and offers a wide range of private labels. WINDSTAR MEDICAL GROUP | 349 followers on LinkedIn. ProSieben bought Windstar Medical in 2016. Marktführer schnell und konsequent aufzubauen, die sich als eigenständige Unternehmen in ihrem Markt behaupten, ist unsere Aufgabe. Oakley Capital (“Oakley”) is pleased to announce that it has agreed to acquire WindStar Medical GmbH (“WindStar Medical”) from ProSiebenSat.1 majority-owned NuCom Group. WindStar, which is part of consumer internet division. Macquarie . Wir freuen uns auf Ihre vollständigen und aussagefähigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter Angabe Ihrer Vergütungsvorstellung sowie des frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins (bitte vorzugsweise in einem PDF-Dokument) über unser Bewerbertool, Aufbau und Weiterentwicklung geeigneter KPI & Reporting Strukturen mit dem Ziel die Marketingaktivitäten effektiver und effizienter zu gestalten, Business Partner und Hauptansprechpartner des Marketingteams und Unterstützung bei allen finanzrelevanten Themenstellungen, Monitoring und Auswertung laufender Marketingaktivitäten sowie Ableitung entsprechender Optimierungspotentiale, Erstellung und Interpretation von KPI-basierten Performance-Analysen zu Entwicklung von Potentialen in den verschiedenen Marketing Kanälen (Performance Marketing & Mass Media), Kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Marketingbudgetierungs- und Forecasting-Prozesse, Abgeschlossenes wirtschaftswissenschaftliches oder naturwissenschaftliches Studium, Deutsch & Englisch fließend in Wort und Schrift, Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung, idealerweise größtenteils in einem digitalen Umfeld (E-Commerce oder D2C Unternehmen), Fundierte Erfahrung mit der Entwicklung, Einführung und Interpretation relevanter KPIs (ROI/ROAS, AOV, CPO, CAC, CLV, etc. WindStar Medical Group - Let s improve quality of life. Search. Wir bieten dir in Frankfurt und Bielefeld Jobs mit Sinn. Over the past few years, the Group has supported WindStar Medical’s growth by the digitalization of the business, the establishment of new sales channels and, in particular the acquisition of the over-the-counter (OTC) brand Zirkulin. Zu unserem House-of-Brands zählen Erfolgsmarken wie SOS, GreenDoc  oder BodyMedica. – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der Unternehmensgruppe. Wir entwickeln Unternehmen und Healthcare-Brands im erweiterten Gesundheitsmarkt. Werde Mitgestalter in der WindStar Medical. The financial investor also acquires the remaining 8% currently held by minority shareholders. More than 300 different articles from the WindStar Medical Group are on the health-care shelves of retailers in Germany. Let's improve quality of life | We develop companies and healthcare brands on the extended healthcare market. WindStar Medical benefits from the long-term structural growth of Germany's consumer health market. Through its investment, Oakley will support the … The Anschutz Corporation is an American private holding company headquartered in Denver, Colorado, United States. In addition, WindStar Medical advises companies on the selection of their product line of over-the-counter medical devices and carries many private label brands. Der Finanzinvestor erwirbt gleichzeitig auch die restlichen 8 Prozent der Minderheitsgesellschafter. We are able to offer a boutique arrangement of services tailor made to suit your behavioral health services needs. – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der WindStar Medical Group. WindStar Medical is Germany’s leading over-the-counter (OTC) consumer healthcare company. Windstar develops private label products in close cooperation with customers in the drugstore, discount and retail segments. your username. Please open the site in a new tab. Die Zentrale befindet sich in Wehrheim im Taunus (ab Frühjahr 2021 in Frankfurt am Main), ein weiterer Standort ist in Bielefeld. Through its investment, Oakley will support the … WindStar Medical. Together with CEO René Flaschker and the entire WindStar team, we accelerated the brands’ growth launched new products and expanded distribution channels in recent years. Oakley Capital has acquired over-the-counter health products company WindStar Medical from General Atlantic-backed NuCom Group, the e-commerce subsidiary of ProSiebenSat., Buyouts, Exits, DACH, Healthcare, Partial sale, Germany, Oakley Capital, General Atlantic, KKR Become a contributor with the WindStar Medical Group. It was started during 1958 by Fred Anschutz, a wildcatter, and the father of Philip Anschutz, who assumed control of the company in 1962.. In addition, Windstar Medical advises companies on the selection of their assortment of over-the-counter drugs and offers a wide range of private labels. Wir verwandeln Geschäftsideen in tragfähige Businesspläne und helfen innovativen Produktideen ihr volles Potential zu entfalten. Let’s improve quality of life! Marktführer schnell und konsequent aufzubauen, die sich als eigenständige Unternehmen in ihrem Markt behaupten, ist unsere Aufgabe. The seller is NuCom Group, which is backed by ProSiebenSat.1. HQ Equita, die Direktbeteiligungsgesellschaft von HQ Capital, veräußert die Mehrheit an der WindStar Medical Gruppe, Wehrheim, an 7Life, eine Tochtergesellschaft der ProSiebenSat.1 Group. SEATTLE, Wash., March 30, 2021 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Until further notice, Windstar Cruises will require proof of a current COVID-19 vaccination for all guests sailing aboard Windstar's yachts. Windstar Medical has been part of ProSiebenSat.1 since 2016. – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der WindStar Medical Group. The company is headquartered in Wehrheim im Taunus. In addition, the group offers its own brands such as SOS, Well&Slim and Green Doc. This growth is being driven both by demographic trends, such as an ageing population, and a shift in consumer preferences driven by factors such as increased awareness of physical and mental wellbeing and willingness to prevent illness. Werde Mitgestalter in der WindStar Medical - Let's improve quality of life! WindStar Medical Group - Let s improve quality of life. your password Please note Windstar does not reimburse third party (non-Windstar) travel expenses or fees. This means that our structure enables us to quickly realise innovative business ideas or new products and make them big internationally. Windstar Cruises is part of the Xanterra Travel Collection, a group of global hospitality and travel companies. Bei uns hast du viel Gestaltungsfreiraum und Eigenverantwortung und die Möglichkeit, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Menschen zu leisten. You can find the job offers of the WindStar Medical Group here: WindStar Medical careers page Districon GmbH Bessie-Coleman-Straße 13 • 60549 Frankfurt am Main Tel: +49 (0) … With our online payment service, you are able to pay your physician bills quickly, securely and conveniently. Die Zentrale der Unternehmensgruppe befindet sich in Wehrheim im Taunus (ab Frühjahr 2021 in Frankfurt am Main), ein weiterer Standort ist in Bielefeld. Location: Scope of activities: Employment type: Career level: Reset. In addition, Windstar Medical advises companies on the selection of their range of over-the-counter medical products and manages a large number of private labels. Florian Tappeiner, Co-CEO of NuCom Group SE: “WindStar Medical is one of the fastest growing OTC companies in Germany. WindStar Medical is a unique OTC platform in a highly attractive space that Oakley is excited to be investing in, having closely followed both the development of the business and management over recent years. Marktführer schnell und konsequent aufzubauen, die sich als eigenständige Unternehmen in ihrem Markt behaupten, ist unsere Aufgabe. Seit mehr als 25 Jahren steht Dr Kleine Pharma für innovative Produktkonzepte und ist marktführendes Unternehmen für die Entwicklung von OTC-Handelsmarken und benachbarten Kategorien. Districon entwickelt starke, globale Healthcare Brands entlang gesellschaftlicher Gesundheitstrends. August 2016. Windstar Medical has been part of ProSiebenSat.1 since 2016. We call the beautiful city of Seattle our home. WindStar Medical is Germany's leading over-the-counter ("OTC") consumer healthcare company. Consumer business: Global healthcare brands made for you. Log into your account. München und Umgebung, Deutschland Heidiwitzka ist buchbar. More than 300 different articles from the WindStar Medical Group are on the health-care shelves of retailers in Germany. will be guiding the German media group in the upcoming sale process, four of the sources. Wir entwickeln Unternehmen und HealthCare-Brands im erweiterten Gesundheitsmarkt. Windstar Medical is a leading provider of non-prescription health-care products (OTC) in Germany. Let’s improve quality of life! In addition, Windstar Medical advises companies on the selection of their assortment of over-the-counter drugs and offers a wide range of private labels. Oakley Capital (“Oakley”) is pleased to announce that it has agreed to acquire WindStar Medical GmbH (“WindStar Medical”) from ProSiebenSat.1 majority-owned NuCom Group. But in March this year it announced it would reassess all its investments to determine whether it is the best owner for individual companies. Die WindStar Medical Group arbeitet hochmodular, analytisch und schnell. Wir sind sehr effektiv darin, Chancen schnell zu integrieren und die relevanten Werttreiber zu verstärken. Marktführer schnell und konsequent aufzubauen, die sich als eigenständige Unternehmen in ihrem Markt behaupten, ist unsere Aufgabe. We provide spacious, dog-friendly offices that are centrally located in the heart of the city’s vibrant downtown community. WindStar Medical Group. WindStar Medical is Germany’s leading over-the-counter (“OTC”) consumer healthcare company. WindStar Medical, its over-the-counter healthcare products business, five sources familiar with the situation said. Die Zentrale der Unternehmensgruppe befindet sich in Frankfurt am Main, ein weiterer Standort ist in Bielefeld. We therefore recommend that you activate the use of Javascript for this page in your browser. Die Zentrale befindet sich in Wehrheim im Taunus (ab Frühjahr 2021 in Frankfurt am Main), ein weiterer Standort ist in Bielefeld. The data privacy settings of your browser prevent this site from functioning properly. Headquartered in Wehrheim im Taunus, Hesse, WindStar is a provider of non-prescription healthcare products, develops and distributes medical products and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals for … Districon GmbH – Global Power Brands made for you! Since 2016, WindStar Medical has been owned by ProSiebenSat.1; in 2018, it was consolidated under the NuCom Group, in which ProSiebenSat.1 is a majority investor and General Atlantic is a minority investor. Dr Kleine Pharma GmbH - Von der Idee bis zum Point of Sale! Windstar Medical has been part of ProSiebenSat.1 since 2016. WindStar Medical is Germany’s leading over-the-counter consumer healthcare company. We are sorry, but the use of Javascript is deactivated in your browser. Oakley Capital has agreed to acquire a majority stake in WindStar Medical, a supplier of health products, from ProSiebenSat.1 majority-owned NuCom Group. We support our business units on their development path and with their international expansion. Windstar Medical has established a strong position in the German OTC market which is forecast to grow steadily at ~4% p.a. WindStar Medical is a leading provider of non-prescription health-care products – both private label and branded products (SOS, GreenDoc, Well & Slim) – in the German market. London-headquartered Oakley Capital said it was purchasing WindStar Medical Holding from NuCom Group, a subsidiary of broadcaster ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE after announcing the purchase of … LONDON: Oakley Capital Investments Limited announced that Oakley Capital IV (Fund IV) has agreed to acquire WindStar Medical GmbH from ProSiebenSat.1 majority-owned NuCom Group. Oakley Capital has acquired over-the-counter health products company WindStar Medical from General Atlantic-backed NuCom Group, the e-commerce subsidiary of ProSiebenSat., Buyouts, Exits, DACH, Healthcare, Partial sale, Germany, Oakley Capital, General Atlantic, KKR We look forward to working together with the team and utilising our broad expertise in digitalisation, go-to-market and M&A to help WindStar Medical accelerate its growth … Frankfurt, August 16, 2016. Are you a founder, investor or looking for an expert role on the healthcare market? – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der WindStar Medical Group. Die ProSiebenSat.1-Tochter NuCom Group, an der General Atlantic als Minderheitsinvestor mit 28,4 Prozent beteiligt ist, veräußert sämtliche ihrer 92 Prozent-Anteile an der WindStar Medical Holding an Oakley Capital. At the same time, the financial investor is also acquiring the remaining 8% of the minority shareholders. Click here to enlarge image.. MedStar Health Physicians' Billing now offers a billing process that is more manageable and easy to use. Oakley Capital has agreed to acquire WindStar Medical, a German over-the-counter consumer healthcare company. The ProSiebenSat.1 subsidiary NuCom Group, in which General Atlantic is a minority investor with a 28.4% stake, is selling all of its 92% shares in WindStar Medical Holding to Oakley Capital. 77 likes. Dr. Kleine Pharma's specialists, agents, consultants, translators and trend scouts create added value for trade and industry on a partnership basis. This growth is being driven both by demographic trends, such as an ageing population, and a shift in consumer preferences driven by factors such as increased awareness of physical and mental wellbeing and willingness to prevent illness. Ort: Tätigkeitsbereich: Arbeitsverhältnis: Karrierestufe: Zurücksetzen. WindStar Medical benefits from the long-term structural growth of Germany's consumer health market. Frankfurt/Rhein-Main Specialist PR, Marketing & Corporate Communications Heidiwitzka Zeit Sept. 2018 –Heute 2 Jahre 5 Monate. Windstar Medical is a leading provider of non-prescription health-care products (OTC) in Germany. Oakley Capital has agreed to acquire WindStar Medical, a German over-the-counter consumer healthcare company. WindStar Medical is a leading provider of non-prescription health-care products – both private label and branded products (SOS, GreenDoc, Well & Slim) – in the German market. Let’s improve quality of life! Dies bedeutet, dass wir aufgrund unserer Struktur innovative Geschäftsideen oder neue Produkte schnell realisieren und international groß machen. – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der Unternehmensgruppe. WindStar Media, Woodland Hills, California. your username. Let’s improve quality of life! Let’s improve quality of life! WINDSTAR MEDICAL GROUP Dez. The company, which is … Wir sind ein agiles Gesundheitsunternehmen, das sich rasant weiterentwickelt und verändert. Bitte öffnen Sie die Seite in einem neuen Tab. The data privacy settings of your browser prevent this site from functioning properly. In 2018, the company became part of NuCom Group, which is majority-owned by ProSiebenSat.1 with General Atlantic as minority investor. Let’s improve quality of life! On the WindStar Medical platform, we combine consumer healthcare expertise, experience, resources and the will to contribute to improving people's quality of life. ), Erfahrung im Bereich Mass Media ist ein Plus, Hohe analytische Kompetenz, starke Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und eine sehr hohe Ergebnisorientierung. NUCOM Group, generates between EUR 15m- The company thus increased its revenues by around 80% from EUR 70 million in 2016 to around EUR 127 million in 2020 (expectation). WindStar Medical. Unsere Plattformstrategie unterstützt schnelle Anpassung an Veränderungen. Through its subsidiary 7Life, ProSiebenSat.1 Group acquires a majority interest in WindStar Medical Group, which is headquartered in Wehrheim. Today, the Windstar Medical Group is highly modular and analytical thanks to its platform approach. WindStar Medical. Let’s improve quality of life! Die WindStar Medical Group arbeitet heute hochmodular und analytisch durch ihren Plattformansatz. Wir entwickeln Unternehmen und Healthcare-Brands im erweiterten Gesundheitsmarkt. Werde Mitgestalter in der WindStar Medical. – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der WindStar Medical Group. This development is a logical consequence of our history. Log into your account. Alternativ können Sie Cross-Sitetracking in Ihrem Browser erlauben. WindStar Medical specializes in the development and distribution of innovative, niche-market healthcare products, which are sold in drugstores and in the company’s own e-commerce shop under the brands SOS, GREENDOC, Well & Slim and … We offer passionate people with in-depth knowledge of the healthcare market challenges and tasks with a sense of purpose, plenty of creative freedom and personal responsibility. This growth is driven by demographic megatrends (ageing population, diseases of affluence) and sustainable structural change in consumer preferences, including increased consciousness for well-being of body and mind and increased self-medication. WindStar Medical is Germany’s leading over-the-counter (“OTC”) consumer healthcare company. WindStar Medical specializes in the development and distribution of innovative, niche-market healthcare products, which are sold in drugstores and in the company’s own e-commerce shop under the brands SOS, GREENDOC, Well & Slim and … With Districon's innovative and strong health brands, you can build and expand your product portfolio for drugstores, supermarkets, discount stores and digital marketplaces. Since 2016 WindStar Medical has been part of ProSiebenSat.1 and was reclassified in 2018 under the NuCom Group, which is majority-owned by ProSiebenSat.1 and General Atlantic as a minority investor. Wir entwickeln Unternehmen und Healthcare-Brands im erweiterten Gesundheitsmarkt. Marktführer schnell und konsequent aufzubauen, die sich als eigenständige Unternehmen in ihrem Markt behaupten, ist unsere Aufgabe. HQ Equita, the mid-cap buyout firm of HQ Capital, today announced that it has agreed to sell its majority ownership position in WindStar Medical Group (WindStar) to 7Life, a subsidiary of ProSiebenSat.1 Group. Frankfurt, 16. Please note that without Javascript, this page will only work to a limited extent. Through its subsidiary 7Life, ProSiebenSat.1 Group acquires a majority interest in WindStar Medical Group, which is headquartered in Wehrheim. WindStar Medical is a leading supplier of health products in Germany and develops and distributes high-quality medical products and over-the-counter medicines for drugstores, supermarkets and pharmacies. Physician Bill. Partnering business: From the product idea to the point of sale. In addition, the group offers its own brands such as SOS, Well&Slim and Green Doc. Marktführer schnell und konsequent aufzubauen, die sich als eigenständige Unternehmen in ihrem Markt behaupten, ist unsere Aufgabe. In 2018, the company became part of NuCom Group, which is majority-owned by ProSiebenSat.1 with General Atlantic as minority investor. Welcome! – dies ist die Motivation der über 120 Mitarbeiter der WindStar Medical Group. Unterföhring/Wehrheim, October 22, 2020: ProSiebenSat.1 subsidiary NuCom Group, in which General Atlantic is a minority investor with a 28.4% stake, is selling its entire stake of 92% in WindStar Medical Holding to Oakley Capital. In 2018, the company became part of NuCom Group, which is majority-owned by ProSiebenSat.1 with General Atlantic as minority investor. Advanced search Simple search. Wir entwickeln Unternehmen und HealthCare-Brands im erweiterten Gesundheitsmarkt. Wir entwickeln Unternehmen und Healthcare-Brands im erweiterten Gesundheitsmarkt. Die Datenschutz Einstellungen Ihres Browsers führen dazu, dass diese Seite nicht richtig funktioniert. Let's improve quality of life! Erweiterte Suche Einfache Suche.