There are two very strong motivations of life in our story. The milieu we are trying to portrait is based on a tradition that has not changed for centuries. Der Charme des Spiels zweier blutjunger Schauspieldebütanten -Simona Kováčová war erst 15 Jahre alt, den 17-jährigen Roman Pokuta engagierte die Regisseurin aus dem größten Slum der Ostslowakei - und zarte experimentelle Kunstgriffe wie Farbspiele, Zeitlupen und aus der Handlung herausgehobene Einzelbilder erinnern gleichzeitig an Franco Zeffirellis (1968) und Baz Luhrmanns (1996) berühmte Adaptionen der Tragödie. Zum Schluss ist "Zerschlag mein Herz" ganz Shakespeare und ganz eigenes, kraftvolles Werk, gekrönt mit einem herzzerreißend schönen Lied des russischen Roma-Ensembles Loyko. Did he attend any school? The first is love. Dem Eintauchen in eine von Armut, Gewalt und Perspektivlosigkeit geprägte Parallelgesellschaft steht dabei der lebenshungrige Blick der Jungverliebten entgegen: Alles leuchtet in buntem Licht, wenn Marcela und Pepe durch die Wiener Nacht ziehen. I was as puzzled and shocked as this boy, who was actually still a child could screw so quickly. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte einer Gruppe von in Wien lebenden slowakischen Roma, die ihren Lebensunterhalt durch Betteln erstreiten. Wohnsitz ... BEZZEL & SCHWARZ - DIE GRENZGÄNGER 2 BR Produktion: Strandgutmedia Regie: Stefan Kauertz ... Alexandra Makarová Romy - Bester Produzent (2019) KLASSENTREFFEN 1.0. Der lebensfrohe, verträumte 17-jährige Roma Junge Pepe lebt zusammen mit seinem unberechenbaren Onkel Rocky in einem baufälligen Haus am Rande Wiens. Von Alexandra Makarová. I had lived a wonderful life and lived more or less everything worth living for. But it was often the case that they only speak Romanes and no Slovak in a slum and ten kilometers away it was the complete opposite. Simon Schwarz Actor about-me-VIDEO. I was born in Košice, near the Ukrainian border in Eastern Slovakia. PRODUCERS´ STATEMENT. Two Romani teenagers fall in love after being sent away from their poor village in Eastern Slovakia to beg on the streets of wealthy Vienna. For the first time in Pepe’s life, he looks beyond his own limits and tries to escape from his dreary everyday life with Marcela. The two teenagers fall in love and dream of a free self-determined life in which they are allowed to live their love freely. She was only 14 years old at that time, but had a very natural approach to the camera, a sensitivity for the scenes and the figure of Marcela. Die Premiere erfolgte im März 2018 auf der Diagonale[2] und der österreichische Kinostart am 5. Location. Simon Schwarz salary income and net worth data provided by People Ai provides an estimation for any internet celebrity's real salary income and net worth like Simon Schwarz based on real numbers. It is important for us to combine this strong power of love with the emotions of the Roma people in a love story that is so old and yet is reinvented every day in our world.In Vienna we display a prospective most of us do not know but which exists. Johannes Winkler Cinematography by . „Makarová verzichtet wohlweislich auf die Darstellung expliziter Gewalt und behält sich damit die Möglichkeit eines empathischen Blicks vor. Somewhere in the outskirts of Vienna, gypsy mafia man Rocky rules his “family” with an iron fist. His character and backstory exists only for him, he is a very impressive and inspiring person with a tawdry background – much like Jessi, the character who plays Martin. Alexandra Makarová wurde 1985 in eine aus Russland und Griechenland stammende Künstlerfamilie hineingeboren. Für Pepe und Marcela beginnt ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit.[4][3][5][2]. (Zdroj: Judita Čermáková) ... Režisérkou a autorkou námetu je absolventka viedenskej filmovej akadémie Alexandra Makarová, pôvodom Košičanka žijúca vo Viedni. Many of the young people we casted could not read or write, creating an unpleasant and sad situation for all concerned. Zerschlag mein Herz (englischer Titel: Crush My Heart) ist ein österreichischer Spielfilm aus dem Jahr 2018 von Alexandra Makarová. That is the reason why, we scoured schools, villages, sports fields, music and dance schools, clubs, etc. Alexandra Makarová Writing Credits (in alphabetical order) Alexandra Makarová Sebastian Schmidl Cast (in credits order) Roman Pokuta ... Simon Schwarz ... producer Konstantin Seitz ... producer Music by . My thoughts were as banal as cheesy, so straightforward that it’s almost scary. It was also particulary important for me that my research was well founded and I was authentic to the story of our protagonists. The trouble is that Rocky has plans of his own for Marcela. This list could be continued through Keller’s ROMEO AND JULIA ON THE VILLAGE until Bernstein’s musical WEST SIDE STORY.). Statt tristen Graus strahlten satte Farben von der Leinwand, „statt kühler, analytischer Distanz setzt es große Gefühle.“ Der überhöhte Stil mit Zeitlupen, Traumsequenzen und expressiver Farbdramaturgie helfe dabei, manch holprige Plotwendung „nicht allzu sehr unter die Glaubwürdigkeitslupe zu nehmen. Alexandra Makarová chcela vedieť, ako títo mladí ľudia doma žijú, čím sa zaoberajú, po čom túžia, v akých spoločenských štrukúrach sa pohybujú, aby mohla o tejto téme nakrútiť autentický krátky film. Those who wanted got a little scene and had a week to prepare for the casting. Only since a few years ago in Vienna, I saw them again as part of the society, often in the form of beggars. In our story two people fall in love, something which is very common, something that happens constantly, every minute, every second. Motivations that have a long tradition in dramatic poetry. After realizing that Roman could be Pepe, we brought Simona and František Balog, who plays Rocky and is the only one in whole Slovakia, who has a permanent position as an actor at the State Theater, to see how they harmonize. We as producers worked very hard to insure that this film was made. (c) Die Presse (Clemens Fabry) 08.10.2018 um 17:39 alexandra makarovÁ zer schlag mein herz diagonale filmfestival official selection 2018 5-seen festival bayern publikumspreis 2018 art film fest koŠice official selection 2018. zer ... produzentenstatement / simon schwarz 25 biografien 31 kleines lexikon / wissenswertes Über die kultur der roma 49. Jako kdyby byl Simon jeho nejlepší kamarád, vypráví Karl svému synovi, že od té doby, co spí se svou novou sekretářkou Sonjou, se … What does he do if he does not have to beg on the streets? Sola is the last survivor in Vienna – the city is hers. A patriarchal society that can not freely agree with the notions of a modern world in which each person has the same rights, who she / he loves, or where she / he wants to live with.Through centuries of expulsion, flight and enslavement, the constant marginalization by the majority society, only social cohesion was left to them. Since the first reading of the treatment by Alexandra Makarová we could not escape the topic. Jahrgang. They gave us a feeling of spontaneous zest for life, but also of a great emotionality, the strength that is also found in their music. Der Film ZERSCHLAG MEIN HERZ, von Alexandra Makarová, die in der Vergangenheit mit einem anderen Projekt bei Diverse Geschichten teilnahm, hat letzte Woche seinen Kinostart gefeiert. German, English Born. Funny enough, I found Simona Kovácová on Facebook. They come from a culture that lives intensely. An unmarried, childless 35-year-old Roma from an Eastern Slovak slum like Rocky has to deal with a different kind of social pressure and behaves differently than an Austrian craftsman of the same age. 2016 - UNTER DEUTSCHEN BETTEN Makarová lives and works in Vienna and Berlin. PDF Showreel. Zumindest privat möchte er jetzt seinen Hafen festigen: Der „Vorstadtweiber-“ und „Tatort“-Star plant im Frühjahr seine Freundin, die Regisseurin Alexandra Makarová (32), zu heiraten. Die Vorproduktion und Drehbucharbeit begann im Frühjahr 2015. It is also the first feature film for DOP Georg Weiss, producer Simon Schwarz, writer Sebastian Schmidl and composer Johannes Winkler. Even today, these patriarchal structures are still present and as part of this fathers have the right to dispose of their children. Unlike in Austria, in Slovakia people are growing up very aware that there are Roma. Simon Schwarz Schauspieler about-me-VIDEO. We also see that this misery is not noticed by the public.We think feature film is a medium to make the public aware and our goal was to convey the inner soul processes as well as the reality. Zerschlag mein Herz ist Alexandra Makarovás Debütfilm. Alexandra Makarová. That’s how it all began, first with the help of the Vienna police until the first meeting with Jozefina Tomášová/a Romni from Eastern Slovakia . Snímka vzniká za podpory rakúskeho ministerstva kultúry. A force that finds something life-affirming even in the most extreme poverty. Does he have friends, a favorite song? Something where each of us has realized what it can do or what it can trigger. But through the power of love they forget the impending pain. Eine arrangierte Ehe mit Rocky soll ihre Familie von der Schuldenlast befreien. Dass in Wirklichkeit alles noch schlimmer ist, weiß man ohnehin. We have experienced living conditions in the Slovak villages that are unacceptable. So our main characters at least try to rebel against the social rules, but fail completely. (Already in the METAMORPHOSEN of Ovid these motivations break out in PYRAMUS AND THISBE, Bandello introduces in his novel about the TRAGIC DEATH OF TWO UNBELIEVABLE LOVERS Romeo and Juliet, thus offering Shakespeare and de Vega the material for their dramas. Simon Schwarz. Sie stammt aus dem gemeinsamen Heimatdorf in der Ostslowakei und soll unter Rocky die Schulden ihres Vaters abarbeiten. A few years ago I had to encounter a near-death experience. Ovšem jako vždy jsou jeho rodiče pohlceni svými vlastními problémy. Deutsch, Englisch Dialekte. There was a second candidate for the role of Pepe at the time, but when Simona became totally nervous in Roman’s presence, it was clear: it is novel. Schutzherr Rocky tyrannisiert seinen eigenen Clan, darunter seine Freundin Terezka, die er auf den Strich schickt. Elena Tikhonova. A force that each of us has felt. It was essential for us to show this parallel society as realistically as possible.Under normal production conditions it would probably not have been possible to realize this film. Schauspieler Simon Schwarz, der hier erstmals als Produzent fungierte, begab sich zusammen mit Regisseurin Alexandra Makarová und Kameramann Georg Weiss auf Dutzende Recherchereisen und Castingreisen in die Ostslowakei unter anderem nach Zámutov, Jánovce (Poprad) und Richnava. Review: Crush My Heart. A force that each of us has felt. ALEXANDRA MAKAROVÁ Co-Autor Sebastian Schmidl Bild GEORG WEISS Schnitt LISA ZOE GERETSCHLÄGER Szenen- & Kostümbild MOMO EHEGARTNER Ton PETER RÖSNER Komponist JOHANNES WINKLER Casting JURAJ BALÁŽ ALEXANDRA MAKAROVÁ ARI YEHUDIT RICHTER Produzenten SIMON SCHWARZ KONSTANTIN SEITZ In der Reihenfolge ihres Auftretens Pepe Rocky … Preis beim ersten gesamt-russischen Wettbewerb für Chordirigieren und 2014 den 1. Here we are again with our two strong motivations of which we write at the beginning. Pepe and Marcela have experienced feelings that many people are denied. For not only joy, love also includes suffering – even if we learn to forget the pain, we give ourselves to love. There are many dedicated people in Slovakia, who try to get young people out of their slums and give them new perspectives in the form of music, dance and drama – for example Ivan Akimov, who leads together with his Romni wife Helena Akimová full of verve and with a mad energy, the music school Kesaj C. In most cases, however, the attempt fails and often the girls are pregnant before the age of 18, or their families simply do not let them go. Additionally, it is the first experience in … Being free in the choice of your partner and being free to be the person you would like to be. For the first time they get a glimpse of happiness, but it doesn’t last long. I was not angry, I was a bit concerned that I should not be able to participate anymore in the beautiful life. Elena Tikhonova. Among the members is teenage street beggar Pepe, who is forced to surrender his daily proceeds. How many times have we experienced that authors and directors work on projects for years and finally fail due to lack of funds, because it would be partially economically unreasonable to produce the film under the given conditions. Umso beachtlicher, wie Zerschlag mein Herz dieser Wirklichkeit etwas Poesie abringt.“[10], "Beggars can’t be choosers is the message at the heart of Alexandra Makarová’s directorial debut, an ill-fated Roma love story set in Vienna"[11] Cineuropa,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Production Geretschläger-Makarová-Schmidl-Weiss & Soleil Film. Without electricity or running water she lives a dreary routine. Nevertheless, I do not see an absolute defeat in the self-imposed suicide of Marcela and Pepe. Im Mai 2016 holte Simon Schwarz Konstantin Seitz als Partner mit an Bord. One day, young Marcela arrives from East Slovakia, home of the family boss, to work off her father’s debt. Gemeinsam lässt sich ihr Außenseiterleben leichter ertragen und so träumen die beiden von einer gerechteren und besseren Zukunft. Simon Schwarz. In short, something quite ordinary happens in our film, but it is located in a society that escapes our gaze and is mostly denied access to us, the “here-born”. Where would he sleep, where eat? Duration: 01:39:07 Country: Austria Directors: Alexandra Makarová Writers: Alexandra Makarová, Sebastian Schmidl Producers: Konstantin Seitz, Simon Schwarz Somewhere in the outskirts of Vienna, gypsy mafia man Rocky rules his “family” with an iron fist. She strays around through abandoned homes – always in search of food and possible survivors. To earn money for his mother and sisters in Eastern Slovakia, Pepe goes begging day after day.Despite the harshness of his everyday life, Pepe seems to have come to terms with his life situation, but that changes as the same age Marcela comes to work on her father’s debt for Rocky. At the very beginning, we had a Slovak casting agency, which was racist and sent us tanned gadji (non-Roma) with the message they were more reliable and better and the message authenticity was not important. Schauspieler Simon Schwarz, der hier erstmals als Produzent fungierte, begab sich zusammen mit Regisseurin Alexandra Makarová und Kameramann Georg Weiss auf Dutzende Recherchereisen und Castingreisen in die Ostslowakei unter anderem nach Zámutov, Jánovce (Poprad) und Richnava. During the many research trips we got in touch with so many people that many of their stories as well as themselves are in the film. Oktober 2018.[3]. "[8] Der Falter, Der Standard befand, dass der Film seine Romeo-und-Julia-Erzählung mit einem poetischen Realismus verbinde, wie man ihn im heimischen Kino sonst kaum sehe. Ari Yehudit Richter, my assistant director and I traveled to Eastern Slovakia every week and sometimes it happened that the candidates we came for did not even turn up and that, although we had contact with them on Facebook on a daily basis, often also one hour before the beginning of the casting. In any case, it is an engine for our lives.The second motivation of our story is a story deeply rooted in our culture. There was an experience with an approximately 12-year-old Roma boy whom I had known by sight for a long time. Alexandra Makarova war Preisträgerin des ersten gesamt-russischen sowie weiterer internationaler Dirigenten-Wettbewerbe, u.a. While we are happy to make plans for the future, for other cultures it can mean pain and suffering or even death. Pressestimmen: "Das Spielfilmdebüt von Alexandra Makarová erzählt kompetent und Simon Schwarz, Konstantin Seitz: production: Alternative Productions-Konstantin Seitz ... more about: Crush My Heart. gewann sie 2011 den 3. There are two very strong motivations of life in our story. I can only remember my last thoughts before the waves carried me with them. On the whole, the entire casting process was intriguing and extremely challenging. Schauspieler Simon Schwarz, der hier erstmals als Produzent fungierte, begab sich zusammen mit Regisseurin Alexandra Makarová und Kameramann Georg Weiss auf Dutzende Recherchereisen und Castingreisen in die Ostslowakei unter anderem nach Zámutov, Jánovce (Poprad) und Richnava. Leben. Filmdebüt von Makarová | „Zerschlag mein Herz“ In „Zerschlag mein Herz“ gewährt die junge Regisseurin Alexandra Makarová intensive Einblicke in das Leben zweier Roma Jugendlichen aus der Slowakei, deren familiäre Struktur sie nötigt, in den Wiener Straßen um Geld zu bitten. Roman Pokuta was found with the help of our Slovakian co-casting agent Juraj Baláž, who has also worked for Martin Šulík’s film CIGÁN Roma and had a lot of experience. Why? They lived for love. Simon Schwarz – erzählt kompetent und zärtlich eine bittersüße Romeo-und-Julia-Geschichte an den Rändern Wiens . Roman PokutaSimona KováčováFrantišek BalogSimonida SelimovicMartin GáborMaximillian SixWolfgang ZechmayerEva SpreitzhoferSasa Makarová, 19th Diagonale Graz – Official Selection/World Premiere – AT 03/201825th Art Film Festival Kosice – Official Selection – SK 06/201812th Fünf Seen Filmfestival – Official Selection – DE 09/201840th Biberacher Filmfestspiele – Official Selection – Award Best Screenplay – DE 10/201845th International Film Weekend Würzburg – Official Selection – DE 01/20193rd Open Window Film Festival Kolkata – Official Selection – IND 02/20194th Indie Lincs International Film Festival – Official Selection – Audience Award – UK 02/20195th Felacos – Festival de Largos y Cortos de Santiago – Official Selection – CL 03/201933rd Bolzano Filmfestival Bozen – Official Selection – IT 04/20198th New Austrian Cinema Festival Moscow – Official Selection – RU 04/201930rd Romy Academy Award – Official Selection – Award Best Producer Feature Film/Cinema – AT 04/201929th Filmkunstfest MV Schwerin – Official Selection – DE 05/20199th South East European Film Festival Los Angeles – Official Selection – Award GoE Bridging the Borders/Cinema without Borders – US 05/201916th Indy Film Fest 2019 Indianapolis – Official Selection – US 05/20195th Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne – Official Selection – AU 06/20196th Mind the Indie Film Festival Plovdiv – Official Selection – BG 06/20192nd Porto Femme International Film – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – PT 06/20198th New Austrian Cinema Festival Krasnodar – Official Selection – RU 06/201923th European Film Festival Romania – Official Selection – RO 06/20198th New Austrian Cinema Festival Rostov – Official Selection – RU 06/20193rd Santiago del Estero Film Fest – Official Selection – AR 06/20192nd Hong Kong Film Art International Film Festival – Official Selection – HK 07/2019The most important Films 2019 – Film Festival Las Vegas – Official Selection – US 07/20197th Ariano International Film Festival – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – IT 07/20194th Regina International Film Festival – Official Selection – CA 08/20191st West Europe Fusion International Film Festivals Brussels – Official Selection – BE 08/20198th Slum Film Festival Nairobi – Official Selection – KE 08/201924th Portobello Film Festival London – Official Selection – UK 08/20192nd Undo Divergent Film Awards Boston – Official Selection – US 09/20194th Crossing The Screen International Film Festival Eastbourne – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – UK 09/20192nd Pondicherry International Film Festival Guragon – Official Selection – IND 09/20191st Athens Marathon International Film Festival – Official Selection – GR 10/20194th Cuzco Underground Cinema Festival – Official Selection – MX 10/201914th Das Filmfestival Praha/Brno – Official Selection – CZ 10/20194th Fecis Salto Independent Film Festival – Official Selection – UY 10/20198th Winchester Film Festival – Official Selection – Award Best Feature Film – UK 11/201913th Lublin Film Festival – Official Selection – PL 11/201912th SiciliAmbiente Film Festival – Official Selection – IT 08/2020Louisville’s International Festival of Film – Official Selection – US 11/2020, Open Air Kino wie noch nie – Augarten/Vienna – AT – 18/07/2018Austrian Culture Forum Slovakia – Cinema Lumière/Bratislava – SK – 17/12/20182nd FilmApéro – Soroptimist International Club/Ravensburg – DE – 24/03/2019Independent Film Collaborative – Winner IFC 2019/Los Angeles – US – 30/04/2019Austrian Culture Forum Egypt – Cairo – EG – 13/08/2019, Guitar: Marko FerlanViolin: Polina WinklerMusic: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: Nicolas Fischer, Vanja Toscano de Almeida, Polina Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: DonauwellenreiterMusic & Lyrics: Casteñeda, Zaric© 2012 DonauwellenreiterBy courtesy of Donauwellenreiter, Artists: Polina Winkler, Johannes Winkler, Vanja Toscano de AlmeidaMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artist: One Two Three Cheers And A TigerMusic & Lyrics: Andreas Augustin, Daniel Prochaska, Jakob Hauck© 2009 Wohnzimmer RecordsBy courtesy of  Wohnzimmer Records, Artists: Vanja Toscano de Almeida, Polina Winkler, Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artist: Moderat,Music & Lyrics: Gernot Bronsert, Sebastian Szary, Sascha Ring© Monkeytown Music GmbH, Random Noize Musick GmbH℗ 2009 BPitch Control GmbHBy courtesy of Sony/ATV Music Publishing (Germany) GmbH, Budde Music & BPitch Control, Artist: Patrick SchmidlMusic & Lyrics: Patrick Schmidl© 2018 Patrick Schmidl, Artists: Vanja Toscano de Almeida, Polina Winkler, Magdalena Wieckowska, Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: Polina Winkler,Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler, Artists: Polina Winkler, Nicolas Fischer,Johannes Winkler, Lukas FellnerMusic & Lyrics: Johannes Winkler© 2018 Johannes Winkler.

Staffordshire Bullterrier Erfahrungen, Geranien Blühen Nicht Mehr, Zazie De Paris Tatort, Sakarya Istanbul Entfernung, Po Abdruck Auf Leinwand Tiktok, Moodle Mail Beuth, Soft Skills Lebenslauf, Neufundländer Vom Bärenfels, Wanderungen Für Die Seele Münsterland, Home Office Vorteile Für Arbeitgeber, Kv Rlp Zahlungen,