Read CNN's Hurricane Statistics Fast Facts and learn information about the deadliest and costliest tropical storms, tropical depressions and hurricanes. Of the total fibre input used for clothing, 87% is landfilled or incinerated costing $100 billion annually. 1.4 quadrillion microfibres are estimated to be in the ocean as a result of laundering clothes. (WRAP 2011), 16. RCA-Bakouma : braquage de 7 véhicules humanitaires Publié le 06.04.2021 As much as the latter might be technically “organic”, the unsustainable production process often diminishes that statement. Société Droits réservés. Good On You publishes the world’s most comprehensive ratings of fashion brands’ impact on people, the planet and animals. Collection launches are no longer seasonal; the replacement of clothing inventories has become much more frequent. (World Resources Institute 2017). More than 50% of the emissions from clothing production comes from three phases: dyeing and finishing (36%), yarn preparation (28%) and fibre production (15%). 28. Fast fashion factories are often dangerous for workers. 18. Australia is the second-largest consumers of new textiles, each person buying an average of 27kg of new textiles. 24% of Australians aged 16-34 throw away clothes because they are ‘bored’ of wearing them. Copyright © 2010-2018. Some fast fashion retailers have introduced recycling programs that give customers a store discount in exchange for their old clothing. Apparel consumption is expected to rise by 63% from 62 million tons today to 102 million tons in 2030. (Global Fashion Agenda 2017), 55. The structure is kept sorted at all times, enabling fast lookup for exact matches (equals operator) and ranges (for example, greater than, less than, and BETWEEN operators). (Global Fashion Agenda 2017), 4. Recycling is, unsurprisingly, a massive problem in the fast fashion industry. 50. (ABS), 58. UK disposes of 350,000 tonnes (£140 million worth) of clothing in landfills every year. Here Are 5 Things to Keep in Mind as You Begin Your Sustainable Lifestyle Journey - Eco Warrior Princess, How to Be A Skeptical Shopper: A Primer on Identifying Greenwashing, Beyond America: 7 Podcasts to Learn More About World Politics and Global Affairs, Why You Need to Make Local Politics A Part Of Your Everyday Life, 9 Eco-Friendly & Ethical Sports Bras & Crop Top Styles For Fitness Lovers, Sustainable Textiles Spotlight: The Truth Behind Bamboo Fabric, Regenerative Sustainability: The New Frontier in the Sustainability Movement. Entire business models are built on the premise of “fast fashion,” providing clothes cheaply and quickly to consumers through shorter fashion cycles. (YouGov 2017), 66. But, offering discounts does act as a stimulus to drive more sales …. (Greenpeace 2017), 59. (WRAP 2011), 15. 2011a). Never miss our posts. Life in a world where our wardrobes can be upgraded with a couple of new pieces for the price of breakfast makes us neglect the terrible reality of fast fashion. (Oxfam 2017), 30. It is our duty as consumers to look a little deeper to ensure that our hard-earned cash is going to companies we want to support. One kilogram of clothing over its entire life cycle creates 11 kilograms of greenhouse gases. So, the exact opposite of what we want! By keeping water usage numbers secret, fashion giants leave the space for using open-loop cycles and polluting the environment with toxic water used during production. Fast fashion definition is - an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers —usually hyphenated when used before another noun. If the industry doesn’t change, and it’s fashion business as usual, the apparel industry’s climate impact is expected to increase 49% by 2030. B B-tree. But their sales techniques are having a drastic impact on consumer behaviour around the world. 54. (McKinsey 2016), 26. This equates to around 1.7 billion items of clothing not been worn for at least a year. UK disposes of 350,000 tonnes of clothing in landfills every year. The volume of water consumed by the global fashion industry is 79 billion cubic meters equivalent to 32 million Olympic-size swimming pools. We buy more clothes per person in the UK than any other country in Europe. 29. Download our app to discover ethical brands and see how your favourites measure up. Check out the Directory or download the app to discover ethical fashion brands that meet your needs while treating people, the planet, and animals with the respect they deserve. (YouGov 2017), 67. Sales of clothing have almost doubled from one trillion dollars in 2002 to 1.8 trillion dollars in 2015. By thinking of the garments we wear as short term tools rather than long term investments, we contribute to wasteful consumption patterns that inevitably lead us towards drastic climate change. Where does your clothing go when it’s not needed anymore? The average person buys 60% more items of clothing and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago. One way to combat the huge amounts of waste generated by these fabrics is to invest in clothes made from recycled plastic. 30% of Australians have thrown away more than ten items of clothing in the past year. The fashion world can be sceptical when it comes to shouting about important causes, especially considering relating issues like the environment and sustainability. (WRAP 2011), 12. As sad as it is, a vast majority of fashion retailers do not clean and reuse water from production facilities, using a so-called “open-loop cycle” method. (WRAP 2011), 44. Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments a year, equivalent to 62 garments each. 22. Let’s take a deeper dive into the industry and see the statistics that lay behind the ever-changing garments that won’t stop flying off the shelves. Jennifer is also the founder of The Social Copywriter, a digital agency harnessing the power of copywriting and content marketing to help mindful businesses reach more people. Polyester production emitted about 706 billion kg (1.5 trillion pounds) of greenhouse gases in 2015 equivalent of the annual emissions of 185 coal-fired power plants. 72% of women shop online as compared to 68% of men. When she's not perfecting a sentence or coaching business clients, you will find her at her certified organic farm reconnecting with nature. The most well known proof of this is the collapse of the Dhaka garment factory in 2013 that took the lives of 1,134 people and left around 2,500 injured. Read on to discover some hard fast fashion facts and statistics—we guarantee you’ll put down that $10 t-shirt and back away slowly in case it bites. Western Europeans consume 22kg of new textiles each. The number of garments produced globally exceeded 100 billion for the first time in 2014. This linear fashion model of buying, wearing and quickly discarding clothes negatively impacts people and the planet’s resources. Fast fashion is growing, well… fast. A tree data structure that is popular for use in database indexes. Some of the main sources of carbon emissions along fashion supply chains are things like pumping water to irrigate crops (like cotton), the harvesting machinery, general transport, and those pesky oil-based pesticides—all of which are inevitably increased in the notoriously overproducing world of fast fashion. The 80 million workers in the fashion supply chain are overwhelmingly women, but the majority of retailers show no little concern with maintaining gender equality in the workplace. By compressing production cycles and turning out up-to-the-minute designs, these businesses have enabled shoppers not only to expand their wardrobes but also to refresh them quickly. Nearly three-fifths or 60% of all clothing produced ends up in incinerators or landfills within a year of being made. As the industry of fast fashion grows, our ideas on what is fresh and socially acceptable to wear also face a massive transformation. Fashion Industry Statistics The global apparel market is valued at 3 trillion dollars, 3,000 billion, and accounts for 2 percent of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).1 Source: FashionUnited.com¹ Retail value of luxury goods market: 339.4 billion dollars Value of of the menswear industry: 402 billion dollars Value of the womenswear industry: 621 billion dollars… In the UK, the estimated average lifetime for a garment of clothing is 2.2 years, or just under two years and three months. Over 50% of workers within the fashion industry are not paid the minimum wage in countries like India and the Philippines. (McKinsey 2016), 38 Less than 1% of material used to produce clothing is recycled into new textiles and fibres. That all comes at a huge cost to the lives of the workers who make the clothes, as well as the environment. 2021’s Online Sales Statistics You Need to Know. Fast fashion is not just a sustainability problem, but a key feminist issue. This is precisely why they neglect the sustainability aspect of production, starting from using non-biodegradable fabrics that are fully processed with chemicals, to throwing production waste into water streams, lakes, and oceans. 19. It takes about 170,000 litres of water to grow a kilogram of wool. Eco Warrior Princess. (YouGov 2017), 65. 41% of Australian have thrown unwanted clothes straight in the bin. (Textile Beat 2016), 9. Statistics are used to sell products, elicit support for a candidate, or get us to ‘Like’ things. UK online fashion retailer ASOS saw its worldwide revenue increase by over 300 million British pounds in 2019, reaching the company's largest recorded turnover. The LA Fashion District is the west coast hub of the apparel industry. (Fairtrade 2017), 37. To put it simply, buying cheap items that will only be worn twice means contributing to the mistreatment of humans and nature. (Global Fashion Agenda 2017), 32. 61% of online shoppers go for fashion products. The following statistics, published by the UNEP and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, ... Fast fashion. Approximately 300 million people who produce cotton are still living in poverty. Approximately 8,000 synthetic chemicals are used throughout the world to turn raw materials into textiles. - Actualités et Infos en direct au Cameroun et dans le Monde. Fast fashion has been a particularly hot segment and a source of enviable growth for some clothing companies. Statistically, tonnes of fast fashion items are being thrown away every year. In 2010, after studying Fashion Business, she launched Eco Warrior Princess to explore her interests in fashion, politics, social justice and sustainability. Of course transparency by itself is not enough – we need brands to commit to high standards and effective assurance systems to know if brands and their suppliers are actually delivering on their commitments. On average, the global water footprint of a UK household’s clothing exceeds 200,000 litres per year – enough to fill over 1,000 bathtubs. “Fast fashion lures us into buying more clothes than we need,” explains Lucy Seigle, a journalist specialising in environmental issues. (Greenpeace 2017), 5. (WRAP 2011), 13. One in six millennials (16%) aged between 16-34 say they generally keep their clothes for under two years before throwing them away. But this need to stay ‘on trend’ is having an impact on the environment and society at large. Each year 1.3 trillion gallons of water is used for fabric dyeing alone. Fast fashion is "an approach to the design, creation, and marketing of clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and cheaply available to consumers." (Browne et al. 47. Such revenue helps keep this website running, helps us pay our growing core team and allows us to keep the content free for readers like you. Polyester and cotton dominate the global textiles and fibre market, 51% and 24% respectively (Lenzing, 2017), 36. (McKinsey 2016), 21. (Textile Beat 2016), 10. Eventually, every problem of fast fashion comes back around to the overall lack of transparency. By now it’s probably easy to guess that the conventional cotton fabric most often used in the fast fashion industry is made unethically. In 2017, however, Jigsaw decided to break the mould, basing its print, social, and digital marketing campaign around the importance of immigration in fashion. Find her on LinkedIn and Medium. The 2020 Fashion Transparency Index found that only 5 of the 250 large brands surveyed (2%) “publish a time-bound, measurable roadmap or strategy for how they will achieve a living wage for all workers across their supply chains”. Furthermore, given the speed at which designs are being produced, no longer are fashion collections limited to four seasons; new fashion collections are introduced each week, with some mainstream retail stores receiving fresh products daily. The carbon emissions generated by the clothing of the average UK household is equivalent to driving an average modern car 6,000 miles. 51. By 2040, over 95% of all purchases will be made online. We may earn a commission on sales made using our offer codes or affiliate links. Thankfully for us conscious consumers, there are countless brands doing their bit to transform the fashion industry for the better. (Choice 2014), 33. (YouGov 2017), 63. Whether buying the latest trends to stock boutiques and shops, or finding the perfect materials to bring visions to life, this nexus of apparel, florals, textiles and décor is truly a place to be inspired. (Textile Beat 2016), 11. If you like our site, think our work is important and want to pledge your support, you can pledge a donation through Patreon. Making one kilogram of fabric generates an average of 23 kilograms of greenhouse gases. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017). 63% of textile fibres are derived from petrochemicals. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017). Combined with open-loop cycles, cotton production within the fast fashion industry poses a significant threat to health and well-being for agricultural workers, for eco systems and ultimately for all of us. Researchers anticipate the industry’s water consumption will increase by 50% by 2030 as cotton producers are located in countries suffering water stress, such as China and India. Cotton is one of the most commonly used fabrics when it comes to the fast fashion industry. About the author: Jennifer is an aspiring content writer who likes to write about sustainable solutions, greener lifestyle options, and organic products. Water-thirsty plant cotton linked to water depletion, accounts for 30% of all textile fibre consumption. Good on people,the planet and animals.Good on you. Sustainable fashion cannot exist without transparency. (YouGov 2017), 68. A glut of second hand clothing swamping the market is depressing prices for used textiles. Fashion consumption is expected to grow, with sales of clothing projected to rise to $2.1 trillion by 2025. With over 2,000 wholesale businesses, the Fashion District is a creative hub that’s always happening. Then please support Eco Warrior Princess on Patreon! Jennifer Nini is a writer, activist and the founding editor of Eco Warrior Princess. This is not only due to customers getting rid of their wardrobe items, but also due to retail stores. 53. (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017). *Boohoo is a possible dishonourable exception – their final production is in Leicester UK to reduce time to market, but they have still been accused of labour rights abuses. (McKinsey 2016). The high cost of a large fashion industry in countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia and many more is the impact on the local environment and workers’ rights violations. Sign up for our weekly newsletter and receive our free sustainable lifestyle guide. If you’ve landed on this page, we assume you already know the definition of fast fashion, but for those of you who don’t, fast fashion is a term to describe the speed at which fashion designs move from design concept to fashion product available for purchase. In Australia, some garment outworkers earn as little as $7 an hour and, in some cases, as little as $4 well which is below the minimum wage of $17.49 per hour. Although the cultivation area of cotton covers only 3% of the planet’s agricultural land, its production consumes an estimated 16% of all insecticides and 7% of all herbicides. We’ve broken them down into subcategories for your reading pleasure.
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