Lina Lardi's great grandchildren: Lina Lardi's great grandson is Enzo Lina Lardi's great grandson is Pippi Galassi. Thus, he worked as hard as his father. Enzo Ferrari, 90, died in 1988 making his son Piero vice chairman. Still received a wrong dish. Piero Lardi Ferrari (* 22. Piero Lardi Ferrari (born 22 May 1945) is an Italian billionaire businessman, the second and only living son of Enzo Ferrari, and a 10% owner of the Ferrari automotive company of which he is the vice chairman.. Alberto Galassi's grandfather in law was Enzo Ferrari Alberto Galassi's father in law is Piero Ferrari Alberto Galassi's mother in law is Floriana Ferrari Alberto Galassi's step-mother in law was Laura Ferrari Alberto Galassi's grandmother in law is Lina Lardi Alberto Galassi's wife Antonella Ferrari's uncle in law was Alfredino Ferrari Alberto Galassi's wife Antonella Ferrari's uncle in law was Dr Antonio Nalin Lina Lardi - posted in TNFs Archive: Different sources vary greatly concerning the first meeting of Enzo Ferrari and Lina Lardi (mother of Piero Ferrari). [7], Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/,, Träger des italienischen Arbeitsverdienstordens, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2020-09, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Lardi Ferrari, Piero (vollständiger Name), italienischer Unternehmer und Industrieller. Lina Lardi, Piero’s mother was Enzo’s mistress. Piero Lardi Ferrari (born 22 May 1945) is an Italian billionaire businessman and sport personality. Enzo had met Lina in the late 1930s when she was working at Carrozzerie Orlandi, a coachbuilder company in Modena. Er ist der Sohn von Enzo Ferrari und Lina Lardi degli Adelardi († 2006)[2] und Halbbruder des 1956 an Muskeldystrophie verstorbenen Alfredo Ferrari. Piero was the fruit of Enzo’s longtime affair with Lina Lardi. Piero Lardi Ferrari is the only living heir of Enzo Ferrari, the man who founded the legendary racecar maker and auto manufacturer back in 1929. Lina Lardi's current partners: Lina Lardi had an affair with Enzo Ferrari. Early life. Piero Ferrari is one of two sons of Enzo. He is Italian by natinoanliy. Piero Ferrari, anche noto con i cognomi Lardi e Lardi Ferrari ( Castelvetro di Modena, 22 maggio 1945 ), è un imprenditore, dirigente d'azienda e … piero ferrari lina lardi. Wird Piero Ferrari die Liebe finden in 2021? [3] Im April 2016 übernahm seine Firma F Investments S.A.. 13,2 % des hauptsächlich in chinesischem Besitz befindlichen Herstellers von Yachten Ferretti Group. He is the son of Enzo Ferrari (father) and Lina Lardi (mother). Ferrari already had a wife, Laura, and a long-term mistress, Lina Lardi. [3] In Modena, he had a four-storey house. De to blev romantisk involveret kort tid efter og fortsatte deres forhold indtil Ferrari's død i 1988. Alfredo Ferrari or Dino, Piero’s legitimate half brother, was an Italian automotive engineer and was named Alfredo in his grandfather’s memory. - Formula 1, 1976, Great Britain, Brands Hatch, Pit Wall, Lauda, Niki, Ferrari, A4, Hi-res 76GB-A126 Ermanno Cuoghi, Niki Lauda's chef mechanic - 1976, Great Britain, Brands Hatch, Formula 1, Ferrari, Pits, Cuoghi, Ermanno The two became romantically involved soon after and continued their relationship until Ferrari's death in 1988. Die 15 Heissesten Ehefrauen & Freundinnen Der Stars! It’s been an open secret for many years that Enzo Ferrari, despite being absolutely distraught at the death of his own son, Dino, as a result of muscular dystrophy in 1956, had another son by Lina Lardi. Piero Ferrari, a destra, in compagnia del padre Enzo. [2] Enzo had met Lina in the late 1930s when she was working at Carrozzerie Orlandi, a coachbuilder company in Modena. Lina Lardi's son is Piero Ferrari. 単に ピエロ・フェラーリ とも呼ばれる。. Thus, he had quite a difficult upbringing. He lives in his father’s old residence in Modena. His mother was Enzo's mistress, Lina Lardi. Risposi che avevo scelto di non frugare tra le lenzuola di un Mito, concentrandomi solo su Laura Garello e Lina Lardi. Antonella, 24, occupies the top floor in Piero’s house with her four-year-old son. This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and (if not signed in) for advertising. He is also currently the vice-president of the Ferrari automotive company. Piero Ferrari makes commercials for Ferrari, but actually uses: Ferrari. He was born on May 22, 1945 at Castelvetro di Modena, Italy. Piero Ferrari er søn af Enzo Ferrari og hans elskerinde, Lina Lardi (1911-2006). The two became romantically involved soon after and continued their relationship until Ferrari's death in 1988. He is Businessmen (Italian Businessman) by profession. Close to the factory, Enzo had a villa, but never lived there. Im selben Jahr wurde er Ehrendoktor der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik an der Universität Neapel Federico II. Piero Ferrari is the son of Enzo Ferrari and his mistress, Lina Lardi (1911-2006). During World War II , Ferrari's factory in Maranello, Italy, is bombed twice, but rebuilt. Mai 1945 in Castelvetro di Modena [1] ) ist ein italienischer Unternehmer und Industrieller. Er ist der Sohn von Enzo Ferrari und Lina Lardi degli Adelardi († 2006) [2] und Halbbruder des 1956 an Muskeldystrophie verstorbenen Alfredo Ferrari . He is also counted in the list of top representatives of high-technology advancements in Italy. After Enzo’s death, in 1988, Piero replied to over 3000 telegrams, letters and cards of sympathy. The volatile Laura had given him a son, Dino, a promising engineer whose death from muscular dystrophy in … Piero Ferrari is the son of Enzo Ferrari and his mistress, Lina Lardi (1911-2006). Mai 1945 in Castelvetro di Modena[1]) ist ein italienischer Unternehmer und Industrieller. Piero Ferrari real name is Piero Lardi Ferrari. Der studierte Betriebswirt[3] Piero Ferrari arbeitet seit 1965 bei Ferrari, dem Unternehmen seines Vaters, dessen Vizepräsident er seit 1988 ist und an dem er zehnprozentiger Anteilseigner ist. The pasta dishes are amazing, especially the cream Piero could not be acknowledged as a Ferrari family member until his father's wife Laura passed away in 1978 because divorce was illegal in Italy and he was born to his father's mistress Lina Lardi. That place was reserved for the tragic Dino, who died in … Piero was always kept in the background as his mother never got married. Piero Ferrari is the son of Enzo Ferrari and his mistress, Lina Lardi (1911-2006). Piero is Enzo’s second born son, but his mistress, Lina Lardi is Piero’s mother, so Piero’s growing up wasn’t easy, as he was legally out of the Ferrari family up until the death of Enzo’s wife in 1978. But he was not close with Piero’s family including his wife, his daughter and his mother (Lina). He grew up with the company and watched as his father developed it into a true automotive empire. [3] Dort war Ferrari auch Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats. Piero Ferrari Lina Lardi (Română) septembrie 18, 2020; ... Piero Lardi Ferrari (născut la 22 mai 1945) este un om de afaceri italian de miliardar, al doilea și numai fiul viu al lui Enzo Ferrari, și proprietarul a 10% din compania de automobile Ferrari din care este vicepreședinte . As divorce was illegal in Italy until 1975, Piero could not be acknowledged as a Ferrari family member until the death of Enzo's estranged wife, Laura, in 1978. 2005 verlieh ihm die Universität Modena und Reggio Emilia den Ehrendoktor in Maschinenbau. In the 1970s, Piero started working with Enzo Ferrari. Alfredo Ferrari, his grandfather, had a metal business. Piero was always kept in the background as his mother never got married. The company is run by FCA chairman and CEO Sergio Marchionne. Dota 2 Lina Figma Action Figure By Max Factory; LOT OF 100 LEGO MINI FIGURES AND ACCESSORIES (LOOK) LOT 6; 1 18 NOREV Citroën DS3 WRC 2013 1 Loeb & Elena; Car Art AUTOart, 1 18, Ford Crown Victoria Des Plaines Police,lesen,XR9374X; Kings Models 1 43 1952 Ferrari 166 30 Syracuse GP Piero … The name of Piero Lardi Ferrari has cropped up. Although most modern-day women would probably respond to a question such as that by smiling awkwardly and slowly backing away, Lardi elected to become Enzo’s mistress. Dino died of muscular dystrophy, in 1956. On the right Luca di Montezemolo and Piero Lardi Ferrari (brown T-shirt). Piero earned honorary degree, in Aerospace Engineering in 2004 and in Mechanical Engineering in February 2005, from the University of Modena. Then, he started working as an organizer of the racing department. Piero, born of Enzo’s long-term affair with Lina Lardi, was never conspicuously the apple of his father’s eye. His mother was Enzo’s mistress, Lina Lardi. 自動車 メーカーの フェラーリ の 副会長 であり、 航空機 メーカー ピアッジョ・アエロ の社長でもある。. [6], 2004 wurde Piero Ferrari mit dem Titel Cavaliere del Lavoro ausgezeichnet. He has been with the Ferrari automotive company from young age. [5] Außerdem besitzt er die Firma High Performance Engineering, die Hochleistungsmotoren beispielsweise für Ducati entwickelt. Piero Lardi Ferrari is the second and only living son of Enzo Ferrari and presently 10% owner of the Ferrari automotive company. On 21 October 2015, following Ferrari’s IPO, his 10% company was valued at US$1.1 billion. Enzo had arranged things so that after his death Piero can take his name and company. Thus, he had quite a difficult upbringing. Piero Lardi Ferrari (born 22 May 1945) is the second and only living son of Enzo Ferrari and a 10% owner of the Ferrari automotive company of which he is the vice chairman. His mother was Enzo's mistress, Lina Lardi, and he was not acknowledged as a Ferrari family member until the death of Enzo's wife, Laura, in 1978. Posted on November 3, 2020 by . Today, as the public face of the company, Piero Ferrari plays a more institutional role. Enzo founded Ferrari and his son Piero helped the company get its glamour. Piero did not take the Ferrari surname until after the death of Enzo's wife, Laura, in 1978. “He never had time for vacations,” Ferrari … Piero, 70, is the only living son (second son from an extra-marital relationship) of Enzo Ferrari and Lina Lardi. In 1989 he was nominated vice chairman by Ferrari's then president Vittorio Ghidella. Now, he runs his own engineering business and made his company enter the security and defense sectors of the world. Piero moved there permanently, after Laura’s death, with his mother and family. He also received the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro, meaning Order of Merit for Labor. His mother was Ferrari's mistress Lina Lardi. [2] As divorce was illegal in Italy until 1975, he could not be acknowledged as a Ferrari family member until the death of Enzo's wife, Laura, in 1978. Piero’s father Enzo was a racing driver who founded the luxurious sports car Ferrari, often seen as a symbol of wealth. Lina Lardi's grandchildren: Lina Lardi's granddaughter is Antonella Ferrari. He got married to Floriana Nalin and has a daughter, Antonella, and two grandchildren. He sits on the board of the Ferreti Group with 13.2% of shares and owns 1.95% total share capital of Piaggio Aerospace. Enzo havde mødt Lina i slutningen af 1930'erne, da hun arbejdede hos Carrozzerie Orlandi, en karosseribyggerfirma i Modena. Enzo had met Lina in the late 1930s when she was working at Carrozzerie Orlandi, a coachbuilder company in Modena. Lina Lardi, Piero’s mother was Enzo’s mistress. A half-brother, Piero Ferrari, was born in 1945 to Enzo's mistress Lina Lardi. He was nominated as a Vice Chairman of Ferrari and also became the Chairman of Piaggio Aerospace Engineering Industries, oldest airplane manufacturers since 1884. Enzo Ferrari, 90, died in 1988 making his son Piero vice chairman. The pair had one child, Piero, who was born in 1945 and went on to become Ferrari’s heir following the death of Laura Ferrari. Until the death of Enzo’s wife, Laura, Piero was not acknowledged as a member of Ferrari family. The second and only living son of Enzo Ferrari, Piero was born in 1945, just two years before the very first Ferrari car, the 125 S, was introduced. This cool friendly clever economist originating from Castelvetro di Modena, Italy has a thin body & oval face type. April 2021 um 22:42 Uhr bearbeitet. Familie Familienfoto von Ökonom, heiratet zu Floriana Nalin,erkennt für Vice Chairman of Ferrari S.p.A. Namen des Vaters, Mutter, Kinder, Gebrüder & Geschwister: Antonella Ferrari (Tochter) Lina Lardi (Mutter) Enzo Ferrari (Vater) Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 5. In 1990 he legally changed his name from Piero Lard… Until the death of Enzo’s wife, Laura, Piero was not acknowledged as a member of Ferrari family. He first worked as supervisor of the production of road cars. Piero is the result of Enzo's long-standing relationship with Lina Lardi. He is passionate about luxury yachts. Le madri dei figli del Commendatore, Dino e Piero. He has held senior positions in the Industrial and Racing divisions of the company. Piero Lardi Ferrari (* 22. Yes, that’s true and now, of course, it’s common knowledge. ピエロ・ラルディ・フェラーリ ( Piero Lardi Ferrari, 1945年 5月22日 - )は、 イタリア モデナ 出身の実業家。. ... Piero Lardi Ferrari (born 22 May 1945) is an Italian billionaire businessman and sport personality. Piero Lardi Ferrari is Vice Chairman and 10% owner of the Ferrari Company. [4], Von 1998 bis 2013 war er Miteigentümer von Piaggio Aero Industries.