These guidelines were inspired by her discussions with the parliament’s political groups, as well as by the European Council’s strategic agenda for 2019-2024. 10 1958 Ixelles/Elsene, Belgien „We must not rebuild economy of yesterday“ Von der Leyen tried to sound a hopeful longer-term note on EU vaccine supplies, raising the target for the 450m-population bloc for the second quarter of the year from 300m doses to 360m. To green the building sector, von der Leyen wants to launch a 'European Bauhaus', a co-creation space where architects, artists, students, engineers, and designers can collaborate. She told Germany's Funke Media Group in an interview published Saturday that the EU had the "possibility" to ban exports. Fierce criticism of von der Leyen has also come from the usually pro-EU media in Germany—the very country which von der Leyen once served as defence minister. In July 2019 she became the first woman … President von der Leyen was appointed by national leaders and elected by the European Parliament after she presented her Political Guidelines. Ursula von der Leyen refused to sign a plea from more than 20 world leaders calling for a new global treaty on pandemic preparedness, it was claimed today. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Stromeyer (1927–2002). Von der Leyen's comments on Wednesday came as the Commission is seeking to restore confidence in EU capitals over the management of the bloc's own vaccine strategy, which has moved far more slowly than it had hoped, mainly as a result of unexpected manufacturing shortfalls. Die Zeit newspaper's Alan Posener said that “if the British were still EU citizens, they would be like us: instead of having vaccinations, simply waiting for Godot”. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said drugmaker AstraZeneca could face a ban on exports of coronavirus vaccine doses it produces in the EU if it did not meet its delivery obligations. Experts estimate that the EU-wide energy renovation needed, mostly in residential buildings, would cost €200bn a year for the next 30 years. Ernst Albrecht war bis 1971 für die EG tätig, zuletzt als Generaldirektor. Ursula von der Leyen, Belgian-born German politician who was the first woman to serve as Germany’s minister of defense (2013–19). 38 talking about this. She was initially seen as a possible successor to German chancellor Angela Merkel. Mrs von der Leyen said the two sides were still "far apart", while Downing Street said "very large gaps remain". * 8. Sie ist die Tochter des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Niedersachsen Ernst Albrecht (1930–2014) und dessen Ehefrau Heidi Adele geb. Ursula von der Leyen stammt aus der Familie Albrecht und wuchs bis 1971 in Brüssel, anschließend im südöstlich von Hannover gelegenen Ilten auf.
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