Outside The Wire bercerita tentang perang saudara yang terjadi di Rusia dan Ukraina pada tahun 2036. Watch on Netflix. Related Articles. Heute bekommen diese Filme von Netflix das zehnfache Budget, erfüllen aber immer noch den gleichen Zweck der eher leichten Unterhaltung auf dem heimischen Sofa. I Robot had raised great expectations about a movie that dealt with how machines, designed for war, would exercise emotional intelligence if need be.. In the near future, a drone pilot sent into a war zone finds himself paired with a top-secret android officer on a mission to stop a nuclear attack. Especially American propaganda written by the best and the brightest to glamorize the military industrial complex with an air of dystopian criticism. Tagged Anthony Mackie, Mikael H, movies. The last few years in particular have exploded with stories about androids, cyborgs, battlebots, synths, mechas, hosts, life model decoys, jaegars, blanks, chronicoms and for old times sake replicants and Terminators. With Anthony Mackie, Damson Idris, Enzo Cilenti, Emily Beecham. Džordan Pil radi novi horor sa Keke Palmer u glavnoj ulozi; Kultni irski bend Dropkick Murphys svira online koncert za Dan Svetog Patrika; Salma Hajek progovorila o traumatičnom snimanju seks scene u “Desperadu” Džon Karpenter radi nastavak svog klasika “Magla” Anthony Mackie is a robot with a conscience in Netflix’s new, overlong anti-war actioner Outside the Wire. Outside the Wire is a 2021 American science fiction action film directed by Mikael Håfström.It stars Anthony Mackie (who also produced) as an android officer who works with a drone pilot (Damson Idris) to stop a global catastrophe. Netlifx uvedl nové sci-fi z vlastní produkce Za čárou (Outside the Wire). Outside the Wire Rated R for extreme robot-on-robot violence. Propaganda is subtle. Mělo to být myšlenkově bohaté drama, ve kterém se řeší vznešená témata jako civilní oběti během válečných konfliktů, smysl války jako takové, robotizace a umělá inteligence. Contrairement à certaines des autres offres récentes de genre de netflix, outside the wire, un film de combat de science-fiction mettant en vedette avenger rebelle anthony mackie en tant que terminator financé par l’armée, a plus que du sang en tête. As seen in the first Outside the Wire trailer , the story takes place in 2036, as America serves as a peacekeeping force. Human troops on both sides are supported by robot combatants called Gumps and drone pilots, who are monitoring skirmishes from thousands of miles away. In concept, Outside the Wire borrows a great deal from its influences: it’s a modern military thriller of the Black Hawk Down mold, which screenwriters Rowan Athale and Rob Yescombe augment with iconography from Children of Men, District 9, and Ex Machina. Swedish filmmaker Mikael Håfström takes the director's chair of 'Outside The Wire,' a science fiction war drama that made its premiere on the Netflix streaming service. Harp reunites with Leo who tells him that he has his own plans for the codes, and has been manipulating Harp into helping him evade the eye of military command. Netflix's Outside the Wire stars Mackie as a secret military cyborg in charge of an important mission. Film memadukan tema perang dengan mecha, seperti “Transformers”, dimana pasukan robot dan drone yang bisa dikemudikan dari jarak jauh. Streamovací síť Netflix se pro rok 2021 rozhodla zaplavit diváky vlastní produkcí a sázet jeden snímek týdně. Recensie: ‘Outside The Wire’ brengt drones, robots en oorlog - en niets meer. Outside the Wire Trailer #2 Turns Anthony Mackie Into a Robot Supersoldier on Netflix. Outside the Wire also suffers from some pacing issues, likely due to the nature of the plot. VIDEO RECENZIJA II “Outside the Wire” (2021): Roboti na akciji! Oft handelt es sich um Produktionen, die früher vergleichsweise günstig für das DVD-Regal in der Videothek produziert worden wären. The film was released by Netflix on January 15, 2021, and received mixed reviews from critics. News, Trailer, Kritik, Datenbank - Alles zu Outside the Wire The essential problem with Mikael Håfström’s Outside the Wire , which is streaming on Netflix from today, is that it’s a typical action-packed thriller that also wants you to feel a bit guilty about enjoying its frequent, expensive-looking scenes of carnage. “Outside the Wire” has everything: AI, drones, robots, a Trolley Problem, Asimov’s 3 Laws of Robotics, and the threat of nuclear war.Normally I’d skip anything so shamelessly targeting my id, but this one starred the underrated Anthony Mackie, who made a courageous star turn in the brilliant “Striking Vipers” episode of “Black Mirror.” ’Outside The Wire’ Review: At War With The Robots. Movie Review: Outside the Wire (Stop Killer Robots) Posted by: karololesiak February 25, 2021 in Holiday Routine. Outside the Wire Rated R for extreme robot-on-robot violence. Outside the Wire begins streaming January 15th, exclusively on Netflix. Dalam perang ini militer Amerika menugaskan sejumlah pasukan penjaga perdamaian berupa tentara manusia robot (gumps). Het verhaal speelt in 2036 in een door oorlog verscheurd Oekraïne waar het Amerikaanse leger met robots en drones de vrede tracht te bewaren. Outside the Wire is too long, too impenetrable, and not fun enough to warrant its lofty man vs. machine gimmick. Wie nieuwe actiefilms miste, kan terecht bij Outside the Wire van Mikael Håfström. Running time: 1 hour 54 minutes. January 21, 2021 January 22, 2021 • notlefthandedfilmguy. admin; 16 januari, 2021; Regissören mikael hafstroms ”outside the wire”, den senaste netflix-stridsfilmen på en exotisk plats, erbjuder tomkalorihandling i en mindre än uppfyllande, kallt krigsinspirerad robotupprörelseberättelse. Netflix's original new sci-fi action film Outside the Wire is poised for release on the platform Friday, January 15th. Outside the Wire (a title I keep getting mixed up with both the Kanye West song “Through the Wire” and the sports show Outside the Lines) hits Netflix on January 15. Lieutenant Thomas Harp (Damson Idris) is a drone pilot who is sent to a war zone in lieu of being court marshalled after disobeying orders. Vi befinner oss i Ukraina, der Russland stadig lager dårlig stemning. “Outside The Wire” merupakan film action-mecha garapan sutradara Mikael Hafstrom, ditulis oleh Rob Yescombe. Source: Read Full Article. Meski begitu, Outside the Wire memiliki cerita yang cukup membosankan. […] Outside the Wire & Archive: a January Robot Movie Double Bill. Terlebih lagi, dua karakter inti dalam film ini kurang dieksplor latar belakang cerita mereka. The world of cinema and TV is filled with robots. In Outside the Wire, the year is 2036, and “America serves as a peacekeeping force and human troops on both sides are supported by robot combatants called Gumps and … USA, som selvfølgelig har styrker i området, gjør ikke situasjonen noe triveligere. Mereka menjadi partner untuk menghentikan serangan nuklir. Directed by Mikael Håfström. Emily Beecham, Michael Kelly, and Pilou Asbæk also star. Netflix has launched a new trailer for his or her upcoming film Outside the Wire.Marvel Cinematic Universe famous person Anthony Mackie stars as a futuristic android soldier in the mysterious sci-fi mystery, which used to be helmed via 1408 director Mikael Håfström. Outside the Wire erweist sich dabei als typischer Vertreter aus dem Netflix-Portfolio. Anthony Mackie stars in the film as Leo, a futuristic android and expert drone pilot given the most dangerous mission of his life when paired with a new partner and sent to a hot warzone behind enemy lines. In 2036, Eastern Europe is destabilized once again prompting a civil war in which both the Russians and the Americans have an interest, both sides using robots called Gumps.… Her følger vi to amerikanske […] The exec who oversaw MoviePass as it spiraled into bankruptcy is back with a new publicly traded venture — a month after he was part of an $8 million settlement with investors . Netflix: "Outside the Wire" - Lunken robot-action2021-01-143Total vurderingDet er fremtiden, og krig er fremdeles det verdens stormakter ser ut til å bruke mest tid og krefter på. Movies. Pasalnya saat menontonnya di tengah cerita, saya merasa mengantuk karena jalan ceritanya yang kurang menarik. Like several sentient-robot films (“The Terminator,” “Ex Machina”), “Outside the Wire” presents an android-as-slave metaphor, except this time with a Black actor. Recently, SYFY WIRE got the chance to speak with the film's director, Swedish filmmaker Mikael Håfström. This movie makes it clear that its brand of dystopia is propaganda asset. Jadi penonton hanya mengetahui bahwa Harp merupakan pilot yang terkena hukuman dan Kapten Leo merupakan robot …

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