The territory is made ⦠The names of some of them are: Lalolalo, Lano, Lanutavake, Lanutuli, Lanumaha, Kikila, and Alofivai. Der Ort ist bekannt für seine Kirche aus dem Jahr 1859, die den Beginn der Evangelisierung auf der Insel markiert. [13] The president of the Territorial Assembly has been Petelo Hanisi since 11 December 2013. [15], Wallis and Futuna is part of the Fiji tropical moist forests terrestrial ecoregion.[16]. Nun wählen Sie noch die Rufnummer des Anschlusses ihres Gesprächspartners in Wallis und Futuna. The average annual temperature is 26.6 °C (79.9 °F), rarely falling below 24.0 °C (75.2 °F); during the rainy season, it ranges between 28.0 °C (82.4 °F) and 32.0 °C (89.6 °F). Guide – Travel Medicine, Inc", Official website of the French Administrateur supérieur de Wallis-et-Futuna, Map of Wallis and Futuna, with district boundaries, African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC),, States and territories established in 1961, French-speaking countries and territories, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Pages using infobox settlement with bad settlement type, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles containing Wallisian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2016, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, Junior high schools in Futuna: Fiua de Sigave and Sisia d'Ono, The senior high school/sixth-form college is, This page was last edited on 5 April 2021, at 04:08. Wie spät ist es in Wallis und Futuna wenn es bei uns 12 Uhr ist? Die Inseln sind vor allem durch traditionelle Subsistenzwirtschaft geprägt, die in Form des Anbaus von Kokosnüssen und Gemüse, der Viehhaltung (meist Hausschweine) und der Fischerei etwa 40 % zur Versorgung der Bevölkerung beiträgt. As of 2021, the head of state is President Emmanuel Macron of France, as represented by Administrator-Superior Thierry Queffelec. Für Wallis und Futuna lautet die internationale Vorwahl 00681. There had previously been a branch of Banque Indosuez at Mata-Utu. Das im Ofen gedünstete Schwein ist eine Spezialität, besonders bei traditionellen Festen, wo es als Opfergabe verwendet wird. Futuna was first put on European maps by Willem Schouten and Jacob Le Maire during their circumnavigation of the globe in 1616. [12] On 25 July 2008, Kapiliele Faupala was installed as king despite protests from some of the royal clans. Before you pack your boat and head off, be sure to mark Wallis and Futunaâs coordinates on your map; 13.3000° S, 176.2000° Wallis and Futunaâs population was 15,561 in 2014. [29], The territory has six junior high schools and one senior high school/sixth-form college. The territory is made up of three main volcanic tropical islands and a number of tiny islets. Angrenzende Nachbarländer: 0 / 5 Das französische Überseegebiet Wallis und Futuna liegt im polynesischen Teil Ozeaniens zwischen den FidschiâInseln im Westen, den Samoa im Osten und den Tonga im Südosten und ist etwa 2.000km von Neukaledonien entfernt. Suche und vergleiche alle großen Fluglinien und Reiseanbieter für die besten Flugoptionen nach Wallis und Futuna. Wallis und Futuna ist ein Land in Ozeanien (Polynesien) mit weniger als einer Million Einwohnern und einer Landfläche von 274 km². Exports include copra, chemicals, and fish. There are currently no commercial boat operators. Wallis und Futuna: zwei Hauptinseln, ein Überseeterritorium, eine Inselgruppe im Südpazifik zwischen denFidschis und Samoa. This was later translated into French as "Isles de Horne." Wallis and Futuna's team took the gold in the 1000-meter 6-man rowing competition of the Xth World Sprints Va'a Championship, held March 9-15, 2002 in Bora Bora. It is 13°18′S 176°12′W / 13.300°S 176.200°W / -13.300; -176.200Coordinates: 13°18′S 176°12′W / 13.300°S 176.200°W / -13.300; -176.200, (225 mi (362 km) west of Samoa and 300 mi (480 km) northeast of Fiji. The state was in a six-month period of mourning, during which mentioning a successor was forbidden. It had a population of 11,558 at the 2018 census (down from 14,944 at the 2003 census). [7][8] The French were the first Europeans to settle in the territory,[citation needed] with the arrival of French missionaries in 1837, who converted the population to Roman Catholicism. Dort leben nur 175 Einwohner. [18], Languages in Wallis and Futuna (2018 Census)[20], According to the 2018 census, among people 14 and older, 59.1% spoke Wallisian the most at home (down from 60.2% in 2008); for 27.9% it was Futunan (down from 29.9% in 2008); and for 12.7% it was French (up from 9.7% in 2008). It is one of the Hoorn Islands or Îles Horne ; nearby Alofi is the other. The collectivity is geographically part of western Polynesia. Industries include copra, handicrafts, fishing, and lumber. [29], As of 2018, yaws was endemic in the area, but cases were not being reported to the WHO eradication programme. The French president at the time, François Hollande, attended the installation ceremony. [22] On Futuna, 71.6% of people 14 or older could speak, read and write French, and 24.3% had no knowledge of French. Die Zeit in Wallis und Futuna ist aktuell 10 Stunden vor der Zeit in Deutschland. Vergleichen Sie bis zu 5 Angebote von Umzugsfirmen aus unserem Netzwerk. Uhrzeiten im direkten Vergleich. Its members are elected by popular vote, and serve five-year terms. Nur wenige Transferdienste und Banken bieten den Service für das Land in Ozeanien an. They are both a remnant of the same ancient, extinct volcano , now bordered with a fringing reef . A new king, Patalione Kanimoa, was eventually installed in Uvea in 2016; Lino Leleivai in Alo on Futuna succeeded after Filipo Katoa had abdicated, and Eufenio Takala succeeded Polikalepo Kolivai in Sigave. Registrieren Sie sich auf der Plattform Auswanderung Wallis und erhalten Sie somit die Möglichkeit, auf der interaktiven Karte der Nachfahren von Walliser Auswanderern zu stehen. [26] Now the only commercial flights to and from Wallis are operated by Caledonia-based Aircalin, which has an office in Mata-Utu. Gewinnen Sie Vertrauen im Ausland, indem Sie die Landessprache lernen und Ihren Alltag viel einfacher machen. On 5 April 1842, the missionaries asked for the protection of France after the rebellion of a part of the local population. [24] Highly detailed tapa cloth art is a specialty of Wallis and Futuna.[25]. [citation needed] Communication costs are up to ten times higher[citation needed] than in western countries. ... Wenn Du auswandern und in Deiner neuen Heimat ein Business aufbauen möchtest, ist ein Land mit günstigen Lebenshaltungskosten und Territorialbesteuerung eine gute Wahl. Horn-Inseln- die einzige bewohnte Insel ist die Futuna-Insel (64 km²) mit der Ortschaft Leava. In 1917, the three traditional kingdoms of Uvea, Sigave, and Alo were annexed by France and integrated into the colony of Wallis and Futuna, which remained under the authority of the colony of New Caledonia. Australienfans und solche, die es... [Hits: 51 - Added: 16-09-12], Das Lama Pablo auf seinen Reisen durch die Welt [Hits: 9 - Added: 31-03-16], Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse mit Kamelen (Camelus dromedarus) [Hits: 9 - Added: 20-07-13], Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter Umzug nach Wallis und Futuna, Leben in Wallis und Futuna, Arbeiten in Wallis und Futuna, Geschrieben von Expats in Wallis und Futuna Mit, Stellen Sie Fragen an andere Personen, die im Ausland leben, geben Sie uns Ihre Tipps, werden Sie Teil der Expat-Gemeinschaft auf Forum, Das Blog-Portal für Expats und Menschen die im Ausland leben, Internationale Umzugsunternehmen in Wallis und Futuna. Aus Wallis und Futuna kehrt man unweigerlich mit farbenfrohen Erinnerungen zurück, angefangen bei den typischen Gerichten. If you want to continue answering your form later, please enter the email address you would like to send the link to: Die Wallis-Inseln gehören zum Inselreich Wallis und Futuna, einem französischen Überseegebiet mit gut 12.000 Einwohnern. Oral history and archaeological evidence suggest that the Tongan invaders reoccupied and modified some of these structures. Essential Wallis and Futuna. Wallis and Futuna is located about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand. Units of the US Marine Corps later landed on Wallis on 29 May 1942. Only 5% of the islands' land area consists of arable land; permanent crops cover another 20%. [33], Deforestation is a major concern in the region as only small portions of the original forests remain due to the continued use of wood as the main source of fuel. The territory has two main ports, in the harbours at Mata-Utu and Leava (on the island of Futuna). [2] Die Mitglieder der Territorialversammlung gehören verschiedenen Listen (ähnlich zu Parteien) an und ⦠Wallis and Futuna elects one senator to the French Senate and one deputy to the French National Assembly. Go play. The island of Futuna has only 20 kilometres (12 mi) of roadways, none of which are paved. Its official name did not change when its status changed. ⢠The sanctuary of St. Peter Chanel in Poi. It is a subsidiary of BNP Paribas. Wallis and Futuna; Western Sahara; Non-Dom-Steuersystem. [9], In 1959, the inhabitants of the islands voted to become a separate French overseas territory, effective since 29 July 1961,[10] thus ending their subordination to New Caledonia.[11]. The legislative branch consists of the unicameral 20-member Territorial Assembly or Assemblée territoriale. Fishing and agriculture are the traditional occupations, and most people live in traditional oval, thatch fale houses. Its land area is 142.42 km2. Um 12:00 Uhr Mittags in Deutschland ist es in Wallis und Futuna bereits 22:00 Uhr. Lack of economic opportunities has, since the 1950s, been impelling many young Wallisians and Futunians to migrate to the more prosperous French territory of New Caledonia, where, as French citizens, they are legally entitled to settle and work. Umso wichtiger ist, dass die verbleibenden Dienstleister verglichen werden, damit dennoch die besten Konditionen genutzt werden können. The French High Commission published a local newspaper in the 1970s, Nouvelles de Wallis et de Futuna. [32] There are also three dispensaries. Fragen Sie online nach Ihrem kostenlosen Angebot für Hilfe bei Krankenrücktransport und Auswanderung und einer Auslandskrankenversicherung. Advice. Gefolgt wird die Auslandsvorwahl von der nationalen Vorwahl, wobei die führende 0 der Ortsvorwahl weggelassen wird. The GDP of Wallis and Futuna in 2005 was US$188 million (at market exchange rates). The total area of the territory is 274 square kilometres (106 sq mi), with 129 kilometres (80 mi) of coastline. As an overseas collectivity of France, it is governed under the French constitution of 28 September 1958, and has universal suffrage for those over 18 years of age. It is divided into two island groups that lie about 260 km (160 mi) apart: the Wallis Islands (also known as Uvea) in the northeast; and the Hoorn Islands (also known as the Futuna Islands) in the southwest, including Futuna Island proper and the mostly uninhabited Alofi Island. Weil die Anreise (selbst mit dem Flugzeug) einige Tage dauert und man vor Ort die kleinen Pensionen großen Hotelanlagen vorzieht. Oral history also preserves a cultural memory of relationships between Samoa and Futuna that are so longstanding that they are described in the islanders' origin stories.[6]. The island of Wallis has about 100 kilometres (62 mi) of roadways, 16 of which are paved. liefert eine Liste der Blogs in Wallis und Futuna, Geschrieben von Expatriates, die sind umgezogen, leben und arbeiten in Wallis und Futuna. The territory is divided into three traditional kingdoms (royaumes coutumiers): Uvea, on the island of Wallis, Sigave, on the western part of the island of Futuna, and Alo, on the eastern part of the island of Futuna and on the uninhabited island of Alofi (only Uvea is further subdivided, into three districts): The capital of the collectivity is Matāʻutu on the island of Uvéa, the most populous of the Wallis Islands. [5] Between 1961 and 2003, it had the status of a French overseas territory (territoire d'outre-mer, or TOM). Wallis und Futuna ist groß und hat viele tolle Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bieten. Create a Trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas, and see them on a map. [22], The overwhelming majority (99%) of the people in Wallis and Futuna are Roman Catholics. [citation needed], During World War II, the islands' administration was briefly pro-Vichy until a Free French corvette from New Caledonia deposed the regime on 26 May 1942. [22] On Wallis Island, 81.1% of people 14 or older could speak, read and write French, and 14.3% reported that they had no knowledge of French. On 5 April 1887, the queen of Uvea (that is, of the traditional chiefdom that comprised the island of Wallis) signed a treaty officially establishing a French protectorate. The territory participates in the Franc Zone, and is both a permanent member of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and an observer at the Pacific Islands Forum. Wir respektieren deine Privatsphäre Um dir eine personalisierte Erfahrung zu ermöglichen, erheben wir (und Dritte, mit denen wir arbeiten) Informationen darüber, wie und ⦠Wie kommt es, dass nicht mehr Reisen nach Wallis und Futuna angeboten werden? The Wallis Islands are named after the British explorer Samuel Wallis, who sailed past them in 1767 after discovering Tahiti. Wallis und Futuna verfügt nur über sehr begrenzte natürliche Ressourcen. [34], List of mammals of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, Mata-Utu, Roman Catholic Diocese of Wallis and Futuna, French overseas departments and territories, Islands controlled by France in the Indian and Pacific oceans, "Les populations légales de Wallis et Futuna en 2018", "L'économie de Wallis-et-Futuna en 2005: Une économie traditionnelle et administrée", "Wallis et Futuna a perdu près du cinquième de sa population en dix ans", "France appoints new prefect of Wallis and Futuna", "An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm", "Population municipale des villages des îles Wallis et Futuna (recensement 2018)", "L'évolution de la population par communauté d'appartenance", "Wallis et Futuna - Recensement de la population", "Les premiers résultats du recensement de la population 2018 - Principaux_tableaux_population_2018", "Tableau Pop_06_1 : Population selon le sexe, la connaissance du français et l'âge décennal", "The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", "Futuna - přílet z Wallisu - Flying to Futuna Island (from Wallis)", "Research Guides: Pacific Islands Newspapers : Wallis and Futuna", "Wallis-et-Futuna la 1ère : actualités et info en direct de Wallis-et-Futuna, replays TV et radio", Cartographie des établissements du second degré, "Prioritizing surveillance activities for certification of yaws eradication based on a review and model of historical case reporting", "Travel Tips for Wallis and Futuna (France), Updated Intl. Emigrants have begun settling, not only in New Caledonia, but also much farther away, in Metropolitan France. Pierre Chanel, canonized in 1954, is a major patron saint of the island of Futuna and of the region. They named the islands of Futuna "Hoornse Eylanden" after the Dutch town of Hoorn where they hailed from. Eine effiziente Suche beginnt mit wenigen Wörtern. Wir vergleichen Hunderte von Flügen von Französisch-Guayana nach Wallis und Futuna, von allen großen Fluglinien und Reiseanbietern. According to official figures, around a hundred tourists visit Wallis & Futuna every year... And boats docking each year can be counted on the fingers of one hand! Volcanic activity during the mid-Pleistocene created numerous volcanic crater lakes on Uvea (Wallis Island). In 2005, the 50th king of Uvea, Tomasi Kulimoetoke II, faced being deposed after giving sanctuary to his grandson who was convicted of manslaughter. Echt? 2.Vergleichen Sie 10 Anbieter für Geldtransfers nach Wallis Und Futuna, um die beste Option zu finden. [20][21] On Futuna, the languages most spoken at home were Futunan (94.5%, down from 94.9% in 2008), French (5.3%, up from 4.2% in 2008), and Wallisian (0.2%, down from 0.8% in 2008). The islands served as natural stopover points for boat traffic going between Fiji and Samoa. Es gibt keine deutsche Blog in dieser Kategorie registriert. Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. There are no permanent settlements on Alofi due to the lack of natural freshwater resources, and the presence of infertile soil on the islands of Uvea and Futuna further reduces the agricultural productivity. At that point, the islands were put under the authority of the French colony of New Caledonia. There are two airports: Hihifo Airport, on Wallis, which has a 2.1 kilometres (1.3 mi) paved runway; and Pointe Vele Airport, on Futuna, which has a 1 kilometre (0.62 mi) runway. Consequently, the mountainous terrain of Futuna has become prone to erosion. [22] Among those 14 or older, 78.2% could speak, read and write French, and 17.3% had no knowledge of French. COVID-19 Outbreak in Wallis and Futuna by islands.svg 1,691 × 1,074; 63 KB MatÄ'Utu is its capital and largest city. Located over 16,000 kilometres from France, Wallis & Futuna are islands of immense natural beauty, far from the beaten track and still (mostly) undiscovered by tourists. Sie erhalten verbilligte Hotelrate, last-minute Abkommen, Förderungen, Sonderangebote, mit einer Realzeitreservierung und einer on-line-Anmeldung. Since 28 March 2003, Wallis and Futuna has been a French overseas collectivity (collectivité d'outre-mer, or COM). Links in Wallis und Futuna, Expatriation und Wahlausländer. Seit der Wahl der Territorialversammlung von Wallis und Futuna 2017 hat die Koalition 11 Sitze und die Opposition 9 Sitze. The culture of Wallis and Futuna is Polynesian, and is similar to the cultures of its neighbouring nations Samoa and Tonga. [20][21], Ten years earlier, as of the 2008 census, 88.5% of people 14 or older could speak, read and write either Wallisian or Futunan, and 7.2% had no knowledge of either Wallisian or Futunan. Die Billigste ist per Flugzeug nach Frankfurt und Zug und kostet 17 549 KÄ. Jetzt deinen Wallis und Futuna Urlaub zum Schnäppchenpreis buchen â Reiseangebote â Preise vergleichen & günstig reisen! The islands have a hot, rainy season from November to April, when tropical cyclones passing over them cause storms. [citation needed]. Sicher wie im Paradies. Then they have a cool, dry season from May to October, caused by the southeast trade winds that predominate during those months. [31], Healthcare is available free of charge in two hospitals on Uvea and Futuna islands. Create a Trip. Krankenversicherung für Expats in Wallis und Futuna. [23] They are served by their own Roman Catholic Diocese of Wallis and Futuna, with a see at Mata-Utu, a suffragan diocese of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nouméa (New Caledonia). The average humidity is 80%. Deforestation is a serious problem: Only small portions of the original forests remain, largely because the inhabitants use wood as their main fuel source, and, as a result, the mountainous terrain of Futuna is particularly susceptible to erosion. Lasst uns euch dabei helfen, eure Optionen einzuschränken. [1][4] Matā'Utu is its capital and largest city. It had opened in 1977, but was closed in 1989, leaving the territory without any bank for two years. Die Schnellste ist per Flugzeug nach Dresden und Zug und dauert 34¾ Stunden. Its land area is 142.42 km2 (54.99 sq mi). Nur die Hälfte der Abgeordneten gehört einer Fraktion an. The capital is Mata-Utu which has an area of 23 square miles (60 square kilometres) and a population of 1,191 (2003). The Wallisian and Futunan cultures are very similar to each other in language, dance, cuisine and modes of celebration. Traditional performances by WALLIS & FUTUNA at the 10th Pacific Arts Festival hosted by American Samoa in 2008. The highest point in the territory is Mont Puke, on the island of Futuna, at 524 metres (1,719 ft). In 1994, the territory had 1,125 telephones in use, one AM radio station, and two television broadcast stations. There is a single bank in the territory, Banque de Wallis-et-Futuna, established in 1991. These ports support its merchant marine fleet, which comprises three ships (two passenger ships and a petroleum tanker), totaling 92,060 GRT or 45,881 tonnes. [20][21] On Wallis Island, the languages most spoken at home were Wallisian (82.2%, down from 86.1% in 2008), French (15.6%, up from 12.1% in 2008), and Futunan (1.9%, up from 1.5% in 2008). Back Your form submission has been saved as a draft. It had a population of 11,558 at the 2018 census. As a result, there were riots in the streets involving the king's supporters, who were victorious over attempts to replace the king. Since the mid-2000s, emigration has surged in response to political tensions on the main island of Wallis (Uvea), that have arisen from a feud between rival aristocratic clans, who are supporting competing kings. Mala'efo'ou is a village in Wallis and Futuna, capital of Mu'a District, on Wallis Island. Wenn die Anzahl der Antworten zu gross ist, ⦠[6] The original inhabitants built forts and other identifiable structures on the islands, many of which are in ruins, but some of which are still partially intact. Es besteht aus zwei Inselgruppen und liegt zwischen Fidschi und Samoa . Media in category "Wallis and Futuna" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. However, in non-criminal cases (civil-law disputes), the three traditional kingdoms administer justice according to customary law. Wallis and Futuna, officially the Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands is a French island collectivity in the South Pacific, situated between Tuvalu to the northwest, Fiji to the southwest, Tonga to the southeast, Samoa to the east, and Tokelau to the northeast.