Die 4. Joey says she has agreed to have sex with everyone. Fertig gefeiert! The dance studio was Phillips Dance Studio in Bensonhurst, the Manero home was a house in Bay Ridge,[11] the paint store was Pearson Paint & Hardware, also in Bay Ridge. Das soziale Verhalten untereinander wird gezeigt. All 22 episodes from the third series of the phenomenally popular and Golden Globe-winning teen musical comedy. 3:28. [3], „Endlich wieder eine Sendung, für die man sich zu Recht genieren kann. They After Saturday Night Fever's success, Gorley took a hiatus from film acting to work as a dance instructor at a performing arts academy in Brooklyn. Feb 25, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Cowgirl. The film significantly helped to popularize disco music around the world and made Travolta, already well known from his role on TV's Welcome Back, Kotter, a household name; he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance, becoming the fifth-youngest nominee in the category. Playing next. Wie es schon im Kommentar aus dem Off hieß: „Kaum gesprochen, schon gebrochen.““, Des Weiteren bestehen Gerüchte, dass Produzenten der Serie die Teilnehmer an der Doku-Soap mit Alkohol versorgen. 10 likes. Nach der letzten Folge der 2. Films such as Saturday Night Fever (1977) and Thank God It's Friday (1978) contributed to disco's mainstream popularity. Open menu. The DVD release also includes a director's commentary and "Behind the Music" highlights. Paramount planned to theatrically release the PG-rated version, which was being shown by airlines, in 1978; however, MPAA rules at the time did not allow for two different rated versions of a film to be shown at the same time in the country. Heute vor zwei Monaten haben wir beim Tanzseminar in Bad Fallingbostel ordentlich das Tanzbein geschwungen. Saturday Night Fever. Bobby's strong sense of despair, the situation with Pauline, and Tony's broken promise to call him earlier that day all lead to a suicidal tirade about Tony's lack of caring before Bobby slips and falls to his death in the water below. Lauderdale County Sheriff Billy Sollie tells The Meridian Star that an ATV with nine riders went into ditch in Bailey, with eight people treated at hospitals. He tells Tony and his friends that his attackers were the Barracudas, a Puerto Rican gang. März 2011. Saturday Night Fever received positive reviews and is regarded by many critics as one of the best films of 1977. Diese Staffel lief von 4. It was added to The New York Times "Guide to the Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made", which was published in 2004. September bis 9. Saison läuft zunächst von 26. He struts like crazy. Sokumta. Nach der letzten Folge der 2. Erst mit den darauffolgenden Episoden gewann die Reality-Soap wieder an Fahrt, das Staffelhoch wurde am 1. A powerful and provocative urban tragedy that carries as much significance today as it did in 1977. Karen Lynn Gorney was actually nine years older than Travolta when she was cast as his love interest Stephanie. Since the Bee Gees were not involved in the production until after principal photography wrapped, the "Night Fever", "You Should Be Dancin'", and "More Than a Woman" sequences were shot with Stevie Wonder tracks that were later overdubbed in the sound mix. John Travolta - Night Fever. Disco started as a mixture of music from venues popular with African Americans, Hispanic and Latino Americans, Italian Americans, and gay men in Philadelphia and New York City during the late 1960s and early 1970s. [7] Aufgrund des Erfolgs der ersten Staffel wurde eine zweite beauftragt, die am 4. leighandrews2436. November 2010 lief die 3. This required the film to be withdrawn for 90 days before a different rated version could be shown, which delayed Paramount's release plans. The working title of the film was "Saturday Night," so he asked the group to write a song of that name. It is one of the best-selling albums in history, and remains the second-biggest-selling soundtrack of all time, after The Bodyguard, selling 40 million copies worldwide. Both theatrical versions were released on VHS. For more than 40% of the actors it was their film debut. Da der teilweise massive Alkoholkonsum der Feiernden nicht immer ohne Folgen bleibt, beleuchtet die Reportage die Feiern auch aus Sicht der Exekutive (Staffel 1). Von 6. Oktober 2011 wurde wieder ein Ableger (Saturday Night Fever – Beachparty, Oida!) Seit 16. Saturday Night Fever (1977) Soundtracks. However, Tony believes that a Puerto Rican couple performed better, and that the judges' decision was racially motivated. Or call 020 7206 1174. Von 13. UK tour (0 venues) For group bookings of 10 or more: Submit a request online. Fathom Events hosted special screenings of this version in 2017. Morning has dawned by the time he appears at Stephanie's apartment. Frank Jr. tells Tony that he never wanted to be a priest and only did it to make their parents happy. [13] Producer Robert Stigwood said in an A&E Documentary of "The Inside Story: Saturday Night Fever", about the PG-rated version: It ruined the film. DISCOVERYTALENT1. Aus rechtlichen Gründen kann die Folge 4 derzeit leider nicht online angeboten werden. Director: 27: The Rise Of A Falling Star, Judy – The Songbook of Judy Garland, Saturday Night Fever, international productions of Starlight Express, US Tours of Joseph and Jesus Christ Superstar, Lord of the Dance, The Songbook of Judy Garland, Brazouka, Strictly Come Dancing Live Tour, The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber and the Manchester XVII Commonwealth Games. Partyelite Oberösterreich. Leanora. Jänner 2011 bis zum 29. Numerous profanity-filled scenes were replaced with alternate takes of the same scenes, substituting milder language initially intended for the network television cut. The film grossed $25.9 million in its first 24 days of release and grossed an average of $600,000 a day throughout January to March[15] going on to gross $94.2 million in the United States and Canada and $237.1 million worldwide.[5]. Jänner 2010 nach Das Geschäft mit der Liebe – Frauen aus dem Osten gezeigt. Download 70s Fashion Fiascos: Studio 54 to Saturday Night Fever PDF Online . [9] After finishing a single screenplay draft, Cohn was replaced by Norman Wexler, who'd previously picked up Oscar nominations for Joe (1970) and Serpico (1973). [27] Music historians Bill Brewster and Frank Broughton wrote in their book "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life" : "The Bee Gees did for disco what Elvis Presley did for rhythm and blues, what Diana Ross did for soul, what Dave Brubeck did for jazz; they made it safe for white, straight, middle-class people, hauling it out of its subcultural ghetto and into the headlight glare of the mainstream. Composer David Shire, who scored the film, had to in turn write a song to match the dance steps demonstrated in the scene and eliminate the need for future legal hassles. [4] Das Format hat auch Anzeichen die an Scripted Reality erinnern. b2b.atv.at. Night Fever takes you inside the world's most creative, most stylish and best designed bars and nightclubs. Eventually, the group gets their revenge on the Barracudas, and crash Bobby C's car into their hangout. Once outside in Bobby's car, Tony tries to rape Stephanie, but she resists and runs from him. Saturday Night Fever is a 1977 American dance drama film directed by John Badham. [6] A sequel, Staying Alive, also starring Travolta, was released in 1983, but was panned by critics. Later, Tony and Stephanie dance at the competition and end up winning first prize. September und 9. To try to throw off Travolta's fans who might disrupt filming, Badham and his team took to shooting exterior scenes as early in the morning as possible before people caught on - often at the crack of dawn. (Staffel 1)[1]. Tony, Double J, and Joey get out of the car to fight, but Bobby C. runs away when a gang member tries to attack him in the car. 1 h 59 min 1977 R. John Travolta performs as the troubled Tony Manero - Brooklyn paint store clerk by day and undisputed king of the dance floor by night. b2b.atv.at. Search for: Search. September und 9. The last two deleted scenes were included in the 2017 director's cut. When Frank tells him such a thing would be highly unlikely, Bobby's feelings of desperation increase. hcpcrew presents: oidaoidaoida 2.0 Diesmal mit noch mehr "Oida", oida. In diesen 6 Sendungen verbringen Molti, Spotzl, Pichla und Eigi ihren Urlaub in ihrem Ferienhaus mit acht Mädchen, die sich beworben haben, um mit den Burschen auf Urlaub fahren zu können. Saturday Night Fever . Two tabloid reporters checking out a report of the Archangel Michael living with an old woman find that it's true. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1977 Vinyl release of "Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie Sound Track)" on Discogs. Aktuelle News, Reportagen, Bauer sucht Frau, Saturday Night Fever, Teenager werden Mütter und vieles mehr. Auswahl and Musikfilmen auf DVD Konzerte auf Video Opern auf VHS-Video Musical Videos Volksmsik-Videos. Juni 2010 mit Saturday Night Fever – Die Clique eine Spin-off-Folge aus. Die erste Sendung wurde am 12. Synopsis. Linguee. Saturday Night Fever (1977) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Genre. Diese Ausgaben dauerten ca. Although Stephanie rejects Tony's advances, she eventually agrees to be his partner in the dance competition, provided that their partnership remains professional. Von Discofox über Rock’n’Roll bis hin zu Lindy Hop war für alle etwas dabei. Disgusted and disillusioned by his friends, his family, and his life, Tony storms off, leaving Double J, Joey, and Annette behind and spends the rest of the night riding the graffiti riddled subway into Manhattan. "[23] Siskel even bought Travolta's famous white suit from the film at a charity auction. Saturday Night Forever hat das Partyvolk durch abenteuerliche Nächte voller Flirts, Pleiten und Pannen begleitet. Die Sendung Saturday Night Fever – So feiert Österreichs Jugend ist ein Reality-TV-Format, das Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene bei ihren nächtlich ausgedehnten Feiern in Lokalitäten begleitet. A similar effect was achieved on the club's walls using tinfoil and Christmas lights. In 1976, there were an estimated 10,000 discos open in the US, as opposed to only 1,500 in 1974. Fairly easy track with a few small branches/logs across, but as a beginner it wasn't hard at all. 0:15. [2] Außerdem bewertete Die Presse die Doku-Soap als primitiv, unsympathisch und belästigend. Shortly after Cohn's article was published, British music impresario Robert Stigwood purchased the film rights and hired Cohn to adapt his own article to screen. However, representatives for Scaggs' label Columbia Records refused to grant legal clearance for it, as they wanted to pursue another disco movie project, which never materialized. Badham chose the final title after the Bee Gees' track "Night Fever", which they submitted for the soundtrack. ATV.at - Alle Sendungen online ansehen. ATV Saturday Night Fever - Molti, Spotzl & Pichler *HOTELZIMMER* Report. Realizing that he is acting recklessly, Tony tries to get him to come down. Mar 4, 2015 - Explore Dawn Gibbs's board "saturday night fever fundraiser" on Pinterest. The R-rated special-edition DVD release includes most of the deleted scenes present on the PG version. SNL - John McCain On Saturday Night … 0:05. It will refresh your mood in an instant making you engrossed in the thoughts of your beloved. Listen to Dance Movies Compilation: Flashdance Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing with a Footloose on Saturday Night Fever by Various Artists on Deezer. [7], Norman Wexler's screenplay was adapted from a 1976 New York magazine article by British writer Nik Cohn, "Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night". How Deep Is Your Love Courtesy of RSO Records, Inc., Stigwood Music, Inc. (Unichappell Music, Inc.) BMI and Bros. Gibb, B.V. Als Seher und als Sender. 3:39. The DVD restores the original recording. Three were airlifted to Jackson. Die erste Folge konnte 7,3 % Marktanteil beim Gesamtpublikum erreichen und lag somit unter den Erwartungen. A powerful and provocative urban tragedy that carries as much significance today as it did in 1977. When the group visits Gus in the hospital, they are angry when he tells them that he may have identified the wrong gang. To escape his day-to-day life, Tony goes to 2001 Odyssey, a local disco club, where he is king of the dance floor and receives the admiration and respect he longs for. John Travolta rose to fame as an actor, singer, and dancer in the successful films Saturday Night Fever and Grease. To maintain runtime, a few deleted scenes were restored (including Tony dancing with Doreen to "Disco Duck", Tony running his finger along the cables of the Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge, and Tony's father getting his job back). 70s Dance Fever @ RED Bar + Restaurant_ 20 May. Although presented as an account of factual reporting, Cohn acknowledge in the mid-1990s that he fabricated most of the article. Instead of abstaining as usual, Bobby performs stunts more recklessly than the rest of the gang. Jederzeit und kostenlos! Tony has four close Italian American friends: Joey, Double J, Gus, and Bobby C. A fringe member of his group of friends is Annette, a neighborhood girl who is infatuated with Tony; however, he is not attracted to her. Juli 2010 wurde die zweiteilige Sendung Saturday Night Fever Spezial ausgestrahlt. Jänner 2012 lief die 5. Suggest as a translation of "run a Fever" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. (1977) R | 118 min | Drama, Music. Zur Serie erscheint der Sampler ATV Saturday Night mit Liedern aus der Sendung. The premiere of the R-rated edition occurred at midnight on January 1, 1980. Tara Tabitha (born March 3, 1993) is famous for being reality star. The R-rated version's profanity, nudity, fight sequence, and a multiple rape scene in a car, were all de-emphasized or removed from the PG version. Some tight turns and would be a bit rocky when dry Juni 2010 mit 14,3 % Marktanteil erzielt.[8]. The film's relatively low budget ($3.5 million) meant that most of the actors were relative unknowns, many of whom were recruiting from New York's theatre scene. The nudity was removed/censored, and the stronger profanity was either edited or (on recent airings) silenced. Es werden oft nicht mehr die tatsächlichen Vornamen, sondern nur noch Spitznamen genannt, die, situationsbezogen, auch manchmal völlig umformuliert werden. These are among the most hypnotically beautiful pop dance scenes ever filmed ... Travolta gets so far inside the role he seems incapable of a false note; even the Brooklyn accent sounds unerring ... At its best, though, Saturday Night Fever gets at something deeply romantic: the need to move, to dance, and the need to be who you'd like to be. [22] In 2010, the film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". Tony Manero is a 19-year-old Italian American from the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. John G. Avildsen was originally hired as the film's director, but was replaced one month before principal photography by John Badham over "conceptual disagreements. Donna Pescow was considered almost "too pretty" by Eisner and Katzenberg for the role of Annette. He lives with his parents, grandmother, and younger sister, and works at a dead-end job in a small hardware store. [30][31], The Red Hot Chili Peppers 2016 music video for their song "Go Robot" is heavily inspired by the film and recreates the opening scene and classic characters from the film who are portrayed by each band member. Saturday Night Fever (1977) To share. Staffel strahlte ATV am 15. Linguee. Tony's older brother, Frank Jr., who was the pride of the family since he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest, brings despair to their parents and grandmother when he tells them he quit the priesthood. In tribute, the following are 20 lesser-known facts about the epic film. Die Sendung Saturday Night Fever – So feiert Österreichs Jugend ist ein Reality-TV-Format, das Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene bei ihren nächtlich Feiern in Lokalitäten begleitete. 0:55. Das soziale Verhalten untereinander wird gezeigt. September 2012 am Sonntag, die restlichen drei Folgen wieder am Dienstagabend (25. März bis 22. November 2010 lief die 3. She also featured in a tribute to the Bee Gees at the 2017 Grammy Awards to mark the 40 th anniversary of Saturday Night Fever. The R-rated version released in 1977 represented the movie's first run, and totaled 119 minutes. This version was released on Blu-Ray & DVD in May. The film went through several different titles, including Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night and Saturday Night. Data sheet. Nach der ersten Staffel verliert die Reportage zunehmend an Ernsthaftigkeit und Objektivität. Nirvana is the dance; when the music stops, you return to being ordinary. [10], Von 18. Auch der Vorwurf, die Sendung würde zum Alkoholkonsum ermutigen, wurde mehrmals erhoben. Diese dauerten nun ca. After a lull in his career, he rose again in prominence for his role in Pulp Fiction, and went on to star in many more movies. Jung, wild & sexy – Baggern, saufen, Party machen, Saturday Night Fever - so feiert Österreichs Jugend, Saturday Night Fever – So feiert Österreichs Jugend, Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/www.stadtbekannt.at, http://www.deinplus.at/media/niveaulos-oder-doch-einfach-unterhaltung, http://atv.at/werbung/quoten?index=quoten, http://atv.at/contentset/1073530-saturday-night-fever-so-feiert-oesterreichs-jugend, http://atv.at/contentset/2711874-saturday-night-fever-beachparty-again-oida, http://www.fernsehserien.de/saturday-night-so-feiert-deutschlands-jugend, „Saturday Night Fever“: Prolo-Formate als TV-Kult, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saturday_Night_Fever_–_So_feiert_Österreichs_Jugend&oldid=206048674, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-05, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. [12] The PG-rated version was eventually released in 1979 and was later paired by Paramount in a double feature along with its other John Travolta blockbuster, Grease. Von Discofox über Rock’n’Roll bis hin zu Lindy Hop war für alle etwas dabei. However, this track does not appear on the movie's soundtrack. Oktober 2011 bis zum 10. Von Discofox über Rock’n’Roll bis hin zu Lindy Hop war für alle etwas dabei. [9] Diese konnten die Werte der ersten beiden Staffeln halten. When the film premiered on network television, on ABC in 1980, a new milder version was created to conform with network broadcast standards. Dezember 2011 und 3. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Die 4 Jungen Oberösterreicher bekannt aus Saturday Night Fever auf ATV + Original title. Jederzeit und kostenlos! Jänner 2012 keine Ausstrahlung). The music is soft and soothing. Soundtrack Credits . Must Have … During filming, the production was harassed by local gangs over use of the location, and were even firebombed. gesendet. In this season, Sue Sylvester (Jane Lynch) starts her congressional campaign; there's dirty deeds afoot in the race to become McKinley High President; and the pupils provide their own distinctive twist to 'Saturday Night Fever'. Zwischen 7. The blockbuster film has since become a classic that will get the feet moving, even decades after its release. Blog Press Information. Patrioteduro. The late 1970s saw a huge Disco boom across the world, fuelled by the success of the 1977 movie Saturday Night Fever. Saturday Night Fever (Bee Gees, You Should be Dancing) John Travolta HD 1080 with Lyrics. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. 50 Min.). Turner Classic Movies has aired the film in both versions (the R-rated version, rated TV-MA on the network, is commonly seen on their normal lineup, while the PG version has appeared on TCM's "Funday Night at the Movies" and "Essentials Jr." program blocks.). 5:11. [8] A newcomer to the United States and a stranger to the disco lifestyle, Cohn was unable to make any sense of the subculture he had been assigned to write about; instead, the character who became Tony Manero was based on an English mod acquaintance of Cohn.[8]. Starring John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Donna Pescow The story is based upon "Tribal Rites of the New Saturday Night", an article by music writer Nik Cohn, first published in a June 1976 issue of New York magazine. “Tony Manero in Saturday Night Fever. ATV.at - Alle Sendungen online ansehen. PDF 70s Fashion Fiascos: Studio 54 to Saturday Night Fever Read Online. Von Folge zu Folge stiegen die Quoten an. Films such as Saturday Night Fever (1977) and Thank God It's Friday (1978) contributed to disco's mainstream popularity. Here was something middle America could move its uptight ass to." He apologizes for his bad behavior, telling her that he plans to relocate from Brooklyn to Manhattan to try and start a new life. Anxious about his future after high school, a 19-year-old Italian-American from Brooklyn tries to escape the harsh reality of his bleak family life by dominating the dance floor at the local disco. Oktober 2012 ist bereits der 3. Saturday night fever Wheels for SochaRacing And also @[1427782867522152:274:EndureXxx] (yes he's alive) Tony agrees to be Annette's partner in an upcoming dance contest, but her happiness is short-lived when Tony is mesmerized by another woman at the club, Stephanie Mangano, whose dancing skills exceed Annette's. Flucht ins nichts - Mario Loibner. Von Folge zu Folge stiegen die Quoten an. Saturday Night Fever. When Saturday Night Fever premiered on HBO in 1980, both versions of the film were aired: the PG version during the day, and the R version during the evening (HBO had a programming rule of only showing R-rated films during the evening. Other locations included the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, John J. Carty Park, and the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. Translator. Action | Video game released 12 November 2008 Add a Plot » Stars: Karen Lynn Gorney, Joseph Cali. Just another working class Italian trying to make a living so I can afford to dance all night in the clubs!” Claire Boulton Director of Tourism and Promotions. Some VHS cassettes used a more traditional Latin-style song instead. Die begleitende Off-Text-Stimme nutzt ein auffällig gehobenes Vokabular, welches meistens in völligem Kontrast zu den getätigten (oft primitiven und sexistischen) Aussagen der (in der Regel) betrunkenen Protagonisten steht, was das Bild der Teilnehmer nochmals unterstreicht. Starting in the late 1990s VH1, TBS, and TNT started showing the original R-rated version with a TV-14 rating. "[20] At Metacritic the film has a score of 77 out of 100, based on 7 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". The album has been added to the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress. Bobby C. pulls the car over on the Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge for their usual cable-climbing antics. The 4K director's cut (122 minutes) was released on Blu-Ray on May 2, 2017. Cover star Finola Hughes won several awards for roles in daytime soaps later in her career but, in 1984, she was bouncing back from two Golden Raspberry (Razzie) nominations for her part in the debacle that was the “Saturday Night Fever” sequel “Staying Alive”. Showing all 5 items Jump to: Summaries (4) Synopsis (1) Summaries. (www.hcpcrew.at) Danke an ATV für diese wunderbare Sendung :) It doesn't have the power, or the impact, of the original, R-rated edition. After the success of the first run, the film's content was re-edited into a 112 minutes, toned down, PG-rated version, not only to attract a wider audience, but also to capitalize on attracting the target audience of the teenagers who were not old enough to see the film by themselves, but who made the film's soundtrack album a monster hit. Kyly Clarke was turning heads at the opening night of Saturday Night Fever musical in Sydney on Tuesday. Added to Watchlist. Zwischen 7. While on his way home from the grocery store, Gus is attacked by a gang and hospitalized. Tony tries to lead her away, but is subdued by Double J and Joey, and sullenly leaves with the group in the car. The film features music by Bee Gees and many other prominent artists of the disco era. EN. Facing pressure from his family and others to marry her, Bobby asks Frank Jr. if the Pope would grant him dispensation for an abortion. In 2010, Saturday Night Fever was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. Anxious about his future after high school, a 19-year-old Italian-American from Brooklyn tries to escape the harsh reality of his bleak family life by dominating the dance floor at the local disco. The Bee Gees thought it was a dumb title, but they had already written a song called "Night Fever." September 2011 bis 11. On May 5, 2009, Paramount released Saturday Night Fever on Blu-ray Disc in 1.78:1 aspect ratio. See more ideas about saturday night fever, night fever, 70s party. It stars John Travolta as Tony Manero, a young working-class Italian-American man from Brooklyn who spends his weekends dancing and drinking at a local Brooklyn discothèque ; Karen Lynn Gorney as Stephanie Mangano, his dance partner and eventual confidante; and Donna Pescow as Annette, Tony's former … 0:07. Trailer. Weiteres wird auch die, nicht immer positive, Einstellung der Eltern gegenüber dem Bedürfnis nach … The network television version (which premiered on November 16, 1980, on ABC) was basically a slightly shortened form of the PG-rated version, but contained several minutes of out-takes normally excised from both theatrical releases to make up for lost/cut material. März 2010 ausgestrahlte Sendung erzielte bei den 12- bis 29-jährigen Zusehern einen Marktanteil von 41 %, also deutlich über dem Senderschnitt von ATV. Juni 2010 mit Saturday Night Fever – Die Clique eine Spin-off-Folge aus. Albert Ingram. Ableger auf Sendung. Staffel mit 9 Folgen. Staffel strahlte ATV am 15. Juni 2010 mit Saturday Night Fever – Die Clique eine Spin-off-Folge aus. View production, box office, & company info The Evolution of Keanu Reeves. The interior was modified for the film, including the addition of a $15,000 lighted floor, which was inspired by a Birmingham, Alabama establishment Badham had visited. Bee Gees has done a commendable job by composing and gifting us such a lovely melody. Search Your Favorite Song Here. Alle Songtexte von Ofenbach nach Beliebtheit sortiert, mit Videos und Erklärungen. "[25][26], Historians of disco have criticized the film as a whitewashed representation of disco. Meet other singles near you!