Ishmael, meanwhile, was already behind the wizard's back. That's why the Titan doesn't rest and keeps himself together. Vulcan whose heart burns with an everlasting flame understands him like no other. Galahad: As a starter hero, he will be quite useful, mostly because of his high damage output.However, as you progress through the game, you may want to opt for a more defensive tank and rely on other heroes to deal damage. Many people try to avoid Ishmael as a malicious spirit of the sorcerer lives inside him possessing the soul of his own son. His voice, gestures and facial expressions seemed too pompous to Ishmael. Dark Gods will appreciate my gift and reward me with infinite power! Dragon's HeartFolding CrossbowPunishing HandDesert BladeHunterAdvisor Romantic Skin _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); I really surprise to see the gameplay which is quite satisfactory. Damage: (40% Magic attack + 150 * Level) for 4 seconds. "Why, father?" _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); So cleaver will deal damage to himself like he normally would and you get the bonus damage from Peppy along with it. But when he looked into the eyes of his son, he didn't see fear but an incredible desire to live. Since then Ishmael has been leading a double life, fighting the inner demon. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); V The game is known for hero wars, You have to strengthen your heroes to become successful but which hero is more powerful and which one is not. 13,491 _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); Archangel's MaceBlade of the ImmortalsStaff of Morana's NimbusRuler's GlobusGro Bulgor's PoleaxeSong of the Valkyries This synergy is actually the strongest in Hero Wars, not other heroes have such a strong synergy. Violet Initial Cost 3,342 How does it feel to kill a parent who wanted to sacrifice their own child to evil gods? Cool team but not that easy to build. P Super fun to play. Green +1 _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Spangled with graceful spires piercing into bright blue sky, this place has attracted many traders, people of art and science. *. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); “I wonder what my father has as a surprise for me” – thought Ismael, looking at the raw edges of the throne, – “It will probably be the best gift of my whole life!”. Red +2 Very effectiev against physical damage team setups. After all, if the flame goes out of control, it will destroy everything for miles around. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { AdvisorStaff of Morana's NimbusSiege CrossbowThrowing KnivesApostle's MaceHellion Harpoon Use of the trademarks and other intellectual property of Supercell is subject to Supercell’s Fan Kit Agreement. A _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); So imo the best crit team is Ishmael, Jhu, Sebastian, Daredevil, Jet. The nominal dagger he got for his previous birthday was sitting tightly in a leather sheath. Health ! Effective Against. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Physical attack M And even a moment later, lying in a pool of his own blood, his father didn't understand the mistake he made. CrossbowElven BowCuirassElven SaberCain's SealScreaming Blade Team #8 – Martha/Celeste/Satori/Andvari/LutherVery well-balanced team and great to counter complicated teams with K’arkh. Hero Wars (Nexters) Best Heroes Guide: A List of the Best Units ⦠Team #4 – Helios/Dorian/Orion/Nebula/AstarothVery high level of synergy and every hero here plays along very well. My name is Charlie. Best Characters and Team Building Tips for Hero Wars: Men's ⦠For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at All intellectual property shown here belongs to their respective owner.Contact usPrivacy PolicyTerms of Service. B Blue +1 In Hero Wars, there are a total of 7 different hero roles, with each hero in the game being one of two of these roles. The core gameplay is that of an idle game, complete all quests and use up all Energy and come back the next day. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Rufus FB. 7,848 Team #14 – Faceless/Orian/Nebula/Arachne/Aurora, Your email address will not be published. Orange BookAlchemist's Folio (Armor penetration, Physical attack) Grat frontline with a lot of protectio for the mages that can burn down pretty much any enemy team. Castle Clash Best Hero Builds For Every Hero (Talents, Insignias & Enchantments), Hero Wars Best Heroes Tier List (Mobile & Facebook), Castle Clash Best Heroes Tier List (Updated) – February 2021, Hero Wars Best Team Compositions & Synergies, The Best TH13 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Best Commanders Tier List in Rise of Kingdoms (with Talents), The Best TH11 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Best Commander Pairings 2021 in Rise of Kingdoms (Defense, Rally, Open Field, Canyon, Barbarians), The Best BH7 Base Layouts (February 2021), Empires & Puzzles Best Heroes Tier List (February 2021), The Best TH10 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Best Defending Clan Castle Troops (Clan War & Village Defense), Idle Heroes Best Heroes Tier List (PvE & PvP), The Best TH9 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Archero Hero Tier List (2.64) – What’s The Best Hero (Overall & F2P), The Best BH9 Base Layouts (February 2021), The Best TH8 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), Hero Wars Counters – Best Counter Hero To Each Hero, The Best BH8 Base Layouts (February 2021), Archero Equipment Tier List (2.30) – Best Armor, Ring/Combination, Locket, Bracelet & Spell Book, The Best BH6 Base Layouts (February 2021), The Best BH5 Base Layouts (February 2021), The Best TH12 War/Trophy/Farming Base Layouts (February 2021), very solid tier list for the individual heroes here, Hero Wars Adventure 8 Guide & Map – Fall of the Celestial City, Hero Wars Titan Guide (Leveling, Ranking, Best Teams). Orange +1 Tank. Steel PauldronCrossbowLucky DiceTracker's BootsImperial ShieldFire Sword Hero Wars, made by Nexters Global, is an RPG fantasy adventure game available on desktop and mobile. 69,350 The Starter Heroes. Ishmael starts to gradually lose energy, when it reaches 0, the demonic form dissipates. March 31st, 2018. Team #13 – Dorian/Sebastian/Qing Mao/Andvari/IshmaelCrazy damage output for fast takedown. © 2014-2021 website/application is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell. Qing Mao, Ishmael, Morrigan. Dorian + Elmir: With Elmir in the front and Dorian in the back you have a great synergy in your team. Building a good team in Hero Wars is about hero synergies, not about placing all your best heroes down into one team composition. Ishmael has been living a double life, struggling with his inner evil. Default SkinAgilityRomantic SkinCrit hit chanceChampion's SkinPhysical attackMasquerade SkinHealth This team works essentially everywhere in the game, especially in Arena and Guild Wars. G try { Elven SaberInfernal MessengerSword of StormsNeedleSpear of ThunderSplitter Attack Type Team #7 – Thea/Orion/Nebula/Keira/AstarothProbably the craziest AoE team in Hero Wars! ! Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jet + Sebastian: Jet will provide a nice critical hit buff for the whole team and Sebastian is a well-working support to take along. Team #9 – Jet/Sebastian/Keira/Andvari/RufusMassively buffed for pure damage, this causes Sebastian to deal a lot of damage while Keira will trigger her skill multiple times and skyrocket damage. Armor penetration Sword of StormsSplitterDragon's HeartPunishing HandNeedleFolding Crossbow Great team to counter Keira + Lars combos and other mage combos. The enchanter quickly turned and was ready for the second strike. His magic skills which were developed by the lessons of his father promised to be as good as those of Farrukh, or even mightier! Apr1fool/New game tutorial (desktop versions), EddyWesly/Glyph Guide To Each Hero In The Game, Guild/Titan Valley/Elemental Spirits/Stats,, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Critical hit chance increase: 1,300 (10 * Level), Chance to dodge lowered if the target's level is higher than 130 (1 * Level), Chance to stun is lowered if the target's level is above 130 (1 * Level + 40). That fatherly care which is so rare in our times, was indeed incredible: the descendant had the best education available, great food and luxurious clothes. var _g1; GovernorThrowing KnivesStaff of Selena's HaloGro Bulgor's PoleaxeFlaming HeartAquant's Trident Armor Folding CrossbowSiege CrossbowDragon ToothBlade BowGovernorStaff of Morana's Nimbus 7,656 _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Red +1 Patronage Team #5 – Thea/Jorgen/Nebula/Jhu/AstarothJhu will slive his way through the enemy backline and the other heroes focus on surviving long enough for that to happen. Hero Wars Tier List 2021: Best Team & Best Heroes(February 2021) ⦠Magic attack Today I gonna share all information about hero wars which help you to become the champion of this game. Your Source for all things Hero Wars, and Hero Wars ... Magic Attack Armor. Violet +3 Hero Wars Best Heroes Tier List (Mobile & Facebook) by Tim January 17, 2021, 3:53 pm 15 Comments Maxing out a hero in Hero Wars takes a lot of time and resources so picking the right ones early in the game you put your effort into is probably the smartes thing you can do long-term. Really viable unless you’re facing mage teams. When talking about Campaign mode in Hero Wars, your choice of team wouldnât matter too much in the early chapters. The advantage is that you can run a damage dealing hero in the front line instead of a secondary tank and get more damage in without risking a hero going down too fast. Fenris What is up Heroes of Dominion? Please mind that this is not a ranked list, rather a gathered list of heroes that have great synergy to use on your team. 4,227 Players start with only a handful of Heroes and the Campaign mode, Galahad being the starter, while ⦠K’arkh + Kai: make a great combination with Kai’s ultimate attack that makes K’arkh attack the whole enemy team. var _g1; I will ascend above the world and become the greatest magician!". 24,430 _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); Oasis Adjallahr has always been a crown jewel of the Oriental Sands. The better your heroes synergize with each other, the more effective your team will be. Everything changed when Titans decided to restore an alliance with people in the fight against the forces of Darkness. Hero Wars Counters - Best Counter Hero To Each Hero - AllClash ⦠Happy Ishmael ran to the venue expecting an unusual gift for him coming of age. Physical damage _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-img'); Intelligence Magic Attacking heroes. Not always the best choice but if you need the quick kill, take this team in Hero Wars. O Farrukh invited the boy to sit down on a stone throne in the center of the dark room and turned to the wall to open an old casket. In the first part you will now see good hero combinations that you can use and build a team around. Welcome to a beginnerâs guide on how to get stronger in Hero Building a Strong Hero Lineup. And suddenly, as if someone had forced him to, he looked at his father, when he had already raised a long and sharp sacrificial blade over his son's head. Team #10 – Peppy/Faceless/Jorgen/Andvari/CleverThe stars of this team are Peppy and Cleaver while Cleaver will hurt himself and make Peppy deal extra damage to all enemies over and over again. "You are my most significant sacrifice. Blue Masquerade Skin When looking for good teams, you often either get a list of the best heroes in Hero Wars (don’t get me wrong, we also have a very solid tier list for the individual heroes here), but often times they don’t take synergy into account or they use heroes that you don’t have so these fixed teams won’t help you much. Team #2 – Martha/Lars/Orion/Krista/ZiriProbably my favorite team. Champion's Skin Default Skin However, his own soul, wounded by betrayal, tries to find the right way in spite of inner demons. White 14,231 357,211 Unity of ExtremesDeadly StingAsklepius' StaffChalice of the PrimordialsCreator's FeatheringDrommer's Fancy RingRing of Agility (Agility) Your email address will not be published. Je ne pouvais pas croire que quelqu'un était capable de fournir un jeu aussi simple et pourtant si intriguant que la prochaine étape était fascinante ! H Skins – Ishmael shouted. Required fields are marked *. Generally, youâll have to make do with what you have, meaning initial heroes Galahad, Astaroth, Thea, Aurora, and perhaps one of the more familiar names like Ginger, Keira, or Phobos whom you could get in the Heroic Chests. Cleaver + Peppy: Let’s not get into the fact that Cleaver is really hard to get in Hero Wars, but if you have him you need to run him with Peppy. Supercell is not responsible for the operation or content of this site/application. But it became truly famous because of the great magician Farrukh. Staff of Selena's HaloAquant's TridentSiege CrossbowAlucard's AmuletGro Bulgor's PoleaxeStaff of Stubbornness Blue +2 Please mind that this is not a ranked list! The great magician looked unusually solemn. Here are finished team setups that I recommend for end-game in Hero Wars. Learn how your comment data is processed. Team #1 – Helios/Faceless/Nebula/K’arkh/AstarothGreat control and also physical damage protection. Creator's FeatheringChalice of the PrimordialsAsklepius' StaffDrommer's FancyDeadly StingThe Vanquished Absolute The synergy here is that Cleaver will damage himself when dealing damage to enemies with his Putrefaction skill and this will trigger Peppy’s Boldness skill that whenever that happens she will deal direct damage to the nearest enemies. Staff of StubbornnessAquant's TridentBlued Plate ArmorShadow Queen's ScythesSong of the ValkyriesEvening Curfew Critical hit chance Team #6 – Dorian/Jorgen/Nebula/Elmir/CleverJorgen suppresses enemy energy generation, Cleaver disrupts their positions and dealing damage along with Elmir who will survive with the help of Dorian. In these chapters and stages, youâll learn the importance of having a good Tank like one o⦠Be careful if you match against Cleaver, he can reposition heroes and destroy synergies (like Helios losing Dorian’s aura). The boy received a note from his father with congratulations and a request to come to the Crimson Hall. Charts Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Orange +3 Agility Shield Capacity: (110% Magic attack + 2,000 * Level) damage. But the victory over his own father wasn't easy - the evil magician's soul has remained with the young man ever since. Hero Wars Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Artifacts Ishmael experienced this first-hand. 132,100 Glyphs Keira and Orion use their explosion andNabula buffs them while Astaroth can resurrect. Dorian + Orion/Keira: While Keira and Orion can be really squishy to deal their massive damage, Dorian will add a lot of stability with his healing effect and making them a lot more stable. Finally he opened the doors to the Hall to which it was forbidden for him to enter earlier, and stepped inside. In our guide, I will show you the best synergies between heroes that you need to know about so you can build a team around those combos that fit your hero roaster, not vice versa. Ishmael Nebula + Heidi: Nebula will give Heidi a huge boost and make the pure damage that Heidi deals go through the roof. Couldn't believe that someone was able to provide a game that was this simple and yet so intriguing that the next step was entrancing! } R Their strength is based on the situation you use them, not how high they are listed here on the site. Items 2,552 Satori + Astaroth: Satori already deals massive damage himself and Astaroth gives him one free extra life so he can use his ultimate ability once more. Strength Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When creating your team, you want to keep the three overall roles in mind to balance out your team. C Max Stats Orange +2 Agility Hello Charlie SS, Wally says free judge and free Ishmael. WeaponHidden Demon's Katars (Crit hit chance)